“W ait, what’s this?” the talking head said, catching my attention as I hung up. “I’m being told now that Ivy and Lex are missing. No one can find them in the marital suites.”
I shot to my feet, alarm ricocheting down my spine.
Son of a bitch.
My phone rang again.
I picked it up, about to ask her what the hell was going on, but a heavy weight hit me in the gut. Power and magic. Twisted. Evil.
The king.
I’d only ever felt this once before—in Faerie two years ago when we were hiding under the stage. That heady electricity twisted through the air, making the hair on my arms stand on end, coating my tongue like battery acid.
Shit. I brought the phone to my ear.
“Carter, he’s here.” Ivy sobbed, the sounds of rustling fabric in the background distracting me.
“Where are you?” I needed to get to them. We were stronger together, the four of us.
“We’re in Mount Vernon,” she said.
“Is he still in London?” Lex asked in the background.
“Yeah,” I said. “But I can be in DC soon.” I scrambled into action, grabbing my jacket and stuffing my wallet into my back pocket. I was on a publicity tour for season four of Fractured Crowns, but I could be in DC in less than six hours. I left my clothes, figuring I’d have my assistant pack them and send them to me. “I’ll call Miri.” I’d just talked to her a few moments ago. She’d answer if I tried again.
I ignored Ivy’s sob, hating how things were between us now, hating that things had gotten so incredibly fucked up.
“Have you talked to her?” Lex asked.
“Yeah.” I couldn’t tell them Miri’s secret, at least not over the phone, not like this. “It’s complicated.”
“Be careful,” Ivy said.
“Of course, Weeds,” I said. “I love you.”
“I love you,” came her somber reply.
I opened the door to my hotel suite and went to hang up, but the two people on the other side made me pause. I lowered my arm, the call still connected, and dropped the phone to the floor at my feet.
“Lizzie?” My gaze ran the length of my little sister. At sixteen, she stood five-ten with the same long, lanky limbs we’d both inherited from our father. She had curly blond hair that poofed around her head, what I imagined my hair would do if I let it get that long.
Then I looked at Poppy next to her. She’d been here two years now, enough to grow into the body of a twelve-year-old. But we all knew a much older mind hid behind those eyes, even though she did her best to conceal it. “Poppy? What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry, Carter.” Poppy’s red-rimmed gaze met mine as tears slid down her cheeks. “I’m sorry for what I have to do.”
“What?” I narrowed my eyes on her, confusion and apprehension snaking down my spine in a sickening shiver. “Lizzie, what’s she?—”
But Lizzie looked terrible, pale with blushed, wet cheeks. She’d been crying, and she had an expression in her wide, terrified eyes like she’d seen a massacre and the shock was too much to talk about.
“What the fuck is going on?” The rage and fury in my voice startled me as I clenched my hands into fists.
“I have to do this, Carter,” Poppy said. “I know you don’t understand now. But you will. I promise.”
“Do what?” My stomach churned as reality caught up to me. There could only be one reason the king had come to this realm, and it was for her. Had he already caught up with her? Had he already screwed with her mind? “Poppy, tell me what’s going on. I can help you. Is it the king? Has he threatened you?”
“No, it’s not the king.” Poppy gripped Lizzie’s hand tighter. “I just thought you should say goodbye.”
“Goodbye?” Rancid horror coated the fear in my gut, sending sizzling vibrations through my veins. “What do you mean goodbye?”
“I love you, Carter,” Poppy said, glancing up at Lizzie. “She’s been entranced or else she would tell you she loves you, too. She’ll miss you. We both will.”
“Poppy, no.” I started toward her, trying to grab her. “Wait. Poppy. Stop!”
But it was too late.
Just before my hand reached Poppy’s shoulder, they both disappeared.
***To be continued in Book Three: Solstice***