“ S tel, come on! It’s been ages since we’ve done this!” Anastasia exclaims as she grabs my hand, pulling me into the bustling mall. I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over me. I honestly can’t remember the last time I’d gone to the mall, let alone spent a carefree day with my best friend.
But that’s to be expected when she’s spent the last few months living her best bachelorette life in Europe with men waiting on her hand and foot. Maybe a small part of me is a little bit jealous.
That’s why it made sense that once she’d figured out I was off - she’d made sure I’d be spending the day with her…shopping of all things, not that I should be surprised. That’s all Anastasia does.
“Alright, alright,” I chuckle, allowing her to lead me through the throngs of weekend shoppers. My eyes dart around, taking in the lively atmosphere and colorful displays in each store window. The familiar scent of perfume samples and French fries fills the air, mingling with the distant sounds of laughter and chatter.
As we walk side by side, I can’t help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness. Anastasia has always had an effortlessly stylish and confident aura about her, gliding through the stores with an air of grace that makes me feel almost clumsy in comparison. She’s dressed impeccably, as usual, her long blonde hair cascading down her back in soft waves.
“You seem a bit...distracted,” Anastasia comments, squeezing my hand gently. Her bright blue eyes are filled with genuine concern, making it impossible for me to hide anything from her.
“Of course, I’m fine,” I reply, forcing a smile onto my face. “I just haven’t been to the mall in so long.” Mainly because I never have the exposable income, and there’s nothing worse than seeing something and wanting it before having my bank accounting remind me that there’s no way I’m getting it. But things are a bit different now…well, they would be if I hadn’t spent so much on Leo, but that was beyond worth it. “It feels a bit overwhelming.”
“Then let me help..” Anastasia beams, her infectious energy instantly lifting my spirits. “Remember our old motto? ‘Shopping is therapy, and therapy is good for the soul.’”
I laugh, remembering how we used to justify our shopping sprees back when life was simpler…before Leo’s health had started deteriorating and I’d actually been able to splurge a bit of the money I’d made. “You’re right. Let’s have some fun.”
I know I should probably tell her that I can’t spend a lot of money, but knowing Anastasia, she’s here more for herself than for me.
“Ooh, look at this!” Anastasia exclaims, holding up a beautiful silk scarf that seems to shimmer in the mall’s fluorescent lighting. “It would look amazing on you, Stel.”
Well I thought she’d be here more for herself.
“Anastasia,” I say gently, “I can’t afford something like that right now.”
“Who said anything about paying for it?” she replies, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “Consider it a gift from me to my best friend.”
“I don’t have any other option apart from accepting it, do I?”
“None at all.”
“Fine. I’ll take this one gift, but this is it!”
She grins. “We’ll see.”
After about two hours of Anastasia dragging me from store to store, we find a nearby bench and settle down, continuing our conversation as we indulge in our pretzels. I find myself enjoying the simple pleasure of people-watching.
“Look at that couple over there,” Anastasia says, gesturing discreetly toward a pair of young lovers stealing kisses between storefronts. “Do you think they’ll make it?”
“Who knows?” I muse, my gaze drifting over the sea of faces, each with their own story to tell. “Life’s funny like that. You never know what’s around the corner.”
“Wow.” She raises her eyebrows at me. “What happened to the girl who thought every young couple were destined to make it?”
I take another bite out of my pretzel. “She got dumped.”
“Hmm. I like this new heartkiller.”
I roll my eyes. She’s always had a way with words.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. Curiosity piqued, I retrieve it and feel my breath catch in my throat as I read the alert on the screen: a fifty thousand dollar wire has been sent to my account.
“Stella?” Anastasia’s voice seems distant as my heart races. This can’t be real, right now.
“Anastasia,” I stammer, my voice trembling. “Look at this.”
Her eyes widen as she takes in the notification on my phone. After a moment of stunned silence, she lets out a playful laugh. “What bank did you rob, Stella? Or should I say, ‘Bonnie’?” That amount of money is nothing to an heiress like Anastasia, but she and I both know I’ve never had this much money in my account.
I force a weak smile, but my mind is already churning, searching for an explanation. Could this be some sort of mistake? A clerical error that will soon be corrected?
“Stel,” Anastasia says, her tone softening as she notices my concern. “This has to be a mistake, right? You should call the bank and find out what happened or keep it.” She shrugs. “Or go shopping for real.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s a crime,” I tell her, and she laughs.
“A little crime never hurts anyone.”
“Yeah, it just sent them to jail.”
But where did it come from?
Suddenly, I know. There’s only one billionaire that I know. Elio.
I had been trying to distance myself from thoughts of him, but this sudden influx of money clearly points to him. The realization hits me like a bolt of lightning, leaving me breathless. My heart hammers in my chest as I attempt to hide my growing anxiety behind a forced smile.
Why would Elio do this? What does he want from me? And how am I supposed to confront him about it?
That doesn’t change the fact that I need to.