I take a chance and text Ruby, telling her my plan and how we might get up to Timber-Ghost a day or so later. To my utter surprise, she replies that Squirt, or Hannah as I know her, already told her. Then she tells me to be careful and have fun. What universe am I in? What changed that she’s now replying back again? I’m not complaining because even if there’s nothing there, I’d still at least like to be friends with her, though personally, I want more. I want it all. Ruby is it for me, not sure how I know, just do. Hopefully she won’t be pissed when I explain about my business and shit, but I have walls up for a reason.
But right at this moment I’m dealing with a very pissed-as-fuck Jude. We’ve just arrived at The Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch. Gotta say, Patti outdid herself. I’m going to have to remember this place. Jude’s pissed-off voice brings me out of my head.
“Really, Malachi, who the fuck can afford this place besides you, asshole? Christ, just gonna turn around and find a Comfort Inn. Freddy, Vito, you guys in? We’ll let the rich boy stay here.”
The guys look at each other and then me, smiling. Freddy turns to Jude first.
“Dude, get your head outta your ass. Look at this place. Not sure about you, but this is probably a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me to stay at a not sure what it’s called—hotel, resort, or spa. Don’t care, want to see how the other two quarters live. No, I’m not going to a fuckin’ Comfort Inn. Malachi, lead the way.”
“Well, asshole, you seem to forget we’re in my SUV. Since I’m driving, it’s my decision where we stay.”
Knowing this was coming, I clear my throat.
“Jude, not sure how I knew you would say that, but I did. See that Jeep Wagoneer sitting over there? That’s mine for the rest of the trip. So if you decide you don’t want to drive us any longer we have transportation, or you could grow up and enjoy the rest of the trip with us. Choice is yours, but I’m going in to get our rooms and clean up. I’ve reserved a table for dinner and not sure about you, but I’m starving. I’ll be back in a minute.”
With that I open the door and walk out. When I get to the front desk, I’m greeted and asked if I have a reservation. When I give my name, I see the look from the young man behind the counter. He welcomes me, telling me I have a reservation in the Yoakum. Before I can say a word, he tells me Patti told him it would be okay. When he explains the Yoakum has four bedrooms and baths, I know Patti was correct. He asks for how long we will be staying and I tell him not sure, either two or three days. When he states the daily rate, I figured as much. I pull out my corporate card so they have it on file. I ask for four keys, which he says is no problem. Once we are settled, he gives me a package with maps, services available, and things to do while here. I thank him and he asks if we need any assistance, to which I say no.
When I make my way back to the car, the guys are all sitting quietly. I get back in and turn to them all.
“So what’s going on? Who’s staying and who’s leaving?”
No one says a word for a second or two, then Vito in his deep voice gives it to me straight.
“Malachi, I’m in if you’ll take payments for my share of this. This place is fucking gorgeous and I could use a break. I know Freddy feels the same, and if Jude would just quit being a prick, so would he.”
Knowing how proud Vito is, I take a moment to think then it dawns on me.
“No one is splitting this bill. Damn it, listen to me for a quick second, guys. I don’t have a lot of people I trust. You three are in that tiny circle besides my family, and if I can’t treat my closest friends to a few days of luxury then why am I busting my ass every single day? My parents are taken care of as are my brothers. I can’t take the money with me, so let me do this. Please, guys, we can have a boys’ getaway then continue up to Montana to see our other friend. This is our time, none of us are involved, married, or have kids. Someday this won’t be able to happen. I want to do this and it’s not to throw my success or money in your faces. It’s to share my success with my best friends.”
Vito and Freddy look at each other, then at me, and nod. Jude is looking out the window before he turns to examine me, looking for what I don’t know.
“Malachi, I’ve been a total dick. Why you want me to stay, I can’t figure the fuck out, but like Freddy said, this will never happen for me again. If you can accept my apology, I’ll try hard not to be a dumb jackass again. This joint looks pretty fancy, I mean, are we going to be allowed to stay or eat here?”
I reach over, giving Jude a punch in the shoulder.
“Yeah, bro, we can stay here. If we needed different attire, Patti either would have let me know, or shit, it might be in our suite. So are we good? Then let’s get this beast parked and find our room. Oh, forgot to tell you, we are all in the same room, so hopefully that works for you guys.”
It’s like everyone lets out a deep breath as Jude moves the car to park it. Once we grab our duffels and backpacks or luggage, we make our way toward where the kid told me to go. When I see the bus making its way to us, I look at the guys whose mouths are open. Okay, guess it takes some getting used to.
Once we are settled, the driver asks where to and I tell him the Yoakum, which has his head jerk my way.
“Say again.”
I smile and repeat myself. He pulls himself together and starts to tell us that the Yoakum is in what they call the Pioneer Camp. Said it has some of the best views from the deck. He continued to let us know the kitchen has been stocked and if there is anything we need during our stay, all we have to do is dial the concierge.
“What the hell is a concierge?”
Leave it to Jude. I turn to him and softly explain it to him. The driver is professional and never stops giving us a detailed explanation of what to expect. Once we arrive and unload, I tap the card and the door unlocks. I push it open and walk in, wanting to see the looks on my friends’ faces. Not for any reason except to show them, especially Freddy, the finer shit in life. And they don’t disappoint. I drop my travel bag, along with my computer bag, and hand out the keys. Walking in, I see the open space of the living room along with the kitchen and dining area. There’s even a small space for a library. Turning, I see the guys are looking all over.
“We all get our own bedroom and bathroom. All I ask is that I get a king bed, as you know, I’m a rough sleeper. Go on, grab a room then we can look through this package of brochures to figure out all we want to do.”
Jude and Vito go off to check out the rooms. Freddy approaches me.
“Dude, thanks so much. Now I know what you were doing last night on your phone. This has to cost some tall bank, you sure you don’t want us to put in our share?”
Knowing how much this little trip is going to run, I don’t want to give Freddy a heart attack so I just shake my head. Before I can say a word, there’s a knock at the door. We look at each other and I shrug.
Making my way to the door, I look through the peephole and see a waiter. Opening, he greets me by my name and welcomes me to the Yoakum. Pushing the cart, he tells me it’s from a friend to welcome us. Then he wheels in a long tray with a ton of stuff on it. He moves to the kitchen and from under the white cloth reaches to pull out something. I hear Freddy laugh out loud at the six packs of beer. Then he uncovers plates with wings, snack-size hamburgers, fries, and onion rings. Finally, he places a carafe of I’m guessing coffee on the island. When he approaches, I grab the ticket, adding a substantial tip which he thanks me for.
By this time Vito and Jude are back and are trying to make sense of what just happened. I get it, so I give them the truth.
“Guys, this is from my assistant, Patti. She’s welcoming us to the Yoakum. So since dinner isn’t for hours, let’s chill, drink some beer, and eat some wings.”
We all walk to the island and start to relax. I’m glad it worked out because it would have sucked if any one of the guys decided to leave or be assholes. I feel my phone vibrate so I take it out and when I see who the text is from, I smile. Ruby is asking if we made it okay.
“Yeah, we did. Maybe one day you and I could come back to this place. I think you’d love it.”
I get nothing back, watching for the dots or anything, so I put the phone down and grab a few wings and onion rings. Suddenly my phone is bouncing on the counter so I flip it over. Ruby texted me back and when I read it, I almost choke on an onion ring.
“Lachi, maybe. Let’s see how things go. Hope you guys have fun. Let me know when you’re on your way or close. See you soon, be safe.”
“That smile says it all, my friend. You’ve got it bad and if what I’ve heard is right, you haven’t even done this chick, right?”
Damn Jude, sometimes—no, most of the time—he can get on my last nerve.
“Jude, last time, I’m not like you. Don’t need to, as you so like to say, ‘bang’ every chick I see. Trying to see if there is a way to work stuff out with Ruby. And if and what we do is never going to be any of your business. So before I throw these wings at you, shut it, brother.”
He just grins at me with barbecue sauce on his face. Vito and Freddy snicker as they continue to stuff food in their mouths. Yeah, this is going to be an adventure, for sure.