Sasquatch’s Claiming (Mated to the Monster: Season 2) Chapter 4 50%
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Chapter 4


B en meant what he said. No one was going to take Bernadette from him, especially now that she remembered who he was. It was a dream come true as far as he was concerned. He was pissed beyond belief that Cillian had touched her, but he couldn’t really be too angry. He appreciated that Cillian undid what Aoife had done to Bernadette. It was something that Ben didn’t think could be fixed. He thought those memories of their meeting were gone forever.

Although, there was part of him that wondered why Cillian would go to such an effort and what was he doing at the hospital where Bernadette worked.

Cillian didn’t do things out of the goodness of his heart.

If he even had one.

Don’t worry about that , a little voice reminded him.

None of that mattered right now. He had Bernadette in his arms and had just brought her through the portal to the woods. It was just a matter of getting her to his home without any of his other brothers scenting her, or any other magical being objecting to her presence, because Bernadette was not supposed to be here.

Adam might’ve given his agreement, silently, but that didn’t mean he’d convinced everyone else that it was okay. And the council wouldn’t be too keen on knowing that it was Cillian who convinced Adam to allow Ben to claim his mate.

Cillian might’ve brought about the blood magic to cover this northern realm with their protective bubble, but that didn’t mean he was well received.

No one trusted the wraith. Especially since he straddled all the realms and had influence, including in the netherworld.

So Ben wasn’t taking any chances getting Bernadette home. Not until he officially claimed her and she became his. Just thinking about taking her to his cave made his cock go hard and throb in anticipation. Tasting her the other night had been torture. He wanted to bury himself again in her tight pussy, fill her with his seed and breed with her.

“Where are we?” Bernadette asked. “This place looks familiar.”

“Near Marathon. Not far from Thunder Bay.”

“Really?” she asked. “Portal travel takes us that far?”

“Yes. Portals are a network spread across realms. The golden ones, like the one we passed through, connect to the nearest concentration of other realm beings, but really, you can think about where you want to go and the golden portals take you there.”

“Like transporting.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“I take it you didn’t watch much television.”

“Uh. No.”

She giggled. “Are there other colors?”

He nodded. “Red connects to other realms only. Black, you avoid as they require blood to pass through them. They go to the netherworld.

“What’s in the netherworld?”

“Demons, imps, wendigos. The damned monsters.”

Her body stiffened. “Are there any black portals around here?”

“No,” he reassured her. “Just gold. Several months ago, we destroyed a red one, a secret illegal red portal that connected to the elven realm.”


“We destroyed it to prevent access to a tyrant king,” Ben growled.

Bernadette didn’t ask him any more portal questions. “So do you have more siblings besides that one who found us having sex?”

“There are seven of us brothers scattered in these woods.”

“Do they live nearby?”

“By human standards, no. By my standards, too damn close.”

She laughed softly. “By your standards, eh?”

“Our territory is large. My eldest brother and his wife live closer to White River, but I like the even taller hills and cliffs, forged by long-extinct volcanoes and the glaciers. I’m more at peace in the boreal forest.”

Bernadette smiled, wiggling in his arms. “I like that too. I am cold though. I hope we get there soon.”

“My cave is warm.”

“Cave?” she asked, and he could hear the trepidation in her voice.

He chuckled. “It’s not the kind of cave you think. My mother was human. I may be a beast, but I am not completely uncivilized, unless you let me hunt you.”

Her cheeks flushed with pink and he could smell her arousal, firing his own need. “Maybe some other time.”

He growled appreciatively and moved quicker up the steep hills until they came to his cave. Much like Adam, he had built a door and a bit of a log cabin front to his cave, but his home was bigger. He’d spent years, lonely years, carving out a home in the hopes of finding a mate. He scavenged and bartered for furnishings.

His brother Daniel thought he was being foolish, because Daniel was kind of a pessimist and believed that they would never find mates. Now, he knew for a fact Daniel was working on his own home since they overthrew Tiene. He also knew that Adam was redoing his too and it gave Ben pride to know that his home was the standard to which his brothers all tried to achieve.

“Here we are,” he announced, setting her on the porch.

She spun around, her eyes widening as she looked down the hill. “We’re so high up. Is that Lake Superior?”

Ben chuckled. “You can see it and the Pic Island from here. There’s a clearing, a little farther up, where you get an unobstructed view of it.

“It’s gorgeous.”

He beamed proudly and opened the door. “Welcome to my home.”

Though there was a part of him that wanted to say “welcome to our home,” but he didn’t want to frighten her away. He didn’t want to force the issue on her. They might be both bound by the love spell that drove their need to mate, but he wanted her to love him.

For him.

Just like he loved her.

The moment he first caught her in his arms, he knew she was the one who was supposed to be his mate. It was fate. And nothing was going to change that. So he wasn’t going to push her. He wanted Bernadette to feel completely comfortable with him, so that maybe one day she could really feel like this was her home, too.

For now, it was all about protecting her.

He opened up the door and flicked on a light, illuminating the wood and rock walled cave. Bernadette gasped in wonder.

“You built this yourself?”

“I did. Dug out the cave, built rooms, put in the plumbing system and electricity.”

“So, there’s a bathroom?”

“Just beyond the kitchen.”

“Wait!” she exclaimed.


“You have electricity out here?” She flicked on a light and marvelled at the appliances.

“I scavenged a discarded solar panel from the nearby town of Schreiber.” Which was kind of a lie; he’d stolen it in the middle of the night, but he wasn’t bound by the rules of the mortal world. He didn’t make a habit of stealing, but he knew that he had to make this place as top-of-the-line as he could for his future bride.

“How can you generate enough solar power deep in the forest?” she asked, taking a step inside.

“I have my ways. And the ability to scale tall trees with ease.” He shut the door behind them, locking out the outside world. Now, it was just the two of them, and he caught another whiff of her arousal. The pheromones permeating the air and begging him to mate with her.


And that’s what he had to keep telling himself.

As much as he wanted to continue on with what had been started between them, he had to take it slow and there were things they needed to talk about.

Bernadette was walking through the cozy living room he had set up, running her hand along the back of the couch, her fingers through the hides he’d worked.

“What is this?” she asked.


She quirked an eyebrow. “I didn’t think they were this far south.”

“They’re not. I went on a hunt several years ago. My family was starving and…I wasn’t supposed to go that far afield. I got in a wee bit of trouble.” And he still bore the scars from that.

“From who?”

“Like I said our realm…our people were controlled by a very bad king. He punished me by whipping me.”

“Whipping you?” she questioned gently.

He pulled off the shirt he’d been wearing and showed her his back where the fur grew thinner. The crisscross scars. “It was worth it. My brother Gideon would’ve died.”

She ran her fingers over his scars, her touch sending heat through his body. Her touch was so soft.

“Now that your realm is free, what’re you going to do?”

“Trying to decide whether we reveal ourselves to humans or…just carry on.”

She nodded. “That wraith?—”


“Right. All that is in my mind.” She tapped the side of her head. “You’re not supposed to have me as a mate.”

“No. I’m not.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “But we’ve bonded and now you’re attracting others to you.”

“I think I was before,” Bernadette admitted. “That squid guy…”

He laughed softly. “Cthulhu.”

Her eyes widened. “Right. He grabbed me before we met.”

“You were able to cross the veil, which in itself is strange.”

“I felt I was in another world that night.”

“Only a few humans can pass through Coraliane’s glamour that she uses on her bar.” It just hit him as a sudden realization that she could. No wonder Cillian had been so curious about her, no wonder that dust imp had been after her. There was something special about her, which strengthened his resolve all the more.

He had to protect her.

Bernadette worried her bottom lip. “I have always felt out of place and out of sync. And my parents were way too overprotective of me.”

“Are they…”

“They’re dead. Died a few months ago in a car accident after bringing me to the city.”

Ben could sense there was more she wanted to say, but didn’t.

“I’m sorry about your parents. Mine are gone too.”

“Thanks. Anyways, no one in my town thought much of me, the short chubby girl.”

“Then they’re fools.” He took a step forward, glancing down at his curvy little beauty. He touched her face, gently sliding his fingers over her soft skin, reveling in the silkiness and warmth. Her blonde hair so soft, tickling the coarseness of his own skin.

“So what happens now? I was told to find you and claim you.” There was a hitch of excitement or possibly nervousness in her voice. “It seemed urgent that I did.”

A flush bloomed across her round cheeks, like she was a ripe peach ready for tasting and he was oh so hungry.

“Before anything happens, there is something I need to tell you,” she said, wringing her hands together.

“Of course.”

“It might change everything.”

Now he was intrigued because he wasn’t sure how that could be possible. “Okay. Tell me.”

“I can’t have kids. Some kind of weird infection. I’ve never had a cycle. I have all the parts, but doctors said they’re not functioning. Are you disappointed? Does it change how you feel about me?”

“It changes nothing,” he said vehemently, and she looked relieved.

Sure, he wanted young ones, but he wanted her more.

“I’ll get you settled. I want you to be comfortable.”

A smile spread on her supple lips. “I am comfortable with you, Ben. It feels like I’ve known you for so long.”

“I felt that connection too,” he admitted. “Whatever happens here between us, I want you to be ready and for you to want this. My kind, we mate for life. My life is tied to yours. I feel everything you feel.”

Her breathing increased. “Everything?”


Her fingers slipped through his fur, lightly touching the skin on his belly, making him ache with a need to claim her.

“Does it go both ways?” she asked softly.

“I think so, but I’ve never had a connection like this before.”

“Well, why don’t we find out then?”

It was time to make her dreams a reality. And now she recalled with vivid clarity the night they met, when she’d given into that primal urge and had the best sex she’d ever had in her life and that happened to be with a Sasquatch. Her body remembered him and how good it felt with his huge cock pumping in and out of her.

He was growling, his chest rumbling under her head. She pulled off her clothes because they were the only ones she had here. He pulled down the jeans he wore, his cock fully erect at her eye level. A bead of precum clinging to the tip.

The large bed covered in furs stood opposite of the living room in his open-concept cave home and she was glad it wasn’t far because all she wanted to do was lie down, spread her legs and be pounded by the monster standing in front of her.

Her monster.

Her beast.

She ran her hands over his cock, but he gently removed her hands.

“No,” he said fiercely. “I will be the only tasting this night.”

With one quick motion he pushed her on her back, her legs splayed wide and he knelt down on his knees, sinking his hot tongue deep into her pussy, finding her G-spot.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “Dammit, Ben. I want to come around you.”

He chuckled, continuing his licks and teasing her, torturing her. And as she sank into the sensations, there was a moment of connection he mentioned, where she could sense the love he felt for her.

His desire, which burned like a raging inferno.

How much he wanted her.

Ben moved over her, his huge arms on either side of her head. His cock pressed against her slick folds as he slowly entered her. Stretching her, filling her completely. His cock so large, it rubbed all the right spots as he pumped in and out of her leisurely.

His big hands held her hips and his thumb travelled to rub her clit as he angled her to take him deep.

She grabbed her breasts, touching her nipples.

“Yes,” he growled. “Touch yourself, my mate.”

He increased his tempo, pounding her into the furs, just like she wanted.

And then the heat coiling deep in her belly released and she cried out, her pussy clenching down on his cock, milking him as she came.

Ben dug his hands into the flesh of her hips, guiding her pussy on his cock as he quickened his pace. His thrusts shallow until he let out a roar, coming into her. She could feel his release, which made her more aroused, but there was love and tenderness mixed with more in the connection she felt with him.

He cherished her and it made her emotional and she couldn’t help but cry. She knew she was safe here.

Ben slipped out of her. “Are you okay? You’re crying.”

“Fine.” She touched his check as he came to settle beside her. “More than fine.”

“Would you like a shower?” he questioned.

“I would.”

“I’ll start a fire to heat the water.” He stood and headed outside.

Well, not all the conveniences here , she mused, but that was okay.

She could stay here with Ben forever and she planned to, even if they were breaking all the rules. She wasn’t going to leave.

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