Running From Nightmares (Roommates from Hell #1) 16. Aeri 53%
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16. Aeri

L ast night was a mistake. I know it even before I open my eyes; the pounding in my skull is a fantastic clue to just how much I drank, and it’s all bad. I’m half tempted to roll back over and go back to sleep, but my stomach rumbles, and I’m not sure if I’m hungry or about to puke.

Instead of taking any chances, I roll to the side of my bed and blindly grab for the little waste bin I’d seen there when I first moved in. I’d never had a use for it before, but now I can’t help but be grateful to whoever decided to put it in here.

Unfortunately, grabbing blindly does nothing, and with a huff, I finally give in and pry my eyes open.

“Son of a bitch.” No sooner do I get the words out than I feel the plastic, and I have just enough time to get it to my face before I’m throwing up.


Who the hell let me go out unattended?

Oh wait, that would be me…Yeah, next time, I’ll just buy myself a bottle of wine and a vibrator and stay home because this is bullshit.

I’m not sure if I’m excited or upset that my stomach’s empty, but after throwing up just once, I can see why people might make such a big deal about hangovers.

I’m never drinking again.

With no better option, I wipe my face on the back of my hand before taking a few slow, deep breaths. After about a minute of my stomach staying calm, I slowly roll away from the edge onto my back and stare up at the ceiling.

Memories from the night before rush back, the bar, the hot guy, and all the drinks we shared before we shared…more.

Even alone in my room, my cheeks heat at the memory.

I never do that kind of thing. I’ve only ever slept with two people before last night…


He doesn’t count for shit, and he never will.

Before last night, I’d only slept with my high school boyfriend—the one I wasn’t supposed to have—and that had been…something. It wasn’t terrible exactly, but it wasn’t anything like last night. No, last night was mind-blowing, and I’m almost positive it didn’t have anything to do with the alcohol.

The way he touched me…I wasn’t aware anyone could make me feel like that. Hell, I’d never been able to make myself feel close to that, and it’s my pussy. I’ve had years of practice with it!

Last night I’d told myself it would be a one-time thing, but that might have been a lie. Even just lying here, I swear I can remember the way his hands felt on my legs, the way he held me close. His skin was so damn warm, and it lit a fire inside of me until I was needy and craving his touch.

And his fucking tongue…

Nope, no, stop that.

If I keep this up, I’m going to be a needy mess in no time, or more of a needy mess, because I’m already on my way to that.

Pushing all thoughts of last night away, I slowly sit up, testing myself. As much as I might have enjoyed the sex last night, I’m so fucking serious about the alcohol, and honestly, it wasn’t even needed.

My stomach rumbles, and I can’t help but freeze after what happened last time, but thankfully, nothing comes up. I think this time I might be hungry, which is all fine and dandy, but before anything else, I need a shower. I’m not even sure how I got to my room last night. I remember getting off the elevator and trying to find my key, but I don’t know how I got in or all the way to my bed. Something at the back of my mind nudges at me, and I almost want to say Kai had something to do with it, but I know that can’t be right.

Either way, I learned my lesson, and now I need to wash away the evidence before I eat something and maybe even take a nap before I have to work again tonight.

I move around the room slowly, once again cursing hangovers and all the alcohol. It’s not until I’ve reached my closet that I realize I haven’t seen my phone since I woke up.

Shit, hopefully, I didn’t lose it last night.

Dropping my fresh clothes on my dresser, I quickly strip the pillows and toss the blankets out, only to find it all the way at the foot of my bed.

How I managed that, I have no idea.

Honestly, misplacing my phone wouldn’t be a huge loss, but I’d prefer not having to drive down and get Ruin’s number. Oh, he’d never let that down, that’s for sure. Not to mention, I’ve been trying to steer clear of him a little bit…

I mean, I’d gone to the bar to distract myself from him and, well, just about all the hot guys in my life, assholes or not, and while it had done a fantastic job for the moment. But, Ruin is hard to resist. Something about him is so, ugh…I don’t even know how to explain it, but I feel safe with him.

It’s stupid and probably dangerous as hell, but I can’t deny that’s the perfect way to explain it.

Another great reason to stay away from him.

Raised voices filter through the walls, making me pause before I abandon it altogether. I’ve lived here for nearly two months, and while I might hear the occasional laughter or muffled voices, it’s never like this.

Without an effort to make out the voice, I can tell one of them is Talian, which is shocking because, according to my phone, it’s not even noon. But even more shocking is that unless I’m still asleep or drunk enough to mistake it, the other voice sounds a hell of a lot like Bast.

What the hell is going on?

I can’t make out exactly what they are saying, but it definitely sounds like they’re arguing about something. Bast is much louder than Talian, his voice sounding more like a growl. It’s so unlike him that I’m having a hard time picturing it coming from him despite being able to hear it with my own ears.

Something crashes against the wall, making me jump, and I barely choke down the scream burning in my throat. I know the sound of breaking glass well enough to know that’s what it was despite the wall muffling it.


Where is Asta or Kai?

Usually, they step in on this kind of stuff. They all kind of keep each other in check—the way Bast and Kai called Talian off that first morning I met him, and Asta backed it up later despite not being there.

“You had no right!” I have no idea what he’s talking about, but the venom in Bast’s voice has me taking a step back, even with the wall that divides us.

What the hell could Talian have done to have Bast acting like this? The same Bast who can hardly hold eye contact with me for more than a minute before he scurries away.

Before I can stop myself or overthink my decision, I’m out the door and headed down the hall. I don’t really want to get between them, but I also don’t want them fighting, well, mostly Bast. I couldn’t care less about Talian. Honestly, watching Bast deck him would probably feel therapeutic.

“Calm down, Bast. You’ve never given a shit before now. Don’t tell me you care about this female. This mortal…” Talian’s words cut off with a huff as I round the corner, and I see him stumbling back a step.

I’m not sure why, but I expect him to be upset. I’d imagine most people would be should their friend shove them halfway across the room, but not Talian. No, his lips are still turned up in what I’m beginning to think of as his default facial expression.

As if Talian can feel my gaze, he turns to face me, and I suddenly wish I’d stayed in my room. “Ah, speaking of.” He holds out a hand to me as if he expects me to move toward him. “She really is such a tasty little snack, isn’t she?” I’m frozen in place as he stalks toward me, seemingly unbothered by my lack of movement. The smile on his lips twists up to make him look even more crazy than usual.

The second he reaches me, he snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

“Get away from her,” Bast snaps, and I feel Talian’s laughter rumble in his chest before he leans in, licking my face from chin to cheek.

What the fuck is with him and licking me?

It’s fucking disgusting, but enough to snap me out of my frozen state. He hums in satisfaction, letting his eyes fall closed as I wipe at my face. “Get the fuck off of me, weirdo.” I slam my hands into his chest, and while he doesn’t stumble back the way I’d hoped, he does drop his hold on me, letting me move away from him.

Slowly, Talian peels his eyes back open, his gaze snapping to me as if pulled by a magnet.

“Don’t be like that, Darling. You didn’t seem to mind before.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about. Talian loves to flirt and is always over the top, but the only other time I can remember really being in his arms was the first night we met, and I definitely minded then as well.

Just like that first night, it’s clear Talian won’t be listening to me as he makes his way back toward me. Not for the first time tonight, I find myself wondering where the hell Kai and Asta are. For whatever reason, he listens to them, whereas he doesn’t listen to Bast.

Talian approaches me, and I watch, unsure of what to do. I could head back to my room or even leave, but I don’t love the idea of leaving them here to continue their argument.

Not that I’m really much help with that anyway, but at least Talian’s focus is on me at the moment, despite how much he might give me the creeps.

“So much determination.” Talian’s voice almost takes on a fond quality, as if he’s proud of me, but I have no idea what for, so I ignore him. I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about half the time, if I’m being honest.

A second before Talian can reach me, he disappears in a blur of movement. It’s not until they slam into the wall opposite where I stand that I realize what happened.

I watch in both awe and confusion as Bast leans in close, whispering something. I can’t make out the individual words, I can sure as hell hear the venom behind them.

Before I can think better of it, I’m across the room, reaching for Bast. I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but I know this is out of character for him.

“Bast.” My voice comes out low and timid, but despite that, he goes still the second my hand wraps around his biceps. “Just let him go.” I cut my eyes to look at Talian, who continues to smile even with Bast pressing him up against the wall.


“It’s not worth this,” I tell him, gently pulling on his arm, but he doesn’t so much as budge. “ He’s not worth this.”

Talian barks a laugh, and I can’t help but glare at him. What the hell is wrong with this guy? At first, I thought he was just full of himself, but after today I can’t help but wonder if maybe he just has a few screws loose.

“Oh, no, Darling. You see, it is worth it to Bast. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s jealous. He wishes he had a chance to be closer to you.”

“Shut up!” Bast roars, slamming Talian against the wall with enough force that a picture frame down the hall falls to the ground.

“What are you talking about?” Bast is probably the one I talk to most, especially since I quit Rise instead, both of their eyes are fixed on me.

“Aeri…” Bast sounds like he’s choking on my name, and I can see the panic in his eyes.

“Don’t.” Talian reaches out and grabs Bast as he attempts to step forward, and I watch, expecting him to have to pull away as well.

He doesn’t.

“You’re only going to hurt her again unless you get yourself under control.”

Bast’s eyes widen, and I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but he must know Talian’s right. I can see it in his eyes. “I’m going to hurt her!?” Bast shouts, turning back to face Talian and…

Is that a fucking tail?

There’s no way I’m seeing this correctly, but I swear there’s a tail coming from Bast’s lower back right now. The pointy demon ones that people wear on Halloween or even down at the club.

Maybe I’m still drunk?

“All of this is your fault, Dantalian! Asta said she was off limits, but you just can’t listen, can you? Can’t stand the idea of somebody not wanting you? The idea that you’re not desirable to someone is just so crazy that you had to do whatever you could, huh?” Bast’s back is to me, but it’s impossible to miss the almost hysterical shrill sound of his voice as he screams into Talian’s face.

Even with nothing else making sense, I know Bast’s talking about me. It’s a gut feeling, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone else so much as being able to look past Talian. Everyone wants him, and they don’t even attempt to hide it.

“Bast, it wasn–”

“Don’t patronize me, Talian!” Bast screams, cutting him off, gripping his shirt, and shaking him with every word. “Tell her what you did!”

Bast doesn’t release Talian, but he must loosen his grip enough for Talian to look around him because a moment later I’m met with his liquid gold gaze. It’s unsettling. Even knowing his eyes had changed earlier, I still expect his usual brown eyes. Gold isn’t a natural eye color; it’s something you get from contacts or special effects. But I can’t deny I saw them change, no matter how much I might want to.

Gold or not, something about his eyes traps me, holding me there as he once again changes before my eyes. This time it’s more than just his eyes.

His hair that’s long and pulled back in a long braid, gets shorter before my eyes as it goes from its usual silver to a deep brown. With a blink, his eyes aren’t brown or liquid gold but instead a warm, welcoming hazel that I know. It’s as if his whole face is morphing before my very eyes.

I thought the gold eyes were a lot, but this…

“No…” I step back again, needing space. My hip collides with the side table to my left, and I know it should hurt, but I don’t feel a thing. “That’s not possible.” I’d try to sound sure, as if I can make it so, but my voice wavers.

This doesn’t make sense.

Nothing makes sense right now.

I press my hand to my mouth to try to keep the cry I can feel building in my throat from escaping, but it does little good as I can’t stop my whimper as I try to wrap my brain around this.

Oliver shouldn’t be here; he can’t be Talian because that would mean.

I fucked Talian… not some random guy the way I intended.

It’s all too much, and suddenly this huge penthouse is too small. They’re too close, and I just need to get the fuck out of here.

My feet are moving even before I’ve made the conscious decision to leave. Bast calls for me as I make it to the door, but I can’t stop. I need to clear my head and find something that makes sense.

Throwing the door open, I take off toward the elevator like I’m being chased—and for all I know, I am. I slam the down button for the elevator repeatedly before I glance over my shoulder at the door and find Bast standing there watching me. He doesn’t seem to be moving toward me, but I still press the button a few more times, as if that will make the elevator move faster.

He’s strangely beautiful, in a fake, special effects kind of way, with his horns, tail, fangs, and bright pink eyes. I’ve never seen him down at the club, but after seeing Talian’s golden eyes, I can almost guarantee this is what Bast would look like there.

What the hell does it mean? What the fuck is happening?

The beep of the elevator arriving startles me from my thoughts. I’m moving even before I’ve turned back around, letting the sound of the doors sliding open assure me I won’t hit the wall.

And I don’t.

Instead, I slam into a solid wall of muscle. Large hands grip my arms, keeping me upright and turning me back around to face the way I just came.

“And you wonder why I kill you so often, Talian.” Asta’s deep voice rumbles in the hall back to the penthouse door. Somehow I already knew it was him even before he spoke, but his comment seems strange.

He didn’t say, ‘You wonder why I want to kill you so often’. No, the way he said it makes it sound as if he does actually kill him often.

But that’s crazy, right?

Nobody corrects him, so maybe I just misheard.

“It was just a bit of fun, brother,” Talian says, sounding utterly unfazed as he comes into view, once again looking just like he does at the club. Bast grumbles when he steps close to him, and again, the temperature spikes when he turns his glare to Talian.

He’s not the only one, either. A deep growl fills the air in the hall, and I would swear it was an animal if I couldn’t feel the damn vibrations of it coming from the man behind me. It’s not until I peek up at him that the sound makes more sense. Just like with Talian and Bast, horns rest on top of his head, but unlike theirs, his are huge. His eyes are also different, no longer brown. In fact, they don’t look like they’re any color at all. Instead, it’s almost as if tiny fires dance in his eyes, red and hot, the same way the hallway is hot.

So fucking hot I’m struggling to breathe…or maybe that’s the panic.

The world spins, and black dots dance in my vision, but the only thing I can bring myself to think about is the fact that, despite passing out, Asta should catch me at least.

Though if that’s good or bad, I have yet to see.

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