Shadow Kissed (The Eternal Night #1) Chapter 45 98%
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Chapter 45



I wake in the morning to find him gone. I call out for him, hoping he’s just in the bathroom, but he has gone for the day, returning to his duties. I will find Arkynn today and tell him I’ve changed my mind; that I can’t be a part of their plans anymore. I sit up in bed and notice a small posy of purple flowers waiting for me. Smiling, I pick it up and lift it to my nose. I spring out of bed, still holding the posy of flowers in my hand, and pull the curtains open and drink in the bright sunlight.

Orna knocks twice on my door and then enters, carrying a bundle of fresh linens in her arms.

“Good morning, Reya. I believe congratulations are in order. Top five.”

“Good morning, Orna. Isn’t it a beautiful day?” I exclaim, leaning my face into the sunlight.

She eyes me with a curious smile. “Someone’s very bright and happy for early morning.”

I nod my head and turn to face her. “Will you put these in water? I think I’ll wear a dress today. Something bright and cheerful.”

Orna arches a brow as she takes the flowers from me. “I won’t ask who they are from. Although I suspect I know.”

I dress and head out into the dining room to have breakfast with the other girls. I find them all seated around the dining table, chatting away animatedly about events at the ball last night.

“Are you upset about missing out on a top spot, Saveya?” Tyria asks. “I know how much you wanted one.”

Saveya sighs and shrugs her shoulders. “It’s my own doing. I had too much of the scath wine. It went to my head. Besides, I am confident I will get a good man.” She looks over at me and gives me a knowing smile.

“Here is our other top of the class student!” Tyria cheers, applauding me and I bow dramatically before taking my seat.

I lose myself in my own head as I rehearse in my head how I will break the news to Ark that I’m not going to partake in their plans. However I word it, it won’t go down well with him. What I haven’t thought through, though, is how I can stop the planned attack without revealing the identity of the rebels. Can I just stand there and know what’s going to happen and do nothing about it?

“I wonder who will be part of the elite male five?” Alora asks from where she sits with a book in one hand and a cup in her other. The girl has her nose in a book twenty-four seven. “I mean, we know the prince is taking a wife, and rumours suggest the commander will as well. So that leaves three others.”

Tyria gestures for me to pass her the butter. “I’ve heard that the handsome Jasiel may be another.”

“Is he even an elite?” Saveya asks, around a mouthful of food.

“He’s a high-ranking member of their army and his family must be of influence if he grew up alongside Raegal.”

Tyria glances at the other girls and leans in, winking at me. “And how would you know this?”

I shrug my shoulders, knowing full well what she’s asking me. “Jasiel told me they grew up together as boys when we were dancing last night. So, naturally, I imagine his family is of some social standing if they are friends.”

Debate continues over who the remaining two elites may be before we head down to meet our fellow girls, and Moryen and two of our teachers accompany us across the valley to the small, but busy, market. She has obviously decided to loosen the reins as she allows us to venture off to explore the stalls and tells us to meet back at the agreed upon meeting point in one hour.

Ark is aware that we come to the market on Wednesday’s, so I am confident he will make every effort to be here. I peruse some stalls whilst looking out for him and I eventually spot him over by the stall that sells herbs and health remedies. I casually make my way over, and he gestures with his head for me to follow him. I watch as he disappears down the side of a building and looking around me to check Moryen isn’t nearby; I sneak away from the busy market.

Arkynn leans against the wall, waiting for me. He’s filled out since he came to the valley, his body more muscular and defined than before. He grins at me as I walk over to him.

“Hey there, sunshine. You’re wearing a dress,” he says, unable to hide the surprise in his voice.

“Hi. Ark, we need to talk,” I start off, stopping in front of him.

“What’s the matter?” he asks me, taking in my anxious demeanour and noticing the way I fidget with the sleeve hem of my dress.

“Ark. I can’t do it. I can’t do what the rebellion is asking of me.” There I said it. That wasn’t so bad.

Ark's smile drops, and he reaches out for me, placing his hands on my arms. “Why, what’s wrong? Has something happened?”

I shake my head. “No, nothing is wrong. I just can’t do it. Ark, being here, has opened my eyes. I’ve been blinded by my own prejudice.”

Arkynn scowls at me. “It’s him, isn’t it? He’s got to you.”

“No,” I protest. “It’s not just him, it’s everything I’ve seen, like the great work they do at the orphanage.”

“The orphanage full of children who have lost parents fighting their war!” He snorts. “Their war, Reya! Not ours,” he shouts, raising his voice, and I glance anxiously towards the square.

“You think the Flame Realm would have left us alone to live happily? They wouldn’t have, Ark. They would have tried to take our realm, just like they have with every other one.”

Arkynn covers his face with his hand, shaking his head. “They’ve brainwashed you. You think you can just walk away from the rebellion, Reya? You don’t just decide you want out and that’s it. You know too much now.”

“What are you saying?” I ask him, wrapping my arms around my middle.

“That you can’t leave, Reya. Like it or not, you are the key part of the plan.” He frowns at me with a mix of disappointment and anger. “I’ve got to go.”

I watch him walk off, and I need a minute to compose my thoughts before I go back out to the market. They can’t force me to do it. If I say no, then that’s it.

I return to the market and locate Saveya, who is buying yet more hair ribbons. She must have every colour of the rainbow now. By the time we head back to the mansion, everyone has spent up their allowance and is armed with baskets full of goods. I immerse myself in one of the Night Realm history books, eager to gain a deeper understanding of my past and the place where my mother was raised. It’s hard to believe that the woman who raised me was born a princess. There had been no inclination that she was anything other than Asen. It must have been so frightening and strange for her, losing everything and everyone she cared about and coming here alone with no awareness of our customs and ways.

This afternoon is the last of the timetabled classes. Tomorrow is the reaping ceremony. When we ventured out to the market this morning, we’d seen them getting the square ready for the event and it made it all feel very real.

I retire to my room after our evening meal. Orna fills my tub and leaves me to soak and relax. I stare at the dress hanging on the armoire. It is a simple but pretty dress in pale lilac. Chosen, no doubt, to match the colour of our distinctive eyes. We all wear the same dress at the ceremony to ensure that no one girl can try to out-shine the others with an extravagant gown.

What was that?

I swear I just heard a noise from the window. I listen carefully and I hear it again. Curious, I grab my night gown and pull it over my head and move into my bedroom to investigate. I walk over to the balcony doors and push them open then peer over the edge of the iron railings.

“Ark!” I whisper, shocked to see him standing under my window.

“Get dressed. Corlan has summoned you,” he says, cupping his hand round his mouth and trying not to raise his voice too much.

I open my mouth to protest, but then think better of it, and I head back into my room to throw on some clothes. A few minutes later, I’m climbing out over the balcony and down the ivy. I dash over to the treeline where Ark is waiting for me.

“Come on,” he orders, grabbing hold of my hand and tugging me behind him.

“Did you tell him? What did he say?” I query. Eager to learn what Corlan’s reaction was.

“Yes, I told him, and he wasn’t happy,” Ark say’s gruffly. “Let’s hurry. I have orders to carry out tonight if everything is going to go as planned tomorrow.”

“They’re still going ahead with it, then?”

He snorts. “Of course. What, you honestly thought if you just say no, they’d call the whole thing off? The rebel leaders have been planning this for years. There is no going back now. This is our big chance.”

We arrive at the inn, and I falter in my steps when we enter the meeting room and no one is here but Corlan and his deputy, Izan.

“Where is everyone?” I whisper to Ark, who ignores me and ushers me over to a seat at the table opposite the two district leaders.

“Please sit, Reya,” Corlan says with a stoic expression.

I sit down and Ark stands behind my chair, resting his hands on the back.

“Arkynn has informed me you want to back out. I’m afraid there is no way out. You will take the sunstone dagger, and you will plunge it into the shadow prince’s heart,” he informs me, leaning back in his seat and observing me coldly.

“You can’t force me. I won’t do it,” I reply, folding my arms across my chest and meeting his hostile eyes.

He sighs. “Arkynn said you’d say as much, so we thought maybe you needed some motivation. Which is why, as we speak, your brothers are on their way to one of our safe houses. Play your part. We won’t harm your brothers if you comply with our request.”

“And if I don’t?” I ask, gripping at the seat of my chair in panic.

“Then you’ll never see your brothers again.”

“You bastards!” I growl, jumping up and lunging across the table at him. Arkynn’s arms are around me in an instance pinning me to him and I flail and kick to get free. “I’ll kill you. I swear if you hurt a hair on their heads, I’ll make you pay!”

“Nothing will happen to them if you do as we planned,” Corlan says, backing off from me and holding out his hands. “We didn’t want to do this, Reya, but you forced our hands.”

Arkynn keeps a hold of me and refuses to let me go.

“Were you informed about this?” I ask, elbowing him in his side and dipping out under his arms. I back away from them all. “Were you aware that they were planning to take my brothers?”

I can tell his answer from his expression. He grimaces and takes a step towards me. “You have to understand.”

I shake my head and put out my hand, warning him not to come any closer. “No, you stay away from me. I don’t know who you are anymore. How could you do this to me? The twins are like your adopted brothers. They admire you and hold you in high regard.” My heart aches in my chest at his betrayal.

“Give me the goddamn stake!” I command, holding out my hand. “You leave me no choice.”

Corlan nods and smiles tightly. “I’m glad you have come to your senses. You’ll see, Reya. You’ll see that this is the right thing to do. When we destroy their reaping ceremony and kill their prince, they’ll realise we will not go away without a fight.”

“You’re despicable,” I hiss, snatching the dagger out of his hand and pocketing it in my inside pocket. “You harm one hair on their heads, and I meant what I said—I will kill you.”

Corlan ignores my threats and gestures to Arkynn at the door. “Get her out of here. Oh, and Reya, we have eyes on the Lord Commander, so don’t think about running to him for help. We get one whiff that you’ve told him or anyone else, and I’m afraid your brothers will pay the price.”

I spit on the floor at his feet and yank the door open, striding out of there, eager to be away from them. Ark chases after me, calling my name. He reaches out for my arm, and I spin and push him against the wall. “You’re supposed to be my friend. I trusted you.”

“There are bigger things at play than us, Reya. I believe in our cause and sometimes we must do things we don’t like,” he argues. He reaches out to touch my face, and I hit his hand away.

“Don’t touch me! I can’t bear to look at you or be near you,” I say as I storm towards the hidden tunnel.

“You don’t mean that!” he says as he chases after me. He grabs for my neck and yanks me towards him, pressing his lips on mine.

“Get off me!” I shout, lifting my knee and kneeing him between the legs. He doubles over in pain, swearing, and I leave him there, dropping into the tunnel and running as fast as my legs will carry me. I’ll never ever forgive him for this.

I arrive back at the mansion and throw myself on my bed and scream into my pillow in frustration and anger, pummelling it with my fists. When I’ve let it all out, I pull the dagger from my jacket and stare at it, turning it over and over in my hand. There’s no way out. I can’t risk anything happening to my brothers. They are the only family I have left. They mean everything to me. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep them safe, even if it meant losing Raegal.

I hide the dagger with my mother’s notebook and handkerchief, then glance around my bedroom, knowing I won’t be spending another night here. Tomorrow, they will brand me as a rebel and a betrayer. How can I face him tonight? How can I lie in bed next to him, knowing what I must do tomorrow? My heart aches at what might have been. All my life, I have longed to fit in, be accepted, and experience love. Now, I have almost achieved all those desires, but I will lose everything because of my blind hatred and naivety. I panic when I realise Raegal will be here soon. I hurriedly change into my nightshirt, then crawl into bed and pull the covers up and close my eyes, feigning sleep.

I know the minute he shadow weaves into the room. His shadows crawl under the covers and caress me in greeting. I hear him move quietly about the room as he undresses and the bed dips when he climbs in beside me. I yearn to turn around and crawl into his arms and tell him everything, but I can’t risk it. They’ll hurt Elian and Corym. I try to keep my breathing steady when he leans over me and kisses my head. “Sleep well, Terror.”

I lie still, eyes closed, my skin crawling with disgust at myself. Eventually, I notice his breathing evening out and I release a sigh of relief that he is asleep, and I won’t have to look him in the eyes and lie to him.

It’s a long night and exhaustion eventually wins out. I have the same nightmare I’ve been having for nights now. The voices all whispering in my ear and overloading my senses. All of them telling me to end the eternal night.

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