Saved by the Sergeant (Winter Rescue) 9. Geneva 64%
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9. Geneva



I sigh in happiness as I roll into Archie’s side. “That was amazing.” I run my fingers through the hairs on the middle of his chest. “Can we do it again?”

“Sweetheart, I have to catch my breath,” he laughs. “Yesterday, I was worried you were turning me into a couch potato. But over the past twenty-four hours, you’ve worked me so hard that I’ve abused every muscle group I own. I don’t think I have any muscle mass left.”

“Honey,” I caress his hard pecs. “Your body is a work of art. You’re beautiful to look at and know exactly what to do with everything you have. I never liked sex before…”

“What?” He sits up, shocked. “You never liked sex before? How can that be? You’re an insatiable Energizer sex bunny for crying out loud.”

“Oh, man.” Embarrassed, I cover my face. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”

“Baby…” He nudges my hand down. “You can say anything to me.” He tips my chin up. “And what you just gave me is one helluva compliment I’ll take to the grave, sweetheart.”

“It is?”

“It sure as hell is. There isn’t a man on the planet that wouldn’t die to hear what you just told me.” He presses a soft kiss to my mouth. “And for the record, sweetheart, I’m fighting the urge to jump to my feet and pound on my chest like a caveman.”

“You say the sweetest things,” I sigh.

“You are the sweetest thing, sweetheart,” he strokes my cheek. “And just for the record, baby, I didn’t think I had it in me to make love to you again so soon. But…” He pulls back the blanket. “I’m good to go.”

My pulse skyrockets as I glance down at his massive erection. Sex, for me, has always been a chore, something that I had to do to just get it over with. But with Archie, it’s unbelievable. He makes me feel worthy, desired, and sexy. He’s given me so many mind-blowing orgasms that I never thought I was capable of. I want to give something back to him— something I’ve never given another man.

I reach out to wrap my hand around his stiff shaft. With my eyes locked on his, I start stroking. “I’ve never done this before.”

“Done what before?” He licks his lips as he watches my hand.

“I’ve never stroked a man… and I’ve never given a man oral sex.”

“You haven’t?” His highbrows fly into his hairline.

“Never,” I stroke him faster, harder. “But I want to with you.”

The hiss that comes out of him has me desperate to hear it again. “I’m your first?”

“You’re my first. I don’t know if I’m gonna do it right, but I want to try… if you’ll let me.”

“Let you?” He shoves the blankets to the side as he falls back onto the mattress with a gleam in his eye. “I am all yours, baby.”

I prowl up his thighs and bend down, swirling my tongue around the tip of his magnificent erection.

He rewards me with a hiss.

I slide him into my mouth, keeping pressure on his shaft as I hollow out my cheeks.

“Gennie…” he growls, “That feels so good, baby.”

“Hmmm.” I suck him harder. He throbs against my tongue, and I don’t stop until his heels are digging into the mattress and his back is arched like a bow.

Utterly satisfied, I sit back and grin. “Did I do good?”

“Did you do good?” He reaches up and pulls me to his chest. “Sweetheart, you need to know something.” He tucks my head under his chin, stroking my shoulder with his thumb. “Everything about you is surprising, astonishing, and beyond wonderful.”

My heart pounds into his side. “I don’t know about that.”

“That’s the beauty of it, sweetheart.” He drags my body on top of his and cups my face in his hands. “I know. And that’s all that matters.”

Tears fill my eyes. “Thank you, Archie. Thank you for forgiving me for nearly blinding you. Thank you for taking me into your home during the storm. Thank you for helping me through a difficult time…” I lower my lashes, “thank you for making me feel special.”

His arms wind around me, crushing me to his chest. “Baby, you are special. I’m just sorry you went so long, never knowing it or feeling it. Anybody who ever made you feel like you weren’t or told you weren’t is an idiot. Thank you for letting me in, sweetheart.” He kisses my hair. You will never be alone again,” he whispers in my ear.

My pulse races as I realize I’m lying in the arms of a man who says what he means and means what he says. There is no guessing with Archer Bentley, no weighing where I stand. I bury my face in his neck, wishing I had a different life. I’m going to make the most of it while I’m here. I’m going to remember each and every moment to last me forever.

But my heart is breaking.

He’s the man I never knew I wanted.

And the man I can never have.

“The snow’s stopped. I’m going outside to shovel. Would you like to join me?” Archie walks into the kitchen to kiss me on the back of my neck.

“Give me five minutes.” I turn and hold out the sauce spoon. “Taste this.”

“Delicious.” He smiles. “How about another spoonful?”

“No.” I turn back to the stove. “It will spoil your dinner. Let me finish putting this casserole together. I’ll pop it in the oven and help you shovel.”

“Excellent.” He gives me another peck. “I’ll go grab you a pair of my boots.”

“Umm, I think they’ll be way too big.”

“I’ll stuff the toes with socks. You can’t go out in shoes, sweetheart. There’s nearly three feet of snow out there.”

“You’re going to laugh at me,” I fake pout.

“Yup.” He swats my behind. “Sure am. But we’ll have fun.” He winks.

Gizmo runs over to sit at my feet. “You want some too, don’t you, boy?” I scratch his head. “Here.” I drop him a piece of hamburger. He scoffs it up, then jumps on my legs for more. “You are just like your daddy.” My heart sinks as I think about Archie being a father. Before I burst into tears, I quickly push the thought out of my head.

But it doesn’t stop my bottom lip from trembling as I pour sauce over the shells. I quickly fold in the meat and cheese, sprinkle the top with my secret blend of herbs, and slide it into the oven to bake for an hour.

As I glance out the window, a heavy weight sits in the pit of my stomach. Archie’s waving a shovel in the air, wearing a big goofy grin. I wave back, trying my best to smile, then spin around, closing my eyes to hold my tears in.

Then it hits me like a train.

I love him.

And as soon as the road is clear, I’m going to have to leave him.

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