Secrets in Pelican Crossing (Pelican Crossing #2) Thirty-one 62%
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Liz smiled to herself as she left Books and Coffee . The expression on Finn’s face had been priceless when she’d practically invited him over that evening – and every other evening that week. But, while she couldn’t wait to feel his arms around her again, to sink into his embrace, she couldn’t stop remembering how it had come about, and wonder what Mandy was thinking now she’d had time to digest the news she had another sister – and a niece.

Now she’d left Finn, Liz was at a loose end. She’d elected not to join Julie and Tilly this morning, reasoning it was up to them to do the school thing and that she’d be in the way when they were looking at rentals. She really needed someone to talk to, someone with a clearer understanding of Mandy’s hurt feelings. As she mentally trawled through her friends, she came to the conclusion Rachel was the obvious one. With two daughters of her own, and several grandchildren, Liz knew Rachel would provide a sympathetic ear and might even offer advice.

A quick call elicited the information Rachel was minding her grandchildren today but would be happy to see her. Liz gave a sigh of relief. Rachel, widowed like Poppy, had turned her large family home into a B&B and between B&B guests and minding her growing clutch of grandchildren, was kept fully occupied. The house itself was situated a short way out of town on a bluff above the ocean where it caught any breeze going, making it delightful in summer, but often blustery at other times of the year .

This morning there was only a gentle breeze ruffling Liz’s curls.

She was greeted at the gate by two identical little girls and a small white dog. ‘Hello, girls,’ she said as she heard Rachel’s voice from the doorway.

‘Come right in, Liz. These three will be happy out here for a bit longer. We’ve just had morning tea, but I’m happy to put the kettle on again, or would you prefer coffee?’

‘Thanks, Rachel.’ Liz reached the door and gave her friend a hug. ‘I’ve just had coffee, but I wouldn’t say no to another.’ She followed Rachel into the family-sized kitchen which was filled with the delicious aroma of baking. ‘Been busy I see,’ she said, indicating the tray of cookies on the benchtop.

‘The girls helped me make gingerbread cookies,’ Rachel said. ‘They were such a hit at Christmas, they begged me for more, though I think they got more of the mixture on themselves than on the tray,’ she laughed. ‘Let me make coffee then we can talk.’

Liz sat and watched as Rachel made coffee. It was peaceful here, a different sort of peace from her apartment. Here there was the distant sound of children’s voices and the snuffling of the little dog. ‘No guests at the moment?’ she asked.

‘I do have a family for the school holidays, but they’re out all day. Bed and Breakfast is what it says. I have the day to myself to do housework, cook and look after the two terrors,’ she said gesturing to where Liz could see the children and the dog through the window. They were playing some game with a ball and seemed totally engrossed in it.

‘Now,’ Rachel said, joining Liz at the scrubbed wood table which always reminded Liz of one her grandmother had when she was growing up in the country, ‘what’s up? You sounded worried when you called.’

Liz took a sip of coffee before replying. ‘It’s Mandy,’ she said.

‘What’s she been up to now? Not more matchmaking? I thought you and Finn Hunter…’

How did she know? Liz sighed. How did anyone know anything in Pelican Crossing? It was impossible to keep a secret. Though she had… until now. ‘It’s more about me, really,’ she said. ‘About something I’ve kept secret for years, and Mandy can’t forgive me.’

‘It can’t be that bad, Liz. I’ve known you since Tara was born. I can’t imagine you’ve been hiding anything that would cause Mandy to act up.’

‘It goes back further than that, Rach.’ Liz took another sip of coffee and began her story.

‘… and they’re here in Pelican Crossing now,’ she finished. ‘It’s why I missed our last lunch.’

‘And Mandy found out?’

‘She did. It’s my fault. I should have told her and Tara as soon as they were old enough to understand. But I thought if I never heard from Julie it wouldn’t matter.’

‘And now it does. Oh, my dear. Who was it who said, Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ? But it was really your parents who set up the deception, and they did it to protect you.’ She thought for a moment. ‘How has your mum reacted?’

‘She loves them, is delighted to have a great-granddaughter, thrilled they plan to move to Pelican Crossing. And Tara still has to find out. She and Mark will be back from Paris at the weekend… if Mandy doesn’t contact her before then.’ She sighed as the possibility occurred to her.

‘Tara isn’t as headstrong as Mandy. She may see things from your point of view.’

‘Maybe. What am I going to do, Rach? It seems I’ve found one daughter only to lose another.’

‘You haven’t lost Mandy. She’s taken this opportunity to move in with Gary. Give her time.’

‘That’s what Mum says.’

‘Your mum’s a wise woman. Look at what she and your dad did to protect you when you were fifteen and pregnant. I don’t know if I’d have had the courage to do all of that to protect one of mine. Although they were different times,’ she mused. ‘Anyway, the cat’s out of the bag, so to speak, now and can’t be put back in. You’ve been reunited with your daughter, have discovered a granddaughter – and I know what a delight grandchildren can be, even if they sometimes make me want to tear my hair out. Be grateful. Mandy loves you. She may be a little confused and angry at the moment, but I’m sure your mum’s right. She’ll be back trying to organise your life again before you know it.’

‘Thanks, Rach, I hope you’re right.’ Liz clasped Rachel’s hand .

‘On a brighter note, you and Finn Hunter?’ she asked, reverting to an earlier comment.

‘It’s complicated.’

‘Isn’t it always? I seem to remember Poppy saying the same thing about her and Cam only last year, and now look at them.’

Liz thought of their friend who was now living happily with Cam Mitchell who owned Pelican Marine . They had got together soon after the marriage of Poppy’s daughter and Cam’s son and it hadn’t all been plain sailing, but… ‘It was different for them. We both have obligations, family obligations. We can’t just…’ Liz blushed.

‘But you have?’

Liz blushed again. ‘We’re not teenagers anymore, Rach. We know the score and we know family has to come first. Finn has his daughter and grandson, and I have Julie and Tilly… as well as my other two.’

‘But you’re both effectively free… single.’

‘I suppose. But it doesn’t make things any easier.’ Liz wished she could change the subject. She didn’t feel comfortable talking about Finn like this. Rachel was a good friend, possibly her best friend, but even so, some things were too private to share.

Liz drained her cup. ‘Thanks for listening, Rach. It helped.’ And it had helped… to tell her about Julie and Tilly and her concerns with Mandy. She hoped her mum and Rach were both right, and Mandy would see sense. Meantime, she’d have to wait.

‘I’m always here, anytime you want to talk,’ Rachel said. ‘And I hope we’ll see you at our next lunch.’

‘It must be my turn,’ Liz laughed, ‘so I’ll definitely be there.’

As Rachel hugged her goodbye, she whispered in her ear, ‘Hang in there, Liz. It’ll all work out.’

‘Thanks,’ Liz whispered back.

On the drive home, Liz reflected that the meeting with Rachel had helped. It had been good to share her story once more – it seemed to get easier with each telling – and her advice about Mandy had been encouraging. Now she had to figure out what to cook for dinner, and there was Finn to look forward to. At the thought of the evening ahead, a bubble of excitement began to build up inside her.

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