Secrets in Pelican Crossing (Pelican Crossing #2) Ten 20%
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After dropping Agnes off and making sure all was well, Finn and Martin drove back into town. ‘I think we deserve a bite of lunch. The Grand serves a good counter lunch, and they have a selection of the local craft beer,’ Finn said.

‘Sounds good. I’ve heard about the brewery. Started by a couple of young guys, wasn’t it? Doing well?’

‘Very well it seems. A lot of the older guys like us prefer the more traditional brews, but the youngsters can’t get enough of it. I’ve developed a taste for some of their lagers. I’d suggest taking you out to the brewery, but I need to get back to the office.’

‘No worries. May give it a visit myself one of these days. Would make a good day out.’

Finn nodded his agreement, as they turned into the hotel car park.

He took a seat while Martin, at his insistence, went to the bar to order, the men both having decided on a traditional meal of pie and chips washed down with a lager from the local brewery. While he was waiting for his companion to return, Finn thought back to the woman at the medical centre.

He knew who she was. As editor of the local paper, he made it his business to know residents of the town, and Liz Phillips had earned a name for herself as being able to ferret out local news, sometimes even before his reporters. He’d heard it was really her daughter who collected the gossip and passed it onto her mother, though he guessed Liz’s position in the medical centre made her privy to lots of information .

However, this was the first time they’d met.

‘Quite a morning,’ Martin said when he returned with two overflowing glasses. ‘Agnes is a character. I hope she’ll be okay. She’s pretty isolated out there by the river with only her dog and the pelicans for company.’

‘She should be fine. Everyone knows her. She’s lived there for years. And it’s not as isolated as it looks. There’s a development of townhouses not far away… and she has a number of volunteers who help out with the centre. There would be someone with her most days… just not today. Lucky we were there.’

‘It might not have happened if we hadn’t been there,’ Martin said ruefully, rubbing his chin. ‘I think the dog became excited in our company. Anyway, I got some good shots. I’ll let you have a few once I’ve had time to go through them.’

‘Thanks, I appreciate it. Cheers,’ Finn said raising his glass.

‘Cheers. Happy to help. Let me know if you come across any other project we can collaborate on. I’m assuming you got enough for the article you have in mind?’

‘I did, thanks. It’ll make a great human-interest feature for the colour supplement I’m thinking of starting. If you’re interested, I might be able to put a bit of work your way, though The Courier wouldn’t be able to match the sort of fees you’re used to.’

‘No worries. I find working for a small-town paper like yours has its own rewards.’

‘True.’ The pair had worked together on a few news stories in Bellbird Bay, and Finn knew Martin often offered his services free to local charities.

‘I saw you looking at the woman in the medical centre,’ Martin said raising one eyebrow, when they had finished their meals and decided against a second beer. ‘Friend of yours?’

‘No, not exactly. It’s a small town so I know who she is… and I expect she knows about me too, but till today, we hadn’t met.’

‘Good-looking woman.’

‘Yeah.’ Finn gazed into his now empty glass, seeing the woman’s unruly black curls, remembering her green eyes. But he didn’t want to get into a discussion about Liz Phillips. He knew he’d be thinking about her again once he was alone.


When Finn arrived home, Adele and Sandy were already there.

As soon as he walked in, Sandy ran up to him. ‘Grandy, can you help me?’ he asked, pulling on Finn’s hand.

‘Give your grandad time to get into the house,’ Adele said. ‘Busy day, Dad? Glass of wine?’

‘Yes to both,’ Finn said. ‘Remember I said I was going out to the pelican rescue centre today?’

Adele nodded as she poured two glasses of white wine and handed him one. ‘Did it go well?’

Sandy was waiting impatiently for the adults to finish their conversation.

‘It did. Very well until we were leaving. Then Agnes had an accident, tripped over that dog of hers.’

‘The pelican lady with the spaniel?’ Sandy asked, following the conversation.

‘Yes, Sandy.’

‘Oh, dear,’ Adele said. ‘She’s not a young woman. How is she?’

‘We took her to the medical centre, then home again. She seems fine. But it’s a worry. The nurse said falls always are, especially at her age.’

‘How old is she?’

Finn shrugged. ‘Who knows?’

‘She’s old,’ Sandy said.

Finn and Adele laughed.

‘You’re right there, Sandy.’

‘I bet Liz knows,’ Adele said. ‘She seems to know everything around here.’

Finn felt himself redden. ‘Liz?’

‘The practice manager. You must know who I mean. She has the reputation of being a gossip, but I don’t think she is really. She just manages to know what’s going on. I think it’s her daughter who’s the gossip. Mandy runs a personal training business and works at the yacht club a couple of nights a week. I bet she hears and sees a lot and passes it on to her mum.’

‘She was the one who greeted us. She seemed to know Agnes. ’

‘Everyone knows Agnes. Hadn’t you met Liz before?’

‘Haven’t needed to go to the medical centre.’

‘Of course you haven’t.’ Adele peered at him, making him wonder if she could sense his interest in the woman.

He shifted uncomfortably. He’d avoided a conversation about Liz Phillips in the hotel, only to come home to one. ‘What is it you need me for, Sandy?’ he asked, in an attempt to avoid any more discussion about the woman who had sent his senses reeling.

‘I have to do a project on my family, and I need you to help me with it,’ Sandy said, dragging Finn off.

Finn heard Adele call out, ‘Don’t be long, you two. Dinner will be ready soon,’ as he left the kitchen, relieved at having an excuse to end their conversation.

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