Secrets in Pelican Crossing (Pelican Crossing #2) Sixteen 32%
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‘Wake up, Grandy! It says on the calendar we get Bluey today.’

Finn opened his eyes to see Sandy standing by his bedside, his eyes bright with excitement. He’d been dreaming about Liz Phillips. They’d been sitting on a deserted beach, and he’d been about to kiss her when he felt someone tug on his arm. He blinked.

‘Leave your grandad be, Sandy’ Adele popped her head through the door. ‘I don’t think you’re going to get any peace till we pick up the pup,’ she said to Finn. ‘Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes.’

‘Okay.’ Finn rubbed his face. ‘Let me get up and have a shower, champ.’

‘Can we go then?’

‘After breakfast. You heard your mum.’

‘Yeah.’ Sandy’s mouth turned down, but he went out and left Finn to get up and into the shower without any more fuss.

‘Good evening?’ Adele asked, when Finn joined her and Sandy in the kitchen. ‘You must have got home late. I didn’t hear you come in.’

‘Yeah.’ Finn piled his plate with the scrambled eggs and bacon Adele had cooked. After he’d dropped Liz off, he’d driven round to the beach and sat for a while staring out at the darkened ocean, listening to the waves pound on the shore, wondering what had gone wrong. He didn’t know how long he sat there, but he didn’t manage to reach any conclusion.

It had been a good evening, the best. They’d talked about books, music, daughters. He’d told her about Sandy’s dog. It had all been so easy. No awkward silences, no need to search for something to say. Everything was fine until…

She’d looked so beautiful sitting there in the moonlight, her lips just waiting to be kissed. It would have taken a stronger man than him to have resisted. She had been sitting, waiting, when she could have got out of the car, gone in. But when he had kissed her… and what a kiss it had been, her lips as soft and welcoming as he’d expected… she’d jumped out of the car and run off as if the hounds of hell were at her heels. What was that about? Was his kiss a disappointment? Was he a disappointment? Had he acted too soon? He’d never understand women. It was why he’d steered clear of them after Karen.

‘Can we go now, Grandy?’ Sandy couldn’t stem his impatience. ‘I’ve finished my breakfast.’

‘I’ll just finish my coffee.’ Finn smiled at his grandson, realising that, while he was rehashing the previous evening, he’d managed to finish his breakfast too.

Ten minutes later they were in the car. If Sandy had been bouncing in the back seat on their last trip to Rhana’s, this time he almost leapt through the roof in his excitement. It was a relief to Finn and Adele when they finally reached their destination.

‘There it is!’ Sandy pointed to the sign on the gate. ‘I remember it!’

Rhana was waiting to greet them as before. This time she was holding a wriggling black and white bundle.

‘It’s Bluey!’ Sandy yelled. ‘My Bluey!’

‘Calm down, champ. You don’t want to frighten him. Remember he’s only little and he might be a bit afraid about leaving his mummy.’

‘Oh!’ Sandy calmed down sufficiently to climb out of the car and walk slowly towards Rhana. ‘Can I touch him?’ he asked.

‘Of course.’ Rhana bent down to allow Sandy to stroke the tiny creature, who tried to lick his fingers.

‘He likes me,’ Sandy said, giggling. ‘It tickles. Can we take him home now?’

‘In a little while,’ Rhana said. ‘I need to talk with your mum and grandad first. But, when we go inside, I’ll put Bluey down on the floor with his toys and you can play with him.’

Finn thought Sandy’s eyes were going to pop out of his head as they all made their way inside .

After cups of tea for the adults and a glass of juice for Sandy, during which Rhana ensured Finn and Adele were quite clear on how to care for the pup, it was time to leave. Finn fetched the small pet crate from the car and, despite Sandy’s insistence he could hold his new pet on his lap, persuaded the small animal inside.

‘He’ll feel safer there,’ Rhana assured Sandy who had shed a few tears.

On the drive home, it was a challenge to keep Sandy in his seat, as the sound of Bluey whining in the rear of the car upset him, and he kept asking Finn if the dog was all right. It was a relief when they arrived home and both boy and dog could be released.

‘Can we take him for a walk?’ Sandy asked, as soon as they were inside.

Adele looked at Finn who shrugged.

‘He hasn’t had all his vaccinations yet, but perhaps we can risk a short one. I’ll go with them,’ he said. ‘Do you want to come too?’

Adele shook her head. ‘I think I’ll stay here. I’ve had enough excitement for the day. While you’re gone, I’ll get lunch ready.’

‘Right.’ Finn showed Sandy how to attach the lead to Bluey’s new collar and they set off, the excited pup almost pulling the delighted Sandy off his feet, and making Finn recognise the need to enrol the three of them into puppy school. He knew The Courier ran a regular advertisement for one conducted by the local vet surgery. He could enrol them when they took Bluey in to get microchipped. Then he’d have to register Bluey with the council, arrange his vaccinations, check how old he had to be before he could be de-sexed. It was never-ending.

But seeing the expression on Sandy’s face made it all worthwhile.


‘It’s the lady from the doctor’s,’ Sandy said when they turned into Main Street which was deserted apart from one lone figure. ‘Look, Grandy!’

Finn looked to where Sandy was pointing with the hand which wasn’t trying to stop Bluey from pulling him along. It was Liz.

As they drew closer, he tried to work out what to say, but before he could frame any words, Sandy gave a yell as he lost hold on the lead and Bluey, suddenly free, dashed off up the street towards where Liz was walking towards them.

‘Bluey!’ Sandy yelled giving chase, but he was no match for the small dog who was enjoying his first taste of freedom.

The dog, unaccustomed to the freedom, ran straight into Liz who scooped him up.

‘Does he belong to you?’ she asked the now breathless little boy.

‘He’s Bluey… my new dog. He’s my birthday present,’ Sandy said, as Liz set the animal down and handed Sandy the lead.

‘Thanks, Liz,’ Finn said. He turned to Sandy. ‘Sandy, maybe I should…’ He reached out his hand for the lead.

‘No, Grandy. We’ll be fine, Bluey and me.’

As if understanding, the little dog sat down at Sandy’s feet and gazed up at him with a soulful expression.

Finn and Liz laughed. Then there was an awkward pause.

Liz spoke first. ‘Last night. I’m sorry. I…’ She blushed.

‘No, I’m sorry. It was presumptuous of me. I shouldn’t have…’

‘No, it’s not… It was good, maybe too good. It’s been a while…’

‘For me too.’ Finn smiled, pleased to see a matching smile appear on Liz’s face. He cast around for something to say, glanced about him, noted they were standing outside the new gelato outlet.

Liz must have noticed too because before he could speak, she said, ‘Why don’t we all have an ice cream?’

Sandy’s eyes lit up. ’Bluey too?’

Liz laughed again. It was an attractive laugh which gave Finn hope all was not lost. ‘I don’t think ice cream is good for your dog’s tummy, but I suspect you’d like one.’

‘Yes, please!’

‘I’ll get them,’ Finn said, glad to have something to do before he said the wrong thing. ‘What flavour?’

‘Surprise me,’ Liz said.

‘Can I have chocolate, Grandy?’ Sandy asked.

When Finn returned carrying three ice creams, he found Liz had taken Sandy and Bluey across the road to sit at one of the tables located in front of the beach. ‘Here you are,’ he said, handing the chocolate one to Sandy. Then he held the other two to Liz. ‘Which do you prefer – strawberry or mango? ’

‘Mango, thanks.’ She smiled again, and Finn felt a warm glow encompass him.

They ate their ice creams in silence apart from a warning to Sandy when he made an attempt to share his with his pet.

When they had finished, Liz said, ‘That was delicious, thanks. Lovely to meet Bluey, Sandy,’ she said to the little boy. ‘I’m sure Bluey will be very happy with you. Just make sure you keep a firm grasp of his lead.’

Sandy nodded, a serious expression on his face.

Liz looked back up at Finn. ‘I’m sorry. I have to go now. I’m having a pre-Easter thing with my girls tonight and need to start to cook. It’s been…’

‘Look, before you go. I did intend to call you after last night. I hope we can do it again. Tomorrow? Lunch? Are you free?’

There was a pause during which Finn experienced a tingling sensation in his chest, then she said, ‘Thanks, I’d like that.’

‘Great!’ Finn heaved a sigh of relief. ‘I’ll pick you up at half-eleven. How do you feel about picnics?’

‘I love a good picnic,’ she said, smiling. ‘Thanks,’ she said again.

‘She’s a nice lady, Grandy. Is she your girlfriend?’ Sandy asked, his mouth rimmed with chocolate.

‘Maybe she is, Sandy,’ Finn replied with a grin as he watched her walk off. ‘Maybe she is.’

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