Shadow Kissed (The Eternal Night #1) Chapter 7 15%
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Chapter 7



I make an effort on my appearance tonight. No doubt Arkynn will be there with his bride-to-be. I curl my hair using heated rags and redden my lips with maeberries. I don’t have many dresses. I’m not a dress kind of girl, but I have the beautiful purple velvet bodice with amethyst buttons that my mother bought me from a market in another town. I have been saving it for a special occasion. I decide to forgo a shirt under the bodice and leave my toned shoulders on display tonight. The colour of the bodice makes my eyes stand out even more. Mother still isn’t home, so I leave her a note to tell her we’re at the party. I know I promised her I wouldn’t go near any of the Shadow Borne but the chief has summoned us. Besides, tonight I wanted to watch Mayla squirm as she worries whether or not I’ll reveal her as the culprit. The boys are both in formal trousers and waistcoats and they look so smart and grown-up. It hurts my heart to know I’ll never see the men that they mature into.

When we queue to enter the hall, the place is already bustling with music and merriment. As soon as we enter, the boys are eager to find their friends, so I let them go but make them promise to behave and that they will check in with me frequently. I stroll around the edge of the room, smiling at people as they greet me and express how happy they are that I am okay after my ordeal. What they really mean is they are happy I’m still here to ensure their ongoing protection. I pause in my steps when I spot Arkynn sitting beside Mayla, both their families sharing a table. Weylynn sits with them with an ale in his right hand, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. I stand a little straighter and head for their table. Might as well get this over and done with. Arkynn does a double take when he spots me heading their way. He jumps to his feet as I come to a stop before them.

“Reya. You look…You look beautiful,” he says, swallowing deeply and looking lost for words as he scans me from head-to-toe.

“Thank you,” I reply politely before I greet his mum and dad, who both embrace me in a warm hug. They insist I sit with them, so I take a seat in between his mum, Breela, and Weylynn.

“Have you heard the news?” Breela asks me, studying my face.

I nod my head. “I have.”

Breela pats my leg and offers me a sympathetic smile. “I wish things were different. If ever there was a girl that was right for my boy, it is you, but the fates have decided against it.”

I place my hand over hers and smile. “They have indeed.” I look over at Arkynn, who keeps risking glances at me while Mayla chews his ear off about something trivial, no doubt. “I hope he is happy.”

“So do I, my dear. So do I,” Breela says wistfully. She leans over me, to catch Weylynn’s attention. “Son, take Reya for a spin on that dancefloor. She looks far too pretty to be sitting on the sidelines tonight.”

Weylynn takes a swig of his beer and rubs his hands together, grinning at me. “What do you say, Reya? Ready to show these folks what real dancing looks like?” I laugh as I accept his open hand, and he leads us onto the dance area.

“My brothers a fool,” Weylynn says as he places his hands on my waist, and we join the line of dancers. “She’ll suck every ounce of life out of him until he’s a miserable old bastard drowning in krim and regret.”

I shrug my shoulders. “You never know. She might make him happy.”

Weylynn tips his head back and laughs. “You and I both know that’s unlikely. He doesn’t deserve you, anyway. He took you for granted.”

I sigh as Weylynn spins me away from him and then back into his arms. “We could never have been, anyhow. He’s destined for war and me, well, who knows what my eventual fate will be?”

Weylynn’s jaw tightens, and he grips me tighter than before. “I wish I could save you from your fate. I do.” He pauses, looking out at the crowd behind me. “Why is the Shadow Lord Commander glaring at me like he wants to hurt me?”

I turn my head, following his gaze, and my eyes fix on Raegal. I drink him in. He’s wearing navy blue trousers and a blue tunic with the shadow borne crest on the chest. His raven black hair hangs in his eyes, begging to be touched. His jaw is shaven, and his mouth lifts in a smirk as our eyes meet.

“I think that’s the Lord Commander’s resting bitch face,” I tell Weylynn. “He’s quite an obnoxious person to be around.”

Weylynn chuckles. “Well, he’s certainly getting a lot of interest from the females in here tonight.” He gestures with his head to the room around us and I see what he means. Women throughout the room sneak glances at him, devouring him with their eyes. I watch with avid interest as a girl called Oyla, who was in the year above me at school, approaches him. I watch their brief interaction, seeing him lean down to hear her before he shakes his head and looks away, dismissing her. Poor Oyla flushes red and hurries away, looking disheartened. I’ve been that busy watching Oyla’s hasty retreat that when my eyes seek him out again, he’s no longer there. I jump when a hand touches my shoulder, and I turn to stare right into the eyes of the very person I was looking for.

“Commander,” I say, pausing our dancing. “Weylynn, this is Raegal. Weylynn is my boss and a family friend.”

Raegal holds out a hand and they shake hands. “May I take over?” he asks Weylynn, who nods his head and gestures with his hand for him to step in, before he exits the dancefloor.

“You dance, Commander?” I say in a teasing tone.

“I do many things, Eretreya Lockwood, and I do them well,” he replies as he places his hand on my waist, and we fall in line with the other dancers. I blush on hearing him use my full name.

“When do you leave?” I ask him. I’m not sure why I do; it’s not like I care.

He smirks. “Eager to see the back of me? We’ll stay another evening and then we’ll head to the next town on our journey before travelling to another two towns and then on to Shadow Valley.” He spins me out and when he pulls me back in, I gasp as he pulls me flush against his body. “Tell me who left you out there.”

I shake my head, looking up at him. “I can’t do that.”

“Why?” he asks, perplexed. “Why are you protecting someone who tried to hurt you?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I’m a great believer that karma will find them and enact the punishment they deserve.” He spins me then comes up behind me, his arms circling my waist as we step backwards, my back to his chest. “You’re causing quite a stir here tonight. I think there’s many a lady here who would like to take a turn on the dancefloor with you.”

He snickers in my ear as we move, and it causes a shiver to run down my body. “They can look all they want, but this will be the only dance I have tonight.” He spins me, so I’m facing him again. I feel so small in his arms, like he could easily crush me if he wanted to. “Why is that boy looking at me like he wants to gouge my eyes out with a hot poker?”

I follow his line of sight and sigh when I realise he is talking about Arkynn. He sits with his chair facing the dancefloor with a krim in his hand, watching me. Compared to Commander Raegal, he looks like a boy. Mayla is nowhere to be seen. I shrug my shoulders, feigning ignorance, and place my hands back on his biceps.

“Is he your lover?”

I chuckle. “No, he most definitely is not my lover.” His comment couldn’t be further from the truth. “Don’t you know Shadow Kissed aren’t allowed lovers. We must remain pure.”

His eyes flare with surprise. “I did not know that. Who made that a stipulation? I don’t recall our king ever mentioning any such requirement.”

I shake my head, chewing on my lip. This is a strange discussion to be having with the Lord Commander of the Shadow Borne’s most elite army platoon. “Maybe he didn’t. Maybe it’s our people that decided it is best we remain pure. Perhaps a virginal sacrifice is more pleasing to your gods.”

Raegal laughs and I watch in fascination as his face lights up. He is a devilishly handsome man, but when he laughs, he is truly breathtaking. “I shall enjoy sharing this news with the king. He will find it amusing.”

The music ends and Raegal bows his head to me. “Thank you for the dance, Eretreya.” He leaves me standing there staring after him. Why does the sound of my name on his lips send me into a spin?

R aegal.

I stalk back to our table at the back of the room and watch as she weaves her way through the crowd. I see a little boy bound over to her and when she leans down to talk to him, her eyes light up with affection. She looks beautiful tonight. She outshines every other Asen female in the room, but she doesn’t see it. My eyes trail the room until I find the boy who was watching her as we danced.

“Who is the boy over there?” I ask Chief Veles, who sits beside me smoking his tobacco pipe.

“Ah, that young lad is Arkynn, one of our best watchmen. He’ll make an outstanding soldier. He marries his betrothed tomorrow, so there’ll be another night of celebration tomorrow. Have you ever witnessed an Asen wedding ceremony, Lord Commander?”

I shake my head, watching the boy as he tracks Eretreya as she wanders around the room with the little boy grasping her hand. The other boy—Arkynn looks bereft as he devours her with his eyes.

“Our little Shadow Kissed looks mighty pretty tonight, doesn’t she, Raegal?” Jasiel says, leaning into my ear.

I snatch my eyes away from her. “Is there a point to this observation?” I ask him dryly.

Jasiel grins and his eyes join mine in watching her. “I just noticed that for someone who dislikes Asen women, you sure like to watch her.”

I don’t rise to his teasing. “There is something different about her. Do you sense it?”

Jasiel chuckles. “You mean, apart from the fact that she is beautiful?” I side eye him and he smirks. “You tell me. You laid with her last night and touched her with your shadows.”

I release a sigh. Last night had been a test like no other. She’d stood there in my muslin shirt, the candlelight hiding nothing of her curves. Then she’d lain beside me, and my shadows had latched onto her and didn’t want to let her go. I fought with them as they sought to claim her.

“It was odd though, last night,” Jasiel comments. “The way the mutts were behaving. I’ve never seen the packs hunt together like that. Plus, the way they tracked her to the camp. They are lazy creatures and normally they give up and look for an easier feed.”

He’s right. It wasn’t their usual behaviour. I wonder if they’d have attempted to attack the camp if it hadn’t been for the fact that my shadows covered her scent with my own. She still smells of me. She’s washed since she’d lain with me, but I can smell my scent on her from over here and my shadows liked that—a lot.

“Any news on which bastard left her out there in the first place?” I hiss.

Jasiel bobs his head side-to-side. “There’s some talk that the auburn-haired girl over by the exit has a deep hatred for our little miss.”

I tap the chief’s shoulder, pulling him from his conversation with the other men at the table. “Who is the young lady over by the door?”

“Ah, she’s a beauty, isn’t she Lord Commander? You’ll have to set your sights elsewhere, I’m afraid. Young Mayla is betrothed to marry Arkynn. It is their wedding we celebrate tomorrow.”

“Now it’s making sense,” Jasiel says in a low voice. And he’s right. As I watch the boy—Arkynn—follow Eretreya’s every move, it is clear that his heart doesn’t lie with his betrothed, who is flirting with another boy in plain sight. Arkynn staggers to his feet, banging his empty glass on the table. With his sights firmly set on Eretreya, he stumbles across the room, bumping into the crowd.

“Want me to intervene?” Jasiel asks me as we both watch him make his way towards her.

“Not yet,” I reply. I’m keen to watch this interaction between them. I observe Eretreya stiffen as he comes to stand before her. She leans back against one of the large steel posts that supports the domed roof above us. I observe as he places his hand on her hip and my shadows itch to be released. I feel their desire to wrap around the boy’s throat and drag him away from her. Eretreya looks up at the boy with firm resolve and whatever she says to him pains him given the look of anguish on his face. He grips her chin with his fingers, forcing her to look up at him, and I see the hurt in her eyes. That does it.

I jump to my feet and, as I stalk across the room, I hear Jasiel chuckling in amusement behind me. The bastard will no doubt not let this one go for some time. My shadows fight for release, surprising even me with their strong desire to hurt the boy. I reach them just as I hear the boy ask her to go outside with him where they can be alone.

“Is everything okay over here?” I ask, tapping the boy on the shoulder. Arkynn sways on his feet as he turns to face me.

“Everything is just fine, Commander. This is a private conversation, so run along.”

Eretreya takes a sharp breath, and he returns his attention to her, dismissing me. From over his shoulder, she looks at me and I can sense she doesn’t want him here. My shadows growl viciously inside of me, begging me to let them out and wrap themselves around his throat.

“Sunshine. Just come with me to talk. We’ll go to our place. It’s ours and no one else’s. I swear I’ll never take her there.”

I flinch at the way he calls her Sunshine. It hints that they are close, and my shadows don’t like the idea of that at all. “I think the lady would rather stay in here.”

Arkynn turns again to face me with a sneer. “I think this is none of your business, Lord Commander. This is between my Reya and me.”

My Reya, he says. My shadows ooze from my fingers, urging me to hurt him. “Eretreya, would you like this young man to leave?”

“Yes,” she says, her eyes meeting mine over his shoulder and I see Arkynn flinch at her words. “You need to find your bride to be, Arkynn.”

“I think that would be a wise idea, given she has just left the hall with another young man,” I add.

Arkynn straightens up and his eyes attempt to fix on the door.

“There you are brother.” The man who had been dancing with Reya before I cut in comes up beside me and places an arm around Arkynn. “Come on, time to get you home. Big day for you tomorrow.”

“Fuck tomorrow,” Arkynn mumbles as he allows his brother to lead him away. I don’t miss the way Eretreya inhales deeply when he leaves.

“Are you okay?” I ask her. Does she have feelings for this boy? A wisp of my shadows reach out, attempting to touch her, and I rein it in with some resistance.

“I’m fine, thank you,” she assures me, straightening her shoulders and fixing her resolve. “I think it’s time I got the boy’s home. It’s getting late.”

“I’ll escort you.”

She shakes her head and holds up a hand in protest, but I’m not taking no for an answer. Someone here wanted to hurt her enough to leave her beyond the wall, and until the culprits are caught and locked up, she needs to be careful.

“ H ow many people have you killed?” little Elian asks me as I accompany her and her brother’s home.

“Too many,” I reply. “I don’t take any joy in taking a life, but I do it to protect my people.”

“I want to be a soldier when I grow up,” the other boy, Corym, informs me and he pretends to sword fight an invisible enemy as we walk through the quiet streets of the town.

“You’ll do no such thing,” Eretreya interjects. “You get yourself a good job where the risk of dying for another’s war isn’t a daily threat.”

I study her as we walk. “You don’t approve of your young men supporting our cause?”

She frowns at me and looks away. “No. I don’t approve. This war isn’t ours. It’s yours.”

I scoff, and she glares at me. “If we weren’t here on Asen, the Flame Borne would have taken over by now and, let me tell you, things would be a lot different than they are now. They are a ruthless race, and they have little regard for the lives of others.”

“So, you say. We only know what you tell us,” she says with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. “Maybe it’s all just propaganda on your part and your people are the real enemy.”

She doesn’t have a good opinion of my kind, that much is clear. How could she? Eretreya has lived a very sheltered life and seen little of the war and the devastation caused by our enemies.

“This is us,” she says, coming to a stop at a small house at the end of the row. “I’m afraid I can’t invite you in. If you think I have an issue with your people, then trust me, you do not want to meet my mother!”

The words are no sooner out of her mouth when the door swings open and a petite woman sticks her head out of the door.

“Where have you been? Did I not tell you to stay home and stay away from the shadow folk?” She directs her words at her daughter, only noticing me when I clear my throat and take a step forward.

“My apologies, madam. Chief Veles insisted everyone attend, especially your daughter. I am Lord Commander Raegal. It is an honour to meet you.”

Her mother turns as white as a ghost and swallows. “Come on, inside. It is late. Thank you, Commander. You may be on your way now.” She ushers the boys in, and grasps hold of her daughter’s arm and pulls her into the house. “I take it you leave tomorrow?”

“The day after, I’m afraid.”

She grimaces. “Mores the pity.”

I blink when the door slams shut in my face. I hear Eretreya on the other side telling her mother she was extremely rude. But it’s her mother’s answer that intrigues me.

“You must stay away from them, Reya. They can never know you.”

As I walk away, I feel eyes upon me and just before I turn the corner, I look back over my shoulder. Reya stands at an upstairs window, watching me. For a second, our eyes meet, and my shadows leak from my hands and rush across the distance to reach for her.

“No!” I order them, using all my strength to pull them back to me. What is it about this girl that has my shadows behaving this way?

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