Secrets in Pelican Crossing (Pelican Crossing #2) Forty-two 84%
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Finn was worried. He’d planned a romantic afternoon with Liz. Her text to say she might be delayed had given no reason, and it was now well past the time they were due to leave. He’d tried to call but only reached her voicemail. He was already at the marina, the boat he’d hired ready to go.

‘Problem, mate?’

Finn looked up from his phone to see Cam Mitchell staring at him. He didn’t know the owner of Pelican Marine well, but their paths had crossed the previous year not long after Finn had come to Pelican Crossing. He knew Cam and Liz’s friend, Poppy, were a couple. Maybe he could help.

‘I’m not sure. I had intended spending the afternoon sailing with Liz, but she’s been held up. I may have to cancel the boat I’ve hired from Jamie Whittaker.’

‘Just give me the keys and I’ll see he gets them. No worries.’

‘It’s not that. I don’t know what the problem is. She was going to see her mother earlier today. Maybe the old woman’s ill.’ He indicated his phone. ‘Keeps going to voicemail.’

‘Want me to give Poppy a call, see if she knows anything?’

‘I don’t…’

They were interrupted by Jamie’s arrival. He was grinning and waving his phone in the air. He stopped abruptly when he saw Finn. ‘Thought you’d be out on the water by now.’

‘Change of plans,’ Finn said, handing him the keys .

‘No worries. I’ll arrange a refund.’ He turned to Cam. ‘Great news. I’m going to become a grandfather.’

‘Congratulations!’ Cam slapped him on the back. ‘Gary, I presume?’

‘He texted me. Only just found out himself.’

Finn stared at Jamie. Gary Whittaker was the man Liz’s daughter, Mandy, was living with. Did this mean…? ‘Congratulations,’ he said. ‘Grandchildren are a blessing. Gary’s with Mandy Phillips, isn’t he?’

‘That’s right. They haven’t been together long. I didn’t expect this. Don’t think he did either.’ He chuckled. ‘This’ll make him sit up and take notice. Good thing he set up his dive business. Before that he lacked direction.’ He looked at Finn. ‘Problem?’

‘No, I think you may have solved it.’ It suddenly occurred to him Liz’s reason for delaying their afternoon together might well have something to do with the news Jamie had received. If her daughter was pregnant, maybe there had been a reconciliation, and of course, Liz would put time with her daughter before her afternoon with Finn. ‘Thanks, Jamie, Cam. I’ll head home now.’


When Finn arrived home, Adele was relaxing with a book, and Sandy was playing with Bluey in the back yard.

‘I thought you were seeing Liz,’ Adele said.

‘Something came up.’ Finn didn’t want to go into details. He might be completely wrong. He headed to the kitchen, made himself a mug of coffee and took it into his study. Once there, he texted Liz to tell her where he was and suggest they might meet for dinner at the yacht club. Then he opened his laptop to do what he’d been putting off.

Finn was reading the revamped version of his CV which he’d prepared for the television channel when his phone pinged with a reply from Liz.

Sorry about the sailing. Will explain when I see you. Dinner sounds wonderful.

He experienced a sudden lightness as he replied with a time, then went back to his task. He’d hoped to have avoided this step, but unless what Joe called a white knight appeared with an influx of funds, the paper was doomed. The community just hadn’t been able to come up with sufficient money to save it, and there was so little time left.

‘Grandy, you’re back!’ Sandy pushed the study door open, Bluey at his heels.

Finn shut down the computer. There was no need to share his worry yet. Maybe there was still hope. ‘Hey, champ,’ he said. ‘What’s up?’

‘Me and Bluey have been playing in the yard, but we’d like to go to the beach. Bluey likes chasing the waves. Mummy said she was too tired to take us.’ He looked up at Finn, his expression matching the spaniel’s soulful gaze and making Finn want to laugh.

‘Okay. I’ll let Mum know, while you find your hat and Bluey’s lead.’

Sandy disappeared in a flash.

Finn shook his head, wishing everything in his life could be solved as easily as granting his grandson’s wish.


There was a chill in the air by the time Finn and Liz arrived at the yacht club, giving him an excuse to put an arm around her shoulders as they walked from the car. Clouds were beginning to build up, a sure sign a storm was approaching. The air was still with a spooky silence and groups of seagulls were flying low over the ocean, heading towards the shore.

Once inside, it was easy to forget the weather outside in the bright lights of the restaurant, but seated at a window table, Finn could see vessels in the marina being buffeted by the wind.

‘Sorry about this afternoon,’ Liz said. ‘It was unavoidable. Mandy…’ she took a deep breath, ‘Mandy’s pregnant.’

‘Wow!’ Finn didn’t want to give away the fact he’d already heard this from Jamie. ‘You and she… you’re speaking again?’

‘We are.’ Liz smiled. It was lovely to see her looking so happy. ‘She told my mother first, and I went round to see her and Gary. She hadn’t even told him. I think she might have been afraid he wouldn’t want to be saddled with a baby. But he was thrilled.’

‘I’m so pleased for you… and for the young couple. It must have been a shock. ’

‘For everyone.’ Liz laughed. ‘I’d never expected Mandy to be the one to produce my first grandchild… though of course, he or she isn’t the first. There’s Tilly, but I didn’t know her as a baby. Mandy never seemed to be the maternal sort, never played with dolls much as a child, always preferred to be active. But I think she’ll make a good mother, and Gary’s like a dog with two tails. He texted his dad straight away, and his brother. I think they plan to tell Tara and Mark tonight. And… she’s agreed to meet Julie and Tilly. I can’t quite believe it.’

‘That’s wonderful.’ Finn covered Liz’s hand with his.

‘Are you ready to order?’

Finn looked up at the waiter who was hovering beside their table. ‘Can you give us a few more minutes?’ he asked. ‘But bring us a bottle of champagne. We have something to celebrate.’

‘Thanks.’ Liz smiled again, her eyes sparkling with pleasure. ‘It really is something special, something I’ve been hoping would happen, two things, really. Now, we can all be one happy family.’

It wasn’t the time to tell her about the offer from the television station. It would keep. He didn’t want to spoil the evening with his worries.

But later, when they were lying in each other’s arms in her comfortable bed, the storm raging outside, Finn wondered how long he could keep it secret from her.

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