I step out of the office, taking a deep breath of fresh air. I feel like I’ve been cooped up all day. My work uniform feels stifling, and all I want is to change into something comfortable…and preferably something that doesn’t have my tits one deep breath away from falling out. I start walking towards my car when I hear a familiar voice call out from behind me.
“Stella! Wait up!”
I turn around to find Anastasia jogging towards me, her long blonde hair bouncing with each stride. Her bright blue eyes sparkle with excitement.
What is she doing here?
“Hey, Anastasia,” I greet her warmly, trying not to let the surprise show on my face.
“Stella, you’ve been so busy, and I’ve been trying to give you your space, but…I have to ask you more about your relationship with Paul!” She exclaims, playfully nudging me with her elbow.
I arch my eyebrows. “You came all the way here to ask how it’s going with your brother?” I feel like Anastasia is the only person in this world that I could have this conversation with.
“Yep.” She grins. “You two are getting pretty close, huh?”
My heart sinks. I still haven’t told her the truth about the sexting mix-up with Elio. But before I can gather my thoughts, she continues enthusiastically.
“Anyway, I was thinking of setting up a double date for us! How fun would that be? You and Paul, me and my latest fling?” Anastasia suggests, her eyes twinkling mischievously. I didn’t know that she’d even had a latest fling, but I doubt he’d be around long. She has the nasty habit of getting tired of them usually within the first few weeks.
My stomach churns with guilt, but I don’t want to disappoint her. She’s always been so supportive of me, and I can’t bear the thought of letting her down. After a moment of hesitation, I nod in agreement.
What’s one little date?
“Sure, that sounds like fun,” I say, forcing a smile. “Let’s do it.”
“Great!” Anastasia beams, pulling me into a tight hug. “Oh, this is going to be amazing! You can sleep over at my place tonight so we can get ready together tomorrow.”
“Come on, Stella! Let’s find you something drop-dead gorgeous for your date,” she exclaims, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward her bedroom. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I can’t help but smile even as my stomach knots with guilt. “I hope you don’t mind wearing one of mine. My wardrobe is just a bit nicer, no offense.”
“No offense taken.”
We spend the next hour trying on dress after dress, Anastasia insisting that each one looks better than the last. Despite my reservations, I find myself enjoying the process – especially when Anastasia pops open a bottle of wine and pours us each a glass, the liquid courage loosening my inhibitions.
I have to be careful it doesn’t loosen my lips too.
“Stella, try this one!” Anastasia urges, holding up a slinky black number that I would never consider wearing in a million years. But as I slip into it, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and am surprised by how confident and sexy I look.
I look like a brand new person. At least I think I do – I can’t tell if it’s me or the wine talking.
“Wow, I actually like this one,” I admit, turning to face her. She grins triumphantly.
“See? I told you!” Anastasia raises her glass in a toast.
As our glasses clink together, my phone buzzes in my purse, the sound jarring amidst the laughter and excitement. “Hold on a sec,” I say, digging through the bag to retrieve it. As I glance down at the screen, I see Elio’s name flashing brightly.
My heart skips a beat, and my fingers hover uncertainly over the ‘accept call’ button. But if I answer, Anastasia will know the truth. I’ve never lied to her before, and I can’t risk disappointing her when she’s so excited about the double date.
“Is everything okay?” Anastasia asks, concern knitting her brow as she notices my hesitation.
“Uh, yeah, everything’s fine,” I reply quickly, swiping left to ignore Elio’s call. “It was just spam.”
“Ugh, don’t you hate those calls?” Anastasia rolls her eyes, and I nod, forcing a smile. The guilt gnaws at me, but I push it aside for now, a plan forming in my head.
I’d meet Paul, beg him to play along, and then we’d mutually agree, in front of Anastasia, that it just isn’t working out.