M y fiancée thinks she’s slick. She purposely left her phone at home so I won’t track her every move, but little does she know that when she pulled that stunt with Melvin, I had my family doctor give her a shot under the skin of her right ass cheek, and I can track her everywhere she goes just in case she loses her phone. It’s a precaution, so if she goes anywhere I tell her not to go, she will be punished for it.
She’s having dinner with Professor Carter without informing me because she knew I wouldn’t approve of it, so I smooth out my tie and wear my dark, navy suit. I want to match her navy dress she decided to wear for this so-called dinner. When I saw her getting dressed, I asked her where she was heading, to which she replied she was having dinner with her friends.
Once I make it to the restaurant, which is located on the other side of town, I spot her sitting next to him, along with two other girls.
I want to cut off his tongue and watch him choke on his own blood for having my girl’s attention. For her putting her hand on his shoulder and throwing her head back, laughing. Shit isn’t that damn funny for her to be laughing the way she is. She’s only supposed to laugh at my jokes. I might kill him for putting that smile on her face, because no other man should put a smile on her face but me .
I maneuver my way to the crowded dining area, then pull up a chair from an empty table and squeeze in between Lyrical and Professor Carter. Frowning, he smooths out his dark hair.
I drop a kiss on her forehead. “I’m sorry I’m late, baby. I had some shit to take care of.”
Lyrical glares at me as if she wants to poke my eyes out. “What are you doing here?”
I bring the back of her hand to my lips and plant kisses on her knuckles. “I’m here to support you. He’s displaying your artwork in his art gallery, right? I thought I’d show you my support.”
Her heel mushes my loafer, and I lean down, whispering in her ear, “You’re going to be punished for having dinner with another man.”
She digs her heel into my loafer harder, and I bite down on my lip from the pain. When I glance at Carter, his smiles deflates, and when my gaze veers to the other two women at the table, they blush.
The waitress places a bowl in the center of the table. I grab the warm buttery bread, tear a piece, and feed it to Lyrical as she glares at me.
“Are you Revi ‘Snow’ Williams?” one of the women asks.
She’s wearing a minidress with her tits barely covered up, so I’m assuming she’s using her body to get what she wants.
I spot Lyrical eyeballing the one who asked me the question.
“In the flesh.”
“Can we get a picture of y—”
“Hell no,” Lyrical snaps. “If you want a picture of him, you need to look online.”
Jealousy looks good on her. I actually love it.
“Not right now,” I say. “You’re not wearing your engagement ring, Blue.”
She hid her engagement ring and I looked everywhere for it. She’s going to admit she’s my fiancée sooner rather than later.
“You give me back my sketchbook, and only then I’ll wear my ring,” she whispers in my ear. “Excuse us,” Lyrical says to the rest of the table, tugging on my arm. I follow her outside of the restaurant as people casually scroll along the sidewalk, the streetlamps illuminating the pavement. “How did you find me?”
I grab her phone from my back pocket and hand it to her. “You forgot this.”
She folds her arms across her chest, pushing up her breasts. “I didn’t forget it, I knew you would act crazy if you knew I was having dinner with another man, so I didn’t want you to read into it.”
I did a background check on Professor Carter. He likes them young—college age young. I had Jameson hack into his personal laptop, and he has endless footage of himself fucking different college-aged women.
“You don’t think it’s odd that he only invited girls to this dinner?”
“No, they are all in my art class, and Professor Carter is married and has a child. He wouldn’t hit on me.”
Yeah, I don’t believe it. He’s looking for his next victim. And he’s not married—not according to the background check. He’s not in a relationship with anyone else, nor does he have a child.
“If you’re going to sit with me, shut up and don’t ruin this for me. I need my art in this gallery.”
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to use my connections or your parents’.”
She places her hands on her hips. “Because my identity is not going to be tied to you or our families. I want people to actually love my artwork.”
I get what she says. She wants her own identity.
“Behave, Snow. Please, for the love of God, don’t threaten him. Or try to harm him.”
“No promises.”
I follow her back to the table, sitting between her and Professor Carter, and pull Lyrical so close to me that she’s damn near on my lap. She looks animated, telling him why she wants a spot in the gallery so bad.
It pisses me off the way he keeps looking at my fiancée’s breasts.
I ball my fists under the table.
I have to behave; I can’t cut his head off with a bunch of witnesses around.
Do you know how hard it is for me to not punch the bastard for keeping his eyes glued to her?
“Excuse me, I have to go to the ladies’ room.” Lyrical stands up, and I watch her disappear along with the other women until they are out of earshot.
“This is what’s going to happen, you’re going to choose my fiancée’s painting to go inside of the gallery.”
“With all due respect, you don’t tell me what to do,” Carter snaps.
I yank him by the collar, bunching up his shirt.
“With all due disrespect, I did a background check on you, and you’re not married. So you lied to her. I don’t know what your endgame is with my girl, but if you lay a finger on her, or if so much as a hair is out of place on her head, I’ll gut you like a fish. You keep your contact with her to a minimum. Keep your eyes off my fiancée’s breasts or I’ll cut you up into pieces, then dump your remains in the ocean.” I let him go. “Fix your fucking face before she comes back to the table.”
Before he can respond, the girls are back, taking their seats, and Lyrical sits next to me, eyeing me suspiciously, before her eyes go to Carter.
“Is everything all right?” Her tone is skeptical.
I nod and then step on Carter’s shoe under the table.
“Yeah. Um, sure,” Professor Carters says before standing up from the table. “It’s been an evening, but I have to go.” He buttons up his dress jacket. “See you ladies later.”
I watch him make his way to the front entrance.
“I could use a drink, too,” the blonde girl says.
“Me too,” Lyrical agrees. “We’re having a girls’ night for my bachelorette party and you two are welcome to come.”
“Really?” The dark-haired girl’s eyes beam.
“Yes, the more, the merrier.”
I tilt my head to the side. “What bachelorette party?”
“The one Winter is hosting for me. She wants to bring male strippers to serve us drinks in their boxers.”
She’s trying to get a rise out of me because I crashed her dinner. My little fireball loves revenge just as much as I do.
A smirk forms at the corner of her mouth.
I whisper in her ear, “If you allow any man at your party that’s not security, it’s going to be a bloodbath.”
She shrugs her shoulders and rolls her eyes. “And we’re going to have good food too. Men giving us a peep show as well. My friend said she’s only hiring men with big dicks. The best party ever.”
“Punishing you will be so much fun,” I murmur against her temple.
Once dinner is over and we make it home, that’s exactly what I do. Tie her up to the bed and fuck her.