Roots Run Deep (Once and Always #2) Chapter 14 18%
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Chapter 14



How’s the job at the orchard?


It’s alright. Yesterday, I drove the tractor with a wagon full of kids around the pumpkin patch

They were pretty cute

Dude. They let you drive?

lol. Yeah


You don’t have any games this weekend, right? What are you going to do?

I’ve got homework and laundry to catch up on. Might hit the beach later with some of the guys

It got down into the lower 50s last night. Definitely not beach weather here

Sunny SoCal doesn’t suck

I miss the weather back home sometimes though

You miss rain and wind and gloomy clouds?

I miss sweater weather

The color of the leaves changing

Coming home from school and turning on the fireplace

The sound of rain hitting the window and the way fog looks when it rolls across the lake

Yeah, those things are pretty cool

I don’t miss raking the leaves though

Don’t rub it in


Favorite scary movie?


I don’t know. I’m not much of a scary movie guy

What? We can’t be friends


Scream? I guess?

The 90s movie?

Yeah, my mom likes that one

It’s barely even scary

I just never saw the point in scaring myself on purpose

I have so much to teach you


Thanks for sending the homecoming pics


You’re welcome

Did they have fun?

I think so. They came back here after and your sister spent the night

She’s actually still here, I think. They’re still asleep

It’s so weird to not be there

It’s weird to still be here and not going

Did you like going to those things?

They were alright. I never went with a date or anything. Usually, it was just some guys from the football team and some of their girlfriends

Really? You never took a date?

I’ve never really dated

Like you’ve never had a girlfriend?

Nope. Not a boyfriend either

How did I not know this about you?

It never came up, I guess

Does it bother you?

You don’t have to answer that. That was rude

lol it’s fine. I’m pretty sure I’m ace

Ace? Like asexual?

I guess? I’ve never really been attracted to anyone

Wow. Every dude I knew in high school was a horny motherfucker

Or so I thought

It bothered me when I was younger, like middle school and early high school. Thought I was broken or something. But then I just figured it wasn’t something I could change, so why worry about it

Plus, everyone else was having relationship drama, and I figured I was lucky I didn’t have to worry about it

True. Plus, breakups are the worst

*selfie with a rumpled but smiling Drea*

Look who just woke up


She says hi!

I’m gonna let you go

Tell her to call me later

Will do!

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