The natural progression of a date was to go to either his place, or mine. And I knew already I didn’t want to be in someone else’s apartment, even this place would probably have panoramic views and be worth millions of dollars.
Dessert was a performance piece almost, the chocolate sphere came out with it’s gold flakes covering it. Jeannie poured the hot sauce across it in a pattern, melting it all and revealing the pistachio and caramel insides.
I didn’t know if Everett, or Daddy thought he was going to be getting lucky tonight, but I’d eaten more than I’d told myself to. I suppose I didn’t have a choice, from the starter, I was hooked, licking every utensil clean like I could get anything from it to linger on my tongue.
Once it was over, I didn’t see him pay or anything, we just left for a car he said was waiting. With my shoes on, standing on the backs of them, and the lightly blooded cloth napkins stuffed into my suit pocket, we were both spent.
In the back of the car, we held hands and he had my legs across his legs. My shoes hanging on by the tips of my toes.
“How was that?” he asked.
“I can honestly say I’ve never experience anything like it,” I said, resting my head back on the comfortable car interior. “I feel like a real princess after that.”
“And we got through all that wine,” he reminded me. “I hope you didn’t tell your friends you might’ve brought something back.”
I’d spaced on even taking the picture of the label, let alone telling them they might find their lips at the tasting end of a ten-thousand bottle. “No, just the picture,” I said. “I think it looks really cute.”
Everett took his phone out. “Your smile is so cute.”
“No, yours is.”
“And I like the way you make my lips feel.”
I giggled. “How do they feel?”
“Maybe I can show you.”He kissed me, but I don’t think the feeling transferred. He made my lips needy, begging for a second and third kiss. “Or I can show you later how they really make me feel?”
My legs were over his lap. I had a clue to how they made him feel, and I wasn’t mad about it either. “Are you being naughty?”
“I’d never be naughty.” He placed his hand on my leg, directing it almost across his cock to feel the chub hardening in his slacks. “Well, maybe a little.”
My cock was getting harder too, mostly because I needed to pee, and it seemed like the best defense against pissing myself. “I need to use the toilet,” I whispered. “I know I should’ve gone earlier.”
“It’s ok. I should’ve asked.”
“If you can’t hold it, we can pull up somewhere and find a restaurant or something,” he said.
I pressed a hand against my crotch. “I think I can hold it.”
Everett placed his hand over mine. “If it gets too much, I can hold it too.”
A giggle came out, and if I’d laughed any harder, I might’ve wet myself. “I don’t think it works like that,” I told him.
I lasted the journey back to my apartment, making excuses and apologizing for the mess my apartment was going to be in. The moment the elevator dropped, I raced to the door, jammed my key in the lock and nearly brute forced it open. Not my finest moment. I ran to the bathroom, and that’s when I realized how much I’d had to drink. The bright light against the stark white tile. I chuckled it off, kicking the slacks off, and then folding them because they weren’t mine. I’d been in the bathroom for a while, examining myself in the unbuttoned shirt and my tight white briefs.
“Hope everything is ok in there?” Everett asked. “I love your place. You really prepared me for the worst. But it’s actually nice.”
“I’m in my underwear,” I called out. “Um.”
“Oh. I—”
“I needed to get undressed and I didn’t have anything to change into.”
“I can go hide behind a drape somewhere so you can come out and get changed,” he said, his voice growing distant.
“No, it’s fine. I’m just warning you that I’m almost naked,” I said. If there was ever a way to come onto someone, coming out of the bathroom would’ve been high on that list. I just didn’t want to give him that first lasting impression of me.
“Well, I’ll look away,” he said.
“You can look at me,” I told him. “Besides, the shirt covers a lot of it anyway.”
“I’m gonna sit on your sofa.”
I could recount in a single hand the number of guys I’d brought back here, and most of them were just flings where the itch of certain things wasn’t scratched. So, I was nervous now that Everett was here and promised me all the things I’d been feeling strongly about for the longest time.
The way the apartment was positioned, I had a view of the sofa from the open bathroom and the back of Everett’s head. He seemed tempted to turn, paying attention to the patter of my feet on the floor behind him. I got on my knees behind the sofa and placed my hands around his face and eyes.
“They’re cold,” he said.
“I washed them,” I told him.
“Good boy,” he said, rubbing his warmer hands against mine. “Or good princess.”
“I don’t mind. Good boy, good princess, as long as you fill me up with all those positive affirmations, you can put good before anything,” I said, leaning over the sofa to hug him. “You wanna see some of my dresses?”
“I wanna see if you managed to take care of those vicious cuts on the back of your ankles,” he said, turning to look at me behind him, my crotch in his face as I stood. He had hold of both my hands, keeping me from recoiling and covering myself. “I can see a little pee spot.”
“Oh no.” I turned my hips. “I was always told that more than two shakes is considered playing with yourself, so I—”
“Relax,” he said in his calm tone. “I’m not going to judge you. But I would love to see you in a dress. And I hope I didn’t ruin the blue one.”
“It needed cleaning anyway,” I told him. “I have another blue, it’s got more sparkles on it, or a yellow one.”
He kissed each of my hands before letting me having them back. “You choose. You’re the princess.”
“Ok, but no peeking,” I said, walking off around the sofa. I was giving away all my secrets as I moved the drapes to his surprise. “This is how I section the apartment off into different rooms.”
“Genius. And—where the bedroom?”
I shrugged. “Somewhere. You have to work yourself up to that type of knowledge.”
Behind the drapes, I changed into the yellow dress. It was the loosest of them all, and I’d spent the evening in the tight suit, I didn’t want to be suffocated in a dress too. I put on a little show at the same time, showing off little bits of the dress at a time and pulling them back.
“I look forward to the big reveal,” he said. “Also, I noticed that piece of tech in the corner. Is that where you do all your music stuff?”
“Yeah. I can put something on if you want. I make lo-fi beats, which I also think set a great mood.” I projected my voice, knowing how the drapes muffled sound.
“You don’t have to, I don’t want you to ruin the surprise,” he said.
He had a lot to learn about my place. I tugged on the drape and walked across the length of the room toward the window where my music mixing equipment was. I’d left behind my underwear on the ground where I’d been, in front of the clothes railing where I kept my clothes bags and now, Jai’s shirt.
A soft symphony of lo-fi beats played out through the surround speakers. I wished I could’ve seen Everett’s reaction to them, I’d heard him mumble something, probably from the sudden boom of music coming from them.
“I’m ready!” I announced, fixing the tiara in my hair from the reflection in the window. The outfit wasn’t complete because I didn’t have my knee-high socks on. I didn’t want them getting my ankle blood on them. Princess Valeria had a clean look to keep.
The yellow dress, almost floor-length was paired with a lighter yellow-cream colored glove and a wand, but not one with any glitter throwing capabilities. The chest area of the dress was covered in Swarovski crystals that tapered out down. It was one of my nicer dresses. I never wore this one out to our any of the clubs I performed at.
“You are breathtaking,” he said, patting the seat of the sofa beside him. “I’d be honored if you’d sit beside me.”
“Anything for you, Daddy.” I waltzed over, and sat on beside him, both legs across him. “I like stories, tea parties, teddies, and most of all, I like cuddles.”
“Please, allow me to show you a cuddle,” he said, scooping me up in an arm and pulling me further onto his lap. “I didn’t bring any books or teddies. But I know for next time.”
Kicking my legs around all giddy. “There’s going to be a next time?”
“Assuming the princess wants a next time.”
“If Daddy wants a next time, then I’d be a willing princess.”
His hand slipped up my dress, stroking my leg. He reached my knee.
“Any further and you’ll have to buy me dinner,” I giggled.
He kept his hand on my knee, stroking me. “If you ask Bryce, he’ll tell you all about the amazing dinner we shared together.” His other hand touched the corner of my lip. “I just found a little chocolate there.”
My tongue licked at the corners of my mouth. “It was good chocolate cake.”
“Do you have any books I can read to you?”
“Of course, I have so many books.” There was an entire shelf of books and collectables behind another carefully draped section of fabric. I left his lap and he followed me.
“How big is this place? I feel like it keeps getting bigger and bigger,” he said.
“These are not toys though,” I said, showing off the shelf of collectables. They were princesses from different cartoon franchises. Each one still int eh original packaging. “One day they’ll be worth a lot of money. Oh, and then there’s this one. This me but 3D printed for games night.” It wasn’t painted yet either.
Daddy took a book from the shelf. “What about this?” he asked. “ The Princess Goes on Vacation .”
“Yes, yes! It’s a lot of picture books, the princess goes books are my favorite ones.” I gestured to the collection of them on the shelf. They weren’t all those, but most of them were. “Oh, and that’s my bedroom, well, bed.” It was half on view from the spacing in the drapes. “And Cuthbert!”
“My teddy.” Cuthbert was on my bed, tucked in, supposedly waiting for me to get back, but I wasn’t back alone, so he needed to meet my friend. “Cuthbert meet Everett aka Daddy or King Daddy.”
“I’ll take it,” he said. “Hi Cuthbert.”
I grabbed Daddy’s hand and took him back to the sofa, making sure to swing my hips and skip to give the dress the most movement. I knew how cute it looked when I did that.
“I think I might’ve seen under the dress,” Daddy said. “I promise I would’ve closed my eyes if I’d known. But I looked respectfully.”
“Oopsie!” I giggled. “It’s ok. I should’ve had underwear on.”
On the sofa, I sat with my legs over him again. I hugged Cuthbert as Daddy placed his hand under my dress on my knee again and with one hand, he held the book open.
“That’s Princess Gert,” I told him. “She does a lot of things, and goes to a lot of places. Her best friend is a cat named Rio, and she also has loads of other princess friends. Ok, now you can read.”
Daddy went through the book, it didn’t take long. I hadn’t been too focused on it. His other hand was taking all my focus, the way he circled his finger on my knee and then as it went lower, drawing intricate patterns on my inner thigh. I knew where it was going, and my cock rock solid. I’d squished it up against my belly button with the help of Cuthbert’s plush body.
“It’s been so long since I’ve read anything that wasn’t a work email,” he said, closing the book and placing it on the arm of the sofa. “Did you like it?”
“You have the best voice for reading stories. And I’ve got some on audio.”
“And you are my favorite princess,” he said. “Maybe we should write some stories about you?”
Little did he know, there were stories about me, but in all of those I was battling monsters. They weren’t exactly cute, they were full of possessed orcs and the worst creature ever, the mimic.
“What kind of stories?” I asked. “Naughty? Nice? Sweet? Spicy?”
“Is that my choice? Or yours?” he asked.
“Daddy choices, obviously.”
“Then I choose sweet and spicy, and I think we’ve hit our quota of sweet.” He removed his hand from my thigh and took mine. “You make my heart go wild.” He placed my hand on his chest. “Feel it.” He unbuttoned more of his shirt, revealing his white body hugging tank top. I shoved my fingers inside the tank top, over his heart, his hairy chest all warm. I resisted the urge for a singular moment before tugging the hair on his chest between my fingers.
“You’re so warm,” I whispered. “I want to feel all of it.”
“All of it?” he asked, his hand once more on my inner thigh, deeper until his finger grazed the bottom of my balls. “Because I’d love nothing more than to give my princess what you want.”
Gulping at forced breaths, I nodded. “I want it.” My hand leaving his skin to go down his body, maintaining eye contact like it was a request for permission to land somewhere else on him. I reached his belly button and he slowly nodded.
“All yours.”
“I’m nervous,” I whispered.
“It won’t bite,” he said.
“I’m not worried about that.”
“I’m worried you won’t be able to handle all of me.”
He chuckled. “Is that so?” His hand now cupping my balls, cradled gently in his palm as he softly massaged them. “Because I’m not worried about that. I’m pretty sure I can meet you precious princess needs.”
I placed Cuthbert on the coffee table, allowing my hard cock freedom to move. It mostly stayed upright with a slight curve. My hand explored Daddy’s hard bulge in his slacks. He smirked as I became ravenous for it, using both hands to unbuckle his belt and get to the warm throbbing from inside.
Squeezed through the fly of his boxers, his pink-topped cock appeared. Thick and veiny.The moment I took his cock, he grabbed mine. I sucked the saliva collecting on the tip of my tongue as a droplet of precum came to his tip. I rubbed it across the head with my thumb. He applied the same one-handed massage technique as he had to my balls. He’d been trying to make eye contact while I was more occupied with his cock.
“Tell me what you want, princess,” he said, removing his hand from my cock and licking his finger. “You taste so nice.” He salivated between his finger and thumb before going back inside the dress, using it as lube across my cock.
My entire body was processing his hand and even my own. “I wanna taste.”
“Yourself? Or me?” he asked, leaning in close. His tongue out. “I can offer you both.”
I touched his tongue with me, his tongue showing more movement as it forced my tongue into submission against his. If tongues were wrestlers, he would have won the heavyweight trophy. It was long but also flared slightly appearing thicker than it was. It got to the point where he’d laid me back on the sofa and positioned himself between my legs.
“Are you a princess that needs saving?” he asked, removing his shirt. On his knees, between my legs, his slacks had come undone further while his cock still curved up through the fly of his boxers. “I’m not sure if you know this about me, but I’m in the security sector. I can save you.” His hard nipples on show through the tank top, the bottom of it still tucked into the band of his underwear.
“Yes, Daddy. I need to be saved.” I pouted. “Pweese, I’m just a princess, scared of the nasty dragon that’s going to eat me.”
“Oh, there’s a dragon now,” he asked, removing his tank top.
I audibly gasped at his slim toned physique and the formation of his body hair, the pillows of his chest and the treasure trail, leading to a treasure bush.
“I’m not really into shaving,” he said, chest out as he rested both hands on my knees. “I hope that’s not a problem.”
I shook my head. “I love it.”
“Tell me more about this dragon,” he said.
“My eyes glanced at his cock. Well, it’s big,” I told him. “I don’t know how you’re going to deal with it.”
He lifted my dress up slightly. “I heard dragons like warm holes.” He had complete view of me. I knew what my naked lower half looked like. “And I think I might’ve found the perfect hole for this one.”
I licked my lips. “I wanna see taste him first,” I said, desperate to suck his cock.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of face time with him.” He lowered himself to his arms and placed the dress over him. His hands on my cock, then his tongue, I guessed.
Clutching the edge of the sofa with one hand and the back cushion with the other, not seeing the pleasure I was getting was a new experience. But I liked it. It was also a reminder that perhaps two people over six foot weren’t suited for a sofa of this size.
His tongue worked itself on the tip of my cock, down my shaft, and from my balls to my hole. He pulled me from my hips, getting a better angle of my ass with his tongue. I continued to grip at the sofa from whichever angle I had access to, and brace myself as the moans rolled out of the back of my throat.
Daddy came up for air. “I think we might need to move this to the bed,” he said.
“Yeah.” My head had been angled weird to my neck. “And I have lube, you know, so you don’t have to go—”
“I like eating my princess’s ass,” he said.
“Then continue.” I giggled.
“I will. Maybe I should try carrying you now. I kinda promised it earlier.”
I needed to have confidence in my Daddy, but obviously, I was over six foot, nobody had been able to carry me for a while.
“Plus, it makes those early morning gym sessions mean something,” he said, flexing his chest just as my cock throbbed, and I could feel it leave precum in on the inside of the dress. “Only if you’ll let me.”
Daddy carried me from the sofa to the bed with no issue. I didn’t know why there would be, it was only a couple paces away. I might’ve been able to throw myself into it from the same distance.
He laid beside me on the bed, the draping cocooning us in the same type of darkness from the restaurant. I took my opportunity to taste him. I pulled his boxers down, his cock springing back after being pulled through the fly again.
“Let me see what your tongue can do.”
I’d been known to lick a lollipop to the stick, but I’d also been known to bite right into a icy popsicle. Between his legs, I ran my hands up and down his hairy legs. I rubbed my face against them all the way up to his cock. I teased myself, licking his shaft, working my way up to his tip. Precum leaked out of him in a sticky little string from his belly button to his tip now. I lapped it up, making sure not a single drip remained.
“Ten out of ten,” I said. “Not better than the dessert though.” My mouth ached to open wide for him, but it was the sacrifice I was willing to make for Daddy’s thickness. I tried doing his tongue tricks around his tip, but I wanted to touch everywhere with my tongue and I couldn’t. I went deep until gag reflex was initiated and I had to pull back. Tears in my eyes, I went back in for a second attempt.
“Turn yourself around,” he said. “I want to play too.”
In a sixty-nine position, my dress covering his top half almost entirely, he went from eating my ass and applying a finger to sucking my cock all while I tried to train my mouth on opening wider to get his cock in without my teeth touching every time he throbbed.
Every other attempt, I heard his voice beneath my body call out. “Good princess.” He knew my sweet spot, each time I was applying more of my body on him.
From there, we switch positions again, me on my back, dress pushed to my chest, collected in my arms.
“I have lube and condoms in that drawer,” I told him. “I was gonna say earlier.”
“You have lube, and I just spent all that time playing in your ass getting you ready for me,” he said. “I’m kidding. I would’ve done that anyway.” Armed with lube, he squeezed a little on his thumb, and inside my ass it went.
I clenched on it. “Got your thumb.”
Daddy bit his lip in a smile. “You are—” he paused, keeping eye contact. “Precious.”
“I’m ready for the dragon now,” I said, not completely convinced. He might’ve needed to excavate a little inside before I was truly ready, perhaps removing an internal organ or two.
He rolled the condom over his cock and within seconds of him directing it to my ass, he was inside me. The dildos I had were much skinnier than him, I was not prepared at all for the sensation of him stretching my little princess hole like that.
Every thrust he made, he stared into my eyes, his arms around me, his hands caressing. It was a full body embrace as his slow fucking had me moan and gasp.
“Harder,” I begged.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, dragging his hands down my body. He slipped them up the dress, one grabbed my cock while the other pulled at my cheeks, parting my ass a little more for his cock to get deeper access. If I had the room, my head would’ve been further back stretching. My hands were already digging into the bedding, collected in fists I eventually wished to cocoon our bodies in forever.
It didn’t take me long to cum. I’d been drinking, his hand tugging on my cock was the only motivation it needed before shooting cum into the bunched up dress on my chest. It was worth it for the sensation my skin felt, oddly ticklish and prickly. Now, he fucked harder against the post-orgasm clench my hole had over his cock.
“Inside me,” I said.
The feeling of both our bodies operating in sync with each other was a dream. His filled the condom inside me, his throbbing cock against my hole almost had me shooting whatever was left inside.
Once he was done, he pulled out and laid on top of me. Not a single care about getting cum all over his hairy body. He kissed me. “That was nice,” he said, wrapping me in a hug. “I think you defeated the dragon, princess.”
My internal voice said. It’s officially been zero days since you last had sex. Yay. Not like I ever had an actual countdown. “You want to stay over?” I asked, immediately wishing to take the words back the moment they were uttered. “You don’t have—”
“If you don’t mind,” he said, kissing my cheek. I think he’d aimed for my mouth. “I rarely share my bed. But I’ve read studies that say you get a better night of sleep, something about deep REM cycles.”
“Deep,” I giggled. “Was that not deep enough?”
“Very deep,” he said, kissing me again. “You ok if I take a shower?” he asked. “With you, of course. Only if you want.”
He was officially the perfect Daddy. The bar was low for me, but the bar was passed, and that’s all I could’ve asked for.