Shadow Kissed (The Eternal Night #1) Chapter 11 24%
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Chapter 11



T here’s a loud rapping on our door the following morning. Groaning at the disturbance to my peaceful dreams, I stumble out of bed and down the stairs. Who the hell bangs on someone’s door this early?

“Do you know…oh, it’s you,” I say as I swing open the door to find Raegal standing before me.

“Good morning to you too,” he says, his signature frown wrinkling his forehead. How does this man look so good, even at this unholy hour of the morning?

“It’s early and I’m tired. Can this wait?” I ask him, suddenly self-conscious that I am in nothing but one of Arkynn’s old shirts. I watch him as his eyes move along the shirt to my bare legs.

“You wear his shirts to bed?” he asks in an icy tone.

I do a double blink when I swear I see his eyes flash pure black for a moment. I should have thrown this shirt away, but I’d worn it ever since he left it here one hot afternoon after we’d finished sparring. It is comfy though and as much as a part of me hates Arkynn for what he did, wearing it brings me comfort. It’s familiar, and right now I need familiar things.

“What I wear to bed is none of your business shadow man,” I snipe, arching a brow and leaning against the door frame. “Did you just call round to comment on my choice of bed clothing, or is there another reason for you to drag me from my bed?”

I swear I see his lip twitch as if he’s fighting a smile. He clears his throat and places his hands behind his back. “We’re leaving today,” he tells me, looking over my shoulder at our humble home.

I nod my head. “Okay, well, safe journey.” I move to shut the door, but he places his foot in the way.

“I wasn’t finished,” he growls, glaring at me.

“That’s a shame,” I mutter under my breath, pulling the door wide again and leaning against it.

“I have orders to take you with us to Shadow Valley for your own safety.”

I shake my head; unsure I heard him right. “Wait, what?”

He clears his throat and arches a brow in irritation. “You’re not safe here. The mutts may not have tried to breach the walls again, but they’re gathering in large numbers outside the town walls.”

“And you think they are there for me?” I cross my arms defensively across my waist as I voice my fear.

“It’s a possibility, and if that’s the case, then this town may be better off without you here.”

I flinch as if he has physically slapped me. He’s certainly not one for mincing his words. “Wow, okay. But it’s three months until I’m expected there. What will I do? Where will I stay?”

“You’ll stay at the shadow mansion. You can start your preparations for the reaping early and gain an advantage over your fellow tributes.”

I scoff, and this earns me a frown. “You forget, Commander, that I have no desire to be the star pupil. I have no desire to be reaped.”

He arches a brow. “So, you don’t want to ensure the safety of your people and this town, especially after recent events?” I can hear the criticism in his words.

“You have no right to judge me, Shadow Blood.” I don’t miss how his jaw tenses at my choice of address. “I didn’t choose this. I was born to this fate. I have no say.”

He steps into my personal space, and I attempt to retreat, but there is nowhere for me to go. “The gods selected you because they considered you worthy. None of us choose the life we are born into, or the burdens that come with that life.”

I snicker, folding my arms across myself in protection. “What would you know about sacrifice?”

“More than you’ll ever understand, Ascien.”

It’s my turn to bristle at the words he uses to address me. Ascien is the Shadow Borne nickname for my kind. It means shadowless. “No. I won’t come with you now. My brothers need me. They’re grieving.”

He sighs, tilting his head to study me. “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice. This order is a royal decree. If I have to throw you over my shoulder and take you kicking and screaming, I will.”

“The King? And why would someone of royalty be interested in the likes of a lowly Asen like me?”

His frown deepens. Someone clearly doesn’t like his royal ruler being criticised, especially by someone like me. He clearly isn’t used to people not doing as he orders. “The royal household values all the Shadow Kissed females. You will leave with us, miss Lockwood. Your soldier will also be leaving with us.” His eyes fall upon Arkynn’s shirt again and a look of distaste crosses his face. “The two of you are close, yes?”

I bristle under his scrutiny. “Who Arkynn is to me is none of your business, Commander. I am more concerned that I will have to say goodbye to my recently orphaned brothers three months earlier than expected. You realise that no Shadow Kissed ever sees their family again once they leave for the valley? We have to leave everything we know and love behind. They have already lost so much.”

He continues to frown at me, seemingly uncomfortable at my words. “I am sorry for that, but I have my orders. Be at the square at ten and ready to leave. Oh, and pack light, Miss Lockwood. We have quite a journey ahead of us.”

I narrow my eyes at him and his assumptions that I’m some frivolous female who will want to bring a wardrobe of pretty dresses with me. “Not happening. Tell your king that if he wants me at Shadow Valley, then my brothers come with me.”

I can tell from the way his frown deepens, causing sharp lines across his forehead that he’s irritated with me. Well, the feeling is mutual shadow man. “This isn’t a request, it’s an order. Your brothers will be well cared for by the Farsworn family.” He nods his head in a curt farewell before he gives me his back and leaves me at my door. I watch his retreating form, biting my cheek until I feel the tang of blood. I scratch at the small dark mark on my wrist as my eyes burn with unshed tears, and I breathe deeply fighting to hold them back. He expects me to just leave my family today—the thought alone terrifies me. I have always wanted to venture beyond this town, but now the idea of doing so leaves me cold. Leaving here means I’m closer to a fate I have no control over.

I slam the door shut and release the scream of frustration that has been building inside of me. Who do they think they are? Ordering me around and controlling our lives the way they do. It’s their fault the night mutts are here in the first place. Using our realm to fuel their realm and their war! I pull on my boots, cursing him in my head, then open the door again and stride out of my house to find Arkynn. After getting no reply at his home, I head over to his dad’s workshop and find him there, working over the fiery furnace, bare chested and dripping with sweat. At one time, I would have drooled at such a sight, but since his betrayal, I feel nothing. Whatever childish crush I had thought was love has now shattered.

He looks up and, seeing me, pauses his work and removes his helmet that protects him from the ferocious heat of the furnace. I watch as his eyes trail down my bare legs. In the heat of my anger, I’d left the house wearing nothing but Ark’s shirt and my boots.

“I think you forgot to dress this morning, sunshine.” He swallows and scratches at the back of his neck. He clears his throat and looks at anything but my lack of clothing.

“He’s making me leave with him today. He expects me to just pack up and leave my brothers,” I inform him with an angry scowl. “Who does he think he is? Ordering me about.” My voice waivers as emotions threaten to get the better of me. “I can’t leave my brothers, Ark. They need me, now more than ever.”

He stalks towards me and pulls me into his arms, and I soak up the affection, breathing in his familiar scent. “I hate them.”

“Good. Remember that hate and use it to do something about them. At least we’ll be leaving together. Say you’ll at least come to one rebellion meeting with me and hear what they have to say,” he urges me.

He’s right. I claim to hate them and want them gone from our realm, but what am I doing to rid us of them? Nothing. As much as I say I want more from life, what am I doing apart from meekly going along with their plans for me?

I blow a breath out through my nose and untangle myself from Ark. Annoyed with myself for my moment of weakness. “You’re right. It’s time I made a stand and that I fight for our people. I will come and meet your rebels,” I vow with a firm nod of my head. Ark breaks out in a delighted smile.

“You’ll see, Reya. The rebellion is much bigger and stronger than even I could have imagined. They have a wealthy and powerful man at their helm. I believe we have a chance.”

“If we fail, at least we’ll die doing what’s right,” I say, pulling my shoulders back. “I need to get back before my brother’s wake. I need to work out how I break the news to them that I am leaving today.”

Ark offers me a grimace. “They’ll understand you have no choice. My parents will ensure they receive lots of love and care.”

I smile sadly. I know he’s right. Breela and Arik will love them like they are their own, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. I feel like everything familiar is slipping away from me and it terrifies me.

I smile at my brothers and wipe the tear away from the corner of Elian’s eye. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”

“You can’t say that,” Elian protests angrily. “Bryn says they feed the Shadow Kissed to a ferocious shadow dragon to keep him well fed and ensure he protects his realm.”

I scoff then frown at him in disbelief. “You and I both know dragons aren’t real. You know me. Do you really think I’d let them feed me to a dragon? Bryn is a silly boy, talking nonsense and trying to scare you. I will be fine. Plus, Arkynn will be there. You honestly believe he’d let anything bad happen to me?”

Elian reluctantly shakes his head, putting out his bottom lip. “I don’t want you to go.”

My poor heart shatters a little more in my chest. “I have to Elian.”

Corym nudges his brother with his shoulder. “She’ll be okay. She’s tough like me. I’ve seen her fight, and she fights like a boy.”

I smile fondly at my other little brother. He’s a fierce little warrior. Elian is soft-hearted and caring and Corym is his opposite, a fort of strength and duty. “Corym’s right. Now you two have to promise me you’ll look after each other. Promise me?”

The twins both nod their heads firmly. Elian sucks in a ragged breath as he fights with his emotions. “I might not be here in person, but I will always be in here,” I assure them as I place a hand over both their hearts. “I love you both.”

Elian throws his arms around my neck, and I rock on my heels at the force at which he throws himself at me. Corym is more composed, but when he joins in our hug, he holds on to me just as tightly as his brother. “I love you both more than anything. Now come on. I need to head to the square. Corym, you carry my bag and Elian, you can carry my cloak.” Both boys nod their heads and, after a moment of composure, pick up my belongings from the table.

The boys head outside to wait for me, and I take one last look around my family's home. This house holds so many happy memories. In this home my family loved, cherished, and protected me. I find myself drawn to my mother’s workshop at the back of the house. It feels strange walking in here and not seeing her at her workbench, weaving crystals and combining their properties. As I head back towards the door, a small wooden chest catches my eye. I pause. I don’t remember seeing that here before. I walk over to inspect the box. It looks old, and it’s decorated with tiny gold stars. Picking it up, I examine it in my hands. Hesitantly, I open it but find nothing inside except a silk handkerchief. Like the box, it has tiny gold stars embroidered on it with a large dark-coloured star in the centre and underneath are the initials ABD.

ABD? I spend a moment trying to think of anyone with those initials, but I draw a blank. Something makes me fold the handkerchief up and place it in my back pocket.

I lock the house up and, painting a smile on my face, I turn to my brothers. We all walk to the square in silence. Elian grips my hand tightly, as if he’s afraid to let go. Corym strides beside me, his head held high, a determined look on his face.

When we reach the square, we find a large crowd already gathered. The shadow soldiers are all assembled in their navy and gold uniforms astride their strange shadow mares. I study the crowd until my eyes fall on the Asen men. All standing in a line, wearing the grey and black tunics and trousers that mark them as members of the shadow Asen army. My eyes find Arkynn’s, and he smiles sadly at me, his gaze briefly dropping to my black boots, and I nod my head in silent reassurance that I have my dagger on me.

Our town chief is shaking hands with Captain Jasiel, and he expresses his gratitude for everything they have done during their brief stay here.

“Eretreya, step forward, my child.” Chief Veles searches through the crowd until he finds me, then smiles warmly at me. When I reach him, he grips me by the shoulders and presses a kiss to both my cheeks. “We will be forever grateful for your sacrifice, my child. We will write your name in the books of our town history, and you will be forever remembered like the fellow chosen females who came before you. Safe travels.”

“Thank you,” I reply, my voice barely a whisper. Inside, I want to beg him to let me stay, to scream and shout that I don’t want to leave. Arkynn’s mother and father step up behind the boys and place a comforting hand on their shoulders.

“Look after them for me,” I say, fighting to keep my emotions in check. I will not let them see me break. They need to see me being strong if they are to stand any chance of being strong themselves when I’m gone.

“We’ll keep them safe and loved,” Breela assures me, tears glistening in her eyes before she briefly glances over at her son. Today, she loses a son and gains two more to care for.

“Miss,” a voice says from behind me, and I turn to find Jasiel waiting. “Let me help you onto the mare.”

I nod my head and follow him to where a large black mare waits patiently. Jasiel crouches and cups his hands together and I place my foot in them, and he hoists me up. I seat myself and clutch on to the reins. From the corner of my eye, I see Raegal striding into the square. He’s dressed in his full Shadow Army military attire, complete with his bejewelled sword. I try to stop the intake of breath that escapes when he climbs up behind me, his arms coming around me to grab the reins.

“Morning, little Asen,” he says directly into my ear, and it sends a shiver of excitement through my body. The small black mark on my arm tingles.

“Morning, Shadow Man,” I reply dryly. My hate for his kind drips into my words. I was briefly blinded by their help on the night of the attack. It’s their fault that I am to leave my family earlier than planned. I’m not ready to go.

Jasiel orders the gates to open, and we move forward. My heart beats frantically and I steel my nerves. As we pass through the gates, I can’t resist a look over my shoulder. One last look at my brothers and the only home I have ever known. Elian and Corym stand together, watching us leave. I imprint their image into my mind and remind myself that their future is what matters and if they are to stand a chance at any kind of future, then we need to rid our realm of the Shadow Borne.

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