Running From Nightmares (Roommates from Hell #1) 6. Aeri 20%
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6. Aeri

I texted Ruin last night to see if he would be at the shop so that I could grab the rest of my stuff from my car. It’s not a lot, but I hadn’t wanted to bring it all to a hotel when I was looking for a place to stay. It just seemed like too much work. He assured me he would be there all day, so as soon as I woke up, I packed up what I had in the hotel and got an Uber to the shop.

“Hey, hey, you look like you’re in a good mood today.” He’s joking, but his words make me cringe at the reminder of what a bitch I’d been when I first met him. It wasn’t his fault my life was falling apart one piece at a time. He just happened to be the poor guy who got to deal with me through the last time life smacked me.

“I’m joking,” he says, chuckling as he comes around the counter and hugs me.

I’m not sure we’re at a hugging stage in our friendship yet, but fuck if I don’t melt into it. How the hell can someone who works in a shop covered in grease and sweat smell so good? I do not know, but he manages it. I can’t remember the last time I’d gotten an honest-to-goodness, genuine hug, but suddenly, it feels like it’s been years.

Ruin pulls back after what feels like not long enough, but I find myself grateful. If he hadn’t, who knows how long I would have held onto him like an attention-deprived child.

I need to get it together.

“So you found a job and somewhere to stay. Sounds like your luck might be starting to turn around, huh?” He smiles, bumping his shoulder against mine. I’m not sure what it is about his carefree attitude, but I think it might be infectious.

“It would seem that way. Now if only my favorite mechanic could give me some good news about my car. That would really make my day.” The words are out of my mouth before I can think them through all the way.

His eyebrows shoot up, and his smile is fucking blinding. Damn, I know there’s no way he missed that.

“Favorite mechanic, huh?”

“I…I ugh, well. I don’t know another mechanic, so yeah…” I trail off, looking down at the floor in embarrassment as my face blazes.

Why the hell did I say that?

He barks a laugh that bounces off the walls in the small front office, and I swear it’s like wind chimes. Nothing about this man makes a lick of sense. He’s huge, like ripped and covered in grime and sweat, with long blonde hair tied back in a low bun. By all means, he should be intimidating, but something about him is so warm and inviting.

Too warm and inviting. Get it together, Aeri!

“Well, sadly, I might not be your favorite anymore because, as of now, it’s looking like Tuesday would be the earliest for your car.” He rubs at the back of his neck in a boyish way, making him even more adorable.

No! Bad!

“No, it’s fine,” I rush to say, trying to stop my treacherous brain and assure him I don’t blame him. I knew it might take that long, and honestly, as much as I want my car back, it’s not like I could go anywhere right now, not until I get my funds back up. “I’m stuck here for a little while after the hit I took from the repair.”

“Yeah, shit’s not cheap.” He shakes his head, moving away and waving for me to follow him into the back. “Grab what ya need. I’m just about done for the day if you want me to drive you over after.”

His offer makes me stop short. It’s nice, and something I can imagine someone like him doing without a second thought, but it still makes me uneasy.

“No, that’s fine. I have an Uber out front waiting.”

He pulls a face at my words, and I can’t help but laugh. Picking up a huge wrench, he uses it to point at me before he gets back to work under the hood of a car. “Those things are highway robbery.”

He ain’t joking. They're so expensive, but honestly, it was that or walk with all my stuff. Even with my minimal possessions, it would be too much and too far. Once I get settled, I’ll be using the bus or walking to my job, but honestly, I probably would’ve had a heat stroke if I tried to make it from here. It’s about twenty minutes by car.

“I know, but I didn’t have much of a choice,” I grumble as I make my way to my car. It looks just like it did when we towed it back a few days ago, and I can’t help but frown looking at it.

Why’d you have to give up on me like that girl, after everything we’ve been through…

“Well, you do now, so if you don’t want to sign away your soul for a car ride, the only payment I require is you not to laugh when I sing along to Taylor Swift on the radio.”

I can’t help it, just the thought has me laughing because, my god, I can totally picture that.

“No respect,” he gasps loudly, which only makes me laugh harder. “Taylor is an icon!” He moves back out from under the hood of the car with his hand to his chest in mock horror, but the smile on his face lets me know he’s joking, or at least, mostly.

Holding my hands up, I try to pacify him while I attempt to get myself under control. I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard.

“No, no. You’re right, Taylor is great,” I assure him as I gasp for air, dropping my hands to my knees.

“Then what’s the issue?”

“Nothing! No issue, there’s nothing wrong with loving Taylor.” It’s a lie. Yes, anyone can love whatever music they want, but I won’t explain why it’s funny. How do you tell a damn near stranger they just seemed too manly and sexy to be the Taylor Swift groupie type?

“Great, then give me fifteen, and I’ll help you load up your stuff in my truck and drive you over.” He doesn’t give me a chance to say anything before he disappears again, and I’m left standing there looking at the hood of the car he just disappeared under.


I turn around and go back out to my Uber to grab the two bags I’d left in the trunk and cancel the ride to my apartment.

True to his word, Ruin is done fifteen minutes later and, after a quick wash-up, helps me load my stuff into his truck. To be fair, I probably didn’t need help. It’s a backpack, two duffle bags, and a big suitcase with a few odds and ends I’d unpacked while on the road. But being the freaking hulk of a man he is, he managed to take all of my bags, minus my backpack, in just one trip without so much as breaking a sweat. I’m pretty positive he would have taken the backpack without an issue, too, if it wasn’t on my back.

“You’ll catch flies like that, Sunshine.” Reaching out, he presses a finger under my chin, snapping my mouth closed, and I feel the blood rush to my face as my eyes go wide.

Oh my god!

I’d just been standing there, staring at him with my mouth hanging open like a freaking creep, and he caught me!

Embarrassed and unsure what to say, I bat his hand away with a huff. Which apparently is amusing to him because he barks a laugh before putting his arm around my shoulder and steering me toward his truck.

“Come on, Sunshine, let’s get you to your new place.”

The drive to the apartment is somehow not awkward, despite what happened back at the shop. I’m not sure if that’s because of Ruin’s easygoing nature or the fact that he did actually belt out a few Taylor Swift songs on the drive over. I’d half thought he was joking, but given how well he knows the lyrics, I can see he was serious.

Ruin turns down the radio as we pull up in front of the apartment building, letting out a low whistle as he eyes the building.

“Damn, Sunshine. I thought funds were tight?” I glare at him for the nickname, but he ignores me, and I decide to let it go for now.

“They are. I’m renting a room with a few other people. It’s only five hundred a month.” I don’t know why I feel the need to explain it to him, but I do, and when he nods in understanding, I find I feel better.

Damn, my people-pleasing nature. I grew up always trying to make my parents proud. It would seem some things can’t be so easily changed.

“That makes sense. A lot of people rent out rooms. I’m just glad you found something.” He sounds genuinely happy, and despite how strange it feels for a damn near stranger to be happy for me, I can’t help but bask in the feeling. I’ve had very few close friends in my life, but something about being around Ruin is so easy.

If only I’d met him at a different time, perhaps another life.

“Yeah, it will have to do for now.” He puts the truck in park and throws his hazards on as I hop out and reach into the back for my stuff.

Shit, I have just enough that there’s no way I’ll make it all in one trip.

“Need some help?” Ruin asks, pulling me from my thoughts and making me jump. I hadn’t even heard him get out of the truck.

“Oh, um…” I hesitate to say yes, even though help would be great. I don’t really know my roommates or Ruin. Having help would be great, but having him help and not inviting him in to see the place after seems rude.

Not that it matters what I was going to say. Even before I can answer him, he’s already begun to unload my things.


We both turn at the sound of a voice behind us, and I’m a little taken aback when I find the man who had been at the desk yesterday when I came to meet Asta.

“Please, allow me.” He nods toward the bags Ruin had grabbed, and I stand gaping like a fish, unsure what to say before I finally force myself to nod.

Ruin, thankfully, has his shit together more than I do. Without wasting any time, he pulls the rest of my bags from the back and loads them on the little buggy thing. The second it’s loaded up, the guy turns and walks it all inside without another word or so much as a glance at either of us.

That was fucking weird.

“Not used to five-star treatment, huh?” Ruin asks with a chuckle, and I can’t help but laugh as well. Thankfully, he seems to think I’m laughing with him, so I don’t have to explain that I’m laughing at how very wrong he is.

I’d grown up with the five-star treatment; hell, some might even say it was more. I was what many called a silver spoon kid. I wanted for nothing. My family had the biggest house and went on all the expensive vacations. You name it, and we had it or did it.

And I hated it.

Ever since I turned thirteen. The day I found out what my future would be. The day I met him .

“Well, don’t get too used to it. That guy seems odd,” he says, hooking his thumb over his shoulder in the direction the guy disappeared a moment ago.

I can’t help but sigh in relief, knowing I wasn’t the only one who thought so.

“Nah, I don’t need any help,” I joke, but also kind of mean it.

“Except from your favorite mechanic.” Ruin wags his eyebrows at me with a smirk that makes him look ridiculous, and I reach out and shove him. It’s pathetic, really. He doesn’t even flinch, let alone budge.

“Thank you for helping me,” I tell him, unable to let him leave without knowing I appreciate his kindness. I’m thanking him for so much more than just the ride today, but he doesn’t need to know that. It might make me seem like a weirdo, which I kind of am, but again, he doesn’t need to know that.

“Yeah, no problem, Sunshine. You got my number. Call if you need anything.” With a two-finger salute, he hops back in his truck and pulls away from the curb before I can say anything back. I’m left shaking my head, watching as he merges back into traffic, knowing damn well that stupid nickname is going to stick.

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