Running From Nightmares (Roommates from Hell #1) 14. Aeri 47%
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14. Aeri

T onight at the bar had been a lot. We were slammed, and as exhausted as I might be, I can’t help but feel excited about getting my first paycheck. I made double what I was making at the cafe, and that’s not including house tips. Lea said I would get them tomorrow, and after that, they would be paid out once a week on Saturday nights. So far, I’ve only gotten tips that were directly handed to me, but even those were a few hundred dollars. I have no idea what to expect, but I remember her coming into the cafe with her big bills and dropping nice tips, so I can’t imagine they will be too bad. I might still be newer, but I feel like I’m really getting the hang of things.

Lea usually shares an Uber home with me, considering the late hour, but tonight, she had to stay even later to take inventory. I’d offered to stay with her, but she wouldn’t have it, so I ended up walking down the road alone at midnight.

I should go home, I know that, but the thought is daunting.

My feet kill, and I’m exhausted. This might have been my first week only working at the club, but because I had extra time, I made sure to take longer shifts. The shifts at Purgatory made the ones at the cafe seem like a warm-up. I can’t believe how many people pack into that club on a nightly basis, and according to Lea, that’s only the VIP section, not the main club.

Fuck, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to have to attend to the whole place.

Music drifts from an open door, catching my attention and making me pause. I could have easily stayed at Purgatory and had a couple of drinks, but honestly, as cool as it all seems, I didn’t love wearing that costume all the time. Plus, I feel like people are always looking at me. I feel their eyes on me when I’m not looking, but I never catch them. It’s strange and almost makes me feel as if I’m imagining it.

Maybe it’s the masks?

Either way, I want to unwind, and this little hole in the wall seems like the perfect place to blend in and do just that.

Before I can give myself time to overthink, I make my way in. Really, I don’t have the funds to go out drinking, but for this one night, I could forget about that part of my life. I wasn’t going to spend a lot, just a few drinks and maybe a snack, so I don’t throw up, but I’ve never been this free before.

Everything in my life had been planned and scheduled for me. I’d missed out on what a lot of teenagers would consider ‘normal’ experiences. I’d only ever been slightly buzzed at events that my parents or he required me to attend, and I’d only ever been his.

I wasn’t allowed to date. I didn’t get awkward first crushes or clumsy first kisses.

No, he stole everything from me and tainted it, making it feel dirty. He did a good job of ruining everything because, to him, I was his property, not a person, and he made sure I never forgot that.

I shudder at the memory before pushing it away. Thinking about him and the past will ruin my night, and I’ve let him ruin enough of my life at this point.

No, if anything was going to get ruined, it was going to be me, and I’ll be damned if I don’t crave the man who shares the name.

I’ve grown used to having Ruin around. We text way more than I’ve ever texted anyone, and he’d even stopped by the coffee shop a few times. He swore he was already in the neighborhood, but something about the way his eyes danced when he said it told me he was lying.

I’m not blind! I’m so damn aware of how good looking he is. Hell, even if I’d missed it at first, the eyes that follow him would be more than enough to clue me in. People might not know his name like they do Asta’s, but they pay attention when he’s around.

As far as not making connections goes, I’ve been pretty shit at it, and not just with Ruin. Bast and Lea quickly found their way into my little group of people I enjoy seeing and talking to, even with Bast still hardly speaking. Hell, even Asta had become pretty much a constant in my life before I’d quit the cafe, and while I might not see him as much now, that doesn’t make him less attractive.

Who am I kidding? They all are. Even Kai, who hates my guts for no reason, and Talian, who seems like he’s the biggest manwhore to ever walk the planet.

It’s normal; you’re lonely.

It sounds good in my head, but honestly, I’m not sure that’s what it is. I think the real problem is they make me feel like I’m not alone, and that scares me.

I can’t afford to get cold feet when it comes time to leave. Staying in one place could be my downfall, and worse than that, it could bring him to them.

No, despite how much I might enjoy their friendship and company, I could never do that to them. Nobody deserves to be on the receiving end of his fury.

The bar isn’t packed per se, but it has a decent amount of people considering the late hour and the fact that it’s down the road from Purgatory. However, everyone here seems to be more the type to enjoy a drink with friends after a long day at work versus someone looking for a night out at a club.

“What can I get ya?” The bartender asks when I sit down at the counter, and I take a second to look at the menu hanging from the wall behind him.

Just last week, I wouldn’t have known what any of these drinks were, but after working with Lea, I’d not only begun to learn them but also how to make them. I’d still never tried any of them since I was always on the clock, but I knew what was popular.

“Let me get a Tom Collins, please.” His brows pull for a moment, and he seems almost taken aback before he smiles. I get the feeling he’s not used to manners from people coming in off the streets. And I can relate to that because people in the city are rude; god forbid you don’t walk fast enough.

“Coming right up.” I watch as he mixes my drink. It’s hypnotizing, honestly; he’s not as quick as Lea, but he could run circles around me for sure.

“If you need anything else, just let me know,” he tells me with a smile as he slides me my drink before moving down the counter to another man who just sat down.

With a sigh, I grab my drink and take a tentative sip. I’ve never actually tried this drink, or most drinks actually, but this is one that gets ordered a lot at the club, so I figured it was worth a shot.

Oh, wow. Okay, well, I can see why so many people order this, it’s delicious like lemonade. Yeah, I bet this is a dangerous drink, one that sneaks up on you. I’ll have to make sure I don’t drink too many.

With my drink in hand, I take a moment to look around the bar at the other people. Unlike with Purgatory, this bar seems to be a mix of people from all walks of life. They all seem more than okay with putting their real faces out there, no costumes. It’s refreshing, but it makes me feel as if I’m on display for those around me.

This sounded like a good idea and a way to relax, but after just two sips and less than five minutes, I’m bored and lonely. Two things that don’t exactly go fantastic with the alcohol I’m currently putting in my body…

Pulling out my phone, I scroll through some apps before stopping on my messenger.

My conversation with Ruin sits at the top, and I cringe, thinking about how often we text back and forth. What had started as a professional exchange of numbers for the sake of my car repairs has quickly taken on a life of its own. The only person I think I talk to more than Ruin is Lea, and that’s only because I see her every day.

And don’t even get me started on when I’m at the house surrounded by both hot, adorable, and asshole men.

Shit, I’m a mess in so many more ways than I ever thought.

“Hello,” a voice beside me says, pulling me from my Ruin plagued thoughts.

Hello, indeed.

The guy sitting next to me was not there when I got here. There’s no way I would have sat here if so, because he’s gorgeous.

He’s in all black from his button up, slacks, and dress shoes, and I get the feeling he’s here after a long day at work. Or maybe he just enjoys dressing nicely; I can’t say I’m complaining either way. His hair is brown and on the shorter side but styled purposefully with the sides neatly shaved. Tattoos peek up his neck all the way to the bottom of his ears and cover his forearms, where his sleeves are pushed up his arm.

“Hi,” I say lamely and have to resist the urge to smack my palm to my head, hard.

Hi?! What the hell, Aeri?

Clearly the handsome stranger beside me doesn’t mind how dumb I sound because instead of getting up and leaving like he probably should, he smiles. A smile that somehow makes his already handsome face even more handsome.

Oh, man. Looking down at my drink, I wonder if it’s the alcohol or my brain simply shorting out that’s to blame for my inability to think straight. Unfortunately, I’d only taken about three sips, so it’s all me.

“I saw you sitting here, and you looked a little lonely,” he says, and honestly, I’m still struck stupid by his smile; it’s a great fucking smile. I’m almost positive this guy could be a model if he wanted to be.

Maybe he is?

“I can leave, though, if I read it wrong. I didn’t mean to intrude.” He pushes to stand, and it takes me a second to really comprehend what he just said.

“Oh, no, you’re fine, really,” I say, trying to assure him. Before I can really think about it, I reach out, resting my hand on his arm. I’d intended to stop his leaving, but now I’m worried I’ve just overstepped.

Wonderful Aeri.

Snatching my hand back, I push some hair back behind my ear for something else to do. “I’m not here with anyone. I just stopped in for a drink after work.” As if to prove I’m not lying, I take a sip of my drink, damn near finishing it off.

Liquid courage, hopefully, they don’t call it that for nothing.

Some of the tension melts away as his smile returns, and he sinks back onto the stool.

“My name’s Oliver.” He offers me his hand, and after a second’s hesitation, I take it.


“Shhh, this is the women’s restroom. You’re not supposed to be in here,” I scold him when he groans, trying and failing to keep my voice low as well.

I’m not sure how it got to this, but I know I lost track of how many drinks I’ve had as Oliver and I talked and flirted for the last few hours.

One thing nobody ever really prepared me for was how hard the concept of a one-night stand is when you share an apartment, even if it is a penthouse.

“Let me put your pussy in my mouth and see how quiet you are,” he hisses back, and yeah, I guess he’s got a point. It’s much easier for me to be quiet with my mouth full.

I smile around his cock, and he must be able to feel it because he looks down at me with a smile of his own, shaking his head.

One second, I’m on my knees, and the next, I’m in the air with my back against the wall, straddling his face while he skillfully finds a way to keep me balanced on his shoulder while also stripping me of my jeans.

Thank god we picked a stall on the end because the regular dividers aren’t tall enough for all this, and as afraid of heights as I might be right now, this is hot as fuck.

With my underwear still on, he presses his mouth against me, his nose bumping my clit as I feel his hot, heavy breath.

Fucking shit, I’ve never been so turned on by someone breathing as I am right now. But I guess I’ve never had someone breathe for me quite like this.

“You smell like heaven.” His voice is low and strained, as if he’s hardly holding himself together, and yeah, that makes two of us because if he doesn’t touch me soon, I might just combust.

“Oliver.” I’d intended my voice to be hard and demanding, but instead, it comes out as a whine that lets him know just how needy I am right now.

Good thing I’m too drunk to care if I sound like a wanton bitch in heat, so long as he fucks me.

“Shhh, I’ve got you, Aeri.” I feel every drag of his lips against me before he pulls back, pulling my underwear to the side and licking up my pussy to my clit before swirling his tongue around, and just like that, anything I wanted to say leaves my mind as a moan of my own bounces off the walls.

“Quiet, Aeri, ladies restroom or not, I don’t think this is what this room is intended to be used for,” Oliver teases me, and all I can do is shake my head and dig my fingers into his hair as he presses forward again.

I don’t have a lot of experience as far as a sex life goes, but oral sex I have even less experience with; well, at least for myself.

Now I know why the girls in movies and books make such a big deal about it, though, and why he’d had a hard time staying quiet.

His tongue licks me up and down a few times before he stops, and it takes everything in me not to whine about it. I watch as he wraps an arm around my thigh, his fingers digging into the fleshy skin, holding me in place. With my back against the wall and his grip on me, I highly doubt I’m going anywhere, which is great because he’s clearly trying to test that theory.

With his other hand free, he pops two fingers into his mouth before moving them up to rest on my clit, and just the pressure from that alone is amazing. So much better than anything I’ve ever been able to do for myself.

His eyes dart up to meet my gaze as he presses his tongue inside of me. At the same time, his fingers begin to circle my clit at a damn near maddening pace. It’s heaven and hell all at once as the pleasure builds, and I have to resist the urge to grind against him for more.

I let my head fall back against the wall, never taking my eyes off his as he continues to move faster and faster, pulling more and more pleasure from me until I’m damn near ready to scream.

His eyes sparkle, and even though he hasn’t said a word, it’s as if I can read his mind.

Sadly, he’s not wrong.

Sinking my teeth into my lip, I swallow the moans that want to break free, but only just barely.

Finally, he moves his hands off of my clit, and I don’t know if I want to whine or rejoice. The knot of pleasure is wound so tight in my stomach that it almost aches at the loss.

Before I can do much more than notice, he drops his hand lower before pulling away. His face is glistening with my juices, and it shouldn’t be so fucking hot, but holy fuck is it ever. While I’m distracted by the beautiful mess I’ve made of his face, he takes full advantage of it, swiftly sinking those same two fingers that had just been assaulting my clit, deep inside of me.

I would have screamed had I been able to fucking breathe, but instead, all that comes out of my mouth is a high-pitched whimper.

I’m unsure if it’s my reaction or just that Oliver’s hit the end of his patience, but one second I’m straddling his face, his knuckles deep in my pussy, and the next, his fingers are gone, and I’m sliding down the wall. Before I can say anything, his lips are on mine, and just like that, whatever I’d wanted to say is gone. I can taste myself on him as he slips his tongue inside my mouth to dance with my own, and there’s something so erotic about all of this, it makes my knees weak. Reaching out, I wrap my arms around his neck, not only to pull him closer, but also to help me stay upright.

His hand snakes up my body, running from my thigh up over my hip to my stomach before stopping to palm my breast. It feels so fucking good, I hum my approval into his mouth, and by some stroke of luck, he seems to understand exactly what I mean. The second his hand is gone, I miss his touch, even with our lips still exploring each other.

It’s only gone for a moment, though, before he reaches for the hem of my shirt to push it up so that he can properly touch me, and yeah, this is about a million times better. With swift hands, he undoes my bra, not even waiting for me to push it off before he’s palming the bare skin of both my breasts, plucking at my nipples, and driving me fucking crazy.

“Oliver, please,” I plead, my words coming out muffled from his lips, but he pulls back to smile down at me, so I’m guessing he understood. He pulls one hand away but continues to knead my breast and tease my nipple as I hear the crinkle of foil.

A condom, thank fuck.

“You taste like sin,” he says, making a show of licking his lips, and god dammit, that should not be so hot.

Maybe I need therapy, just kidding, I totally need therapy.

He moves back a step, breaking all connection between us, and I want to protest, but as my eyes trace over him, I find it impossible. He reaches up to put the foil between his teeth and rip it open before quickly pulling out the condom and rolling it over his cock. It’s a shame; it’s beautiful, and the bar piercing through the top is fascinating. I’d never even considered the idea that someone would want to get something so sensitive pierced, but Oliver told me it didn’t hurt that bad. He also laughed when I asked what it was for, so I’m not sure what that means.

“Turn around, hands flat on the wall,” he tells me, making a spinning motion with his finger, and I’m quick to comply.

Maybe a little too quick with how much I’ve drunk tonight, but I somehow manage without falling over, so I’m going to say this was meant to be. I mean, I did come to the bar in hopes of finding a distraction, and Oliver…well, I’m sure as fuck distracted.

I feel the heat of his body as he presses up behind me, his arm reaching around my waist as he yanks my underwear down, gliding his fingers across my dripping pussy.

“So fucking wet for me,” he growls, his voice so low and husky it’s as if the sound goes right to my clit. As if I’m not wet enough as it is. He slowly traces his fingers around my back and up my spine with featherlight touches, pressing me lower and making goosebumps in their wake.

“I’m going to fuck you, Aeri.” His fingers slowly wrap around my throat, and I can’t hide the way I shiver.

“And I’m going to make you scream my name so damn loud the whole fucking bar will know it.” His fingers tighten. Not enough to cut off my air, but I swear my pussy clenches with them. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t amazing.

I wasn’t sure about his hand at first, but something about him doesn’t feel the same; there’s no actual desire to hurt me; it’s only meant for pleasure.

Speaking of pleasure, I’m pretty sure I know why Oliver laughed when I asked about the point of his piercing earlier. He fills me completely in one swift thrust of his hips, making me cry out, and I hear his choked grunt behind me.

“Lucifer, help me. I’ve died and made it to heaven.” His voice is strained as he hisses through his teeth.

He’s moving again before I can question his weird choice of words, and it takes everything I have to keep myself from hitting the wall. Between this angle, the sheer size of his cock, and that goddamn piercing, I’m damn near seeing stars in less than two minutes.

The hand that was wrapped around my throat moves down to work my clit in circles that have my knees buckling as my orgasm rips through me so damn hard and fast I do, in fact, scream, though it’s not his name on my lips. The sound of my scream echoes around the room, and there’s no way everyone in the bar doesn’t know what we were doing in here, either that, or they could assume I’m being murdered, I guess.

Which might also be accurate as Oliver continues to fuck me through my orgasm as he chases his own.

“That didn’t sound like my name,” Oliver pants into my ear as he continues to slam into me at a punishing pace. My legs have given up on me, and he holds me to him as if I weigh nothing. “Try again.”

His talented fingers find their way back to my clit, making me whimper against the stimulation again so soon.

“Scream for me, Darling.”

He slams into me, coming with a grunt, and it’s all too much. His name is ripped from me in a choked scream that turns into a moan as another orgasm rips through me, and I feel him pulse inside of me. That damn piece of metal shouldn’t be able to feel so good.

“I knew you could do it,” Oliver whispers in my ear before pressing light, open-mouthed kisses to the back of my neck all the way up to my ear.

Shit, I’ve just had two of the most mind-blowing orgasms in my whole life and the best sex of it, and somehow, he already has me feeling like I could go for more.

“Let’s get you cleaned up and headed home. You look exhausted.” He grunts, pulling his dick free, but doesn’t ever let me go, which I’m beyond grateful for because, public bathroom, gross.

“Gee, wonder why I’m exhausted,” I say, rolling my eyes but can’t stop the smile that pulls at my lips.

I stumble my way out of the elevator and down the short hallway to the front door. Thankfully, Oliver had been nice enough to order me an Uber because I’m not sure I would have made it all the way here on foot.

“Shit,” I curse under my breath, realizing I forgot to get my key out and begin digging in my bag for it.

It’s got to be here somewhere.

The door pulls open, and I didn’t even realize I’d been leaning on it until I tip forward with it. I’m in absolutely no shape to catch myself, so instead, I let out a squeak as I fall, attempting to brace myself for the impact and failing.

Thankfully, it never comes.

Instead, someone hoists me up before quickly taking my feet out from under me. It’s so sweet, and I would totally be thanking them if not for the fact that the sudden change in position has me holding my mouth to try and keep myself from throwing up on my savior.

They begin moving, and I’m not sure how people drink like this because, right now, I never want to drink again.

This is terrible, but at least I have a toilet in my room. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so happy for my little half-bath.

Voices around me let me know more than one person is here, but I can’t bring myself to care or pay attention to what they’re saying. I just want to go to bed.

Leaning my head on the warm body I’m cradled against helps calm my raging stomach. The sound of their steady heartbeat lulls me into a calm that could have me asleep in less than a minute and might have, if not for the feeling of someone else’s body sandwiching me between them.

“Hey, Bast,” I say with a smile after peeling my eyes open. My eyelids feel like lead, but it was totally worth fighting with them to see his face so close and unguarded. “You’re so pretty.”

I hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but can’t help laughing at the way his cheeks turn red—fucking adorable.

“She’s drunk, don’t let anything she says affect you. She doesn’t mean it,” my would-be savior growls, tossing me on the bed, and I realize for the first time whose arms I’d just been in.

Not very savior-like, but I do appreciate being brought to my bed.

It’s weird, though, that he would help me; he’s usually so grouchy and hates me.

“Boo! Why are you always so mean, Kai? Who pissed in your Cheerios?” I roll on my bed so that I can see him and can’t help but pout. “You know you’d be pretty, too, if you weren’t so damn sour.”

“She’s fucking smashed. With a little bit of sleep, I’m sure she won’t even remember this,” Kai says, moving back toward the door. I want to argue with him, but I just don’t have the energy right now. This bed is like a cloud, and suddenly, I’m exhausted.

The sound of the door clicking closed pulls me from my little nap, and I force myself to move enough to pull off my shoes and put my head up on my pillow instead of the end of my bed.

Plopping down on my stomach, I sigh in relief, feeling the cool pillow on my overheated skin. Stretching out, my hand hits something under my pillow that does not belong there.

Paper? How the hell did that get under there?

It’s folded in half and crumbled, and I rack my mind to try to figure out how it ended up under my pillow, but I come up empty.

Thinking is hard right now.

Maybe whatever is on it will help me better understand?

Unfolding it, I find three words that help nothing.

I’ve missed you.

Nope, that didn’t help anything. Without lifting my head, I reach behind me to drop the paper on my bedside table so I can look at it again in the morning.

Right now, all I want is some sleep.

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