Set Up by the Cartel (Nightshade Wolves #5) Chapter 12 63%
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Chapter 12


Together in bed, Kael's warm skin pressed against mine, his face nestled in the crook of my neck. For a brief, blissful moment, everything felt right in the world — our love unquestioned, our future bright with promise. I couldn't even remember all the bad shit that had happened.

But even amidst such tranquility, shadows lurked at the edges of my consciousness. I hated that. Doubts whispered insidiously, planting seeds of suspicion where once there had only been trust. When I found out that he was my fated mate, I thought that everything was going to be perfect between us, but apparently, it wasn't meant to be.

Could I truly believe in the purity of Kael's devotion when faced with mounting evidence suggesting otherwise? My heart told me one thing, but my mind told me a different one.

I tried to push those dark thoughts aside, focusing instead on the gentle rise and fall of Kael's chest beneath my palm. He stirred slightly, nuzzling closer like a content kitten seeking affection. Seeing that, I smiled. My heart swelled with tenderness despite the turmoil raging inside me. This moment was almost perfect.

"Mmm... good morning,"he murmured without fully opening his eyes, placing a tender kiss upon my jawline."Sleep well?"

If only sleep could wash away the doubts plaguing me. But alas, rest offered little respite from the weight of my suspicions. It was like a curse.

"Well enough,"I replied without making him suspicious, running my fingers through his tousled hair."You?"

He smiled up at me then, eyes sparkling with mischief and desire."Never better than waking up next to you." And I knew that he meant that.

His words were sweet, but I couldn't help wondering if they held a certain deeper meaning. Was he simply expressing his love, or did his statement carry a hidden agenda? Did he know more than he let on about my activities outside these walls? No, he couldn't. If he wanted to know more, I would tell him.

Before I could delve further into that line of thought, Kael shifted positions, straddling my hips with bold confidence. Then, he smiled a radiant smile. His naked form hovered above me, bathed in golden sunlight streaming through the window behind him. In that moment, he looked every inch the angel sent to tempt me towards salvation or damnation — perhaps both. Not knowing which was maddening.

Leaning down, he captured my lips in a flaming kiss, all tongue and teeth as he sought to stoke the flames of passion between us. I responded with absolute eagerness, hands gripping his waist as I ground my hardening length against his own.

We lost ourselves in each other then, moving together with nothing in our minds. Pleasure built at a steady pace, coiling tighter and tighter until release crashed over us at the same time. As we clung to one another in the aftermath, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking, I marveled at the depths of emotion Kael evoked within me.

How could someone who made me feel so much also inspire such crippling doubt? Was I simply paranoid, allowing my fears to color my perception of reality? Or was there a kernel of truth buried beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered? Again, not knowing what was going on made me mad.

Those questions lingered long after Kael drifted off to sleep in my arms, sated and content. I remained awake, watching him slumber while my mind raced with possibilities.

Hours later, I awoke to find myself alone in bed. Sitting up, I scanned the room for any sign of Kael's presence but found none. He left. A flicker of panic ignited in my chest before logic prevailed — he was likely just downstairs preparing breakfast or attending to some other domestic task. It couldn't be anything suspicious.

Still, unease coiled tightly around my gut as I dressed in a hurry and descended to search for him. I discovered him in the kitchen, humming as he flipped pancakes on the griddle. The domesticity of the scene struck me then, highlighting the stark contrast between the life we shared here and the dangerous underbelly of my world. It was what it was. For the moment, I couldn't do much about it.

As if sensing my approach, Kael glanced over his shoulder, smiling a big bright smile at the sight of me."There you are! I was starting to think you'd fallen back asleep."

"I overslept,"I admitted, crossing the room to press a quick kiss to his temple. So much time passed."Smells delicious."

He preened under my praise, plating up the pancakes and pouring two mugs of coffee. We settled at the table, eating in comfortable silence for several minutes before Kael broached an unexpected topic:

"Maybe we shouldn’t be discussing this, but I’m curious. Have you ever been with someone before me? If so, could you share what you can about him?" He asked as though we were talking about the weather, though I could sense an underlying curiosity in his tone. "What happened between you two?"

I nearly choked on my coffee. Why did he want to discuss that now of all times?

"There isn't much to say,"I hedged, setting down my mug.I was trying to remain calm, despite the nature of our conversation. "My relationships have always taken a backseat to business."

It wasn't entirely true — my involvement with Carlos had been far more significant than I cared to admit. But discussing him now would only lead to painful revelations best left buried. It was better that Kael didn't know certain things about my life.

Kael studied me, head tilted.He was suspicious about my answer, no denying it. He wanted to know more.

"Come on, Mateo. Surely there must have been someone special along the way. Someone who meant something to you..."

His persistence caught me off guard. How much did he really know about my past? Had Santiago been filling his ears with tales of my romantic history? No, it couldn't be. It just wouldn't make any sense.

"There was one person,"I conceded even though I didn't want to do it, pushing away my empty plate."Carlos. We were involved briefly a few years ago."

Understanding dawned in Kael's eyes, followed by a flash of hurt."Oh. So, you loved him then?"

I didn't like where this was going. He was talking about something that couldn't benefit us in any way.

His question hung in the air between us, loaded with unspoken implications. Did he suspect the depth of my feelings for Carlos? Worry that I might still harbor emotions for my former lover even now? No, I didn't. In the end, he had never been the one.

"No,"I affirmed, reaching across the table to take his hand in mine."Not like this. Not like how I feel about you. You know that. You know I'm right."

But even as I spoke those reassuring words, doubt crept into my voice. I didn't know how I could have made it clearer. Could I truly claim to love Kael more when Carlos' memory still haunted me so sometimes? Only sometimes. Nothing more than that.

Kael searched my face for any hint of deception, finding only sincerity reflected back at him. He could look for lies as much as he wanted. It wasn't going to change the person I was.

Showing some hesitance, he nodded, accepting my declaration at face value. For now, anyway. I couldn't help but wonder if he would bring up Carlos again. With some luck, he never would.

Yet even as relief washed over me, suspicion continued to gnaw at the edges of my consciousness. Why did he want to know about my past loves? They didn't show anything about me. I was a man like anybody else. I fell in love sometimes. That was all that happened.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of tense interactions and guarded conversations, though, and I hated that. Every innocent comment took on sinister undertones, every shared glance fraught with hidden meaning. By evening, exhaustion weighed heavily upon us both, physically and emotionally drained from the weight of our doubts.

In bed that night, I lay awake, staring up at the ceiling fan spinning lazily overhead, with Kael curled against my side. I felt relieved that he still liked me enough to be here. I had worried he might change his mind.

His steady breathing filled the darkness, a reminder of the bond we shared despite everything.

And yet... uncertainty lingered, refusing to be banished. Until I uncovered the full truth surrounding Carlos' disappearance, I couldn't fully commit myself to Kael without reservation. When he disappeared, I wasn't able to find out the truth. I'd given up. Did he die? Did he simply not want to spend any more time with me, but couldn't bring himself to say that? So many possibilities and none of them were good.

Too many questions remained unanswered too, too many potential betrayals lurking in the shadows.

I knew I needed to confront Santiago, demand answers regarding whatever new information he claimed to possess about Kael's activities. He was good at his job. He probably knew more. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what else Kael had been doing without my knowledge, though.

On a different day, as I sat in my study, poring over the latest reports from our men tailing Mr. Novak — he'd become someone important to me — a sharp rap sounded at the door. Before I could bid entry, Santiago strode inside without waiting for an invitation, a triumphant smirk playing across his thin lips.

Whatever he was thinking, what he just did was unacceptable. He should know better.

"You won't believe what I've found, boss!"He exclaimed, waving a folder. What was in it?"New evidence proving your little omega's treachery once and for all."

His excitement made me wonder if he wanted to kick Kael out, no matter what. It felt personal, but why would it be?

My stomach clenched with unease at his overly confident demeanor. Something told me I wasn't going to like what he had to reveal. Still, I gestured for him to sit, bracing myself mentally.

Santiago took a seat across from my desk, laying the folder on the polished wood surface."Our men managed to hack into Mr. Novak's computer network,"he began eagerly."They discovered encrypted emails between him and Kael discussing sensitive cartel business. That's what I was looking for."

He paused for effect before sliding the folder towards me."It's all there — plans for shipments, dealings with other crime families, even details about your fated mate prophecy. He's not keeping anything hidden at all."

I reached for the file, flipping through its contents with growing dread. Sure enough, screenshots of damning email correspondence filled its pages. Dates, times, locations — everything one would need to launch a devastating attack against the Nightshade Wolves. This was bad.

"How long have you known about this?"I demanded, voice tight with barely contained fury.

"Only since last night,"Santiago replied, feigning concern."I came straight to you as soon as I got wind. Imagine my shock when I saw Kael's name repeatedly mentioned throughout these communications! He's so bold he didn't even try to hide it."

Rage boiled up inside me, threatening to overflow. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I couldn't trust Kael anymore.

I couldn't let myself get ahead of the facts. There had to be an explanation for this. Why had Kael been doing those things?

"What do you suggest we do?"I asked, watching Santiago closely.I was beginning to feel suspicious about something else. "We can't let this remain the way it is."

Santiago leaned forward, eyes glinting with barely restrained eagerness."Clearly, Kael has been working against us for months. We must take action immediately — eliminate him before he can cause further harm."

Kill Kael? The mere thought made my heart clench painfully. No, I refused to believe he deserved such a fate, no matter the evidence stacked against him. There had to be another way. Plus, he was still pregnant. It just wasn't an option.

"I need time to consider some things,"I said slowly, rising from my chair."This changes nothing between Kael and I. He remains my fated mate."

Santiago's face twisted in disbelief."Boss, are you mad? Can't you see he's manipulating you, using your feelings to cover his tracks? We have proof of his deceit right here."

He slammed a hand down on the folder for emphasis. Anger flashed across my features. Again, he wasn't behaving as he should.

"Enough,"I snapped."You forget yourself, Santiago. My relationship with Kael is not up for discussion. You will respect it or face the consequences."

Santiago paled, bowing his head in immediate submission."Forgive me, boss. I only wish to protect you and the cartel from danger. You know I would never intentionally disrespect your authority."

The sincerity in his voice calmed me somewhat. Despite our differences of opinion, I knew he meant well. His loyalty was unquestionable. Kael, on the other hand, still had to prove himself.

"Apology accepted,"I allowed, sinking back into my seat."Now, let's focus on how to handle this situation with Kael. I want you to continue investigating, gathering as much information as possible. But you are not to act without my direct orders. Is that clear?"

"Yes, boss,"Santiago agreed readily, relief evident in his posture."I'll have our men redouble their efforts. With any luck, they'll uncover additional evidence proving Kael's guilt."

As he took his leave, I remained seated behind my desk, mind reeling from the revelations. A part of me still clung to the hope that some mistake had been made, that Kael was innocent despite appearances. But doubt gnawed insistently at my convictions.

How well did I truly know my fated mate? Had I allowed my love for him to blind me to his true nature? I didn't know anymore. All I knew was that I needed to find answers, and fast.

With Santiago not in my office anymore, I sank back into my chair with a heavy sigh. The weight of the revelations pressed down upon me, making it difficult to breathe. I had never felt so anxious before, and that was saying a lot, given the things I'd gone through in my life.

Something wasn't adding up. The more I considered the situation, the less sense it made. Why would Kael betray me so blatantly if he truly cared for me? And why had Santiago been so quick to present this new evidence now, after weeks of insisting on Kael's potential treachery?

Maybe he had just discovered it, but his eagerness raised some alarms in my mind. What was I missing?

A niggling suspicion took root deep in my gut, refusing to be ignored. Was it possible Santiago had orchestrated this whole scheme to turn me against my fated mate for his own gain? Perhaps he sought to eliminate Kael as a threat to his own power within the cartel.

No, that was ridiculous. Santiago had been my most trusted advisor for years. He wouldn't dare deceive me like that. Would he? Not to mention, Kael was a nobody in the Nightshade Wolves. No reason for Santiago to feel threatened, if he was.

Unless... Unless he had grown jealous of the bond I shared with Kael. Maybe he resented the influence my omega held over me, the way he softened my ruthless edge. In his eyes, perhaps Kael represented weakness, a liability I could ill afford as leader of the Nightshade Wolves. That was the only thing that made sense to me.

The more I thought about it, the more plausible that theory seemed. Santiago had always been ambitious, hungry for more power. What better way to consolidate his position than by removing the one person who threatened his control? He could be ruthless sometimes, especially to his enemies.

But what could I do with this knowledge? Confronting Santiago would only put him on guard, giving him time to destroy evidence or fabricate new lies. No, I needed solid proof of his deception before acting.

One thing was certain — I couldn't trust anyone but myself when it came to protecting those I loved. If Santiago was indeed plotting against me, he would pay dearly for his treachery.

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