“ O h, how I’ve missed you, my little butterfly.”
His voice fills my head, and I can’t stop the whimper that claws its way out of my throat.
I’d never wanted to hear that sound again, but now it’s as if that’s all I can hear.
Memories assault me like a nightmare I can’t wake from. I’m trapped, just as weak to him as I’ve always been.
“Do you know why I call you Butterfly?” Rome turns to me, arching one of his perfectly sculpted brows at my silence.
I hadn’t wanted to come out with him today, but like always, my parents had insisted. Ever since my sixteenth birthday, he’s been taking me out once a month. At first, it hadn’t been so bad, we’d go out to eat, maybe see a film, or walk in the park. I never liked him or the way he made my skin feel like it was crawling, but I’d been able to manage a few hours every month.
Not that I had another choice.
The closer I got to my eighteenth birthday, the worse that feeling got and the more he seemed to push. It was subtle before, light touches, a hand on my lower back to guide me, a brush of our hands as we walked, or a hug goodnight. Now, it’s as if a barrier has come down between us, one I desperately want to put back up.
His hands linger, and so do his eyes.
Eyes that used to assess me as if trying to decide if I was worthy now watch me as if I’m prey, and he’s waiting for his moment to strike.
My parents think I’m crazy. They love him. He’s so fucking perfect in their eyes; who cares if he’s fifteen years older than me.
No, they think I should be honored that he wants me as his wife. That I should be grateful for what it could mean for our family. Which actually means they’re just excited he’s rich, and they’ll make a profit off me and an even bigger name for themselves.
As if the money they already have isn’t enough.
Sometimes, I swear they only even had a child with the hopes of marrying for their gain.
“Because they’re pretty?” I say when it becomes clear he won’t take my silence as an answer.
Honestly, I have no idea why he calls me that, and I wish he wouldn’t. It makes me feel dirty, like I need a shower.
He throws his head back and laughs much harder than necessary. It wasn’t funny, and even if it was, it doesn’t warrant a five-minute-long villain laugh.
“Oh, my sweet Aerilyn.” He looks down at me with a smile, shaking his head as if I’m a child who’s just said something adorable, but ridiculous. It pisses me off when he treats me like a child.
I’m not too young for him when he’s looking for a wife.
“You are beautiful. There’s no doubt about that.” Moving forward, he stands so close that I have to crane my neck back to meet his eyes. He’s too close, and I can’t help but tense at his nearness, fighting against the urge to take a step back.
I learned the hard way he doesn’t like when I move away from him. He has no problem showing me just how he feels about it either, no matter if we’re in public or alone.
Reaching out, he wraps a loose strand of my hair around his finger, and I watch as the predatory gleam in his eyes changes to something that makes my stomach sink like a lead weight.
“But butterflies are only as free as they are because of their wings.” He leans in close, and for a moment, I worry he might try and kiss me.
My fear is misplaced, though, as he drops his lips to my ear, and although I have to fight the urge to vomit with his lips touching me, it sure as hell beats his lips on mine.
“You belong to me, and in just a few short months, I’ll clip your beautiful wings to prove it.”
After that day, everything changed.
When he took me home, he let my parents know he’d decided to move our wedding up. It was supposed to take place after I finished my bachelor’s program. I’d graduated early with honors and took accelerated classes and extra credits each semester to ensure I could finish before I turned twenty-one and was tied to him forever.
They didn’t even argue when he picked the day before my nineteenth birthday. Instead, they had Thomas, our butler, fetch their most expensive bottle of wine from the cellar to celebrate.
My parents had celebrated, and I’d decided then and there that I’d rather die than belong to him.
If only I knew how much worse it would get before I finally had the chance to escape.
That stupid nickname echoes in my brain as my feet smack against the pavement.
I have no idea where I’m going or why, but the urge to get away, to put distance between them and me, and to keep them safe is the only thing keeping me going.
“Did you think they could keep you from me? Did you think you were safe?”
This time when his voice sounds, it’s not a memory, and I’m pretty sure I’m having a mental break, but I push through it even as the tears roll down my face.
I turn right, but my vision is clouded by my tears, and I’m halfway down the dark alleyway before I realize my mistake.
His voice echoes off the walls around me. I whip around in a circle, frantically wiping at my eyes as I curse myself for letting him corner me, only to find I’m still alone.
“Nobody can save you.”
I’m losing it.
That’s the only explanation.
“You belong to me.”
“No!” The word rips out of me.
I’m fucking hysterical, but I don’t care. I’d come so far, given up everything.
It’s not fair.
“No…” My strength leaves me now that I’m standing still. The panic hits an all-time high, and I can’t breathe, can’t get enough oxygen in between my anxiety and the running.
My knees hit the pavement hard, and I know it will leave a mark, but right now, I’m too numb to feel it. What’s a bruise or two when my future will be so much worse?
Despite the frantic way I wipe at my tears, they won’t stop, but I don’t need to see him to know he’s here.
A dark figure walks slowly into the center of the sidewalk at the opening of the alleyway before stopping to turn toward me, and I can feel his gaze. The familiar feeling of his eyes roaming my body leaves me shaking as I fall back on my ass and try to move away.
There’s not far I can go. The alleyway dead ends with a dumpster against a brick wall, but still, I try. Even when my back slams into the large metal bin, I try to escape, desperate to find a secret way, even a fucking hole in the ground, something.
But there’s nothing, I know that, and he knows that.
He stands in the same spot watching my pathetic attempt at an escape before finally he moves and I realize something.
He’d come straight for me. Which means he didn’t go after them. If he gets me, maybe they’ll be safe.
The thought brings me comfort despite him getting closer by the moment. For the first time since I ran away, I wonder if maybe, just maybe, this isn’t the worst-case scenario.
Too bad I’m already so far gone there’s no way I can possibly calm myself down now.
Black specks dot my vision from the lack of oxygen, but that’s okay. Lea is safe, as are Ruin and the guys who took me in when they had no reason to.
My life might be ruined, but I didn’t destroy them; he only wants me.
They’re safe.
“Aeri!” the voice calls again, and it’s so familiar, but I can’t place it. My brain isn’t working properly, but I hear his whisper just before I pass out, and I know this is far from over.
“You can’t run. You belong to me.”