Seeking Daddy (Princess Boys #1) 14. BRYCE 93%
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All of my friends were going to be jealous when I told them Daddy had bought me pasta princess shapes. When we all got together on our Wednesdays, we sometimes made those types of things, but we needed several tins to share them amongst all four of us. But that wasn’t what they’d be most jealous of. I also had a new princess dress.

Daddy took me to the bathroom through his bedroom where a garment bag was placed over a towel rail. “I have a designer friend who my company does security for. She does costuming, and while this isn’t a custom piece, it’s definitely something that will fit you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m absolutely sure,” he said.

“What if I get food on it?”

“I have some princess-themed napkins that should keep that from happening,” he said. “But that was supposed to be a surprise.”

I wrapped my arms around him in a deep squeezing hug. “I don’t know how to thank you.” I kissed him on each cheek, feeling his stubble. And then his lips, where they lingered over the fruity wine taste. “But I’m pretty sure I can think of a couple ways.”

“Let’s start with you feeling cute,” he said, his hand down my back to squeeze my ass. “Go on. Try the dress on. I’ll get started on food.”

“Oh, actually, I need my bag. It’s got my tiara and wand,” I said.

“Mhmm. Your wand.”

“Not that type of wand.” I’d told my friends about him finding my adult toys in my underwear drawer, apparently it wasn’t as embarrassing as it was hot that I was getting laid. “But maybe later.”

Once Daddy left me alone in the bathroom. I didn’t know where to start. On the tour, I’d seen the bag and assumed it was a suit. Although I tried not to snoop, I did. The mirror medicine cabinet in his bathroom had toothpaste, floss, and even a spare toothbrush still in packaging. His hand soap was sweetly scented, as were his body washes and hair products. Coconut and vanilla. It all went with the sleek pearl white expensive aesthetic of his apartment.

— He bought me a princess dress. I’m too scared to look at it. I sent to the group.

— I think it’s a Jana Timm original. Oscar winning costume designer.

The immediate replies were for me to see what the dress was. I’m nervous as heck. If it was what I thought it was, then I didn’t want to ruin it.

— That’s unfair! Send it to me, I’ll put it on a body form and we can just admire it. Cristian responded.

— He has connections to the film word? Hugh asked, predictably.

— Enjoy your night! But send updates. Jai sent.

I was right. Opening the bag, there was a blue dress, silk and chiffon. The designer’s name, ‘ Jana Timm ’, Oscar-award winning costume designer from historic movies she dresses princess characters. This wasn’t from one of those movies that won an Oscar, but one of the fairytale movies that appealed to my little side.

All dressed up in the cute blue number ending just above my ankles, I swished around, looking at myself in the mirror. Daddy knocked to say he’d left my bag on the bed. The fit of the dress wasn’t the best, most probably because it was made with someone else in mind, but I loved the twinkle of occasional sparkle in the light from the fabric. But once I had my tiara and wand, equipped with glitter shaker, I made my grand reveal.

Daddy was in the kitchen with an apron on. “Oh wow.”

“I should’ve got you to close your eyes and turn around, like you did to me,” I said.

“Is that thing loaded?” he reached out for the wand.

“I know you said you didn’t want anymore glitter, but—”

“Spread your glitter,” he said. “It brightens my day.”

I gave a sprinkle above his head. “You’re gonna be all sparkly now.”

He shook his head. “Perfect. You are perfect in that dress.”

“I am?”

He took my hand and kissed the back of it. “Have you had a look at the table setting? There’s another surprise.”

I turned to see the dining table which faced out onto the city as it grew darker and twinkled with city lights. There were two place setting opposite each other with the two wine glasses. A pink plate with sections and decorations around the rim in one place and a white plate with a gold trim in his.

“You like it?” he asked.

“I love it.”

“Also, you’re gonna have to forgive me for this food,” he said. “It’s not what I usually make.”

I took a seat at the table, I had the view of the city in front of me. “Are you telling me you don’t usually eat potato smiles and princess pasta?”

“I know, I know, I’m not living that good life,” he chuckled. “And you’ll have to forgive me if you find glitter in your food. I didn’t put it there, but you’ve infected the place.”

“Infected!” I slapped the table and laughed. “More like infected it with joy.”

“I’d agree.” He came over and poured me a glass of apple juice. “I heard princesses love this stuff.”

“You’ve been talking to other princesses?”

“No, but it’s better than telling you that I noticed the cartons of it in your recycling when I was at your place,” he said.

I fake gasped. “So, you did snoop?”

“Obviously, if I didn’t snoop, I wouldn’t know what to get you,” he said. “And there’s more surprises to come.” He gave me a kiss, then rubbed a thumb on my chin. “I also got dessert.”

My eyes dipped, looking down his open shirt. “I can think about a different type of dessert.”

“Naughty princess.” He kissed me again. “Ok. Stay put. I’ll make sure I haven’t burned this food.”

“I don’t mind, I like crunchy food,” I said. I was always the first to volunteer to finish pizza crusts, assuming Hugh wasn’t in there before me.

Daddy dished out the food to both of plates. I had the best plate for it, since it was already divided up into different sections for it. With all the food, I looked at either side and then back to Daddy with confusion.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ve got something.” From a box on the counter, he pulled out matching plastic cutlery to my plate. “I knew I’d forgotten something.” And from behind me, he fastened a cute pink bib around my neck with Velcro. “So you don’t get anything on that cute dress.”

Sat across from me, the glitter in his hair had travelled to his face, and as he moved it caught the light.

“I’m worried you’re gonna hate it,” I told him. “This isn’t one of those fancy meals you’re used to.”

“You think I’m not about to devour this entire thing of food,” he said, leaning over. He took my spoon. “But I hope you like it.” He scooped some of the pasta in sauce.

Pure comfort food. I moaned as the spoon entered my mouth. “Yummy.”

“My turn now.”

I grabbed his spoon, scooped up so of the spaghetti and dropped it, accidentally, right down the front of his grey shirt. I froze. Maybe he should’ve been wearing my princess bib. “Uh.”

“It’s ok,” he said with a chuckle. “Maybe we’ll stick to me doing the feeding.” He unbuttoned his shirt and stripped down to a grey tank top. “Unless you were just trying to get me out of my clothes. You just had to ask.”

My foot secured itself between his legs. “You said we had to eat first.”

“I need you to keep your energy up for all the fun things I have planned,” he said, squeezing my foot between his thick muscular thighs.

“You’re gonna have to let me know what that is so I can be prepared,” I said.

He shook his head. “That’s for you to find out later. But right now, I’d like to see what all the fuss is about with this princess spaghetti.”

“I hope it doesn’t turn you into a princess,” I giggled.

“I hope not,” he said, clenching his thighs around my foot once more before letting it out of his hold. “There’s only space for one princess around here, and I wouldn’t want to take that from you.”

This is what I’d been missing out on for a long time, not having a Daddy who could take care of my needs. Most of the faux Daddies I’d been around wanted sex and that’s it. I needed the emotional caretaking component too.

Finishing my entire plate of food, and only getting the sauce on the princess napkin around my neck was a major win. Daddy compliment me on it and even gave me a kiss, to which he said he was just licking away the residue from my lips.

After my princess dinner, Daddy brought out a small box, giftwrapped with shiny blue paper and a ribbon bow. “Tell me if it’s too much,” he said, pulling up the seat beside me at the table. “I had the lady in the department store wrap it too, so yeah, it’s not something I can take credit for.”

I took the box and gave it a little shake. “What is it?” I asked, hearing smaller pieces inside rumble around. “I’m trying to guess.” I hoped it wasn’t an expensive tea set because all the pieces were going to be broken into several, and he didn’t react like they would break.

“Open it,” he said. “I might be something we can do together.”

“Is it a toy ?” I asked, wiggling my brows at him.

“It is something I saw you had in your apartment,” he said. “Not this exactly.” He planted his hand on the box and gave it a small shake himself. “But it’s something I think you’ll love. And if you don’t, I have the receipt.”

Whatever the gift was, I was going to love it. I tore into the wrapping paper like a little at Christmas, shredding the paper and throwing it over my shoulder. It revealed a non-descript brown box.

“Looks like you have to get through a second layer,” he said.

I gave it another shake. “I really don’t know what it is.”

“I’ll help you,” he said, tugging at some brown parcel tape. “Just pull this off.”

With the box open, I saw the larger box and two smaller stacked boxes in their signature yellow coloring. I would’ve guessed them if I’d given myself a little more time. “Legos!” I turned the boxes around to see what they were.

“I saw you had a couple small ones around your place, and this one seems fitting for you,” he said.

“My friend has this one,” I said. It was a castle that you built and could open it. The other two boxes were smaller builds that could be attached to the castle. “They’re gonna take forever to build,” I whispered.

“I hope it doesn’t take forever,” he said, hugging an arm around my side. He smushed his lips to my cheek in a kiss. “But if it does, I don’t mind helping.”

“Good, because I’m gonna need so much help,” I said. “And we’re gonna need to find somewhere to put it. I don’t think it goes well with your art gallery apartment.”

“Art gallery apartment,” he laughed. “It’s been called worse. But, of course, it would look amazing here, a piece of art on that coffee table in the living room. You can always take it with you, this isn’t something I’m forcing you to do here.”

I turned, my lips meeting his from where he’d been facing me. “I want to play with you,” I whispered, the quiet on my lips vibrated and tickled against his lips. “But only if you want to play with me.”

“Playing with you is the only thing that has helped me get through the day,” he said as his hand came up from my back to my neck. His finger drew delicate circles on my nape. “Let me know if you want to play with that now, or if you want to play with something else.”

Our foreheads connected. I wished mind reading was as easy as it was in my games, or as easy as having our heads connect. I owed Daddy some good princess head, and I wasn’t going to be able to think about anything else until I’d returned the favor.

“I wanna play with you first,” I said softly. “Like you played with me.”


I nodded, sliding out of my dining chair. Daddy’s hand on me left as I was under the table. He leaned back to look at me, and a smile formed as he bit his bottom lip. There really wasn’t anything I wanted more than to thank him with my mouth, and as much of my throat as his cock threatened to take up.

“You don’t owe me this,” he whispered. “I know you’ve been driving yourself crazy over it.”

Outside of little princess mode, I’d spiraled somewhat again thinking Everett would see me as ungrateful for letting him leave without cumming, especially after he’d given me such a glorious orgasm with the prostate pleasuring toy.

“It’s a thank you,” I said, pressing both hands on his crotch to feel his hard cock already sprung to action. “And I was promised dessert after dinner.” I massaged it over his clothes. It was even thicker with all the fabric in the way.

Daddy attempted to skip the fun of fiddling with his belt and zipper. I swatted his hand away and shook my head. “All yours.” He raised both hands behind his head.

I rubbed my face against his clothed crotch, feeling the lump in his pants like a sensory toy. Looking at him with a pout, I did my best at unbuckling his belt without seeing where my hands were. It came free and I pulled the belt out through the loops. “Oops.”

“What now?”

“Am I teasing you?”

“Not really,” he said, sticking his thumb in my mouth and pulling my bottom lip down. “Are you trying to tease me?”

“Ye th ,” I mumbled, salivating on him.

“Then you’re doing such a good job,” he said, removing his thumb and wiping it on my cheek. “Good boy.”

He knew the buttons to press, except this time it wasn’t my cum button—but maybe it would be responsible for me pushing his.

My hands, fresh from tearing wrapping paper were eager to get into his pants. Unbuttoning then swiftly swiping the zipper, his bulging cock appeared inside the confines of his tight black briefs. I went back in with my face, letting the heat of his crotch radiate against me. I pressed myself harder on him until turning my head had my mouth at his clothed shaft. I gently played with my open mouth over it and teased with my teeth, each constriction against him resulted in a throb back.

“No teeth when it’s out though,” he said, reaching for something on the table. “But you are teasing me now.” He took a wine glass and drank from it. “Don’t tease too much, I might have no choice but to pay it back.”

This was me paying him back, I didn’t want to be caught in a sexual tit for tat, or did I?

Pulling out Daddy’s cock, all those thoughts of teasing went out of the window. I was mesmerized by it, put into a dicknotic trance where the only thing on my mind was phallic shaped and readily inserted in my mouth. Salivating on his cock as it went in my mouth.

He whispered in long moans. “I haven’t cum since the other day.”

It made me suck harder, deeper, as far as it could go before nearly asphyxiating me. Pulling away for a second before going back, deeply desperate to impress him with my skills. Every thought of what I’d wanted to do with him went out of the window when it came. I licked his tip to coax out the precum, and I’d managed to pull his slacks and briefs down completely to play with his balls.

Through watery eyes, a sign of giving good head, I noticed the glitter from my hands was all over him. It was a princess’s calling card, to put a claim on their Daddy or King. And I was ready to stake my claim on him.

“Uh,” he grunted as his knee jerked slightly, thankfully nowhere near me.

“Are you gonna cum?” I asked, grabbing his thick cock and squeezing it.

“If you keep going,” he said, cracking his knuckles together. “Do you want me to cum?”

Without another word I went back down on him, seeking my dessert in the depths of his dick. I tried all the tricks, licking the tip, playing with his balls. I went faster, incorporating swift wrist motion with it. And just as I was about to pull away and ask him to cum, he placed a hand on my shoulder and then unloaded down my throat.

His cock throbbed in my mouth on the verge of giving me lockjaw, but I wasn’t going to pull away. I needed every last drop inside me, because I’d taken the bib off and I wasn’t going to let this new dress be covered in Daddy’s delicious seed.

Soft delicate words like ASMR scratching my brain came from his tongue. I didn’t take any of it in. The second he finished cumming, I pulled away and give his sensitive tip a lick. His stomach sucked in slightly and he let out a snicker. “I tried to warn you,” he said.

Tugging on his briefs, I pulled them back up his legs to wipe my mouth on them. “I didn’t need a warning,” I said. “And now we’re even.” I stuck my tongue out licked his cock as it laid across his thigh.His entire body twitched. “Dessert was delicious. Did you make it yourself?” I asked, smacking my lips. “Compliments to the chef.”

“Mhmm. I’ll admit I had a little help whipping up the batter,” he said. “I’m glad there was no mess. My helper was very good. But he missed a spot.” He swiped a thumb against my chin before presenting the stray cum drop to my lips again.

I sucked on his thumb. I could’ve been saving that for later. But I’d be getting more dessert later anyway—my other hole demanded it.

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