Scolded by the Mountain Man (Sweetheart Falls) 3. Tyson 25%
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3. Tyson



This city girl standing naked before me is nothing short of a goddess. Her breasts, her hips, her legs, her porcelain skin and gorgeous face—everything has come together to create the most perfect woman I have ever seen. How is it she simply stumbled onto my mountain right when the rain began?

I have one answer: destiny.

But that’s just me being overly dramatic, isn’t it? I don’t care. Thinking that makes me feel good inside, so I’m going to keep on thinking it. It’s not like I’m saying it out loud to her or anything.

“Do I want a hot chocolate?” she asks, looking slightly confused.

“That’s right,” I reply with a slight smile.

Her lips part, so perfect and plump. Her eyes look as though she’s going to ask another question. But she doesn’t. She simply nods and replies, “Okay.”

I turn and walk into the kitchen, which is open with the living room, and pour two cups of milk into a pot. Using a match, I light a burner on the propane stove and start to heat the milk.

“You were stupid coming out here on your own,” I say as I turn around to face her. She looks shocked at my frankness. I wonder if anyone has ever spoken like this to her before. Gorgeous women so very rarely ever get it so bluntly from men.

“I…I didn’t know it was going to rain,” she replies. I laugh and shake my head.

“That’s not what I meant, city girl. There are dangerous animals out here in the woods, you know? Wolves, bears, coyotes. Even a moose could hurt you.” I smile at her, doing my best to loosen her up. “Lucky for you, I’m just a dog.”

Something close to a smile comes across her face. “A dog, huh?” she asks. “And where’s your owner?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask.

“Well, someone must own this place, right?”

“I do,” I reply as the milk begins to simmer. I go back to the cabinet and take out two brown, glazed mugs and fill them both.

“You own this place?” she asks, clearly surprised. I turn back and nod.

Christ, her body is gorgeous. I can feel myself stiffening up beneath my pants. I take the chocolate, quickly pound it with my rolling pin, and add it to the simmering milk. It’s melted in seconds.

“Wow, you make fancy chocolate milk,” she says, having come up beside me to watch.

“I guess I’m just a fancy guy. Although you wouldn’t guess it from looking around.” I hand her her mug of hot chocolate and motion to the table and chairs. “You can have a seat. Do you want some soup? I can warm some up for you.”

“Wow.” Penny nods, impressed. “What a gentleman. Yes, please.”

“Don’t go calling me that yet. We’ve only just met,” I warn her, taking several cans from the pantry. “Lentil or chicken noodle?”

“Lentil, please.”

I grab another pot, start another burner, open the can, and begin to warm the soup. After blowing on her hot chocolate for a little while, Penny takes her first sip, and her eyes light right up. My whole body goes warm just from watching her reaction.

“Good?” I ask.

She nods eagerly. “This might be the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had!”

“Don’t butter me up, all right?” I tease, stirring her soup.

“I’m not!” she promises. “This is really good!”

I can hear her behind me sipping more of her drink as I pour her soup into a bowl and find her a spoon. When I turn to bring her meal over to her at the table, I get an eyeful of her perfect tits, and feel my manhood swell between my thighs yet again.

What a woman. It’s taking all my strength to not just grab her, spread her legs open, and drag my tongue up that little bare pussy she’s got hiding down there.

How did I luck out with her just wandering onto my mountain? Maybe the stars will smile down on me and this storm will last for the next month and she’ll never be able to leave. I know she’s barely just arrived, but I don’t think I could ever bear to see her go.

I take a seat there across from her for a while, sipping my own hot chocolate, just watching her and how beautiful she is. It’s like being blessed by an angel just being in her presence. I haven’t felt this turned out for a woman in longer than I can remember. If only this gorgeous little city girl understood what she was doing to me right now.

“So you really own this cabin?” she asks, delicately slurping her lentil soup.

“Yep.” I nod.

She looks down, hesitantly, her eyes on the table. She takes a deep breath, then looks back up at me. “I hate to ask this, Tyson, but seeing as how this storm rolled in and it’s still pouring–”

“You can stay here tonight, city girl,” I tell her. I watch as the tension drains out of her.

“Wow, thank you, Tyson. That’s great–”

“But you’re gonna have to do something for me.”

She looks up at me with such innocence, and I feel my desire swelling up within me My eyes focus on those two perfect globes hanging from her chest, and my heart pounds harder and harder inside my chest.

“Oh? What’s that?” she asks.

I slide my chair right up in front of her and stare directly into her eyes. They’re beautiful. Dark brown and innocent. It’s like she’s untouched. Like no one has ever had her before.

“You’re going to have to put out for me, Penny.”

Her eyes expand, and a tiny gasp emits from her between her lips. “Put out? You mean like… put out –put out ?”

I glance down at her perfect tits, then back up at her gorgeous face.

“You know exactly what I mean, city girl. I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. Don’t act like you don’t know how gorgeous you are.”

“I–I don’t–”

“Do you own a mirror?” I ask. My question seems to stump her for a moment, so I repeat myself. “I said, do you own a mirror?”

“Yes, of course I own a mirror,” she replies.

“Then you must know how gorgeous you are. And how badly I want you.” I smile. “It seems like a fair trade to me. You have something I want. I have something you want.”

Penny frowns. Somehow this makes her even cuter. She has a little drop of hot chocolate on her lip which she randomly notices and licks off, causing me to harden even more.

“I’m not one of those kinds of girls, Tyson,” she responds defiantly.

I shrug, stand, and walk over to her clothes, which are still soaked through and hanging by the fireplace. “Well, you’re more than welcome to slide back into these and try to find your way back down the mountain. Although I don’t suggest it.”

Penny stares back at me for a moment before rising to her feet. She turns and walks away from me and over to the hearth where she stands and looks into the fire. The flickering orange light shimmers over her body like a glow coming straight from heaven.

From this angle, I get a great view of her ass and just how perfect it is. There’s not an inch on this woman that isn’t phenomenal. It’s like she was handcrafted by God himself.

I stand and walk over behind her, slipping out of my shirt and tossing it aside. I kick off my boots and unbutton my belt. She still hasn’t turned as I unbutton my jeans. Only as I let them fall to the floor does she finally turn around and see me standing there in my briefs.

She makes no attempt to hide her checking me out as she runs her eyes from my toes to my chest and back down again.

“You work out?” she asks.

“In a sense.” I smirk. “I get a lot done up here in the woods. If you’re asking do I go to the gym daily? then the answer to that is no.”

She reaches out and very delicately touches my chest with the tip of her index finger, as though she might hurt me if she touched me any harder. There’s a fascinated look in her eyes. She’s not the only one with an attraction here.

“Okay, Tyson,” she finally says. “You want me? I’m yours. But promise you won’t think any less of me after.”

“I promise,” I reply, my cock throbbing with uncontrollable lust. I move in and reach for her, but she grabs my left wrist and stares hard into my eyes.

“And we’re not going all the way. I’m saving that.”

A jolt runs through me. “You’re saving that? You’re a virgin, city girl?”

She nods confrontationally. “You got a problem with that, Mr. Mountain Man?”

I shake my head and wrap my arm around her lower back, pulling her into me as though we were a couple at the dance. “No. No problem whatsoever.”

And then I kiss her.

Her lips are like two perfect pillows against mine, plump and delicate, begging for my embrace. The feel of her breasts against my chest is wondrous. The thin layer of cotton from my briefs that’s keeping us apart now might as well be a concrete wall. My testosterone is raging, and my lust is at an all-time high.

I reach out and touch her hip, expecting her to at least flinch a tiny bit.

But she doesn’t.

She continues to allow me to kiss her and does not back away as I move my palm up her flat stomach. Not only that, but she moans back into my mouth as I cup her breast and squeeze.

Jesus Christ, she wants it too .

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