This has been one of the longest days of my life. I’ve come to find out someone I trusted and considered a friend was ready to throw me to the wolves, while another—who I was getting to know—dropped me because she found out about my financial status. Both Jude and Ruby shocked the shit out of me for different reasons. Jude very reluctantly left with Panther, Shadow, and Avalanche so I can’t confront him directly about why he did what he did. There is no excuse because if he would have been upfront and honest, I would have gladly helped his dad, even by paying his debts off. I mean, for Christ’s sake, it’s only money and I have more than enough to last the rest of my life.
Ruby, on the other hand, I’m with and even though we are both wiped, I have a few very important questions to ask her before we call it a day. We’ve just finished eating, and man, it was awesome. Kind of like a buffet with all kinds of foods. Ruby’s club sister outdid herself. Since we were both so full, we each made a plate of some of the sweets to take back to Ruby’s cabin, along with a large disposable tray of leftovers. And I know for a fact, I’ll be eating some of that homemade pizza cold in the morning, for sure.
We just get back to the cabin and I notice my bags are already here. Ruby puts the food in the refrigerator before telling me to follow her. I pick up my bags and do exactly that as she shows me the guest room. Something is up and it hits me when she turns to me and speaks softly.
“Lachi, here’s my spare bedroom. It’s small but clean. I’m sure you’re used to much more visually appealing suites, but this is all I have. There is a small guest bathroom next door with a walk-in shower you can use. Do you need anything else? If not, I’m going to head to bed. I’m totally dead on my feet.”
Before she can walk away, I grab her hand and pull her into the room toward an oversized pillowed chair. I sit first, pulling her down on my lap. She does look tired so I’ll make it quick. She’s not looking at me, so I put my fingers on her chin and turn her head toward me.
“Ruby, damn, Beauty, do you have any idea how much you overwhelm me? I have a lot of questions but for tonight, I’ll ask just a few, if that’s okay. My mind is blown as Jude has been my friend for years and he sold me out, and you, a woman I met at a book signing didn’t want to—I don’t even know what or why you did what you did. That’s my first question to you. Can you give me an idea as to why you don’t think you’re good enough for me?”
Her head snaps back and I know I hit it on the bull’s-eye. Ruby is mostly quiet, keeps to herself—usually reading—and is almost meek, but not in a weak way. She leans forward, her hands going through her long, gorgeous brown hair. I give her some time because rushing her is not going to get me the answers I want. Finally, she shifts on my lap, which has my dick waking up. Hello! I start thinking about anything and everything to control the beast. I see the tiny grin on Ruby’s face, so that tells me she felt that visceral reaction I had to her, and I smile back at her. She watches me so closely, it’s like being under a microscope, but I started this so have to stick it out.
“Lachi, when Raven started to find stuff out about you, your parents, and brothers, I started to get very anxious. No, hear me out. You have made something of yourself by hard work and your extremely high intelligence. Raven even hacked into your business system—hey now, don’t get pissed off—that’s her job and she’s extremely good at it. Though if she needs help, she goes to Freak, Dallas, or even Presley’s cousin, Karma. All of them have hacked into government websites and even higher. I believe Dallas, though very quiet about his skills, has some of the best abilities out there. He’s a friend of Panther and Avalanche from their military days. Anyway, when Raven revealed to me the extent of your success and wealth, I had a very bad panic attack. That evening I woke up in a sweat from a horrible nightmare about how we did work it out and became a couple. Then I went with you to some event and you were beyond ridiculed for associating with someone who didn’t have any family, a real job, a career, and barely a high school diploma. I mean, Lachi, you’re on the genius level, for God’s sake. I’ve started to care about you and leaving you in Billings cut to the core, but I thought it was best to nip it in the beginning stages. We’ve had some heavy petting moments but haven’t, you know, gone all the way.”
That does bring a chuckle from me. Ruby gets so shy and, by the blush on her face, I can tell she’s flustered by what she just said. I’m not sure if she’s even had sex so want to make sure she’s ready and, more importantly, enjoys it. I almost jump out of the chair when she gently cups my cheek in her hand.
“I don’t know where we go from here, but can I say I’m glad you’re here? You look good and I’ve missed our talks and texts. That’s on me. Lachi, not sure you figured it out yet, but I did look forward to our conversations and it was fun with all the information you were sharing about you and your family. They sound simply wonderful, which I know you’re going to say they are far from it. But when you don’t have it, you miss it like no tomorrow. Secondly, we were getting closer and those last two times we met in Billings we slept in the same bed. The shock of that definitely overwhelmed me. You never pushed or made me feel small or inexperienced, but let’s face it, that’s what I am. I mean, I’m almost twenty-three and you’re almost out of your twenties. The life experiences you’ve had are probably limitless compared to mine. Foster care, thrown out, traveled the country until I found Timber-Ghost then the Devil’s Handmaidens. The end.”
I have to interrupt because I’m not liking where she’s going with this.
“Ruby, none of that kind of talk. We all have pasts, but you can’t let them dictate your future. Yeah, my life has been pretty good but don’t think when we were kids my parents didn’t struggle or argue. Sometimes I think they picked a fight so they could have make-up sex. Uh, can’t believe I said that out loud, might need to use that bathroom so I don’t puke all over this room. I believe that singer Jelly Roll says it best when he sings, ‘The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason.’ Take a minute and think about those words. He’s a genius to come up with that because we working class, totally get that. And just so you know, no matter what we are doing when you say NO, it means exactly that. We’ve not gotten into the discussions about our past relationships, which can always be confusing and complex. So I’m not going to ask because honestly I don’t want that picture of you in the throes of ecstasy with another man. If some day you feel like sharing, that’s on you. I want to know everything about you, not insignificant moments like that ’cause any man who would leave you obviously doesn’t have a goddamn brain or eyes in his head.”
She immediately smiles at me while her eyes twinkle. She’s beyond gorgeous and if anyone ever says differently, they’ll deal with me.
“Thanks, Lachi, I so appreciate that. The short story of my life is I was a foster kid and the only reason I was picked and generally stayed at the same home is the couple needed the checks they were receiving from the government to care for me. Neither laid hands on me, beat me, or touched me inappropriately. Thought something was wrong with me and, to this day, I’m still trying to figure out, why me? You had your choice from Dani, Dotty, and Squirt. I’m just plain Ruby, who’s afraid most of the time to be in her own skin.”
At that I literally laugh out loud. Is this how she really sees herself? My God, there is no contest between her and her three friends. Not dissing any of them but none of them can hold a candle to Ruby. I mean, out of the three, Squirt would be a close second and I’m glad she pinned her star on my buddy Presley. They are perfect together. But back to Ruby and her delusions about herself.
“Beauty, swear to God, as soon as I laid eyes on you, the other three women did not exist. They still don’t. So if I ever hear that kind of disrespect to yourself again, I’ll paddle that fine ass of yours. Got it?”
I see her eyes get wide then dilate. Well, fuck, Beauty is excited by the thought of me cracking her heart-shaped ass. Hmm, the picture that puts in my mind has my cock getting harder. Damn, might not be the best idea to share the cabin with her, though I’m sure Ruby can feel what she’s doing to me. Now to get us moving forward, not only tonight, but in our future and relationship. Time to put my cards on the table.
“Ruby, we’ve had a bumpy start so far, but that’s life. I promise the only woman on my mind is you. If you’re okay with it, I’d like to say we are together, dating, and exclusive. And to clarify that, I’ve never been involved with one woman and had side pieces. Yeah, I know, yuck. We will take it as slow as you want, Beauty. I know it’s you I need in my life. Forget about the money, my company, and all the other shit Raven was able to find. I’m just Lachi to you and you’re my Beauty. If we can just be us and not let the outside world in, we will be fine. Are you with me?”
Her eyes haven’t left mine since I started talking. When they start to fill up, damn, I can’t watch her cry ’cause that will kill me.
“Come on, Ruby, no need for tears. We’re good. I swear to Christ.”
“Lachi, after what I did, you still want to be with me? Knowing I have multiple issues, including panic attacks and anxiety plus I’m poor? That makes no sense when you can have anyone.”
“Beauty, you aren’t the only one who has, as you put it, issues . I’m a workaholic and can be a real bastard at times. My mom says out of her three boys that I’m the most intense and when I get an idea in my head, I don’t stop until I either figure it out or pass the fuck out. So there’s that, and I’m sure as we are getting to know each other, we’ll find out things about the other that can be frustrating or aggravating, again, that’s life. So do we have a deal? Moving forward and, for now, it will be a long-distance relationship, but you never know, I might have to buy a ranch in Bumfuck, Montana. That’s where the most beautiful woman in the world lives.”
Before she can start to put herself down, I lean forward and kiss her with everything I have. By the time I pull away she follows me like she doesn’t want me to stop. That brings a small smile to my lips. I stand, gently putting her on her own two feet. Then grabbing her hand, I walk her out of the guest room and toward her bedroom. At the door, I lean down, give her a soft kiss, then open the door, giving her a push. When Ruby’s in, I pull the door closed and walk back to the guest bedroom. I wanted so much to walk into that bedroom with her, but I’m a patient man. Because Ruby to me is everything and she’s more than worth the wait. Not sure how I know, but she’s the one for me. Now just got to get her on the same page as me. I’ve got my work cut out for me.