P ushing open the door to Leo’s room, I’m greeted by the sight of my little brother sitting on his bed, completely absorbed in a coloring book. Despite my brother being over twenty years old, he has the mindset of a child – and that’s something that’ll never change, according to doctors. A warm smile spreads across my face as I step inside and close the door behind me.
“Hey, Leo,” I say softly, not wanting to startle him. “How was your day?”
He looks up at me with those expressive eyes of his, full of joy and innocence. “Stella! You’re here!” he exclaims, his excitement contagious.
I sit down next to him, the familiar scent of crayons filling the air. “Yeah, I couldn’t miss our usual hangout, could I?” I chuckle, ruffling his curly brown hair affectionately.
Leo grins, eagerly thrusting a page from his coloring book into my hands. “Look, look! I made this for you!”
The page is filled with vibrant colors, expertly blended together to create an image of a beautiful sunset over a field of flowers. My heart swells with pride, and I can’t help but marvel at his talent.
“Wow, Leo, this is incredible!” I praise him genuinely. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time.”
His cheeks flush with pleasure at my words, that innocent smile never leaving his face. “You think so? I wanted it to be perfect for you.”
I feel a surge of protective love for him, and I wrap my arm around his shoulders. “It’s more than perfect, buddy. I absolutely love it. Thank you.”
“Yay!” Leo claps his hands together, pleased with himself. We continue to chat about his day, our conversation easy and familiar.
As we talk, I can’t help but think about how lucky I am to have such a wonderful brother. Despite the challenges life has thrown our way, we’ve always been there for each other – and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure Leo has the brightest future possible.
The sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting warm hues across the room as Leo and I continue coloring together. His laughter fills the air, a sweet melody that chases away any lingering worries from my mind.
“Remember that time we went to the park and you got your kite stuck in the tree?” Leo giggles, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
I can’t help but laugh along with him. “Oh, I remember. You tried to climb up after it, and I had to convince you that we’d find another way to get it down.”
Leo nods, grinning from ear to ear. “You were so brave when you climbed on that guy’s shoulders! He was like a giant!”
I chuckle, reminiscing about the memory. “He was very tall, wasn’t he? But thanks to him, we managed to rescue your kite.”
As the evening progresses, we share more stories – both happy and bittersweet.
All too soon, an announcement comes over the care facility’s speaker system, signaling that it’s time for the residents to prepare for bed. Reluctantly, I help Leo gather his art supplies and put them away.
“Alright, buddy,” I say gently, “it’s bedtime. Let’s get you ready.”
“Can you help me pick out my pajamas?” Leo asks, his voice soft and hopeful.
“Of course,” I agree, moving towards his dresser. We rummage through the drawer together, settling on a cozy set adorned with colorful planets and stars.
“Perfect choice,” I tell him, smiling as he beams with pride.
Once he’s dressed, Leo crawls into bed, snuggling down beneath the covers. I tuck him in, making sure he’s warm and comfortable. Leaning over, I press a gentle kiss to his forehead.
“Goodnight, Leo,” I whisper, brushing a stray curl from his face.
“Goodnight, Stella,” he murmurs sleepily, his eyes fluttering closed. “I love you.”
“I love you too, buddy.”
I stand by the side of Leo’s bed, watching his chest rise and fall in a slow, even rhythm. His face is serene, all traces of worry and confusion erased in the peaceful landscape of sleep. A warm feeling of comfort washes over me as I watch him, his presence a balm to my own anxieties and fears. At this moment, I vow to protect him, no matter the cost.
“Sweet dreams, buddy,” I whisper softly before turning away from his sleeping form. As I leave the room, my thoughts drift towards our mother. The disappointment that floods through me is familiar, yet it never loses its sting. Her absence during our visit today serves as another reminder that I can’t rely on her for support; the responsibility for Leo’s well-being falls squarely on my shoulders.
“Stella?” A soft voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn to find one of the care facility staff members approaching me with a sympathetic smile.
“Hey, Sarah,” I greet her, forcing a smile onto my face. “How are you?”
“Good, thanks,” she replies, her eyes filled with understanding. “I just wanted to check in on you. You seemed a bit upset earlier.”
“Thanks for your concern,” I say, touched by her kindness. “It’s just been a tough day. But seeing Leo always helps.”
“Your bond with him is truly special,” Sarah remarks, her expression warm. “He’s lucky to have you.”
“Thank you,” I respond, my heart swelling with gratitude. It’s moments like these – the quiet reassurances from those who understand our situation – that make me believe I can keep going, even when the weight of responsibility feels crushing.
“Take care, Stella,” Sarah says with a gentle smile before walking away.
As I walk down the hallway towards the exit, I know that whatever lies ahead, I’ll face it with for myself, and for Leo.
I have to keep Leo here, with people who actually care about him and view him as more than a job.
The twenty thousand won’t last long with this facility, so I’ll have to do more.
And if I have to work at a gentleman’s club to do that, then so be it.