Running Alone (Mayhem Makers-MMM) 3. ‘Lachi’ 12%
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3. ‘Lachi’




Damn it, not sure I want to take the trip out to see my bud, Presley, and his girl, Hannah. Since Ruby, yeah, I’m not calling a grown-ass woman “Kitty,” it’s just plain ridiculous, has been ignoring me for almost two months now, maybe even longer. I’ve really tried to ignore the feelings of betrayal since I was the one traveling each time so we could meet up in Billings, which was definitely closer to her. Thank Christ I own and operate my security business and generally work from my home office. I do have a brick-and-mortar location but have people to run that. Being my own boss gives me the flexibility and option to just up and leave when the mood hits me, which I barely ever do. Until that trip to Texas, my main objective was to work my ass off so I could hopefully retire before I hit forty-five or fifty and move somewhere I could have the view of a beach, or better yet, walk out and onto my own beach, which would be my backyard. Right now, I’m in my twenties so I have some leeway to have a little fun, even though itf just a thought as I work all the fucking time.

My mind wanders, thinking back to the first time I saw Ruby at that hotel with her friends. When my eyes landed on her, I felt like someone literally punched me in the gut as I couldn’t get a breath in, my chest was so tight. Then I looked at Presley and I could tell he was feeling something similar while looking at Hannah. We had no idea how much trouble the four runaways were in until Presley’s cousin, Karma, reached out to Presley, asking him to keep an eye out for the four prospects from a motorcycle club up in Montana. Presley told us his cousin was friends with a couple of biker clubs up in that Montana area, and those four young women were in some serious deep shit. My friend Presley was on a road trip to maybe start something new in his life. He felt stagnant, kind of like life was passing him by, so he was going to prospect for his cousin’s club, The Grimm Wolves MC. Now, from what I was told, these guys are total badasses. When I finally got the chance to meet them, some really scared the ever-lovin’ fuck outta me, like Beast, Bad Dog, and especially Chains. That one is not right in the head, but I’d never say that aloud, though there is a brother, Stitch, who maybe would have read my mind anyway, from what I’ve heard. For some reason, I think if Chains heard me say that he probably would have murdered me in my sleep, or just for fun, tortured me then tied me to a tree so animals could tear me to pieces. He’s that type of maniac. Though he seemed pretty cool when we all were hanging out in Texas.

Pulling my head out of my ass from the reminiscing, I focus on why this trip is weighing heavily on my mind. It’s because I thought Ruby and I were getting somewhere, you know, in the beginning stages of starting some kind of relationship together. I actually liked talking and hanging out with her and she seemed to have the same feelings for me, or so I thought. It helped, on my side, that she had no idea about my company or my financial status. In the past that always was a deal breaker with the women I tried to have a relationship with. As soon as that money cat was out of the bag, everything changed, as did the women.

Some of them went from seemingly demure and nice to raging bitches overnight. One of them had the gall to tell me she needed a new car and wanted either a Jaguar or a Porsche. Now I have no problem taking care of those in my life, but shit, we weren’t even in a relationship; she was just a regular piece of ass. Yeah, that sounds horrible even to me, but she treated me the same way. Actually, she was the one who told me she didn’t want any type of commitment or relationship, just some fun in the bedroom and she didn’t mind if it was hers, mine, or a hotel. Not sure how, but one morning the nosy bitch somehow got into my home office and started to snoop around. Not only do I have my own company, I also have some patents for the security programs I designed specifically for the purpose of large business security. I’ve always had that ability to sit in front of a computer and make magic. Right now, I have four—no, five—patents and one in the works.

My dad, along with my brothers, are the only ones I truly trust. Each of them has their own wealth so they don’t need or want mine. Even Presley, who when we were going cross-country wasn’t in the best spot, never asked me for a dime. In fact, he’s never even brought it up and believe me if he would have, his worries would have been over. I even offered him a position in my company but he’s too proud, so he works hard to make ends meet sometimes. Not so much now that he’s a prospect for the Intruders, which is from what I know, Ruby’s president’s dad’s club. Yeah, what a fucking cluster.

My phone bings with a text so I grab it and look down smiling. Thinking of the devil, Presley wants to know if I have time to talk. I give him a thumbs-up and immediately my phone starts ringing with his ringtone “Bad to the Bone,” which cracks me up.

“What’s up, brother?”

“Not much, just checking in to see if you’re gonna make the trip with the other guys coming up here to Montana. I get it if you don’t want to, but would really like to see you and catch up on what’s been going on.”

Shit, he’s going to lay the guilt on me. That’s the only way he gets me to do what he wants, and he knows it, asshole. Fuck… and I always give in.

“All right, you pain in my ass, I’ll make the trip with the rest of them but if shit hits the fan, don’t blame me. She’s not returned any of my calls or texts. I sent flowers, along with some other girly shit, and not even a thank you, so I’m done. Not being a prick, but I don’t have to beg anyone to want to keep company with me.”

“Yeah, I know, Malachi, you brainiac fucker. How’s your business doing? Did Tank’s friend reach out to you?”

Damn, forgot to let Presley know that Donovan “Nova” Finnegan from Finnegan’s Quest Sentries, or FQS, reached out to me. That man is amazing and so frigging smart. He’s also interested in some of the software I designed. He inquired about maybe starting a partnership where when he is contracted by companies, he could recommend my programs to them as part of the FQS package. I almost fell off my chair when he started throwing numbers my way. If this goes through, it will take me to another level financially. While I’m continental United States, his business reach is worldwide. And his connections are mind-blowing.

“Presley, dude if this goes through, you’re going to get a finder’s fee, for sure. I mean, Nova was spouting off numbers that blew my mind and if not for you, I would have never gotten that chance. With you and Hannah starting out, it will help you, my friend, so before you start telling me no, just take the goddamn money.”

The line is silent for a few minutes then he totally shocks me with his quiet reply.

“Yeah, I’ll take it, Malachi, thanks.”

Okay, that is so not him, so I got to dig.

“What, no argument or bickering back and forth?”

Again silence, then he clears his voice and explains, “You’re right, Malachi, though not sure how you know. I’ve been talking to Tank and Enforcer, looking for a small house close to the clubhouse. I don’t care if it’s a fixer-upper. I want a house before I take the next step with Hannah. She deserves so much more than I will ever be able to give her, even when I get my kutte and become a full member of the Intruders. Though I won’t be struggling like I have been. Also was gonna reach out to you, see if you know a good place to buy a special gift for her. You know, like a diamond. Yeah, don’t say shit, Malachi, you’ll be in this spot someday too.”

My mouth drops when I hear this. My God, is my young friend going to ask his girl to marry him? Got to know so I push back.

“Presley, does that mean what I think it does? Fucker, how’d you get so lucky to find her? She’s a gem, for sure. And, yeah, I’ve got a great guy who deals with top-of-the-line jewelry. You’ll have to come out by me though because he don’t travel. But, Presley, it will be well worth the trip.”

“Yeah, I mean, don’t need it like tomorrow but it’s in the future, as long as we keep going the way we are. So, when do you think you assholes will get here? Tank said either you four can stay with him and Momma Diane or he talked to Tink, who said you can stay at one of the cabins on her property. Timber-Ghost is small, so no fancy hotels, sorry, bud. I mean, with your status this is gonna be a step down, but hey, what can I say, it’s turning into home.”

“Asshole, I’m not one of those pricks so cut me some slack. Not sure about the other guys, but I personally don’t care where I stay. Coming out to see you, not a fancy hotel. Enough of them here in Cali.”

“Well, Malachi, you might want to stay at the ranch as that’s where Kitty is. I mean, the choice is yours, buddy, but if you want to try and fix whatever is going on, then probably better to be closer rather than far away.”

We continue to talk and when I share with Presley the finder’s fee for hooking me up with Nova, I can swear he is going to start crying. I didn’t think it was too much, as the money that introduction is going to make my company is mind-boggling. I gave him two options, a one-time amount or a smaller one with a percentage of each new connection. Personally, I’d take option two because Nova said he was going to really push and, eventually, just add the software to all of his packages. That means a huge influx of income for me, so it’s only fair to share that with Presley.

We say our goodbyes after I tell him, not sure about the other Three Stooges, but I’ll be there in the next couple of days. He suggests I send a text to Ruby, letting her know, though he’s pretty sure Hannah already said something. He might be right, so after we hang up, I pull up my last text to her.

“Ruby, hey, not sure you’re getting my texts but just want to give you an FYI that I’m heading up to Timber-Ghost to hang with Presley for a little bit. Didn’t want to just show up without warning. Hope you’re doing okay and we can spend some time together while I’m up there. See you soon, Ruby.”

To my surprise, the three dots show up almost immediately, so I wait, holding my breath. When her text comes through, I almost fall on my ass in shock.

“Hey, Lachi, hi. Yeah, I’ve been getting your texts. Sorry I didn’t text back. Let me know when you get in town, and I’ll make sure I have some time to explain why I’m such a whack job and a total mess. Just want you to know it’s not you, it’s totally me. You deserve so much better than me, which is one of the reasons I’ve not been replying, but I’ll get into it when I see you in person. Travel safely, see you soon, Lachi.”

I smile big because Ruby is the only person who ever shortened my name, giving me a nickname. When I reread her text, something hits me, and my first reaction is to reach out to Nova and have him do a total background search because he has more reach than me. Then, after some thought, I decide that would be so wrong and invasive, so even though I have the strongest urge to try and investigate Ruby, I push down the idea. Just going to have to wait and see what happens when I get to Montana.

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