Shadow Kissed (The Eternal Night #1) Chapter 37 80%
Library Sign in

Chapter 37



I ate my breakfast in a hurry this morning and then announced I was off to the library to work on my assignment. Today we don’t start lessons until eleven, so it gives me time to do some research and hopefully put my crazy theories to bed once and for all. I mean, it is far-fetched to think I am descended from a lost realm. Saveya tags along with me, having also been given the Night Realm for her assignment. We sit at one of the large mahogany tables by the library windows, surrounded by a pile of books.

I’m leaning over an open book, scouring the pages for anything useful. The book documents all the kings and queens of the Night Realm. I’m flicking through the pages that are of no interest to me when an image captures my attention.

“Holy Mother Goddess!” I exclaim, and Saveya’s eyes dart up from her own book to see what caused my outburst. I stare at the drawing. It’s a flag and on that flag is a large black star surrounded by smaller gold stars. I scan the text below the image that advises that the image is the insignia of the Night Borne. A representation of the starry skies that adorn the skies of the Night Realm. Below the image on the flag are the words ‘Omnes Tenebrae’. The author advises the words are the motto of the realm, and they mean ‘Darkness prevails all.’ Why does my mother have a hanky with the Night Realm symbol on it?

“What is it?” Saveya asks, stretching her neck to glimpse at what has me so shocked.

I look over at her as she waits for my response. I want to tell her, to share my fears and thoughts, but can I trust her? Whenever I’ve trusted girls my age before, it has brought me nothing but hurt. My eyes dart around the library. As it is early, there’s only one other girl from central dorm here, sitting over reading by the large fireplace.

“If I tell you something, can you keep it a secret?”

Saveya looks intrigued, then she nods firmly. “Of course. Your secrets are safe with me, Reya. You’re my best friend.”

My heart squeezes in my chest at her words. “Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy. Trust me, it still sounds crazy to me.” I glance around once again before looking back at her. “I think my mother may have been Night Borne.”

Saveya blinks, tucking her chin into her neck. “Night borne?”

I nod my head, waiting for her to laugh and tell me I’m loopy and she doesn’t want to be associated with a nut job like me anymore. “Explain?” she says, leaning in closer. I don’t want to risk saying it across the table, so picking up the book, I dart around to where she sits and take the seat beside her.

“When I left Terleigh, I went through some of my mother’s things, and found a hanky hidden at the back of a drawer in a little wooden container.” Saveya looks unperturbed. “The hanky had this symbol embroidered into it alongside some initials.” I place the open book in front of her and point at the image. “Under that symbol were the initials A B D. Why would she have someone else’s initials on a hanky with the insignia of the Night Realm?”

Saveya scrunches her nose. “Perhaps someone gave it to her, but that doesn’t explain the stars. Unless whoever gave it to her had read up on the Night Realm and just liked the star design and embroidered it onto their hankies.”

I consider her theory and bob my head. “Maybe, but there’s more. I’ve never told you this, but just before the mutt attack on my town, I ended up beyond the wall after sunset and a pack of mutts cornered me.”

She pales. “You were outside the walls. Why?”

“Some girls I used to go to school with played a prank on me,” I say, squaring my shoulders. I’m embarrassed to admit it to her. “They kidnapped me and left me tied to a tree out in the woods.”

Saveya inhales a sharp breath and her mouth gapes open. “Reya, that isn’t a prank. That’s attempted murder. How? How are you here and not a dried-up corpse?”

“Raegal and his men found me, but ever since the mutts picked up on my scent out in the woods, they have been tracking me and they followed me all the way here to the valley and they won’t leave.”

Saveya scoffs. “It’s probably just a coincidence.”

Since she isn’t convinced, I decide to reveal more. “Remember a couple of weeks back when the soldiers launched a fire attack at the mutts?”

She nods her head, clearly confused about where I am going with this. “That was the same night that I was in agony and feeling like I was being burned from the inside outwards. As soon as the attack stopped, my pain faded.”

“A coincidence?” she suggests with a shrug of her shoulders.

I sigh and lean in closer. “Last week in combat class, remember when Shalia was fine one minute and the next, she was screaming about rats?” Saveya nods. “I’d been watching her flirt with the Lord Commander, and well, it got my back up and, well, I think I put that image of the rats into her mind. Don’t ask me how because I’m none the wiser.”

Saveya takes in a sharp breath and grabs the book she has just been reading. “It talks in here about the Night Borne powers. They could enter a person’s mind and find their deepest fears and project them to the person as if they were real.”

I gulp. The more I learn, the less my crazy my theory is starting to sound.

Saveya stands up and starts picking up books from the pile in front of us. She scours through them until she finds one and sits back down.

“Here, I knew I’d seen it somewhere. A history of the royal family of Vespera. Vespera is the Night Borne name of their realm,” she explains to me as she flicks through the pages. “There!” she says, pausing on a page and turning it around to show me. I look at the page and it’s a family tree and at the very bottom of that tree is a name that she points me towards.

Asterin Briar Darkhand.

The hairs on my arm stand to attention.

“ABD,” I say, and Saveya nods her head.

“The daughter of Kymil Darkhand, the last reigning king of Vespera.”

We both sit there in stunned silence for a minute. “Saveya, tell me I’m crazy and that I’m putting two and two together and making five.”

Saveya chews on her bottom lip and shakes her head at me. “I wish I could, but I think as crazy as it sounds, you could be onto something.”

We sit in silence as we contemplate everything we have discussed. “Okay, let’s keep reading,” I say with firm resolve. “I need to know everything I can about the Night Realm and its people.”

Saveya sighs as she reaches for another book. “At least with all this reading, we should get top marks on our assignment.”

T hat afternoon we have dance class, and I’m distracted by my own thoughts about everything we learned this morning about the Night Realm. All my life, I’ve been obsessed with stars and the night sky. Arkynn and I spent many nights up on that community hall roof just staring up at them and making up stories about the stars being the souls of those we’d lost. How ironic that when I was shifting through book after book this morning that I discovered that the Night Borne believe that when they die, their souls leave a star in the sky to watch over their loved ones. I step on Saveya’s toe for the hundredth time and apologise profusely. I sense professor Arzhel’s eyes on me, noting each misstep I make and deducting points from my score.

We start again, and Saveya hums to the music as we dance. She’s a natural at this and lights up when she dances. She is perfect wife material. I wish I could be as carefree as she is and just accept my fate and embrace it—but I can’t. I want to be in charge of my destiny. The small black dot on my wrist tingles and I turn and search the room and sure enough, he’s here. He stands outside the room, watching through the glass in the doors. I flush with embarrassment when I realise he’s seen my every wrong step. His eyes meet mine and he offers me a tight smile before he strides off down the corridor.

I blink when professor Arzhel claps his hands right by my ear and makes me yelp in surprise. “You will never master the basics if you are staring off into nothing, Miss Lockwood. Concentrate!”

“Yes, professor,” I grind out. Gods, I hate this class and to make matters worse, next we have Cookery and last week I’d burnt my creation to a crisp. It was interesting, though, to learn about the food that grows in the Shadow Realm and some of their traditional dishes. At least I’m getting better at crochet and sewing, thanks to the hours Saveya is putting in trying to help me. Who would have ever thought that I would be asking to do extra crocheting, but it is a necessary evil. I must get into one of the top five spots at the reaping. And when I do, I have to stick a dagger into the heart of the shadow prince.

I t’s evening and I’m sitting in our dorm room reading yet another book on the Night Realm when Orna pops her head around the door and advises me I have a visitor. The other girls and Saveya have gone for an evening walk around the mansion gardens, but I can’t afford to waste valuable reading time, so I declined their invitation. I am still having trouble accepting their offers of friendship. Old habits die hard, as they say.

Puzzled as to who could be here to see me, I pop my book down on the small table beside me and walk out into the hallway.

“Oh, it’s you,” I say when I find Raegal standing there. I try not to let my eyes linger on him. He isn’t in his military attire. He’s wearing those deliciously tight trousers that show off his muscular thighs and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone, offering a tease of that chiselled chest of his. Raegal clear his throat, and I realise I’ve been ogling him.

“Fetch Reya some shoes and her cloak, please,” he asks Orna, smiling at her and causing her to blush.

“Am I going somewhere?” I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m in the middle of a good book.”

Raegal smirks in response. “One of those monster romance books again?”

“No,” I retort. “It’s a book about the Night Realm, if you must know. I’m doing research for my history and culture assignment.”

His eyes darken at the mention of the night bloods. “And have you learned anything interesting?”

I bob my head. “It has been very insightful and given me lots to think about.”

Raegal’s eyes drop to my chest, and I look down to see if I have a button undone or something.

“Your mother really had a thing for amethyst, didn’t she?” He gestures to where the pendant rests against my skin. “There was also a lot of amethyst in her workshop. Did you know amethyst is as deadly to the Night Borne as sunstone is to my people?”

My heart hammers in my chest at his words. “I didn’t know that. What would…what would being exposed to it do to one of them?”

Raegal moves towards me and my breath hitches when he reaches out and cups the amethyst heart in his hand. “Well, if one was stabbed in the heart with an amethyst dagger, it would kill them instantly. But small exposure to the crystal would weaken their powers and drain them.” He studies my necklace. “Did you know there is obsidian within your pendant?”

My body runs cold at his words. I think back on all the amethyst and obsidian in our house. Even amethyst and obsidian were infused in my bed frame. “Perhaps my mother was concerned about an invasion from the Night Realm. Maybe what she should have been doing is surrounding our home with sunstone to keep the likes of your kind away.”

He snickers at my jibe, and I freeze when he leans in closer to me. “Not even sunstone could keep me away from something I want.”

I swallow and my eyes dart to his lips, remembering how good they felt against mine. “And what is it you want, Commander?” I dare to ask him.

“Right now,” he says. “I’d like you to get your shoes on as we have somewhere to be, Terror.”

My heart slows in my chest. He enjoys toying with me. “And do I get any choice in the matter?” I ask him, relieved when he releases my pendant and takes a step back from me.

“No, so hurry,” he replies with a dry smile. Glaring at him, I bend down to put my boots on. I glance over at Orna, noticing the amusement on her face as her eyes shift between me and Raegal. When she catches me scowling at her, her smile sobers, and she bobs her head at Raegal in farewell. “Oh, Orna, my sweet. If you could be a darling and if anyone asks, Reya is tired and getting an early night.”

Orna’s cheeks redden, and she bobs her head up and down. “Of course, Commander. Your secret is safe with me. I will ensure no one knows she isn’t here.”

He winks at her, and she looks like she might faint on the spot. I roll my eyes at him using charm to get her to do as he commands. Raegal catches my eye, and smirks at my response. “Ready?”

“I guess so. I would like to know where we are going though,” I grumble as he reaches for my waist and pulls me against the hard planes of his delightful body.

“Hold on tight, Terror,” he advises with amusement as his shadows swirl up from our feet and envelope us in his darkness. I close my eyes and embrace the feeling of his magic. It starts a warm fire deep within me and I would happily stay here forever.

“We’re here. Welcome to lake Eris,” he announces, and I open my eyes to find him watching me with hooded eyes. He glances at my lips and for a second I think he’s going to kiss me, but he clears his throat and releases me. I force myself to stop staring at him and my jaw goes slack when I take in our surroundings. I turn in a circle as I take in the vast mountains of onyx that surround us. The moonlight glistens off them, creating a tranquil setting. I raise my gaze upward to admire the sharp, glistening onyx peaks. Raegal stands there watching me and when I glance back at him, his usual grey eyes have darkened. It makes him both alluring and terrifying at the same time.

“It’s the large presence of onyx. Don’t fear me, Terror,” he teases, referencing the change in his eyes.

I scoff and shake my head. “You don’t scare me, Lord Commander. Irritate me, yes, but I’m not afraid of you.”

“Perhaps you should be,” he says into my ear from behind me causing me to jump. He moved so fast I didn’t see it.

“Why are we here?” I ask, trying to steady my breathing as it quickens at his nearness.

“You need dance lessons and I know you wanted to visit this lake,” he replies, and I intake a sharp breath when he grabs hold of my waist and spins me to face him. I look up into his eyes and he’s wearing that teasing, easy smile again. Angry and moody Raegal I can deal with, but playful Raegal disarms me.

“And we couldn’t do this in the dance studio?”

“Why dance in the studio when you can dance under the light of the moon,” he says as he takes my hand in his and places his other back on my waist. “Now remember what I said before. It isn’t much different from sparring. That is a dance just like this, only there are no weapons involved.”

“Well, apart from my feet stomping on yours,” I comment dryly, and he laughs. My mind empties as I watch him laugh. Why does he have to be so damn beautiful?

“Close your eyes, Terror, and just listen to my voice. See the moves in your head. Picture yourself holding a sword in your hand or your precious dagger, whichever you prefer.”

I don’t miss the coldness to his tone when he mentions the dagger gifted to me by Arkynn. I do as he suggests, and close my eyes, listening to his voice as he talks me through the steps, and I picture the two of us sparring in my mind’s eye.

“That’s it, Terror. You’re dancing, and you haven’t taken a step wrong. Good girl.”

All my concentration vanishes when he calls me that and I stop dead in my steps, my eyes flashing open.

“Everything okay?” he asks, as if he didn’t just call me a good girl in that dark, husky voice of his, and make me forget what I am doing.

“I’m fine,” I reply, rather more defensively than intended.

“Good girl, let’s carry on.”

I jerk back out of his hold. “Stop that!”

He tilts his head at me, his dark eyes studying me. “Stop what?”

“Calling me a good girl. I’m not a child,” I protest, placing my hands on my hips.

His eyes snake down my body and heat flares in his eyes. “No, you most certainly aren’t.” He inhales. “I can smell your arousal, Terror. I think we both know my words aren’t making you feel like a child.”

My eyes widen. “I’m not aroused!” I protest. “And what do you mean, you can smell it?” I ask, taking a step away from him. As I take a step back, he takes one towards me, only his stride is wider than mine, so before I realise, I am back up against the cool mountain wall.

“Shadow Borne have a heightened sense of smell and right now you’re oozing with arousal, Terror.”

“You’re wrong!” I snap, holding my chin high.

Lies. Complete lies, my inner voice says to me.

He reaches out and runs his thumb across my bottom lip and it takes every bit of willpower in me not to close my eyes and moan. My body craves his touch.

“I don’t think I am wrong. I think if I put my hands between your legs, I’d find you wet for me.”

I scowl at him, my core heating at his words. “Have you brought me here to teach me to dance or to seduce me, Lord Commander?”

His tongue swipes over his bottom lip, and I follow the movement. “Right now, my mind isn’t on dancing, Terror. It’s on remembering what you feel like against me. Your lips on mine, your moans when you orgasm and the way your eyelashes flutter as you come on my fingers, calling out my name.”

“Oh,” I reply breathlessly. Serves me right for asking.

“Tell me we shouldn’t do this, Terror. Tell me I should take you back right now and stay away from you.”

I gulp.

I should tell him all that.

I really should, but I stay silent and stare back at him, my eyes moving between his lips and his eyes that are now almost totally black.

“Fuck it!” he exclaims, reaching for the back of my neck as he slams his lips against mine. I moan into his mouth as my body finally gets what it has been craving ever since the last time he touched me.

“What are you doing to me?” I whisper against his lips.

“Dirty things, Terror. None of them are good,” he says with a wicked grin that sets off a fire inside of me.

I close my eyes and moan as he kisses down my neck, his hands squeeze my bottom. “They sound good to me,” I confess, and he growls as he picks me up and walks with me in his arms. I have no clue where he is taking us, and I don’t care so long as his lips stay on me.

“Too many damn clothes,” he complains as he takes us to wherever he intends. I shiver as the cold air brushes against my skin, as his shadows undress us both. I gasp when warm water hits my body, and he carries me into the lake. He turns us, pressing my back up against the bank of the lake as his hand strokes along my core.

“Raegal,” I whisper. “Touch me, everywhere.”

His shadows unfurl in response, and I gasp as they climb up my body and grip at my neck, holding me in place as he teases and strokes at my clit. My hips writhe against him and I itch to be closer to him. “I want you,” I moan.

“If I take you, Terror, I won’t let you go,” he warns me, and I open my eyes and gaze into his.

“Then don’t.”

His shadows push my legs open wider as his mouth finds my breasts, and he moves between them, teasing and sucking. I shudder in pure lust when his shadows brush along my core. This is wrong. I shouldn’t be doing this with him. Somewhere in my mind, reason attempts to communicate with me, but all I can think about is the immense pleasure he brings me. How when we are together like this, it seems like the most natural thing in existence.

“Please,” I beg him. I don’t think I’ve ever needed something so desperately.

“Say it, Reya,” he demands, grabbing my chin between his hands and forcing me to look at him. “Say the words.”

I glare at him with hooded eyes. “Fuck me, Raegal. Take me.”

A wicked, dark smile breaks across his face as he lines himself up with my centre and my breath stutters in my chest in anticipation. He pushes inside me, and my breath stills.

“Easy, Terror. I’ve got you,” he assures me as he pushes in further. I watch as his eyes roll back in his head. “Arawn, help me. You feel good.”

He thrusts and I groan as he seats himself fully inside of me. He waits, giving me time to adjust to him.

“Please,” I beg him, pushing my hips up as the brief pain subsides and pure need takes over.

He pulls almost all the way out and then thrusts back in, pushing me back against the bank of the lake, causing the water to splash against us. Oh, gods, this is amazing. He grips me tightly by my ass as he thrusts in and out of me and I push my hips up, needing him deeper.

He never takes his eyes off me as he fucks me into pure oblivion. I glance down between my legs at where we are joined, and I watch as he moves inside me.

“Eyes up here, Terror,” he commands, his shadows wrapping around my throat and squeezing. My eyes find his, and I lean up to press my lips against his. He kisses me back with hurried need, his tongue dancing with mine. His shadows surround us, stroking my body and adding to the building pressure. “Are you going to come for me, Terror?” he asks. “Or should I say, good girl?”

I gulp and grasp at his shoulders as my abdomen tightens. “Say it again.”

He smirks wolfishly as he leans in and kisses me as he thrusts ruthlessly in and out of my body. “Come for me like a good girl, Reya. I want your juices dripping down my cock.”

His words are my undoing, my head tips back, but he forces me to look at him as wave after wave of unbelievable bliss rushes through me. “Oh gods,” I moan as I find my release.

“Fuck.” He groans as he watches me and he picks up speed, taking me harder and deeper and I grip his arms, digging my nails into his flesh. His shadows wind up my chest and disappear over my back as he holds me in place and takes what he needs. His eyes are nothing but dark pools as he shouts my name and I feel him find his release inside me.

The silence of the night surrounds us as we both catch our breath and come down from the high we chased.

He opens his eyes and holds mine as he pushes my hair back off my face. “Are you okay?”

I nod my head. I am more than okay. Is this what I’ve been missing out on? My hand reaches out and caresses his chest and I watch in fascination as the dark symbols and on his torso move in response to my touch. His eyes darken and he cups the back of my neck, and pulls my lips to his, kissing me with slow abandonment.

“Raegal,” I whisper, “can we do that again?”

He chuckles against my lips. “Oh, Terror, trust me, I’m not done with you.”

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