F ourteen days, eight hours, and two minutes. That's how long I've been at the Powers' mansion. I'm not ungrateful to be here. Not at all. It's simply one of the best places I've ever been. But I want to go home. Sure, I’ve lived like a princess in this place, but I want to see my sweet baby and I yearn to be in my own bed.
On top of that, I know what's wrong with me. Vincent has not been here. Nor has he called for me. Is this his way of saying I'm free? Couldn't he have told me? Instead, I'm left to wonder if I went through all of this craziness because of him for nothing.
Espresso comes running into the room and I squeal. Charlotte follows him and I smile at her.
"Hi Charlotte." I take the cup she offers me and the strong smells of cinnamon and chocolate hit me.
"Hot chocolate." She sits down next to me and smiles. "It makes everything better."
I can't help but smile when she's around. I've tried not to, but she keeps at you until you have no choice but to cave to her infectious personality.
"Thank you." I inhale the sweet scent and take a swig.
"The Doc said you're free to go. That the wounds, while still not fully healed, are looking great. Of course, you are more than welcome to stay with us if you so choose."
Charlotte picks up my sweet boy, and he curls into her arms. A blush overcomes me and I look down. "I don't have anywhere to go," I whisper
"You don't?"
My head pops up, and Vincent is there, in the doorway, looking like a dark knight. His hair is combed into spikes, his beard is a bit more scruffy than I remember, and he’s wearing an all black suit with a yellow tie.
"I'll leave you two to talk," Charlotte says and scratches Espresso’s ear before she hands him to me as she leaves.
I hold my cat like a shield, afraid of what Vincent may say or do. Still, I keep my gaze on him. There's no way I'm going to let him know how much he affects me.
As he sits down, he looks me over. "Are you ready to come home?" his voice is sharp; almost a command.
"I don't have a home, remember?" I stroke Espresso's furry back as he purrs in my ear. Watching Vincent, I see the turmoil of emotions cross his face.
"Your home is with me, Aribella. Or have you forgotten?" His fists clench and my body tightens. I wish I could say I didn’t feel any desire with that simple move, but that would be a lie.
"Is that so?" I raise an eyebrow at him as I stand up. "Last time I checked, you weren't speaking to me. Besides, Charlotte has extended her home to me for as long as I wish."
Vincent gets up and my heart stops for a beat. He crowds my space and growls. "Your time with the Powers is over. Whatever things you have, gather them and let's go."
"No," I try to sound convincing, but I'm worried if I push too hard, he might punish me.
His hand comes out and encircles my throat. "Oh," I gasp and flinch. He doesn't though. He brings me closer to him.
"Aribella, I have tried to be patient and understanding of your request, by letting you stay to heal in peace. But it's been two weeks. It's time to come home."
Espresso wiggles out of my arms and lazily walks to the door as if to say let's go. The door opens and Mossimo walks in. My cat jumps into his arms and Mossimo chuckles.
"Mossimo." I smile and move to go to him. He's been healing like I have. I try to remember he had it far worse.
Vincent grips my neck, and I stop in my tracks. Looking up at him, I can see the need and obsession in his eyes. I'm testing him beyond his limit, I think.
"Mossimo, it seems Aribella wants to stay here. Take the cat and..."
I slap him across the face and regret it the second my hand connects with his cheek. But he's not playing this game with me. I've been through enough and I know Mossimo isn't going to hurt Espresso. No, he loves my cat like he is his very own.
"Stop it!" I spit. "I'll come with you, but only because I want to come. Not because you are demanding or forcing me."
Shoving his hand away from my neck, I stomp to the door and Mossimo laughs. Turning the corner, I hear Mossimo telling Vincent that he better step up his game.
Making my way to the living room, I see Ayres holding Charlotte in his lap. Jealousy hits me and I look down. Kronos is standing beside them and Hypnos is rocking the girls in a rocking chair.
"Thank you for letting me stay here with you. It's been wonderful."
Charlotte comes bounding up to me and hugs me tightly. I wince, but only because my back is still healing. "Sorry." She smiles cheekily at me. "You're welcome here any time."
Smiling, I hug her back and thank her again. The guys look at us and smirk. I'm unsure why they look like that, but I don't ask. Vincent slides up next to me and puts his arm around my waist carefully. My breathing is uneven, but I have to trust that he won't do anything to me with them watching.
Mossimo opens the door and walks out, telling everyone goodbye. I almost laugh at the pleasant smile on his face. He's so content with Espresso in his arms. Heck, I'm even jealous of my cat and how lucky he is to have someone want him that's not me.
Vincent and I walk out, not talking, and when we get to the car, I climb in without a fight. This is not how I wanted our reunion to go. I'm upset, because I had hoped Vincent would be... be what? My brain asks. The man has never been soft with me. Why should I expect him to start now?
Buckling my seatbelt, I stare out the window. Why couldn't he have come into the room and swept me up? Telling me how wonderful it is to see me? Sighing, I try to hold the tears back.
"Aribella," Vincent says my name and I turn to him. "These are for you." He hands me a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses.
"Thank you," I whisper as I admire them. "How did you know that yellow roses are my favorite?" Looking at Vincent, I try to let my anger and disappointment go.
He doesn't answer my question. Instead, he smiles at me. "I have a picnic planned." Vincent pushes a hand through my hair and holds me gently. "Do you think you can behave?"
My lower lip trembles as the emotions of happiness are forced away by his words. "Behave...." I gasp out. "Are you joking?" Shaking my head, I clear my throat, pushing the tears down. "I'm not some child that behaves badly."
His eyes turn stone-like, and I gulp. "How can you not see that?" I can hear the plea in my voice and it makes me more upset. "Why..."
Vincent kisses me, stopping my rant. His lips are demanding as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. A moan slips out, and it frustrates me. This man acts as if I haven't been through the most terrifying events of my life, and he has the audacity to insinuate I'm a child.
Pushing his chest, I dislodge him. "Aribella," he warns me, but I forcefully push the roses to his chest. It doesn't even phase him as he takes them and throws the bouquet to the floor.
"I'm a person Vincent. You can treat me like an adult and..." Vincent takes my face in his hands and rubs his thumbs along my cheeks.
"Aribella, I'm sorry," that's all he says before he runs his left thumb along my lower lip. " So fucking sorry."
Is he being real right now? My mind can't comprehend the change in him. His eyes tell a story of shame and regret. But he's so aggressive and demanding. Could he be acting tough because he doesn’t want me to know how much he cares?
I can't tell and my mind is struggling to keep up. It's too much to try to fully grasp as my emotions run rampant inside of me. Closing my eyes, I let him hold on to my face and enjoy the softness. I've dreamed of him wanting me and treating me with care. It's the only thing that's kept me going.
"Will you go to the picnic with me?" his voice is barely above a whisper and I smile. I can't believe he's asking me instead of telling me what I'm going to do.
Opening my eyes, I see tears in his eyes, and I'm floored. "Yes."
A gentle kiss lands on my lips, and he waits for me to deepen it this time. His tongue playfully dances with mine as he moves one of his hands through my hair. Vincent gently pulls me a bit closer, well as close as I can be, since the seatbelt keeps me in place.
When he pulls back, he holds my hand and stares straight ahead. I wonder if he's as messed up as I am. Or if maybe I've only won this round, and there's more to come. I can never tell with Vincent, which puts me back on edge.
The car ride is silent, but it's not awkward. We make our way through the countryside and when Vincent's home comes into view; I get antsy. He asked me to go to a picnic, but now we are back home.
"What..." I turn to him and he puts a finger to my lips.
"Just wait," Vincent whispers as the car pulls into the garage.