Sasquatch’s Claiming (Mated to the Monster: Season 2) Chapter 7 88%
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Chapter 7


“ L ook at the moon,” she said. “Mom, look.”

Her mother frowned. “Don’t look at it.”

“Why?” Bernadette asked.

“It’s a bad moon. It’ll make you do bad things. Bad blood.”

A wolf howled behind her and she spun around to see a wolf with eyes like hers.

“Remember who you are,” the wolf said.

Then her uncle appeared, his flesh black, his eyes red.


Bernadette woke with a start, her heart still racing.

All night she had strange dreams.

Mostly about her uncle and other horrible things that were visiting her, but every time she woke up from the nightmare, she only had to look over at Ben sleeping next to her to know that she was safe and the nightmares were just that.

Still, it worried her that something dark was after her. And why wolves? Why the moon?

The wraith, the one the others called Cillian, said to claim her mate.

Which she thought she had, but the idea of having a child with him, it was a little overwhelming. It was something she had always wanted, but never thought she could have. When the pink sun from the dawn snuck through the curtains at the front of the cabin, Bernadette snuck out of Ben’s arms and went to go stand outside for a few moments and breathe in the fresh morning air.

She didn’t have any ill feelings or trepidation as she stood there.

It was just peaceful, like it had been for the last two weeks, before the accident.

She slipped on the little flannel robe that Ben had brought from her home and stood outside on the porch. As she stood there, watching the sun creep through the canopy of the forest, and the mist that clung to the steep hills melt away, she saw Aoife walking slowly up the path, or maybe easily gilding up the steep path was the better way to describe it.

“Good morning,” Aoife greeted. She carried a basket. “I was coming to check on Ben’s wound.”

“Morning,” Bernadette said, hoping her voice didn’t shake.

“How is he?” Aoife asked, climbing up the steps to the porch.

“He had a fever during the night.”

Aoife nodded. “That’s to be expected. The wendigo is not a clean being.”

“Why did it know who I was?” Bernadette asked.

Aoife’s eyes widened. “You’re asking me?”

“You seem to be sort of in charge.”

Aoife chuckled softly. “I suppose. I am the leader of an order of witches, and somehow, I keep getting roped into the leadership of this realm. Though to be fair, the northern realm is quite large and spread out.”

“How large?”

“I think North America.” Aoife grinned. “My half brother Cillian wasn’t overly specific on how this would all function. He just severed our ties with King Tiene and Prince Ivar so they would no longer have control on us.”

“It sounds like a lot.”

“It is.”

“Would you like to sit?” Bernadette offered. “Ben is still asleep.”

“I would love that.”

Bernadette pulled out a chair for her and Aoife sat. Bernadette could see the swell in her belly and she stared at it for a few moments. Envious and curious.

It was hard to believe her infertility was because she was meant to breed with a magical creature. It seemed surreal, but she was excited about the prospect of maybe becoming a mother.

“You wanted to know about the wendigo?” Aoife asked.

“I did.” Bernadette took a seat across from her. “I don’t understand this draw to me.”

“You must have witch blood in you,” Aoife said. “You have magical blood. Not all humans do. You ever wonder how some urban legends are born, how myths are born?”

“I suppose so.”

“The wendigo, I think, is someone you know. Or it ate someone you know.”

A shiver ran down Bernadette’s spine and all she could think about was her uncle. He’d always watched her, leering at her, lying in wait.

She hoped the wendigo ate her uncle, instead of it being her uncle. She knew wendigos ate their victims raw.

“You’re thinking of someone who it could be?” Aoife said quietly.

“Yes. My uncle. I’ve been in hiding from him since my parents died. My friend in the south forwards my mail to me. She’s actually the only one who knows where I am.”

Aoife cocked her head to one side. “Well, that explains the mail then.”


Aoife went into her basket and pulled out a bundle of letters. “Adam went on the behest of Ben to collect your mail. It’s been collecting in Marathon for a couple of weeks.”

Bernadette took the letters and there were so many from her friend. Her heart sank.

“I usually check in by email, but…it’s been busy.”

“Ben can get you set up so you can do all of that still. Then you can let her know you’re safe. Eventually, you’ll have to shut down your old life. No one will understand if you pop out a Sasquatch baby in a human hospital.”

“If I can,” Bernadette remarked, picking at the string holding her letters together.

“Let me see.”

“See what?” Bernadette asked.

“I am a witch too. Part witch that is. I can see things. I can check on why the human doctors think you’re unable to have children.”

“Sure.” Bernadette was intrigued.

Aoife set down her basket and knelt in front of Bernadette the best she could with her own belly. “May I?”


Aoife laid a hand on Bernadette’s lower belly and closed her eyes. Warmth spread through Bernadette and it felt like there was a light going through her. A white light and it felt good. Almost like it was healing her.

“Oh, I see,” Aoife whispered, her voice sounding hollow and far away. “You’re not witch. You have wolf in you.”

“What?” Bernadette asked.

“Wolf. It was hidden in your family. You are definitely an alpha mate. Or would be, but there is magic blocking it, but it’s waning away. You are going into your first heat.” Aoife removed her hand and opened her eyes. “You are ready. No wonder so many beings were attracted to you. I also have a feeling this uncle of yours knew he was a wolf too. I would wager a very low-ranking wolf, which is why he wants you. No wonder you were able to cross the veil at The Lusty Kraken so easily.”

“It all seems unreal.”

Aoife smiled warmly. “A bit. You have the ability to hold on to your mate until the seed takes. Usually, male wolves knot, but Sasquatches don’t. However, since you’ve chosen Ben as your mate, you can hold on to him until impregnation is complete.”

Thinking about that, being locked in a carnal embrace with Ben until she got pregnant, made her blood ignite, it also made her think a bunch of dirty thoughts, which just excited her all the more.

“So I cans shift?”

Aoife worried her bottom lip. “I’m not sure. You are half human, but you’re definitely a wolf mate. The wolves are a very secretive society. I would seek out a pack leader and maybe then you could learn more about your heritage.”

It was a lot to take in. It would be freeing to be able to shift into a wolf, then nothing could harm her. She’d be strong. Stronger than she ever thought possible.

“Thank you for letting me know. I’m still a bit…floored by this revelation.”

“No doubt.” Aoife stood and handed her the basket. “I’ll let you doctor Ben’s wound. It’s all there, the poultice and bandages. Then you can take care of what needs to be done. Once you carry Ben’s baby, this will all end.”


“The other beings hunting you. And if that wendigo is your uncle, he’ll dissipate and won’t be a threat. Wemdigos have specific purposes when they’re turned. Once their purpose ends, they die. Although, not all wendigos have a purpose. Some just like to kill.”

Aoife walked off the porch and glided easily down the slope away from Ben’s cabin. Bernadette jammed the letters in the basket, her body thrumming with need. She was still in awe that she had wolf in her blood, but after what she’d been experiencing for some time, it wasn’t as shocking as she thought.

It all kind of made sense. The dreams, the talk of the moon. It was logical. She was a wolf, or at least part wolf, no wonder she could always sense things beyond what normal humans could.

She was a part of this world.

Now, she had a chance to make all her dreams come true.

She went back into the cabin and locked the door behind her.

Ben was awake, propped up, and he smiled when he saw her. “I saw you were visiting Aoife.”

“She came and brought supplies for your wound.”

Ben grunted. “It doesn’t really hurt.”

“She explained some stuff.” Bernadette worried her bottom lip. “I’m in heat.”

“I can smell it.” He grinned. “You’re aroused too.”

“I’m a wolf.”


“Wolf shifter. Half anyways. Not sure when I can shift, but it’s amazing.” She grinned.

“It is.” Ben smiled. “Will you be running amok during a full moon?”

She chuckled. “Doubtful. Aoife wasn’t sure what magic was preventing the shift and the fact I have human in me…it’s all a bit muddled. For now, I’m still me.”

“I’m glad for that,” he purred, sending a jolt of longing through her body.

“And I think I know what to do.”

Ben cocked an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Yes.” She dropped her robe.

“I like this plan so far.”

Bernadette crawled across the bed. “I want you to kiss me.”

“Kiss you?”

“You haven’t yet.”

His gaze softened. “I’ve never kissed someone before.”

“It’s easy,” she whispered, touching his face, running her fingers over his features. She pressed her mouth against his, teasing his lips with her tongue. “Kissing.”

Ben moaned and slipped his tongue in her mouth.

It was so hot.

“I love you,” he said quietly.

“What?” she asked, her voice catching in her throat.

“I love you, Bernadette.”

Her heart melted. “I love you too.”

Being with him overwhelmed her. She wanted this moment to last forever. Ben ran his hands over her body. She grew wet, just by his touch.

“I want you, Ben.” She moved off him and got on all fours. “I want to breed with you. Only you.”

He growled and she felt his hands on her ass, then her hips, his cock pressing against her core as he thrust into her quickly. She closed her eyes, holding back the overpowering sensations rocking through her. She wanted him to come, but she needed to hold on to him.

Ben sank deeper into her.

“Take me,” Bernadette moaned. “Fuck me.”

He held her hips tight and slammed into her, over and over again.

“Creator, you’re so damn tight.” He roared, letting out a howl louder than that night at her apartment. Her pussy squeezed him, gripping his cock as she milked him. He came, but then she thrust back, not letting him slip out.

He roared again. “Sweet Creator.”

She moaned, holding tight on to him. Her orgasm coming over and over again. Her thighs were trembling as the frenzied release washed over her.

Finally, he slipped out of her and she collapsed against the mattress. He lay next to her, grinning and sucking in deep breaths.

“Wolf, you say?” he asked.

She laughed. “Rest up. I don’t think we’re done yet.”

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