It was good to get out of routine sometimes, a vacation I was constantly putting off but around Bryce, he had that spark about him that summoned my tenderness and it consumed me. To see him, smiling under my touch and moaning with my strokes was heaven. With Bryce, I was Daddy, in control, while my brain was constantly in calculation and CEO mode, it lent itself to the caretaking responsibilities I had over satisfying my princess.
“Ta-da!” he said, pulling the drapes back to reveal himself all dressed in a different blue dress. Covered in glitter shimmering as it caught the natural light. His body sparkled too with flecks covering his shoulders and collarbone. “I’m ready for my close up, Daddy.”
Holding the glass toy wand, I patted it on the palm of my hand like a baton. “I’m ready to slay more dragons,” I said.
He giggled. “I don’t have the highest strength modifier, but I’m great with magic.”
“Oh, that’s right.” I’d seen the roleplaying items around, from the maps of fantasy lands attached to thick card to the odd card I’d flipped over to see telling me I’d stumbled upon a necklace and had to roll a dice. “What else can you do?”
Climbing onto the bed, he lifted his dress to flash me, showing off a bright pink jock. “I can project ice ball, not snow balls, and I can create weapons from ice, but only in cold environments. And—” he huffed and fanned his face, “—this is far from a cold environment.”
I gestured with a finger, hooked and wiggling in his direction. “I just so happen to be a rogue drow, so I’ve got you covered.” As a teen, I’d played my fair share of D&D with friends in high school. “Level ten, I think.”
“Level ten,” he giggled, crawling the length of my legs and laying just shy of my groin. “Tell me more, Daddy.”
In the recesses of my mind, I knew the basics, but it had been so long so I’d thought about it that I was just making things up. It was worth it to see the glow on Bryce’s face, enthralled with another thing we had in common. “I was a reformed evil-doer, great with a bow, an excellent shot with an arrow. It’s why I know I can protect you. And when I can’t protect you, I can set traps up for monsters to fall into.”
“You deserve a reward for being so protective,” he said, reaching for my chubbed cock inside the sweatpants. He had cock-seeking missile hands, and knew just where to grab. “Can I?”
“All yours,” I told him.
Last night, he seemed surprised by the thickness of my cock, going as far to gag on it. He was over that now, jerking my cock harder, his tongue over the tip, licking the precum. I squeezed the glass toy in my hand, knowing I was thicker than it.
“Princess,” I said through a heavy breath. “I’ve warmed it up.” The toy in my hands had warmed significantly since I’d been given it. “It’s my turn to please you.”
On his back, Bryce braced by bunching the dress up slowly. I knew what was hiding under there, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t still surprised by how sexy he made it. “Don’t forget the lube,” he said softly.
His cock pressed against his jock, curving it down to fit inside the pouch. I cupped it, teasing him as I used my other hand to tug him down the bed and gain better access to his ass. It looked like he’d run a razor across it while preparing himself, there wasn’t any hair around it, but a small dot of blood.
“I can help you do that next time,” I told him. His ass was a lot smoother. “The shaving.” I was still forming ideas of what it meant to be a Daddy. I didn’t know what it was he needed from me, and I felt like I was missing a trick by not offering him things.
“Is it ok? I—”
“It’s perfect,” I said, applying a little saliva on a finger and placing it at his hole. “But I’m going to open it up and maybe bury myself inside.”
Bryce let out an excited chuckle.
I teased his hole with my finger, then two. It was time to lube up the toy and see just what those little glass ribs and dots could do. Bryce gathered the sheets up in his hands, prepared for what pleasure this toy would rain down on him.
“I’m going to go easy,” I said as the tip went inside.
The muscle of his hole made it look like it was chowing down on the glass pipe. With each of the sensory dots that went inside, he moaned harder. His ass pulled and pushed on the glass with throbs.
With a little pressure and a whole lot of moaning, Bryce’s princess hole almost got down to the base. Tugging on it, against the resistance of his hole trying to cling to it, his soft words barely audible.
“I’m gonna cum,” he let out, and it was too late. We’d flown too close to the pleasure center of playing with the toy. His hole went crazy around the glass as a wet patch appeared on the front of his jock. He let go of the bedsheets which had pinged off the corners of the bed.
Slowly and with the sensitive jerking motion of his limbs, I removed the toy from him. “That was hot,” I said, laying beside him. The toy had warmed to Bryce’s internal temperature. I placed it on the bundle of bed sheet at his other side.
“I’m sorry I came before you could fuck me,” he said, turning his head on the pillow to me.
“Don’t be sorry. I know now that your ass is delicate.” I wiped a finger across his chest. “That’s a lot of body glitter.”
He lifted the front of his jock to see his cock, still firm, now covered in cum. “That wasn’t how it was supposed to happen,” he whispered.
“Which part?”
“All of it.”
“Whose to say what’s supposed to happen?” I could answer that, because usually, it was me who was supposed to say something should happen with certainty. “Because if you asked me, I’d say I did a good job. And I didn’t get any glitter on me.”
His giggle gave it all away. His plan all along was to get his glittery body all over me. It would’ve given us another reason to shower together, and allow him to use my chest hair as his personal loofah again. “I wanted you to have something to remember me by when we have to eventually end our date.”
“Dates, plural.”
“Date ssssss .”
I wrapped an arm across his chest area in a hug. “I already got something to remember you by,” I said, pressing a kiss to the side of his face. “I’ve got your t-shirt on, your underwear, and I know which cologne you wear. I plan on spraying a handkerchief with it just to sniff it for the dopamine hit.”
“You have a handkerchief?” he snickered.
“Complimentary with most suits,” I told him. “Well, the type I buy.” And I knew it was only a matter of time until I had to leave and deal with reality, but to know I could escape it at any moment with the idea of Bryce and his need for a Daddy.
“I need something from you then,” he said.
“My suit,” I said. “That way you’ll have to see me again to give it back to me.”
“And what if I don’t want to give it back to you?”
“That sounds like another reason to see each other.”
“Why are we even talking about ending the date s ?” he asked. “I still didn’t make you cum yet. I don’t want you to leave with blue balls as a reminder of me as well.”
I stroked his face as he spoke. “I don’t plan on leaving just yet anyway, it was just a thought. The inevitable really that I’d have to leave.” Sometimes I said things without revealing every other thought that had contributed to it. “We should get you out of that jock.”
“Mhm, are you gonna change me?”
Planting a kiss on his lips, I lingered. “It’s a Daddy’s duty to keep you clean.”
“And it’s a princesses duty to make sure Daddy is covered in glitter.” His hand went up my t-shirt before going all the way through the hair on my torso.
I lifted the t-shirt to see the flecks of glitter twinkle back at me. “I guess I’ll never be able to get rid of that.” The staying power of glitter was magic. It should’ve been studied.
Bryce rolled around on his bed as I explored his underwear drawers. I was hoping to find more toys hiding in there and reveal more of his secrets. There were things that he might’ve considered secret if they weren’t already clues and outright discussions about his love for princesses and roleplaying. He had colorful boxer briefs with days of the week on them. “Monday,” I mumbled, grabbing the blue pair from the chaos that was his underwear drawer. “Look what I’ve got.” His eyes lit up as he wiggled around on the bed. “Do you often forget your days of the week?”
“Not really, but it’s confusing when I reach for a pair and accidentally wear some on the wrong day,” he said. “Today is Monday, right?”
“That’s what the underwear says.”
After cleaning Bryce’s cum-covered cock off with the dry fabric of his jock, I dressed him in the clean underwear. Stroking up the inside of his thigh, I didn’t want to let go of him.
“Do you want to play?” he asked, jumping on his knees around me on the bed. Touching the edge of age regression, he was desperate to play.
“What type of play?”
I didn’t want to speedrun my way through everything a potential future dynamic like ours could offer. I also didn’t want to push any idea of what I wanted, which was to please his mind and body in every way possible. The little pleasures in life were derived from the flash of a smile and the bite of a lip when you didn’t think anyone was watching. I wanted to be the watcher.
He shrugged.
“You mentioned a tea party.”
“You want to play tea party with me?” he put on a more innocent voice, calling the Daddy protector up from inside me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
I nodded. “I’d be honored. And to meet your tea party friends.”
“Not the other princesses,” he said.
I’d already met Cristian. I wasn’t sure I could handle the others just yet. “Oh no. Just your teddy friends.”
“You’ve met Cuthbert. I’ll get the others. You make tea party. Ok!”
Bryce bounced away on his knees then jumped off the bed. “Everything is in the box under the bed,” he said before running off.
I dipped to look under the bed. There were so many boxes. Another hiding space in his apartment. Thankfully, all the boxes were labelled. I grabbed the closest one with ‘ Princess Valeria’ scribbled on the side of it in marker pen. There was some heft to it. Inside, I discovered why. There were a full ceramic tea set in pink with gold accents. Packed with bubble wrap cushioning each of them so they didn’t touch. I wanted to ask him if he meant this, but I was Daddy, I was making the decisions. These would be great.
Exploring the box further, I discovered a metal box of tea bags and a tea pot. I didn’t want to admit that I’d potentially bitten off more than I could chew as a Daddy for his little princess. I’d never made actual tea before in my life, but that’s why the internet was a gem.
In this instance, the internet was up in arms. Certain practices required a tea kettle, others required a pan to boil water in, and nobody could agree on the best practice, even the Brits were arguing amongst themselves in the online forums and threads. And to add to the confusion, there were also several types of tea. But since my princess didn’t have any milk, or anything really. I had to act accordingly.
The tea set was organized on the coffee table. Five cups, matching saucers, and small spoons. Amongst the collection in the box, I’d also uncovered a ceramic square pot that contained sugar cubes. I had questions, like why the sugar was kept under the bed, and how long it had been there. I set it out in the center as I waited for a pan to boil water on the hob.
Bryce was in the corner of the room with his arms filled with teddies, talking to them. From the snippets of conversation I’d heard, he was making them audition for their spot at the tea party table.
Once the hot water was boiled, I carefully poured it into the tea pot, and then as per the internet’s guide, I added two tea bags, careful to tug on the strings and keep them dangling through the lid of the pot. I felt like I was the one getting an education on etiquette at the same time.
“Who is ready for some tea?” I asked, standing, my knees creaked from the position I’d been in. “There’s four more spaces, so you’ve got to be quick. Unless I’m not joining.”
Bryce threw a bunch of stuffed plushies on the bed and raced over with a smaller collection in his arms. He slid around the apartment floor on his thigh-high pink socks. “Of course, you’re joining. You have to know my friends.”
I placed a cushion from the couch down for my knees, and a second beside me where Bryce was going to sit—except, he took the cushion and sat across from me instead. It was the first time being face-to-face with him since he’d ran off. He’d gotten glitter all over his face and his dress.
“I wish I could’ve had small sandwiches and cakes for a real tea party,” I said.
“That’s ok, next time,” he said, giggling. “You need to meet my friends.” The largest, he pulled from his lap was Cuthbert. We’d already been formally introduced. He followed it up with two smaller purple bears, stitched together at the hands. “Twins. They only take up one space though. This is Mavis and Marco.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said, nodding at them. “There’s plenty of tea to go around.”
A large pink caricature blobfish plushie took me by surprise. “And this is Nogi. Do you remember a couple years ago, on social media, people were making fun of this, and I was obsessed because it looked like a human. Anyway, my friend surprised me with it.”
“Nice to meet you, Nogi.” The eyes on it were eerie. “Do you like tea?”
He raised Nogi to his head and made a bunch of nonsensical sounds. “That means yes,” he said, offering excellent translation services for his friends. He sat them around for each of the place settings.
“I’m not a huge tea drinker,” I told him. “But this one smells fruity.”
With a hand to his mouth, he whispered. “It’s raspberry tea. I don’t like the other stuff either.”
“So, who wants some tea?”
Bryce immediately raised his hand. “Me!”
This was the real test. I hadn’t seen anyone pour tea before. It went well, surprisingly. The tea poured without problem. I hesitated over the cups that wouldn’t be used, but Bryce insisted that his friends required tea as well. I made sure that everyone got some.
It took me back to the whole reason I’d invested in the Playhouse Club. I’d needed an escape for so long, and I hoped that would’ve been it. It turned out, Bryce was the escape. We went around, talking about ourselves, and Bryce doing most of the talking. It was a real insight into who he was, and how much being able to play had an affect on him. I was like experiencing a cold wind on the hottest day of the year. A relief.
I’d found someone who matched me in so many ways.
Next step was not to come on too strong and ruin it.