Standing over the stove and watching the milk slowly coming to a simmer in the pot is somehow oddly relaxing to me. The bubbles forming so gently feels delightfully calming to me after the insanity that just happened. I was nearly kidnapped by my boss, who I now know is a crazy person, but then Tyson came and rescued me with his knife and gun like some kind of incredible special forces operative.
The least I can do is make him another cup of hot chocolate.
“Who even are you?” I ask with a smile as I crush the chocolate on the cutting board with a rolling pin.
I glance back at him where he’s replacing the blanket I’d wrapped around myself on the couch. “CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world and an ex-military operative?”
Tyson chuckles, takes a seat, and puts his feet up on the coffee table. He still hasn’t put his shirt back on, so I take a moment to admire his muscles, which seem to be bulging extra thick from the experience we just had that he would probably classify as just a “minor” workout.
“Me? I’m a guy who likes to be prepared is all.”
Somehow, his response turns me on even more than if he’d told me he’d been a Navy Seal. Just the fact that this man chose voluntarily to train himself to be that capable, all so he would be able to defend himself or a person he cared for, is so incredibly attractive that I hardly know what to do with myself.
Now that’s a man for ya!
I add the chocolate bits to the milk and stir, watching them melt and vanish. The scent of cocoa hits my nose as I pour a mug for both of us.
“Here you are,” I say with a smile as I hand Tyson his and take a seat beside him. “It shouldn’t be too hot either. I figured the man who rescued me so valiantly deserved a reward.”
“And this is all I get? Not…?” Using his eyes, he indicates the most prized parts of my body, then smirks. I giggle and poke him in the chest.
“Would you like that too? Again?” I ask, scooching closer to him.
He raises his eyebrows and shrugs like a scoundrel as he takes his first sip. “I mean, I wouldn’t argue with it…”
I take a sip of my hot chocolate and feel a heat flow through me that has absolutely nothing to do with the warmth of the drink. I take just a moment to look around the moderately sized room of the cabin, from the hand-cut windows to the knotted pine door, and a feeling of contentment comes over me.
“You know what I just realized?” I ask. Tyson looks up at me from his mug.
“What’s that?”
“I’ve been so happy since I came here.” His eyes light up, making me feel even higher than I already feel. “When you first told me to cook and clean for you, I was so ready to be offended.”
Tyson chuckles. “I remember.”
I laugh too. “But once I started to actually do things for you, I realized that being this ‘traditional’ woman actually made me feel incredible! It’s fulfilling in a way I thought I’d feel when I got my job at Goldman Sachs. Only here I actually do.”
A look of kindness fills Tyson’s eyes.
He’s listening intently, and not just hearing the words as they come out of my mouth. “Well, even if you are talented, which it sounds like you are, being a corporate-career person isn’t what everyone wants to do with their life.”
I sigh and lean against the couch. “I’m starting to feel more and more like that every minute I spend out here with you.”
I can hardly believe I’m speaking to him like this.
Back in the city, I’m used to being so closed off and protective of my feelings. That’s just the way you have to be to survive in the business world when you’re around so many different people who are all vying for your position.
I’ve known this man for three days and yet I feel as though I’ve known him for three years. It’s like my heart speaking a truth to me, a truth impossible to ignore:
This is the man for me.
“You know what I’m feeling, city girl?” Tyson smiles.
I feel myself blushing for some reason. I smile back. “What’s that?”
“I’m starting to feel like the entire reason I came out here and built this cabin in the first place was so you’d get lost hiking one day and I’d end up meeting you.”
It’s incredible just how charming this man can be–this man who frightened me when we first met. This man who now speaks to me like a romantic poet.
“I like that theory.” I smirk, feeling so tiny and so cute in comparison to his size. “You know what other theory I have?”
“What’s that?”
“This theory that I don’t go back to Goldman Sachs,” I say softly. “That I just stay up here with you in this cabin. Of course I’ll have to go get some more of my clothes at some point, but my theory is that if I just stay up here and am nice and do lots of ‘traditional’ things around here for you, we’ll both be happy.”
Tyson’s eyes narrow, and he looks intently at me as though he’s examining me with immense curiosity. He twists on the couch so he’s fully facing me and sets his hot chocolate on the coffee table.
“Penny. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
My heart is fluttering like a butterfly inside my chest. I don’t even know what I was doing when I just spoke. The words just sort of found their own way out of my lips. I was not prepared for this.
What is wrong with you, Penny? Why did you open your big mouth!?
“I am!” I blurt out, nearly spilling my drink as I set it down beside his. I feel like my chest is about to explode.
“You know the proposal is normally done by the man, right?” He smirks.
I am so nervous I actually start shaking. “Okay, well let’s just say I am proposing to be your trad-maid for the foreseeable future. And if you decide to act on anything down the line…”
“Trad-maid?” He laughs.
“Yeah.” I grin, moving in close and pressing my breasts against his chest. I’m still so horny after watching everything he did to rescue me. “Nice and traditional. I’ll live here, I’ll cook and clean for you, and you can have me whenever you want. How’s that sound?”
Tyson grins like a male animal that’s just laid eyes on its mate. “That sounds like something I could definitely live with.”
He grabs me and quickly strips me naked before I can even process what’s happening. Off goes my shirt, down go my pants, off go my panties.
Yes. Take me is the only thought in my mind. Take me, Tyson!
And he does.
With no build-up. No seduction. And he’s sure as hell not gentle. He tugs his pants down and lets loose a massive erection, which is instantly buried inside me, right up to the hilt. A scream erupts from my throat as its length and thickness stretch me hard.
I snatch on to his broad shoulders and hang on as he slams deep inside me, ramming me like he owns me. Like I belong to him.
Which I guess I do now, considering he was the man to claim me. The one to take my virginity. And as far as I’m considered, he’ll be the only one to ever have me.
“I like this idea of me being able to have you whenever I want you,” he growls into my ear.
“S-so do I,” I reply, stammering with every one of his brutal thrusts.
“And considering how good you are, you better expect a whole lot more of this.”
The coarse way he speaks to me is so hot and turns me on in a way I never would have anticipated. I feel so tiny beneath him. His hands are so enormous as they grip my hips it’s like I weigh nothing as he pulls me back and forth like I’m being used as an object for his pleasure as he plunges into me. And somehow that makes me even hornier.
He spins me over, pins me down on my chest, and spanks me hard on my backside.
“Christ, you’re sexy,” he grunts, pumping faster and faster. The sheer intensity of his energy causes my pleasure to skyrocket as this billionaire man-soldier drives his sex into me over and over and over again.
My flesh tightens around his manhood, and I reach back and grab hold of him as my climax drives through me like a train going off the tracks and I’m screaming his name into the pillows of the couch, my hips bucking wildly like a bucking bronco.
I seize on to his shaft, my body seeking to milk every drop of his seed as he sprays inside me, basking in the ferocious heat and wondrous bliss created by the connection of our bodies. And finally, I collapse forward into the cushions and Tyson lands on top of me, all of his heft and muscle pressing the air from my lungs.
I laugh at just how enormous he is and shift to the side to catch my breath.
It may not have been a marathon, but it didn’t take more than a sprint for him to have completely ravaged me.
“What are you giggling about?” he asks.
“You,” I reply. “You’re like one enormous slab of muscle on my back.”
He chuckles, running his fingers through my hair. “That’s the strangest compliment anyone’s ever paid me.”
“Trust me. It’s a good one.”
I can’t sleep at all. The stars are simply shining too brightly now that the clouds are all gone and I can see the sky for the first time since being lost out here. It’s like thousands and thousands of spotlights all shining down on me.
I stand naked by the window, my eyes drawn to those countless shining globes above. Is it the heavens I’m looking up at now? You can’t see them from Manhattan. They’re all blacked out by the lights of the city. As I stand there, I can’t help but feel as though that’s some kind of metaphor that goes hand in hand with my life.
I turn and look back at Tyson, sound asleep in bed, the beautifully sculpted muscles of his back poking out from beneath the covers. Happiness. I could definitely find happiness here.
A smile is crossing my face when I hear something downstairs. It sounds like scratching, and immediately my first thought is the bear has come back to finish me off. But then I realize the sound is too faint to be a bear.
I’m this close to waking up Tyson, but I don’t want to be that overreactive woman who freaks out over every little thing she hears in the night and wakes up the man while he’s trying to sleep. So I throw on my pants and slip into one of Tyson’s t-shirts and head downstairs.
The sound is louder when I reach the living room. It definitely sounds like either a person or an animal trying to get in the front door, and that’s not good. I need to wake up Tyson. I’m just about to turn and head back upstairs when I hear a key slide into the lock and turn.
The door opens, and a gorgeous blonde with model-like good looks steps into the cabin, looking like she was just hired for a hiking gear photoshoot. I take a step back as she eyeballs me up and down.
“Hi there, who are you?”
I don’t know why I answer, but I simply reply, “I–I’m Penny.”
“Hi, Penny. I’m Gracie, Tyson’s wife.”
She smiles.
My jaw drops.
And my heart breaks.