“ R eady to go, I see.” I can’t help but smirk at Poppy.
Damn, she’s exactly the right mix of innocent though bold, inexperienced though sassy, soft though strong.
Resistant, though willing.
“Yes, but…”
No buts, not now. Not until we’ve got her in the right frame of mind.
“This is a conversation we should have upstairs. The club has a lounge that’s neutral territory.” I extend my hand to her, though I’d rather scoop her up again. It’s not my right. Not yet.
When she places her fingers in my palm, I squeeze them once before handing her off to Aiden.
Without checking to see if he’s following, because of course he is, I head for the elevators and Club Sin waiting right above us.
In the reflection of the shiny doors, I study Aiden following behind me with Poppy on his arm and Knox staring at both of their asses as he brings up the rear.
The fucker winks at me as if this is a game and not the most important negotiation of our lives.
When the elevator stops at our floor, we get in for the short ride to the club.
We’re spit out into a lobby that screams wealth and exclusivity. High ceilings. Crystal accents. Upholstered stools surrounding an illuminated bar. A smattering of tables for discussions like the one we’re about to have before we get down to business.
The bartender salutes at us as we take a table. Aiden pulls out Poppy’s chair and tucks her in after Knox helps her get situated since she’s limited by her high heels and tight dress.
Not exactly an outfit for running away.
“Will you abide by the contract?” I get right to the point.
“Yes.” She nods solemnly enough for me to believe she’s serious.
But I’m not taking any more chances. “And you read it?”
“All of it?”
It takes everything in me not to correct her and compel her to respond yes, sir instead.
“Repeat it back to me.” I steeple my fingers.
“I didn’t memorize the thing.” She rolls her eyes at me, making my palms itch to spank her. “Give me a highlighter and a few more hours if that’s important to you. I’m used to cramming for exams.”
“Give him the CliffsNotes.” Aiden knocks his knee into mine beneath the table.
She holds up her hands and ticks off the salient points on her fingers. “We’re going to room 111. It’s for people with breeding fantasies. You’re all going to have your way with me including…ahem... finishing in me.”
“Damn straight we are.” Knox leans in as if he’s going to lick her like the world’s sweetest lollipop.
“What else?” I force her to say the words, out loud, in public—albeit amongst a crowd that wouldn’t blink at a damn thing we’re about to do.
“No condoms allowed. Everyone’s been screened.” Her gaze darts around as if checking to see if anyone else can hear. Her cheeks turn a rosy pink that calls her lipstick a liar. She’s no vixen.
She’s playing dress-up as a woman who has wild affairs every day when she’s never done it at all.
“That’s right.” I smile at her even if it’s wolfish.
“What happens if you get pregnant?” Aiden interrupts, shredding the cocktail napkin at his place as he waits for her response.
“You’d take care of me then the baby. Raise it as your own.” She glosses over those terms as if they’re insignificant.
A lifelong promise isn’t the sort we make often.
To Aiden, nothing could be more serious. “I swear to you, Poppy. We’ll be the best fathers a child could ever hope for.”
She blinks up at him as if entranced by his earnest and sincere vow.
I wonder if he’s realized how slim the chances of success are with only a single weekend for our attempt. Somehow, the thought of a do-over with Poppy isn’t as horrifying as I would normally consider it.
The only people we sleep with more than once are one another.
It keeps things less…stressful.
Given our businesses and our three-way relationship, our lives are already complicated enough.
“So we’re doing this?” Knox breaks the spell as if he can’t stand to wait another moment to seal the deal.
Neither can I.
The instant our beauty nods, I raise my hand.
When I make eye contact with the man in the corner, he wastes no time in joining us. He’s wearing a leather apron, complete with slots for various tools and supplies.
Aiden blows out a breath long and deep enough to ruffle his hair. Pure relief.
“Poppy, this is the Club Sin jeweler.” I mean, technically, he’s a welder but now’s not the time to get pedantic. “We’d like to give you a reminder of our time together before we start. A token of our commitment.”
“That’s not necessary.” She tries to wave him away.
“It is,” I insist. “He specializes in permanent jewelry. No clasps.”
“Then how do you take it off?” She tips her head.
“You don’t.” Aiden seems to be in tune with me. No surprise, the three of us often are. “We’ll always be your firsts.”
The welder shows her a fine golden chain with a tiny charm that has 111 stamped into it. Aiden picked that, of course. For the room number, and to represent the three of us. He’s deeply sentimental, something I probably don’t appreciate enough.
Poppy seems to, though.
She softens when she sees it and nods. “That’s really sweet.”
“You’ll wear it?” Knox asks.
Aiden sweeps her hair off her neck so the welder can work.
He slips a piece of leather between the chain and her skin then uses a jump ring to connect the two ends of the necklace, which fits perfectly around her slender throat. He holds one end with a pair of pliers while welding our jewelry around her, never to be removed.
Tonight is going to change all of our lives forever.
She’ll no longer be innocent.
We could complete our family with someone to continue our line.
“Enough talking.” Knox is getting antsy. I’m shocked he’s held back this long.
I stand. “He’s right. Let’s go.”
“Now? Like straight into it?” Poppy fans her face.
She’s scared but still, she wants us. There’s no way the heat between us is fake.
“We’re not about to rush things, beauty. We’ve gone through quite a lot of trouble to make your first time special.” I can fix our rough start.
“You did?” Why is she so surprised? Doesn’t she know the value of the gift she’s giving us?
“Mostly Aiden,” Knox admits.
“Let’s not let his effort go to waste.” I hold my hand out to her. Without hesitation, she lays hers in mine. “We’re going to make this so good for you. And if more comes of it…”
Suddenly, I don’t dread that idea as much as I did before.
Fuck, yes.
Contract or not, there’s something here.
Something I want to explore.
A first for her, but also for me. For us.
She and my boys rise as one.
Aiden’s extending his elbow again, like the gentleman he is—and I’ll never be. Instead of allowing her to take it, I lunge and plant my shoulder in her soft middle.
“What—!” Her startled squeak is cut off as I hoist her over my shoulder.
My hand lands on her ass, splayed to keep her firmly in place even when she squirms.
“My dress, Carter. It’s too short.” She gasps. “People will see.”
“Nothing the guests here won’t appreciate.” Knox grins.
Suddenly, though, I’m possessive. Like I never have been with anyone but Knox and Aiden. They’re mine. We’ve shared plenty of women for a night before moving on. Happy to let them go to their next affair.
Not this one.
Poppy is ours and ours alone.
“Only we’re going to be looking at you,” I promise her.
Aiden glances at her bottom, which my hand easily spans. He nods. “She’s covered.”
Her feet kick against my abs, bouncing off them. The light impact of her pointy shoes only makes me harder. She might be innocent, but she’s a fighter. This kitten has claws.
And when she surrenders to us, we’ll have earned it.