Secrets in Pelican Crossing (Pelican Crossing #2) Thirty-three 66%
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It was a few minutes after eight when Liz heard Finn at the door. She’d been on tenterhooks ever since Julie and Tilly left to go back to the motel. What if he didn’t come? What if she’d been too forward? She was so out of practice with this dating business. It had been so long. The disastrous dates she’d met through the internet dating website last year hadn’t prepared her for anyone like Finn, or for the rush of desire she felt when she was with him.

Liz knew he’d have eaten, as she had, but had prepared a platter of cheese and biscuits and cut up a few pieces of fruit. She checked herself in the hall mirror and opened the door to be pulled into his arms, his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. Liz was trembling when they drew apart.

‘I’ve been waiting to do that ever since this morning,’ Finn said, producing a bottle of sparkling wine which he had somehow managed to hold in one hand while kissing her. ‘I thought we should celebrate the fact we can have some time together.’

‘Sounds good to me.’ Liz took his hand and led him into the living room. It looked very romantic in the dim light of a table lamp, and with the moon shining through the windows.

Anticipating the wine, Liz had placed two glasses on the coffee table. Finn opened the bottle and filled them, then lifted one towards Liz. ‘To us,’ he said.

‘To us,’ she repeated, unsure exactly what he meant. His obligations hadn’t changed since they were last together, nor had hers. They had only become more complicated. But she was willing to live for the moment, and this moment was theirs, and theirs alone.


They chatted while they drank the wine and spread the cheese on the fig and black olive crackers. Finn told Liz about his meeting Joe and the Save the Courier campaign they proposed, and Liz offered to help where she could, suggesting brochures in the medical centre and a petition to the owners of The Courier .

While Finn didn’t think there was much point in a petition – their minds were made up – he didn’t rubbish the idea, pleased she wanted to be involved. If everyone in Pelican Crossing reacted like Adele and Liz had, the project would be a success.

‘What will you do if it doesn’t work?’ Liz asked, when they were almost at the end of the wine, and most of the cheese had been eaten.

‘I don’t want to think about it,’ he said. But he had. He was well aware he might need to leave Pelican Crossing, leave Liz, just as they were beginning to form a relationship.

‘Don’t let’s worry about that now,’ he said, pulling her into his arms again and inhaling her sweet scent. Being close to her like this sent his senses reeling. It made him forget all his worries and filled him with such a sense of wellbeing, he couldn’t think straight.

It was late when Finn rolled away from Liz, the moonlight shining in through the open bedroom window sending a silvery glow across the room. ‘I should go,’ he murmured, making no attempt to move.

‘Must you?’ Liz kissed his cheek, sending shivers of delight through him, and compelling him to draw her into another embrace.

‘I must,’ he groaned. ‘Adele… Sandy… I don’t want to, but…’ He dropped a gentle kiss on her forehead.

‘I understand,’ she said, but she wound her legs around his, effectively imprisoning him.

Finn kissed her again, as she slowly untangled her legs from his.

‘I know,’ she said, ‘you have to go.’

‘Tomorrow?’ Finn asked. ‘You did say you were free all week?’

‘Tomorrow,’ Liz said. ‘It can’t come soon enough. ’

But next week, her granddaughter would be here, and it would be impossible for them to make love like this. It was something neither of them had mentioned. He didn’t want some hole-in-the-corner affair with Liz. He wanted more. He wanted… a future.

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