Set Up by the Cartel (Nightshade Wolves #5) Chapter 16 84%
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Chapter 16


As I lay tangled with Mateo in the aftermath of lovemaking, his strong arms wrapped around me like warm blankets, a sense of contentment suffused my body. Yet beneath that warm glow lurked a gnawing unease, born of the precariousness of our situation.

Mateo traced idle patterns on my back, lost in contemplation."Do you think I should go to the authorities?"He mused aloud, voice low and thoughtful."Laying everything bare and hoping for leniency?"

My heart stuttered at the suggestion, equal parts hope and trepidation swirling within me. That was a dangerous suggestion, to say the least. Turning in his embrace, I met his gaze, looking for something."You mean give them the evidence we have on Novak?"

He nodded without thinking twice about my words."Among other things. If we cooperate fully, provide information on ongoing investigations... Something good might come out of that."

"But then what?"I interrupted, worry creasing my brow."We'd likely end up in witness protection, separated from everyone and everything we know."

The prospect of losing not only our freedom but also our hard-won independence sent a chill down my spine. As much as I craved an escape from this dangerous lifestyle, the thought of starting over terrified me. No, I wanted it to be different.

Mateo sighed, fingers carding through my hair in a soothing gesture."I know it wouldn't be easy,"he murmured."But it might be our best shot at building a normal life together without looking over our shoulders all the time."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, mind racing with possibilities. He was kind of right. On one hand, the idea of testifying against Novak held undeniable appeal. Putting that monster behind bars once and for all would grant immense peace of mind. Plus, it could help Mateo with distancing himself from his cartel.

Yet doubt lingered. How could we trust the system not to use us and then discard us when we were no longer needed? What guarantees did we have that we wouldn’t simply become prisoners of the state instead of free men?

"I don't know..."I hedged, seeking reassurance in Mateo's steady gaze."What happens after we testify? Where will we go, who will we become?"

His expression softened, his thumb brushing across my cheekbone."Wherever you want, whoever you desire. I'll follow you anywhere, be anything you need me to be."

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes at the raw sincerity in his tone. In that moment, I believed him utterly — his love for me transcending any obstacle. Still... There were no reassurances.

"What if they refuse to let us stay together?"I whispered, voicing my deepest dread."If they insist on separating us for our own safety... I can't lose you."

Pain flashed for a brief moment across his face before he schooled his features into a determined mask."They won't,"he declared without hesitation."I won't allow it. You are my fated mate, the father of our unborn child. No force on earth could tear us apart permanently."

His conviction bolstered my wavering resolve. Perhaps turning state's evidence wasn't such a crazy notion after all. Not if it meant securing a stable future for our growing family free from bloodshed and betrayal.

"I'm not sure," I said, "but we should consider it."

Sometime later, as we lounged together in the living room, sipping coffee and enjoying a rare moment of peace, the discussion from earlier resurfaced. This time, however, a new sense of urgency underpinned our deliberations.

Mateo set his mug aside, expression turning serious."I've been thinking more about what you said regarding going to the authorities,"he began, reaching for my hand."You're right — it's risky, no doubt about it. But the potential rewards could change everything for us."

I nodded, mind whirring with possibilities.I didn't want to talk about that, but since he brought it up, I couldn't ignore it.

"It's a gamble, yeah,"I agreed."But if we play our cards right, it could be the key to breaking free from this cycle."

He squeezed my fingers gently, a small smile tugging at his mouth."Exactly. And with your help, we can make it happen."

My breath caught at the implication behind his words. Was he suggesting I accompany him in turning state's evidence? The very notion filled me with a heady mix of excitement and apprehension. That should have been clearer to me from the start. The thought should have crossed my mind.

"You want me to testify too?"I murmured, hardly daring to believe it.

"Only if you're certain,"he hastened to clarify."I know how much is on the line for both of us. I would never ask this of you unless I truly believed it was the best path forward."

Squeezing his hand back, I considered the magnitude of his offer. By including me, he was placing our fate wholly in my hands. Trusting me to stand by his side, no matter the consequences. It spoke volumes about his love for me.

"It's a big decision," I murmured, searching his eyes for any hint of doubt. "Trusting people who have always been out to get us... it won't be easy."

"No,"he concurred."But think of the alternative — continuing down this road, watching our baby grow up surrounded by people who could hurt him. Is that really the life you want for our child?"

Imagining our son caught in the crossfire of our conflicts, innocent yet paying the price for our choices — it was a sobering thought. No parent should ever have to confront such a possibility.

"You're right,"I said with growing conviction."We have to protect him, give him a chance at a better existence than we've had."

A few days later, with shaking hands, I dialed the number provided by Mateo's lawyer, heart pounding against my ribs. As the phone rang, I glanced over my shoulder, half-expecting to find Novak or one of his men looming in the doorway. But the room remained empty, save for the two of us and the weight of our decision hanging in the air.

"Hello?"A gruff voice answered after several rings, jolting me out of my anxious musings.

"This is Kael Morales,"I stammered, trying to keep my voice steady, even though it wasn't working."I need to speak to Detective Thompson immediately. It's urgent."

There was a pause, then,"Hold please."

Music crackled through the speakers, some bland instrumental track I didn't recognize. This moment was a little surreal.

Beside me, Mateo reached out to take my hand, squeezing with gentleness. His touch anchored me, reminding me why we were doing this in the first place.

After a few excruciating minutes, the music stopped, replaced by a crisp male voice."Detective Thompson here. How can I assist you today?"

Taking a deep breath, I launched into our carefully rehearsed story, laying out the full scope of Mateo's operation, the threats posed by Novak, and our willingness to cooperate fully in exchange for witness protection and immunity. As I spoke, Mateo leaned closer, adding his own insights and corrections when needed. He was always supportive.

The detective listened with the utmost attention, sometimes interjecting with questions or requests for clarification. When we finished, he remained silent for a long moment, as if absorbing the enormity of our revelations. Then, slowly, he began outlining the terms of the deal.

"We'll provide transportation to a safe location, set up interviews with prosecutors, and work with you to build an ironclad case against Novak and anyone else involved,"he explained, voice clipped and businesslike."In return, you will share all information related to ongoing investigations, testify in court if necessary, and maintain complete confidentiality regarding the details of this arrangement."

It sounded straightforward enough, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was being left unsaid. What could it be?

"What happens after the trial?"I asked, glancing at Mateo uncertainly."Where do we go from there?"

"We'll discuss those specifics once the initial phase is complete,"Detective Thompson replied."For now, focus on getting here safely. We'll handle the rest."

After finalizing logistics, we ended the call. I sagged back against Mateo's chest, relief flooding through me despite lingering misgivings. That had been the hardest part — reaching out, taking that leap of faith. Now, there was no turning back. Just as it was supposed to be.

Over the next few hours, we hurriedly packed essentials, keeping only what we could carry. Mateo made one last phone call to Javier, issuing terse orders and setting up a rendezvous point outside the city limits. Then, without a backward glance, we stepped into the waiting vehicle, leaving behind everything we'd known.

As the driver sped off towards an uncertain future, I clutched Mateo's hand tightly, drawing strength from his solid presence beside me. Whatever came next, we would stay together.

Eventually, the car pulled into a nondescript parking lot, where Detective Thompson stood waiting, flanked by several non-uniformed officers. They greeted us coldly, ushering us inside with barely concealed urgency. They wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

Hours passed in a blur of questioning and paperwork as we recounted our stories again and again, filling in the gaps with every detail we could recall. Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me by the end, but I pushed through, determined to see this all the way to the end.

After what felt like an eternity, we were led down a long corridor to a small, sparsely furnished room. Inside were two men in dark suits — prosecutors, according to their introductions.

"Thank you both for coming forward today,"one of them said, shaking our hands in turn."Your cooperation is invaluable in building a strong case against Novak and the Nightshade Wolves. Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to bring them to justice."

Mateo nodded curtly, expression guarded. He wanted to make sure we got out of this with minimal consequences."And our immunity agreement?"He pressed."We've fulfilled our end of the bargain. It's time you upheld yours."

The prosecutor held up a hand."Of course, Mr. Sanchez. You have our word. Once the trial is concluded, you will both be free to start your new lives under the protection of the federal witness security program."

A flicker of doubt crossed Mateo's face, but he kept his composure. I knew he was thinking the same thing as me — what about our baby? What kind of life would we lead, forever looking over our shoulders?

But before I could voice those concerns aloud, Detective Thompson cleared his throat, drawing our attention."There are just a few more details to discuss before we can officially seal the deal,"he said, looking uncomfortable."Firstly, you will be required to relocate to a secure facility as soon as possible, where you will remain under guard until the trial begins. This is for your own safety as well as to ensure the integrity of the evidence. I'm sure you understand." We did. It didn't mean it was going to be easy.

I glanced at Mateo, seeing the same trepidation reflected in his eyes. This wasn't what we expected. We thought we would have more control, more freedom. But maybe it was better this way, for now.

"And secondly,"the detective continued,"you must understand that testifying against your former associates will not be easy. There may be attempts on your lives, efforts to intimidate you into recanting. We will do everything in our power to protect you, but ultimately, your safety rests largely in your own hands."

Swallowing hard, I nodded the lump that was in my throat. I knew the risks. So did Mateo. But the potential rewards outweighed the dangers. A chance at a normal life, a family... It was worth fighting for.

With a heavy heart, I agreed to the terms, sealing my fate and the future of my unborn child alongside Mateo's.

As we were escorted away, I looked back over my shoulder one last time, wondering if I would ever see this place again. I didn't want to ever come back there.

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