Set Up by the Cartel (Nightshade Wolves #5) Chapter 1 5%
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Set Up by the Cartel (Nightshade Wolves #5)

Set Up by the Cartel (Nightshade Wolves #5)

By Michael Levi
© lokepub

Chapter 1


I was sitting in my study late one evening when I heard a knock at the door. Who was it? I asked myself. It was unusual for anyone to disturb me after sunset, especially without an appointment. Curious, I called out,"Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing my most trusted advisor, Santiago. Ah, so it was just him. His face bore an expression of cautious excitement mixed with trepidation.I wondered what he was thinking.

"You're going to want to see this,"he said, holding up a rolled-up parchment.

Intrigued, I gestured for him to approach. As he handed me the document, I could feel the weight of its age in my hands. Unrolling the brittle paper with carefulness, I squinted at the faded ink, trying to decipher the strange symbols and glyphs etched upon it. This was unexpected, to say the least.

"What is this?"I asked, my brow furrowing.

"It appears to be some kind of prophecy,"Santiago replied, leaning over to peer at the text alongside me."One that speaks of a great alpha and his destined omega mate. I thought you should know."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of a 'fated mate.' In our world, the concept was both revered and feared — a bond so powerful that it transcended time itself. I had never truly believed in such things, dismissing them as mere fairy tales told to impressionable pups. And yet... It still lingered in my mind.

"How did you come across this?"I inquired, my voice tinged with skepticism.

"I've been researching ancient wolf lore and traditions lately,"Santiago explained."This particular scroll came from a hidden vault deep within the archives of the old pack libraries."

I nodded, still examining the cryptic script before me. The more I studied it, the more convinced I became that there was something significant about these pages — though whether they held any real truth remained to be seen. I intended to find out, though.

"You don't actually believe this nonsense, do you?"Santiago scoffed, unimpressed by what he perceived as superstitious drivel. I could understand why he was thinking about it that way."It's just an old story meant to scare pups into behaving themselves."

A part of me wanted to agree with him, to chalk the whole thing up to myth and legend rather than risk entertaining dangerous notions of fate or destiny. But another part, a deeper part buried beneath layers of cynicism and hardened resolve... that part yearned to cling onto hope like a drowning wolf grasping at driftwood. I wanted to find true love. I just didn't know where it might be.

As Santiago rambled on about practical matters related to our current business dealings, I found myself growing distracted by the second. My thoughts kept drifting back to the mysterious scroll and its promise of a soulmate, someone who would complete me in every way imaginable. And, yes, the scroll referred to me.

At the same time, though... I couldn't allow myself to indulge in such fantasies. Not now, perhaps not ever. Too many responsibilities weighed like boulders upon my shoulders; too much blood stained my paws already. How could I possibly consider subjecting another being to the dark shadow cast by my very existence?

Lost in contemplation, I barely registered Santiago's departure until the door clicked shut behind him once again. I'd been speaking with him without actually thinking about what I was saying.

Alone with my troubled musings, I poured myself a generous glass of whiskey from the crystal decanter atop my desk. Sipping the amber liquid, I allowed the warmth to spread through my chest as memories began flooding back unbidden.

For as long as I could remember, my life had revolved almost exclusively around the Nightshade Wolves cartel. From a young age, my father groomed me to take over leadership someday, drilling into me the importance of strength, ruthlessness, and unwavering loyalty to the pack above all else.

And so, I had grown hard, unyielding — a man carved from stone with no room left for softer emotions. Love, passion, vulnerability... these were luxuries reserved for those lucky few whose lives didn't demand constant vigilance and calculated cruelty. I'd made peace with that reality years ago. It was just the way my life was.

Yet even then, nestled somewhere deep inside the cold void of my heart, lay an aching emptiness that nothing seemed able to fill. A hollow space reserved for the elusive 'other half' of my soul, forever lost amidst the carnage and betrayal inherent to the underworld I inhabited.

Tossing back the rest of my drink, I slammed the empty glass down onto the polished surface of my desk with enough force to shatter the delicate material. Cursing under my breath, I rose right away from my chair and stalked towards the window overlooking the sprawling estate grounds below. I would clean that up later.

Moonlight bathed the landscape in an eerie silver glow, casting long shadows across the tended gardens and neatly arranged rows of barracks housing my loyal soldiers. All of it mine by right of birth and sheer force of will alone.

Everything I touched turned to dust... or worse. What kind of monster would dare to dream of finding love in such circumstances? What cruel twist of fate could possibly decree that I deserved such a blessing after everything I'd done?

I shook my head, dispelling the traitorous thoughts crowding my mind. Enough wallowing in self-pity. There was a lot to do tomorrow. There was work to be done if I hoped to maintain control over my territory and the various factions vying for dominance.

With a heavy sigh, I retired to my chambers for the night, determined to put aside childish notions of fated mates and happily-ever-afters. Such folly belonged in bedtime stories told by naive omegas far removed from the harsh realities facing men like me.

Sleep eluded me for hours as my brain continued churning through endless scenarios and possibilities. Sometime past midnight, exhaustion claimed me at last — only to grant me fitful dreams haunted by ghostly apparitions whispering taunting promises of redemption and salvation should I but open myself up to their enticing message.

The next morning arrived much too soon, heralded by the insistent chirping of birds outside my bedroom windows. Groaning, I dragged myself out of bed and splashed cool water on my face from the porcelain basin.

After dressing in a hurry in black slacks and a crisp white shirt, I strode down the hall towards the main foyer where Santiago awaited me with a steaming mug of coffee and a stack of papers requiring my signature.

"Morning, boss,"he greeted with half a smile, his eyes flickering knowingly to the faint purple smudges beneath my own reddened eyes."Rough night?"

"Nothing I can't handle,"I replied, accepting the offered beverage and taking a bracing sip. The rich aroma helped clear some of the cobwebs from my sleep-deprived mind.

As we fell into step together, heading towards my study once more, I broached the subject weighing most heavily on my thoughts since yesterday evening: the prophecy scroll uncovered by Santiago.

"I want you to find out everything you can about this supposed 'fated mate' nonsense,"I commanded without as much as thinking twice about what I was saying, waving one hand dismissively in the air between us."Dig up whatever ancient texts or legends might shed light on what exactly is meant by these cryptic passages."

Santiago looked taken aback for a moment before nodding curtly."Of course, sir. Right away."He hesitated briefly before adding,"You do realize none of this is likely anything more than a bunch of old wives' tales spun by superstitious wolves, yes? No need to go losing your head over fairy stories."

Ignoring his patronizing tone, I fixed him with a piercing glare, green eyes flashing within the confines of my angular jawline and prominent cheekbones."Just get me answers, Santiago. And keep this between us for now."

He bowed slightly, backing towards the doorway in deference to my obvious agitation."Understood. I'll have something concrete for you as soon as possible."

Left alone with my tumultuous inner turmoil once more, I paced around the perimeter of my study, hands clasped behind my back. How could I reconcile the jaded cynic I'd become against the desperate yearnings of the boy I used to be before duty and circumstance hardened my exterior beyond recognition?

Time passed in agonizing slowness until finally, late afternoon sunlight began filtering through the tall arched windows lining one side of my office. I didn't notice it was that late until then.

I had just settled into the plush leather armchair behind my expansive oak desk when a sharp rap sounded upon the door.

"Enter,"I called without looking up from the ledger I'd been pretending to peruse.

The hinges creaked as the door swung inward, revealing the imposing figure of my most trusted lieutenant, Javier. His dark hair hung loosely about his shoulders, framing chiseled features marred by several jagged scars earned during our shared time serving as mercenaries for hire before joining forces under Nightshade's banner.

"The information you requested regarding potential locations containing relevant historical records has been acquired,"he reported without wasting a single word, holding out a rolled parchment bearing the Nightshade insignia embossed along its length.

Nodding, I accepted the document and unrolled it atop my desk blotter. My brows furrowed as I scanned the contents, noting the list of coordinates corresponding to remote sites scattered throughout various parts of the country. Interesting.

Each entry was accompanied by additional notes detailing how each locale contained ancient tomes or artifacts potentially related to the prophecy. This might be what I was looking for.

One location near an isolated mountain range caught my attention right away due to its proximity to the cartel's primary operations base here in Mexico City.

"This one,"I said, jabbing one finger against the page."Javier, assemble a small team of trustworthy soldiers. We leave tonight."

His eyes widened by a fraction in surprise before he dipped his chin in acknowledgment."At once, mi alpha. It will be done."

Once Javier departed, I leaned back in my chair, massaging the tense muscles at the nape of my neck. As the hours ticked by interminably slow, anticipation built inside my chest alongside growing unease over the wisdom of embarking on such an impulsive quest based solely on a few scrawled lines inked onto crumbling paper.

What if there truly existed proof that fate held sway over even the likes of me? What then? Could I bear to confront such knowledge, knowing full well the potential consequences of embracing my destiny rather than continuing to bury myself ever deeper amidst blood-soaked soil? I didn't have the answer to that question.

I shook off those disquieting musings, rising with a sigh from my seat to pour myself another generous measure of whiskey. This time, I promised myself not to break the glass into pieces.

The amber liquid burned pleasantly as it slid down my throat, igniting a welcome warmth spreading outward to chase away lingering chilliness brought on by memories best left undisturbed.

By the time midnight approached, I stood ready — dressed all in black tactical gear with multiple concealed weapons strapped across my person. I had to be careful all the time. Several people wanted me dead.

My men assembled outside the compound gates, their faces grim but determined beneath the harsh glare of floodlights illuminating the area like a beacon against encroaching shadows.

Mounting the sleek motorcycle assigned for covert missions, I gunned the engine to life and took point position at the front of our formation. With a curt signal, we roared off into the night, leaving behind only billowing clouds of exhaust fumes and echoes of powerful engines fading into the distance.

Our destination lay nestled deep within a densely wooded valley far removed from prying human eyes and ears. Though the journey stretched on for many hours, I remained hyper-focused on navigating treacherous terrain illuminated sporadically by moonlight peeking through the dense canopy overhead.

Upon reaching our objective, however, doubt crept like a snake back into my mind as I stared up at the looming stone edifice barring our path forward. Carved into the cliff face itself, the entrance appeared little more than a narrow fissure barely wide enough for a single man to pass through sideways.

"I don't like this,"Santiago muttered from where he sat astride his own bike beside mine, eyeing the ominous opening."Something feels... off about this place."

A shiver ran down my spine despite the balmy evening air clinging heavily around us. I felt the same way he did, but there was no turning back anymore.

I also thought that, perhaps, my advisor wasn't so quick to dismiss supernatural notions after all...

Again, I couldn't turn tail and run at the first sign of potential trouble. Not when I'd come this far already. Doing such a thing would be ridiculous, anyway. Steeling my resolve, I dismounted and stalked towards the gaping maw of rock, motioning for Santiago and two other trusted subordinates to fall in step close behind me.

We entered with cautious steps, senses straining for any hint of threat lurking just beyond sight. As expected given the sheer isolation surrounding us, no immediate danger presented itself though an inexplicable sense of heaviness pressed against my skull with each measured footstep carrying me further from the relative safety offered by the open sky above.

Minutes later, we entered a vast cavern, dimly illuminated by patches of phosphorescent lichen scattered along the walls. In the center, a raised dais dominated the space, and atop it stood an altar made entirely of polished obsidian.

And upon that surface rested another scroll, the material as though it was calling to me.

My breath hitched audibly as I took a tentative step closer, half-expecting the ground beneath my feet to give way and send me plummeting into the darkness below. But nothing happened; silence reigned supreme save for the distant dripping of water somewhere unseen echoing through the vast expanse surrounding us.

"Mateo..."Santiago breathed from where he hung back several paces, uncertainty etched plainly across his normally stoic features.

Ignoring him, I continued moving forward until I reached the edge of the platform upon which the mysterious scroll resided, almost mockingly inviting me to touch it.

With trembling fingers, I reached out to grasp the rolled edges gingerly between my thumb and forefinger. Even without unrolling it fully, I knew this was indeed the same text bearing witness to my impending destiny whether I liked it or not.

Santiago stepped up beside me then, placing one restraining hand atop my wrist."Think carefully before you proceed,"he cautioned."You can still walk away. Nothing of this means anything..."

I met his concerned gaze head-on, jaw clenched tight against the sudden swell of emotions threatening to overwhelm me should I allow them to reign. For a heartbeat suspended between one moment and the next, temptation tugged at my fraying control to abandon this fool's errand forthwith and flee back to the familiar comforts of cold calculation and ruthless pragmatism.

But no... Somewhere deep down, beyond reason and logic alike, a small spark of desperate hope refused to die. Hope for something more than endless cycles of violence and betrayal stretching endlessly into a bleak future devoid of meaning or connection whatsoever.

With careful fingers, I peeled Santiago's fingers away from my arm and lifted the scroll clear of its resting place. The weight felt immense, pulling against my grip as if trying to drag me under along with everything I thought I understood about existence thus far.

Bracing myself, I unfurled the aged parchment until it hovered in the air, revealing intricate swirls of script and illustrations, crafted centuries ago by long-dead hands wielding quills dipped in blood-red ink.

The moment those words registered, a wave of dizziness hit me so hard I almost lost my balance in the claustrophobic confines of the subterranean sepulcher. Printed for all eternity were the names Mateo Sanchez and Kael Morales — someone I may or may not have heard of before.

As realization sank in alongside dawning understanding, a strange sensation began spreading outward from the pit of my stomach: equal parts anxiety and exhilaration braided together into a dizzying spiral of anticipation. Could it really be true? Was fate truly so cruel as to decree my salvation through the very act most likely to damn me utterly?

"Fuck..."Santiago exhaled, struggling to reconcile the implications himself even as he studied the document over my shoulder."There is more truth to this than we'd thought."

I didn't say anything, too busy grappling with the enormity of the decision facing me. Embrace my destiny wholeheartedly and risk everything on the slender chance of finding redemption through love alone... or cling to the illusion of control and watch helplessly as the sands of opportunity slipped ever further from my grasp?

Tightening my grip on the scroll, I turned to face my men, gathered in the shadows cast by flickering torchlight that danced across the rough-hewn stone walls, surrounding us like accusing eyes staring from the abyss.

"We're done here,"I declared, voice emerging hoarse yet filled with newfound conviction resonating deep inside my bones."Let's go home."

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