Shadow Kissed (The Eternal Night #1) Chapter 29 63%
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Chapter 29



I wake up with a scream, pain rushing through my body. I frantically check my arms, expecting to see something wrong but there’s nothing there. The pain takes my breath away. A burning sensation licking at my flesh. I scream again as agony rips through me—twisting and turning on the bed—I try to find some relief, but there is none. Fresh agony rips across my torso and I clutch at my abdomen. The door to my room flings open and Saveya rushes in, rubbing at her eyes, looking half-asleep.

“What’s wrong?” she yells over my screams, coming up beside my bed.

“Burns. It burns!” I scream, tears spill from my eyes. I have never felt pain like this. “Help me,” I plead, reaching out and grasping her hand, which only causes more pain.

Saveya looks at me conflicted as she keeps a hold on my hand. “I don’t want to leave you, but I need to fetch Moryen. You need a healer.” We both jerk when a loud bang echoes in the mansion from outside. “Did you hear that?” Saveya asks me and I nod my head before excruciating pain rips up my spine. Saveya squeezes my hand one last time, promising me she will return with help. I arch my back up off the bed. The pain is like someone has snapped my spine in half. I feel like I am being burned alive.

Saveya returns minutes later with Moryen beside her. Another loud boom echoes across the valley. Moryen ties the band on her nightgown as she comes to my bedside.

“Hush, dear girl, you’ll wake the whole mansion. Whatever is the matter?” She leans over me, scanning my body for any obvious injuries.

“Pain. So much pain. Its burns.” I whimper as I thrash from side to side.

Moryen’s eyes turn black as her shadows creep out of her and reach for my bedsheets. They carefully peel them off me. Moryen reaches out and places her hand on my forehead. “No fever,” she comments as she takes hold of my arm inspecting it. I let out a scream when she touches me. “It burns, no!” I scream, sitting up and spitting out the words in between sharp spasms of pain.

“Has this ever happened before?” she asks me. She cups my face in her hand, forcing me to concentrate on her. “Breathe, dear girl, big deep breaths. Answer my question.”

I nod my head. “Once, when the mutts…” I wince as pain rushes across my chest. “When they attacked my home.”

Moryen’s forehead crinkles in confusion. “Deep breaths, in and out,” she encourages. Turning to glance over her shoulder at where Saveya hovers, looking frantic and unsure about what to do to help.

“Wake, Mistress Leysa, and tell her to fetch the Lord Commander. Now!” Saveya bobs her head at the command and runs from the room, clutching the hem of her nightdress so that she doesn’t trip.

“Make it stop, please,” I beg her, and I see genuine concern in her eyes as she strokes my forehead. “You’re going to be okay. Breathe through it; help will be here soon. My shadows don’t have healing abilities.”

I buck and bend as another wave of fire climbs up my legs and I release a scream that is so loud it echoes across my room.

Moments later he appears beside Moryen in a whirl of dark shadows. His dark hair tied up at the nape of his neck and his grey eyes scan my body. Moryen shakes her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her. At first, I thought she was dreaming. She says her flesh burns, but I can’t see anything on her skin.”

Raegal sits himself on the edge of my bed and gently takes my hand in his, halting when I whimper in pain at the contact. “Reya, look at me,” he commands, but I’m too lost in the horrors of this never-ending agony. “Tell me where it hurts.”

I raise my face to his and hiss out the words. “Everywhere. It hurts everywhere. Please make it stop.” I am so distraught I didn’t notice Jasiel had come with him. He leans over Raegal and whispers something in his ear as another loud boom rips through the night.

“Go! Order them to stop,” he commands as he wipes away a tear that drips down my cheek. “Hold on, Terror. It’ll be over soon, I promise you.”

I whimper, wanting to believe him.

“I’m here. I’ve got you.” Somehow, his soft words soothe me, and my eyes latch onto his. “That’s it, eyes on me, deep breaths. You are a warrior; you can get through this.” I nod my head and take in a ragged breath, trying to breathe in and out slowly.

Raegal breathes with me, and I mirror his breaths. “That’s it, my brave girl. Just like that.”

The pain lessens, slowly but surely, just as Jasiel reappears in a mist of shadows. “They’ve stopped.”

Raegal nods his head, not taking his eyes off me. “It’s over now, Reya. Close your eyes and I’ll heal you.”

I release a tired breath and close my eyes. I’ll do anything to make this go away. My eyes jerk open when he places his lips over mine.

“It’s the quickest and easiest way for my shadows to access your body and heal you,” he tells me, his words barely a whisper against my lips. I mumble an agreement and his lips close over mine. I feel surprising warmth as his shadows enter my mouth and move down my throat. I reach out to clutch at his shirt and bunch it between my fingers. A warm, tingling sensation whispers through my body, easing the pain. His shadows are a sinister thing when you see them in person, but all I feel from them is warmth and healing bliss. When he eventually pulls away from me, I chase his lips, wanting this blissful feeling to stay with me and never leave.

He gently pushes me back down. “Sleep. Everything will be okay now.”

“Stay with me,” I mumble, fighting the sheer exhaustion.

“I’ve got you.” I hear him say before darkness comes for me.

I t’s been two days since that horrendous night. Two days of lots of sleeping and rest at everyone’s insistence, but today I’ve had enough of resting. I am up and dressed before Orna comes in and scolds me for overdoing it, which I insist I haven’t. Her eyes scan up and down my plain black dress.

“Interesting outfit choice for today,” she says, and I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.

I wasn’t out to make a good impression. I am who I am and if the new girls arriving today have a problem with that, then that’s their problem.

Honestly, I haven’t been thinking much about the girls’ arrival. The events of two nights ago and feeling like my flesh was on fire, and why that might be, has been all that’s consumed my thoughts. I know there’s something amiss—I’ve known since I saw the exchange of looks between Jasiel and Raegal when they informed Moryen that they’d been attacking the mass gathering of mutts outside of the valley walls. Could the two events be connected? I’d heard them discussing the matter at my bedside when they all thought I was out of it. They speculated about a mutt potentially biting or scratching me when I was left outside Terleigh’s walls. That maybe one of them had bonded with me and that caused the others to follow suit. All we do know is that when they attacked the mutts with shadow dust that burned their flesh, I had felt their pain. I shudder at the memory of that night as I make my way down to breakfast. The pain I experienced was unlike any other, and I never desire to experience it again.

When I arrive in the dining room, Moryen and Saveya are already there. They both stop talking as I enter, and I feel their eyes on me, scanning me and assessing me. Both with unspoken questions to which I can’t provide answers to.

“Good morning,” I greet them with a fixed smile, taking my seat.

“Should you be up yet?” Saveya asks me, her brows crinkling in concern. Her purple eyes continue to study me, like I might shatter into pieces at any given moment.

“I’m fine,” I insist. “If I have to spend another day staring at the four walls of my room, I’ll go crazy.”

“It is good to see you up and about, Reya,” Moryen says. She smiles at me, but I don’t miss how she regards me with uncertainty.

“What time do the girls arrive?” I ask, hoping to change the subject. In truth, I have no interest in what time they are arriving, but I will use any excuse to take the focus off myself.

“They should be here within the next hour. The Lord Commander has had them all individually collected, and they will travel by shadow weave as a safety precaution.”

Much to the rebellion’s disappointment, they aren’t making the journey here by road. The Shadow Borne didn’t want to risk anymore girls being taken. Twenty-one girls would arrive at the mansion soon. A feeling of dread settles in my tummy at the thought. I’ve been in a little protective bubble, with just Saveya and me here. All of that will change today. Saveya will probably realise that the other girls are more fun and girly, and I’ll be cast aside. It’s fine. I don’t need friends, never have, never will. It’s better this way. I’m better off on my own. No one to let me down and no one relying on me.

It was wonderful to talk to my brothers yesterday. To see their faces and have some reassurance that they are okay. And they truly are okay. Ark’s mum and dad are looking after them and showering them with love and care. Of course, they missed mum and me, but they’re doing fine. The whole time I was speaking with them, Raegal had been in the room, and I could feel his eyes on me as he pretended to read a book when really he was just listening in on my conversation with the twins. I haven’t missed the way everyone looks at me since the incident with the mutts, like I am a mystery they can’t solve. Moryen’s assessing eyes have been the most unnerving. She watches me like she is unpicking my every move. I know that they all know or suspect more than they are telling me.

After breakfast, Saveya and I set ourselves up on one of the balconies that overlooks the front of the mansion so we can watch the girls arrive. One by one they are shadow weaved in, clutched in the arms of one of the high-ranking Shadow Borne militia. Saveya gushes excitedly about which girls will be in our wing with us. She says she hopes the kind-looking girl with the red ringlets will be one of them. I feign disinterest, burying my nose in a book. I’d much rather hide in the library than watch their arrival. But then, Saveya announces that number twenty-one has arrived in the arms of the Lord Commander, and this gets my attention.

“Ooh, she is beautiful. She’s got one of those perfect button noses,” Saveya informs me, as she leans eagerly over the stone balcony. She pushes up her own nose to emphasise her point.

“There’s no such thing as a perfect nose.” I huff, trying and failing to resist edging closer to take a look. Saveya is right, number twenty-one is beautiful. Her hair, black as night, shines in the sunlight. She also has rosy cheeks and a perfectly cute little nose. Beauty is only skin deep, though, as I know only too well. Mayla was beautiful, but inside she was as ugly as sin. The last arrival smiles up and laughs at something Raegal says to her.

“Pathetic,” I hiss, with a roll of my eyes.

Saveya gives me a pointed look. “You just don’t like that she’s in the arms of your commander.”

I pull my eyes from the scene before us and frown at my friend. “He isn’t my commander, and it just annoys me how every female turns into a giggling fool around him.”

Saveya sighs and shakes her head, looking back at the commander. “Can you blame them? I mean, look at him.” She gestures with her hand at the man himself. “Look how he fills out that uniform. He’s so manly and handsome.”

I stand and come up beside her to lean on the balcony edge. She’s right. It’s undeniable how good he looks in that uniform. He looks even better shirtless though and with morning bed hair. I shake my head, ridding myself of such thoughts. I’m about to retreat to my seat when he looks up and his eyes fix on mine. His brow arches in question before he nods his head in greeting, and then returns his attention to the pretty raven-haired girl still clutching at his lapels. He releases her waist and, taking a step away, offers her his arm, which she graciously accepts, allowing him to lead her into the mansion.

“Come on!” Saveya grabs hold of my arm and tugs me towards the open balcony doors. “Let’s go down.”

I pull back, attempting to resist her. “I’d rather not.”

Saveya wrinkles her brow in annoyance. “Stop being such a moody madam and let’s meet our fellow chosen ones.”

She stares at me pointedly and tugs on my arm and, realising she will not let go, I reluctantly sigh out a “Fine.”

Saveya rushes through the rooms to the stairs and how I manage to descend without tripping and breaking my neck is a miracle with the speed she tugs me down them. I stumble off the last step, losing my footing, and two muscular arms reach out to steady me.

“Careful, Miss Lockwood.”

I gaze up into the familiar silver eyes of the commander. I don’t miss the fact that he addressed me by my family name.

“Apologies, Commander. Someone was eager to meet the new arrivals,” I explain with a tight smile.

“So I see.” He turns his attention to the beauty standing beside him. “Allow me to introduce you to Shalia.”

Saveya beams in response. “I’m Saveya and this is Eretreya, but everyone calls her Reya. Where are you from?”

“Pleased to meet you,” she replies warmly. “I’m from Tawrith in the central district.”

“Oh, we’re from the west, so you won’t be rooming with us, but I’m sure we’ll all see a lot of each other anyhow.”

Saveya strides confidently to her side and hooks her arm around Shalia’s. “I’m sure we’ll all be great friends. Your hair is gorgeous by the way, such an beautiful colour,” she tells the new girl as she guides her towards the ballroom.

I watch them walk off, chatting and giggling together and all my old insecurities come rushing back. I’m not good at this—at being friends with girls.

“Is everything okay?” Raegal asks me, pulling me from my thoughts and I find him watching me as I watch the girls.

I straighten my shoulders. “Everything is fine.”

Raegal gestures for me to follow Saveya and Shalia.

“I would have thought someone of your station would have been too busy to escort females to the mansion. Or did you volunteer? A chance to look over the potential brides.” I attempt and fail to leave the bitterness out of my tone, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

“I’m simply doing my duty. Or were you hoping that you were the only one who would come here under my escort?”

I snort at his words and glare at him. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

Saveya pushes open the doors to the ballroom, cutting our conversation short, and revealing a crowd of noisy, chatting girls gathered in the centre of the room. Here we go. This is where the competition starts. Saveya thinks we’ll all be great friends and get along well, but I know different. It will be a fight to the finish line for those top five elusive spots. All the attention falls on the Lord Commander as he enters the room beside me. I watch as they all drink him in, eyeing him up as a potential prize.

“Hush now!” Moryen orders as she strides confidently into the room, her shadows flowing in behind her like a dark cloak. “Line up. Hurry now.” She claps her hands together and the girls all quickly fall into a line. “That includes you, Miss Lockwood.”

I blink, realising I’m still standing beside Raegal, and all eyes turn my way as I bumble my apology and quickly join the end of the line.

“Good. Now, welcome, ladies, to Shadow Mansion. This will be your home for the duration of your remaining time here on Asen. You are our chosen ones. Chosen by the god Arawn himself to ensure your districts prosper and thrive for the next twenty-five years. Many wish to be in your shoes. Use your time here wisely. Learn, study and aim to be the best at all your challenges and classes.” Moryen walks up and down as she addresses us, a stern look fixed upon her face. “Five females who score the highest will claim the elite spots. Ensuring you are chosen by a high-borne and granting extra prosperity for your district.” She comes to a stop beside Raegal, who has been quietly listening to her speech. “The Lord Commander has some words for you, then we’ll settle you into your rooms.”

“Ladies,” he says, smiling down the line as he steps forward. “I am the Lord Commander of the Asen based militia and the Asen troops. It is my responsibility, during your time here, to ensure you are protected. In order to ensure we can keep you safe, there are some ground rules. No venturing beyond the walls. No leaving the mansion without an escort and absolutely no fraternising with any of the soldiers. Any female caught doing any of the previous will be punished.”

A young girl to my left with long, mid-brown wavy hair slowly raises her hand. “Is it true that there are night mutts gathered here in their hundreds?”

Her question brings forth a barrage of hushed whispers and gasps.

I don’t miss Raegal’s gaze fix on mine before he answers the girl. “There is indeed an unusually large gathering of mutts outside the valley, which is why it is imperative that you heed my warning not to venture beyond the safety of the walls. I wish to offer you my assurances that you are safe here. The mutts have never and will never breach these walls.”

“Thank you, Commander,” Moryen says, stepping forward, essentially halting any further questions on the matter. “Classes will begin tomorrow. Mistress Warbow will hand you your schedule as you leave the room. Anyone late for class will complete chores after classes. Tomorrow marks the start of the most important journey of your lives. You are the chosen ones, and it is up to you to prove that the gods have chosen you wisely.” She claps her hands together once, effectively dismissing us, and I lead the line out of the hall. Mistress Warbow hands me a paper with our schedules, and I skim it quickly. My heart drops as I study it. Music, dance, etiquette, crochet, culture, history. Gods, spare me! Wait a minute! Archery, combat skills, and physical education. My face lights up with a smile. Thank the goddess, there are at least three classes I can excel at. I stride up the stairs two at a time, eager to be away from the suffocating presence of so many females. I pretend not to hear Saveya shout after me and make a beeline for our wing. I breathe a sigh of relief when I reach my room and close the door behind me.

Everything is about to change.

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