“ H appy Birthday!”
I rub my eyes and open them to find two of the biggest smiley faces hovering over me. My two brothers are standing at my bedside with our mother behind them. They are identical twins, and no one can tell them apart other than Mother and me. If you study them closely, you will see that Corym has a rounder face than Elian.
“Hold your hands out,” Corym commands me. His blue eyes dancing with excitement whilst Elian bounces on the balls of his feet, barely able to contain himself. “We have a present for you.”
I sit up in bed and hold my hands out, palms up. Corym drops a small, wrapped package into my hand.
“Hurry, open it,” Elian urges me excitedly. “Mama has made a birthday breakfast feast for us all this morning.”
I laugh as I prise a corner of the wrapping open with my thumbnail. Elian is always thinking about food. If he isn’t eating, he’s thinking about what he is having for his next meal. Luckily, he has boundless energy, so he is lithe despite the amount of food he puts away. “Okay, I get it. You’re hungry, little brother.” I unwrap my gift and it’s a beautiful crystal carved into the shape of a heart on a leather strap. I hold it up and study it in the light. It is amethyst but there are some tiny elements of a darker coloured crystal inside the piece. “Wow, it’s beautiful. That is a sizeable piece of amethyst.” I make a point of looking at my mother as I speak.
She holds out her hand, ready to defend herself. “Before you say anything. I have been putting some by every month since you were little.” She leans over my brother’s and takes the necklace. “Turn around. Let’s put it on and see how it looks.”
I jump up from my bed and turn to face the wall, sweeping my long blonde unruly curls over my right shoulder. Mother places the pendant around my neck and secures it in place. I look down at it and wrap my hand around the pendant. “It’s beautiful, but you shouldn’t have.”
Mother bats away my comment, taking both my hands in hers. “Happy birthday, my darling girl. I want you to promise me something,” she urges, and I nod my head in response. “I want you to promise that you’ll always wear this. Never take it off. Swear to me, Reya, by the Mother Goddess.”
“I promise I’ll wear it always,” I assure her, feeling intrigued. “I’ll treasure it always.”
“It will protect you,” she informs me. “Keep you safe.”
I bob my head. I am well aware of the protective properties of amethyst. Growing up in the home of a crystal weaver, there wasn’t much I didn’t know about the properties of crystals. Amethyst decorated our entire house. My leather belt was embedded with the crystal and even my beds headboard was decorated with the purple crystal. You could say mother was a little obsessed with the crystal and its properties.
“Now get dressed and we’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast. Come on, boys. Let’s leave your sister in peace to get ready.”
Elian dives forward and drapes his arms around me. “Happy birthday, Rey-Rey.”
“Thank you,” I say, holding out my other arm for Corym to join on our hug. My little brothers mean everything to me. I would gladly lay my life down for them, and I guess in a way I will be. By giving myself up at the reaping, I will secure protection for my hometown for the next twenty-five years. My brothers will grow up safe and well in the bosom of our little town, protected from the night mutts that stalk our walls in the dark of night.
We enjoy a family breakfast together before mother heads to her workshop at the back of our house and I walk my brothers to school. As we walk through town, people wish me a happy birthday. It may seem odd that everyone knows it’s my birthday, but no one could ever forget the date a Shadow Kissed female was born. When I was born, there was a full day and night of celebration. The town chief declared a day off work and people ate, drank, and danced until the early hours. My birth ensured the town would remain safe and that peace and prosperity would continue here.
I leave my brothers at the school gates and decide to make my way home via the markets. It is my birthday, after all. I stop at a stall that sells feminine wares, with hair ribbons and braid ties. My eyes linger on a pretty purple ribbon.
“Ribbons won’t change the fact that you’re plain,” says a dulcet voice I know all too well. Dropping the ribbon from between my fingers, I turn to face my nemesis.
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Mayla,” I reply dryly, as I throw a scathing glare her way. I grimace at her pale pink dress. Pretty and delicate—the complete opposite of her soul.
Mayla stares at me, her arms folded across her chest. She has a pink ribbon in her braided auburn hair. Ashara and Calla, her two sidekicks, are standing on either side of her like two trusty bookends. “How does it feel to know you’re one step closer to…” She mimes slitting her throat and her two friends chuckle delightedly at her words.
I roll my eyes, pretending that her words don’t affect me when, in truth, Mayla has always got to me. From a young age, she has targeted me, being cruel and scathing. It is because of her that I didn’t have a single friend growing up. She made sure all the other girls and boys in our class shunned me and called me a freak. They refrained from doing it in front of our teachers or any of the parents, since they knew that their mistreatment of me would lead to severe consequences. After all, I’m the town’s saviour. At every opportunity, she’d been there to tell me I’m ugly and not worthy of their time. When I was ten, a girl called Iryssa had approached me at school and invited me to a sleepover at her house. I’d been wary at first, expecting it to be a cruel prank, but she had been insistent that she wanted me at her party and not to worry what Mayla had to say about it. I’d believed her and the evening of the sleepover; I’d practically skipped home and picked out my sleepwear. I’d been so excited about that sleepover. My excitement quickly turned to dread when I arrived at the house and Iryssa came to the door, flanked by a smug Mayla and one of her loyal followers.
“Why are you here, freak?” Mayla spat, her face smug and victorious.
I’d held my head high and told her that Iryssa had invited me, and she could keep out of it. Mayla had arched a brow and snickered at me. “You think it was a real invite? Gods, you’re more stupid than I thought. It was a joke, you stupid freak. No one wants you here, with your freak eyes and messy bird hair.”
“She invited me,” I’d insisted, pulling my shoulders back and standing firm. “Tell her, Iryssa.”
A flash of guilt crossed Iryssa’s face before she caught Mayla glaring at her and the next words out of her mouth shattered my innocent soul. “It was just a prank. As if I’d want you at my sleepover, freak.”
I’d gasped and taken a step back as they all giggled at my discomfort. “Run along freak,” Mayla had sung, before she swung the door shut in my face. I’d ran home that night, climbed into bed and cried my little broken heart to sleep.
For as long as I can remember, Mayla has hated and tormented me. I hate her almost as much as I hate the Shadow Borne.
I take a steadying breath as I look at my reflection in the mirror. I’ve shaved everywhere and spent extra time scrubbing my skin to ensure I smell fresh. I pull the cloak closer around me, hiding my naked body beneath it.
“You can do this, Reya. Just go for what you want,” I say, giving myself a pep-talk. I am meeting Arkynn on the great hall roof. It’s our spot. Ever since we were kids, we’ve met on that roof on our birthdays, and we look for shooting stars to make a birthday wish upon. This will be the last birthday we will do this together. I will leave here soon and Arkynn will join the Shadow Borne Army of Asen’s who fight for them.
I dash out into the night, before I lose my nerve, and weave my way through the streets towards the hall. I grip onto the cloak, aware that it would only take a slight breeze for me to end up flashing my bits to the good folk of our town. I walk around the back of the hall and, reaching for the first rung of the rickety metal fire escape, I climb the three flights to the roof. I pause at the top when I find Arkynn already here. He lies on his back on a woollen blanket, hands behind his head, gazing at the stars.
“Happy Birthday, Reya,” he says without even looking my way. He always knows when I’m present. I’ve tried and failed many times to sneak up on him.
“Don’t remind me,” I growl, as I walk across the roof and take a seat beside him. He looks up at me and grins.
“Present time,” Arkynn announces, sitting up and folding his legs under him. He holds out a small parcel in a hessian bag, tied with red rope. His blue eyes sparkle with excitement.
I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. All day, I’ve been wondering what he could have got me. I grab the bag from his hand, and he chuckles at my enthusiasm. I undo the rope and pull them loose to open the bag and stick my hand inside. My eyes widen when I pull out the gift and stare down at it in my open palms.
“Do you like it?” he asks, uncertainty lacing his voice.
In awe, I gaze up at him, then down at the object in my hands. “Like it? Arkynn, it’s beautiful.”
My gift is a small silver dagger. The handle of the dagger, adorned with silver leaves and vines, showcases a large round amethyst in the centre of the hilt. It’s beautiful and a perfect gift.
“It’s small enough for you to hide it in your boots or under all those fancy dresses they’ll dress you in when you get to Shadow Valley.”
My smile drops when he mentions the valley. “It’s the best present anyone has ever given me,” I tell him, my eyes filling with tears. I don’t cry. I haven’t cried for years. Crying is for weak folk. I throw my arms around his neck, and he laughs as he steadies himself on his hand.
“I’m glad you like it. What do you get for the girl who is so unlike all the other girls in this town?”
I lean away so I can look him in the eye. “No one knows me better than you do, Arkynn. You see all of me.” I take a steadying breath and stand to my feet in front of him. “Which is why I choose you,” I announce as I reach for the ties on my cloak and clumsily undo them, my confidence waning. Arkynn looks up at me, puzzled. With shaky hands, I pull it apart and let it drop to the floor around my feet. The cool night air nips at my naked flesh.
Arkynn’s eyes widen as his eyes slowly move down my body, taking in my naked form. “Reya, what are you doing?” he asks, his voice barely a whisper.
I wring my hands together, feeling extremely self-conscious as I stand as naked as the day I was born, in front of my best friend. “I’m twenty years old and no one has ever kissed me. I don’t want to go to the Shadow Valley, having never lain with a man.”
Arkynn shakes his head as if shaking some sense into himself. He jumps to his feet and, looking at anything but me, scoops up my cloak and holds it out to me. “Cover yourself,” he hisses. “Gods, Reya. What are you thinking? I can’t bed you.”
He can’t even look at me. Am I that repulsive to him? My heart shatters at his reaction. Mayla is right and I’m just too ugly, even for my best friend.
“Arkynn, I want you to be my first. I don’t want to go there as a virgin. There’s no one else I’d feel safe with.” All my confidence has fled, and my voice shakes nervously.
He mutters something under his breath and, keeping his eyes anywhere but on my naked form, he drapes the cloak over my shoulders and pulls the two sides together. When he’s confident I’m covered up, he faces me and ties the rope together. “You know why no one will touch you, Reya, and it isn’t because you’re not beautiful. You must remain pure for the reaping.”
“Why?” I demand, stepping closer to him and daring him to look away from me. “Why do I have to stay pure? No one knows what becomes of the Shadow Kissed. So, why then do I have to remain a virgin?”
Arkynn sighs and runs a hand through his unruly sandy brown hair. “How can we get you on the inside if they refuse to take you because you aren’t pure?”
I take a step back as if he’s slapped me and stare at him open-mouthed. “That’s all you have to say. Do you know how much courage it took me to come here tonight and offer myself to you? Do you want me to beg, Arkynn? Is that what it will take?”
Sighing, he reaches for me, and I take another step back. “Save your sanctimonious excuses. You’ll bed anything in a skirt. Half the girls in Terleigh will vouch for that, but me, the person who knows you better than anyone, isn’t good enough.”
“That’s not it,” he protests, reaching out and grabbing my wrists. I feel like someone has sliced my poor heart in half. “I won’t do it, because you’re too good, Reya. You’re too good for me or any man here. You are special. You have a higher purpose.”
“Well, lucky me, huh!” I wrench my hands from his hold. “I never wanted this. I simply long for a normal life. Mother Crystal! These rebels have brainwashed you!”
Arkynn shakes his head at me. “How can you say that when the gods chose you for this?”
I snicker as I take another step away from him. I never want to see this rooftop ever again. “The gods can go to hell for all I care.” I turn on my heels and run for the ladder. From behind me, I hear Arkynn call after me, but he doesn’t follow. He doesn’t chase me down like I hoped. He doesn’t pin me against the wall and tell me he’s dreamed of making me his. No. Because Arkynn has never wanted me like I want him. I’m such a stupid fool.
I walk aimlessly through town as my heart breaks. I feel like such an idiot. How will I ever look him in the eyes again without feeling shame and humiliation? As I enter the house, I pray that my mother is asleep or busy in her workshop because I can’t face her right now. She’ll take one look at me and know I’m upset. I breathe a sigh of relief when I open the door and find the place empty. The large fire burns brightly, heating the room and providing light. I head straight for my room and, yanking off my cloak I throw it down on the floor before I turn and examine my naked body in the crystal glass. What is wrong with me? I have ample breasts and a small waist. I have a slight shape to my hips, and my buttocks are round and pert. Why does he not want me? Unable to stand the sight of myself any longer, I stomp over to my bed and climb in and pulling the covers up to my neck. What a birthday!
I wake in the morning and groan as last night’s events rush back to me. The shame. The humiliation. The rejection.
I throw on a pair of my trusty black leather trousers and my black corset over a black linen shirt. I always wear black. It is my colour. It gives off ‘don’t mess with me’ vibes. When I get downstairs, my brothers are sitting at the table finishing their breakfasts. Elian holds out a folded piece of paper for me to take.
“What’s this?” I ask as I take it from him, puzzled.
“It’s from Arkynn,” Elian informs me with a shrug, before he returns his attention to the food on his plate.
I take the empty seat beside my brother and glare at the note in front of me. I’m not sure if I want to read it or not. I chew on my lip for a beat, then reach for the note and yank it open.
Reya, we need to talk. Meet me at the stables tonight at eight.
Perhaps he wants to apologise. Maybe he regrets his decision, and he’ll tell me it would be an honour to have me. I shove a piece of bread into my mouth and run back upstairs to the quiet of my room, so I can be alone with my thoughts. A smile dances on my lips as I re-read his note. He wants to talk. This can only be a good thing, right?
I ’m distracted all day. Evening can’t come quick enough and my shift at the inn drags. I make mistakes all day. From giving people the wrong drink to adding up their bills wrong. Weylynn watches me with a frown on his face when I apologise to the customer I’ve just overcharged by two drecks.
“Are you okay? Did my brother let you drink too much krim last night?”
I laugh. “Actually, I didn’t have a drop of krim or any other alcohol last night,” I inform him with a pointed glare. “I’m just tired, is all.”
“Did you and my brother have a fall out?” he asks, leaning himself against the bar, drying the tankard in his hand. “He came home in a foul mood last night.”
I bob my shoulders and busy myself rearranging the cups. “How should I know what’s eating him?”
Weylynn shrugs his shoulders, studying me. “Well, he’s your best friend and the two of you were no doubt together on your birthday. I figured it was something to do with you.”
“Well, it wasn’t,” I snap defensively. “He was fine when I left him last night. Can I take an early break?” I ask him, needing to get some fresh air and escape his scrutiny. Weylynn nods his head, and I don’t need telling twice. I pass through the kitchen and out into the alleyway. Resting my head against the cool stone wall, I take a deep breath. Thank the gods Arkynn hadn’t gone home and told his brother what I’d done.
A s if my day couldn’t get any worse. I swear under my breath when I return inside the Inn and spot Mayla and her usual suspects sitting around a table over by the fire. Just what I need today! Weylynn follows my frosty glare.
“Do you want me to serve them?”
Releasing a deep sigh, I respond with a shake of my head. “I can handle it,” I assure him, as I push my shoulders back and head over to their table. Mayla spots me heading their way and leans into her friend and whispers something in her ear and they both laugh.
“Hey, what can I get you all to drink?”
Mayla glowers at me as she crosses her legs. “I’m not sure I can trust you to serve my drink without doing something ghastly to it.”
I roll my eyes. Drookberries. I have contemplated more than once putting Drookberries in her drink and giving her a very nasty dose of the runs. “I’m a professional. I take my job seriously.”
Mayla snorts and snickers at me. “Professional? You’re just a barmaid, Eretreya,” she says calling me by my full name. “It’s hardly a career choice. Mind you, what other job could the town sacrifice do other than serve others?”
They all chuckle at her jibe and I feel my patience wearing thin. I am not in the right frame of mind today to deal with Mayla and her cronies.
“I’ll have a red krim,” she announces.
I take their orders and return to the bar to make their drinks.
“Everything okay?” Weylynn asks me as he makes the ale for the boys’, and I prepare the girls’ drinks.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” I say. I’ve been dealing with Mayla all my life. She is the prickly, constant thorn in my side. Always reminding me that I am not good enough, pretty enough, or normal enough.
“I don’t mind taking them over,” he offers. “I can sense that your patience is thin today.”
I snicker. “I have the patience of a saint when it comes to that woman.” I gather all the drinks onto a tray and, balancing it in one hand, I make my way back to their table. I should have known that the witch is plotting something the minute I saw her in here. Just as I’m almost at their table, I trip over something. I go flying, the drinks tray jumping into the air and the contents of the drinks landing all over me.
Mayla jumps up from her seat and screams. “You stupid idiot! Why are you so clumsy?”
I glare up at her from where I sit on the floor. I know full well she stuck her foot out and made me trip. I stand to my feet as the ale drips down my face and down my top. I pick up the one drink that has something left in it and I raise it above her head and pour it over her. “Oops. Silly, clumsy, me.”
Mayla wails like I have shot an arrow through her chest. Standing there with Krim dripping down her face. “Weylynn!” she yells at the top of her voice.
Weylynn sighs as he strides over to the scene and gives me a pointed look before he turns on his polite smile at Mayla. “Everything okay here?”
Mayla raises a hand and points a finger at me. “I want her fired. She poured a drink over me.”
Weylynn nods his head and considers her request. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. Reya is my best worker. The regulars love her.”
Mayla seethes, her hands on her hips. “I want an apology then.”
Weylynn looks at me and gestures towards Mayla. “Reya.”
The last thing I want to do is apologise to her, but I know she’ll never let this go if I don’t. I don’t want it to affect Weylynn’s business.
With red cheeks and my fists clenched at my side, I bark out, “Sorry.”
“I beg your pardon,” Mayla replies, cupping her left ear with her hand. “I didn’t hear that.”
“Sorry,” I say loudly. Loud enough for half the inn to hear me.
“There you go,” Weylynn says with a tight smile. “All sorted. Now I’ll go pour you all fresh drinks. On the house, of course. Reya—clean this up.”
I nod my head at Weylynn. He’s letting me off lightly.
Mayla steps up into my personal space. “You’ll get what’s coming to you, freak.” She grins wickedly as she follows her friends to another table that isn’t dripping with ale and krim.
I avoid Mayla and her group for the rest of the evening. Weylynn serves them for the rest of the time they are here, while I man the bar and serve our regulars. They leave just after seven and thirty and as she exits, Mayla looks over her shoulder at me and smirks. I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone as much as I’ve hated her.
I leave the inn just before eight. I spruce my hair up in the staff room and make sure I look presentable. Time to meet Arkynn and see what he has to say to me. Saying goodbye to Weylynn and the regulars, I venture out into the evening. It’s still light outside—at this time of year, darkness falls around ten. My heart is beating in my chest as I round the corner and the stables come into sight. It’s an odd place for him to suggest we meet. Perhaps he thinks the rooftop would be too raw for me and he’s gone for somewhere more neutral but secluded enough that we can talk. With a nervous spring in my step, I reach the stables. “Arkynn,” I say, leaning into the entrance. Getting no response, I step inside to find him.
“Now!” a voice yells and before I can even blink, someone throws something over my head and roughly grabs and secures my arms behind my back.
“Get off me!” I yell, wriggling and attempting to fight off whoever has attacked me. “Let go.” I kick back with my foot and connect with someone’s shin, and a male voice swears in response.
“Get her in the trunk,” orders a voice I know all too well. Mayla.
I’m lifted off my feet as one holds my legs, and another holds my torso. I’m deposited into some sort of box. Before I can scream, I hear a thud as I’m enclosed inside. My blood runs cold when I hear what sounds like a key turning in the lock. Were they locking me in a trunk? I frantically pull at the ties holding my hands behind my back, but it’s no use. My eyes widen in fear when I hear horses’ hooves. We’re on the move.
I hear voices and the sound of the town gates opening, and then we’re moving again. They’re taking me out of Terleigh. I attempt to scream and draw attention, but no one hears me. The horses pick up speed and I’m bounced unceremoniously around the trunk. I’d wager I’ll have some nice purple bruises upon my person tomorrow. I have no idea how long we ride for. It feels like forever. We eventually come to a stop, and I wait with bated breath. I am an idiot. I should have known Arkynn didn’t send me that note. He never would have suggested we meet at the stables. I’d allowed myself to get sucked into Mayla’s trap and now I am at her mercy. The trunk lid flips open, and I’m hauled out and down onto a cold floor.
“Tie her to that tree,” Mayla orders whoever is with her. The two manhandling me are definitely male and they carry me kicking and screaming. They untie my arms and secure them around a tree trunk, taking their time to ensure I’m fastened in tight. I yelp in surprise as they rip the hessian sack from over my head.
“I told you that you’d get what’s coming to you.” Mayla grins, standing before me with her arms folded, looking like the cat that got the cream. “Let’s see how special you really are when you spend a night beyond the protections of the walls.”
I scan the forest with unfamiliarity, never having ventured this far from Terleigh.
“We’re miles from home,” Mayla tells me gleefully. “The night mutt’s will be out hunting soon. Let’s hope the precious gods are on your side tonight, Eretreya Lockwood.” She laughs and all her comrades laugh along with her. “Let’s get out of here. Darkness will be here soon. Good luck. You’re going to need it, freak.” With one last evil grin, she jogs back over to the horse and cart, and they all climb inside. They leave as quickly as we arrived, and I watch as the horse and carriage disappears from sight.
I’m alone.
I’m alone beyond the wall and darkness is coming.
“Don’t panic, Reya,” I say to myself as I try to gather my thoughts and come up with a plan.
If I survive this, it will be a miracle.