Saved by the Lieutenant (Winter Rescue) 1. Amanda 10%
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Saved by the Lieutenant (Winter Rescue)

Saved by the Lieutenant (Winter Rescue)

By Stella Bella
© lokepub

1. Amanda



My eyes are tired, my entire body is drained, but I push through it. I need to push through it.

I read the autopsy report— something I hacked into earlier this evening. Something that could have me in a lot of trouble if found out, but I had to know. I had to find out if what I've been dreading, fearing, and worrying about is true. In the past three months, six women have been murdered. All of them have been brutally murdered, their deaths have been so similar that when the reports hit my desk, a chill went through me with every single detail. The killer isn't just killing here in Philadelphia but is clever enough to spread their spree throughout Pennsylvania. With the multiple police departments in the state, it would be hard for them to find the connection.

I have and I've tried to contact one of my friends within the police department but he's currently on vacation with his family. The other is completely ignoring my calls. After my last exposé on the shocking way that the police handled the case with the serial stalker, I'm currently persona non-grata at the local PD. No one is going to listen to me unless I have some solid proof. Hence why I’m in my office at almost midnight reading over the autopsy of the latest woman murdered.

It started off with prostitutes and homeless women. Four of the six victims were women who could disappear and wouldn't have many people or any at all look for them. They're usually the safe bets for these sick individuals to start out their sprees. The last two victims were a mother of two and a newly married woman. All women are in their mid to late twenties, brunette, with green eyes. These are not the only similarities that these women have in common. Their deaths are almost the exact replicas of one another. Each woman had a horrifying death, they were beaten, strangled, and stabbed to death. Each of the victims were stabbed five times in their torso.

The latest victim, Monica Michaels, returned from her honeymoon ten days ago. Two days ago, a call was made to the Bristol PD out of Bucks County where Dominic Michaels called about his missing wife as it hadn't been twenty-four hours since she'd gone missing, there wasn't much that Bristol PD could do. It was twelve hours later that Monica's body was uncovered by two people out running who stumbled across her while out running. It took another twelve hours for the news of her death to hit our newsroom. The moment I heard, I got a sickening feeling in my gut.

As a journalist, someone who's worked my entire career being a crime journalist, I've learned that my gut is rarely ever wrong. I've seen some horrific cases, I've won awards for my reports and articles. But with this case, it's gotten to me. I can see the pattern, I can see that the killer has a type, but with the last case I did, I pissed off a lot of law enforcement and any calls I’ve made have been unanswered. I needed solid proof and I had hoped that I was wrong, and prayed that Monica's death wouldn't be connected to what I truly believe is a serial killer. But the autopsy doesn't lie.

Damn it.

I reach for my cell and call my boss. Gerald Levi is the editor in chief of The Metropolitan Gazette. “You should be at home,” he drawls as he answers his cell. “Why are you calling me, Amanda?”

“Ger,” I say softly. “Monica’s autopsy results are in and it's just like the other five.”

Silence spreads between us. I’ve kept him updated the entire way through my investigation. I needed to vent to someone, to have someone let me know that I’m not imagining things. Gerald is a straight shooter, and he’d have no qualms telling me that I was wrong, but he didn’t. in fact, he made me dig deeper, uncover their lives, something that I'm still in the midst of doing. The first four victims are a lot harder to track down, but I won't stop until I have everything I need. These women need justice and I’m not stopping until they have it.

“Fuck,” he snaps. “I'll make the call in the morning. The cops aren’t going to ignore this now, not anymore. Go home Amanda, get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

I sigh. “Okay, I'm going to reach out to Peter once again, hopefully he’ll answer this time.” I know that calling Callum Dawkins is not going to help me, he’s on vacation. Peter, however, is my friend, or was. He’s not answered my calls in a week.

“He damn well better answer. I’m sick to my back teeth of those assholes ignoring you. Not once have you ever been wrong with your information. They’re seriously lacking memory of who’s helped them solve many cases. Just because you reported about a serial stalker that they fucked up on, doesn't mean they can black ball you. No, you call that asshole and demand that he listen to you. If not, then tomorrow, I’m going to rein holy hell on all of them.”

A small smile plays on my lips. Gerald is extremely protective of me, and I know that he feels my frustration and hurt over this situation. He’ll do whatever he can to help.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell him.

“No, you’ll call me once you’re home. There’s a killer on the loose, Mandy, I’ll not have you be his next victim. You call me the moment you’re home. Hell, text me when you’re leaving and your ass better be leaving in minutes.”

He’s grumpy but I know it’s due to his protectiveness. Not to mention that all six victims look so similar to me. Green eyes and brunette.

“I will,” I assure him. “I won’t be long.” I end the call and take a deep breath. Steadying myself for what’s to come.

I scroll through my contacts until I reach Detective Peter Otali’s name. I hit call and place my cell to my ear, listening to it ring over and over again.

“Now isn’t a good time,” he grinds out.

“I’ve been calling you for the past week and a half,” I hiss. “I’ve uncovered something, Peter,” I say, my body shaking with anger and fear. I need him to listen to me, these victims need him to listen to me.

“What’s going on Amanda?” He’s alert and finally, fucking finally listening to me.

“There’s a serial killer on the loose in Pennsylvania. Six women, all brunettes, green eyes and in their mid to late twenties. All women have been brutally beaten, strangled, and stabbed to death. The first victim was in Pittsburg, then Harrison, then Scranton. The fourth was here in Philly, but the last two haven't been in bigger cities, Peter. One was in Dauphin and the other in Bristol. The killer is smart, killing in different cities and counties within the state.”

“Fuck,” he growls. “Right, where are you now?”

“At the office,” I reply, feeling lighter than I did earlier.

“Every piece of evidence you have, I’m going to need.”

“Um,” I say hesitantly. “It may not all be legal.”

Silence once again. “Right,” he clips. “You give me what you can that is legal and steer me in the direction of what isn’t, so I can get it legally.”

“I’m leaving the office now, where shall I meet you?”

“The diner on South Street, twenty minutes?” he asks.

“I’ll be there,” I assure him.

The call ends and I pull in a ragged breath, followed by another, and then another. Weeks I’ve been trying to get someone to listen to me and finally they are. I know Peter, he’s a great detective and he'll ensure that these victims are brought to justice, and I’ll do whatever the hell I can to help.

I start to pack up my things, I’ve three backups of all my findings. One of which will go to Peter, the others are safe. I always ensure that I have multiples, I’ve been stung before and lost everything. I won’t make the same mistake again.

Once I have the office locked up, I fire off a text to Ger letting him know that I’m leaving the office and going to meet up with Peter. I reach for my keys and hit the fob to unlock my car. It’s late, there’s no one else around. I’m usually the last one to leave, but never this late.

I throw my bag into the back seat, shutting the door behind me. I’m so lost in my own thoughts that I never heard the offender approach. A hand wraps around my mouth, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol fill my nostrils. It/s so strong that it makes my stomach flip in disgust.

“You really should have kept your nose out of this,” he growl into my ear.

I feel his other hand tangle in my hair, pulling at the root, and I cry out in shock. He laughs, a cruel sound that makes my blood run cold. “You’re too smart for your own good, Amanda, too damn smart.”

“Who are you?” I whimper as he spins me around, He’s wearing a ski mask, hiding his true identity. The only thing I can see are the whites of his eyes and his lips. I don’t care. I drag my nails along his face, clawing at him.

“You know,” he growls. “You know who I am and what I’m going to do to you, don’t you?” The voice in my ear becomes a low, menacing whisper. “You’re a fighter, I like that, none of the others have fought like you. It’s a shame. It wasn’t your time, not yet at least. But you couldn’t keep your nose out of it.” He shakes his head, a sneer on his lips.

I do know. I really do. This is what they’ve done to their other victims.

Everything around me fades as the fear of what he’s going to do to me grips me like a cloak and darkness seeps in. Within seconds, I’m passed out.

I come too, when I feel a weight lift off me, blinking into the barely lit parking lot, I hear the sound of a car approaching. My entire body is in pain, and I lift my head to see my attacker sprinting away.

I try to catch my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. The pain in my head and body makes me want to sob. I’m in so much pain that I’m not sure if I’ll be able to move. But I have to, what if he comes back?

Slowly, I manage to push myself up, my legs wobbling underneath me. I stumble to my car and climb in. I need to get the hell out of here before he comes back, but the second I’m in the safety of my car, I begin to tremble.

A knock on my window makes me scream in fear and jump.

“Christ, Amanda, it’s me, Peter,” I hear him say and I can't help but choke out a relieved cry. Within seconds my car door is open and Peter's hauling me to his body. “Fuck, what the hell happened?”

I’m unable to speak, I’m shaking so much, and the darkness starts to seep into me once again —this time from the pain that I’m in— calling me to the abyss. I’m safe with Peter. I know that and with that knowledge, I let the darkness claim me.

I hear a hushed voice and I blink, my head throbbing along with my entire body. It feels as though I’ve been hit by a Mack truck.

“You’re awake,” Peter says as he stands beside me.

“Where am I?” I ask and wince as the pain in my throat, not to mention the rough sound of my voice.

“You’re at my house,” he says. “You didn’t show up and I started to get worried, thankfully I did, the fucker must’ve heard my car approach and ran. Had I not come, you'd be dead.”

I nod, he’s right. I would be another victim if Peter hadn’t decided to check up on me. “Thank you.”

He shakes his head. “Christ don't fucking thank me,” he growls. “Had I answered one of your fifty fucking calls in the past week or so, this shit wouldn't have happened. I’m just relieved that I was able to be there and you’re not lying in the morgue.”

I push myself up into a sitting position, trying my hardest not to wince or cry out in pain. I know if I did, Peter would demand that I get checked out at the hospital and right now that's not something I want to happen.

“What happened to me?” I ask, unable to recall anything other than the attacker pulling my hair.

“I’ve had to wait for the security footage from the parking lot. Your boss is pissed as I am. God, Mandy, you could’ve been killed.”

My body shakes, my mind reeling from his words. “What happened to me?” I ask, demanding to know what he did to me. My throat is burning, it feels raw, like I’ve screamed for a thousand days, my entire body feels as though it’s been put through the ringer.

“He beat you Mandy,” Peter says low, his words tinged with guilt. “The security footage is grainy, but from what we can see, he strangled you. He’d have killed you had I not shown up.”

“The car,” I breathe. “It was you? I woke up and heard a car approaching, was it you?”

He nods. “Yes,” he says harshly. “I should have run after the bastard, but I needed to check on you.”

“What happened when you got there?”

“I called for backup, sent a team to search for the perp, but he was long gone.” He shakes his head, his jaw clenched, and his lips pursed tightly. “I’m sorry, Mandy, I truly am.”

I wave him off, it’s not his fault, if he hadn't come along, I dread to think what would've happened. “I’m just glad that he didn't take any of the research I have.”

He nods, his expression unreadable. “I'm going to need that and then you're leaving town.”

I blink. “What?” I hiss.

“You’re leaving town. I have a place for you to go, somewhere secluded, someplace only I and one other know about. I need you safe, Mandy. I fucked up and you almost died.” He shoves a rough hand through his hair. “You’ve been a part of my life for almost a decade, Mandy, I shouldn’t have ignored your calls.”

He was a close friend of my brother, Adam. Adam, Peter, and Jake all met in the military and became friends. My heart pangs at the thought of Jake and Adam. Thinking about them brings so much heartache and pain. Peter has been a constant in my life, and I tend to only call him when I can help, not wanting to put him in an awkward situation as he's a detective.

“No, you shouldn’t have,” I say gently, unable to mask my hurt at him doing so. “But I’m alive because of you.”

“You’re beaten to shit, your face is battered and bruised, I dread to think what your body looks like.”

“I’m okay, but I'm not going into hiding. No way. It’s not happening.”

He crosses his arms over his chest and glares at me. “You are. I don’t care if I have to tie you up and throw you in my car, you’re going. I need you safe, Mandy. Not just because it’s what Adam would’ve wanted me to do, but you’re family. You have been since the moment I met Adam, and you welcomed me with open arms. You’re my sister and I need you safe. So please, I’m begging you, please can you go to the cabin. Let me figure out who’s killing these women.” The sincere fear and concern in his voice makes my heart clench.

I can’t deny him. He’s right, we’re family and if the tables were turned, I’d want the same.

“Okay,” I whisper. “I’ll go, but I can help with this case,” I tell him. “I will help.”

He gives me a relieved smile, no doubt thinking I’d have argued with him. “Like anyone could stop you.”

I take a steady breath. I know that Peter will do whatever he can to ensure that the killer is found and that the innocent victims find the justice they deserve.

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