Shadows in the Dark (Dark Lotus #1) 8. Adrian 21%
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8. Adrian

I’d had very little time to think about Karma_is_a_B since our conversation because I had an early morning trip to Japan. It was all for business, although I was tempted to see a few of the sights. Alas, I had no time to do so if I expected to make it back for my scheduled training with the impetuous submissive.

I knew very little about her, and while I could have looked at her complete membership information, this particular trip had distracted me more than I had once thought it would. A Japanese firm was interested in working with Benedict Technologies on a microchip, and I had to admit to thinking about other uses than the medicinal ones we had been discussing.

There was significant progress in numerous clinical studies when it came to the paralyzed and microchips. In fact, a man who was paralyzed from the neck down had one implanted into him, and the findings were promising. He had essentially been able to write with his mind. I didn’t know the medical particulars about it, but the end result was amazing nonetheless. There were even discussions about using microchips to help those with specific types of mental illness. I had been especially interested in that part for personal reasons, but not enough was known about them.

Microchipping was also being used to house medical records and vital information such as prescriptions and allergy information. Completely unrelated, there were presentations on using a microchip like the virtual wallet pay apps from places like Apple, Samsung, and Google.

“Five adult victims and two underage girls were located in a San Franciscan home and six suspects were arrested as part of a nationwide sex trafficking sting,” a local news anchor had announced the morning I had left for Tokyo.

They’d gone on to talk about how over seventy victims, mostly underage or just of legal age, were located this year alone in the city. The FBI had gone on to indicate that these women came from all walks of life, and it sickened me. I preyed on women, and I would not sugarcoat that, but all instances had been at Lotus, and they were consensual, and with women over the age of twenty-one. At Lotus, we did extensive background checks into all of the Dominants, and especially submissives. Consent was strictly enforced unless non-con was your kink, and even then, a safe word would be given and enforced.

If the studies on microchipping continued to be positive, maybe it could play a part in reducing those numbers. There were tracking devices on just about anything, including cellphones. If we treated human life like we did those material things, more lives could hopefully be saved. All those missing girls might have had a chance of being found, or at least a hell of a lot quicker than they had been. A nineteen year old girl who’d been located safely had been missing since she was fifteen. In those four years, there was no telling what kind of horrors she had been made to endure, and it might have been prevented.

Be careful what you wish for.

That nagging inner voice made me scowl slightly, and I quickly erased all thoughts of microchips. I went over figures with those in attendance, and by the end of the three days I spent in Japan, I was finally ready to return home. I had the BT jet fueled up, then prepared myself for the eleven hour nonstop flight back to the Bay Area.

I had left Tokyo just after noon their time, and I arrived at San Francisco International just after eight that evening. I had given Karma_is_a_B a specific time and the last thing I wanted to do was set a bad example by being late myself. Once my plane touched down, I got into the car waiting for me at the hangar, then rode north about fifteen miles to my penthouse. I arrived home just after nine which gave me enough time to shower and prepare myself for tonight’s activities.

When under the scalding spray of water, all I could think about was how new she seemed to the lifestyle. I normally didn’t like to involve myself with rookies to BDSM as the type of domination I delivered mostly was of the sadistic kind. Many experienced submissives could hardly handle me on any given day, so it was unlikely she would fare any different. Still, the very thought of bending her to my will had my dick already hardening.

Reaching down, I fisted it in my palm, then closed my eyes as my hand started to move up and down my shaft. I had no idea what she looked like, or if our conversations would ever lead to anything more, but it still didn’t stop me from imagining her mouth on my cock. She was willfully disobedient in her server messages, so I had no doubt that it would extend to what was likely an amazing mouth.

I liked for my submissives to suck my cock a certain way, and I grew harder as I imagined the faceless, wanna-be submissive swallowing down on the tip as she grazed me with her teeth. Pain was to be enjoyed during sex, and I always felt it went both ways. With that vision in my head, I lingered a bit longer in the shower than I had intended, but I did eventually come which would take the edge off.

“I possibly want to fuck her sassy mouth, not scare her off,” I muttered under my breath about Karma. I shook even that vision away and got out of the shower.

Twenty minutes later, I stood in front of my mirror with nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around my hips. I was still hard, and the imprint could be visibly seen behind the expensive towel. I had grown up with every advantage, and even though I was forced to leave that life behind, I had worked my ass off in America to continue to live with the same luxuries. Things such as these ultra-plush towels were one of them.

As I stared at the man in front of me, the shower and ensuing orgasm did little to erase the weariness from my eyes. The exhaustion, more mental than physical, was seemingly taking more of a toll on me than before. So much stress and tension had dominated my life, and even the potential promise of a few hours of distraction did little to ease the tiredness I felt, especially knowing that after tonight’s activities, I would get very little sleep. An insomniac by necessity, it came with the territory, and I had begrudgingly learned to live with it. Thankfully, Karma would not have to see my face this evening, so there was nothing more to worry about.

I dropped the towel, then went back into my bedroom to grab a pair of sweatpants. I usually preferred black, or other darker shades, because they were less visible in the shadows, and those colors matched my usual mood. Tonight would be no exception.

From there, I padded barefoot into the living room, and a quick glance at the clock let me know that she would be online soon, so I brought my laptop to the chaise lounge beside my couch and turned it on. As I waited for the home screen to appear, I filled up a glass with ice, then grabbed the aged scotch from the open bar in the corner of the room. I returned to my seat and spent the next few minutes getting all settled in.

I saw a few notifications from the partners in Japan, but I didn’t want to look at anything work related. That could wait until tomorrow. After closing the notifications without opening a single one, I found the upper case letter omega symbol, and double clicked it. Seconds later, Olympus was open and I found myself in the general area where most seemed to congregate.

I rarely ever socialized with anyone there whether online or in person, but tonight, I had an express purpose for being here. While it wasn’t to line up a submissive for myself at Lotus, it might provide another future option. Karma indicated that she was new to the lifestyle, so she would never be able to handle more than a few minutes in my lair, much less the few hours I usually devoted to a scene. The potential promise would have to be enough for me for now because she would be online any time.

I didn’t want to stay in this room, so I created a private room, then went down the server member list and clicked to be alerted once she logged in to the site. Only administrators had that type of access, and we used it to our advantage, although others more often than me. I had once or twice shown a particular interest in a submissive, but it had given her unrealistic expectations, and in the end, it destroyed her in more ways than one.

“The woman identified was San Franciscan, Blair Carter, and to date, the police are asking anyone with information on her murder to call the San Francisco Police Department...”

That story had followed the one about the location and rescue of those sex trafficked victims which had been enough to make me turn off the news altogether. So far, they have not identified any persons of interest in her demise, and a part of me felt ultimately responsible. The woman was a submissive, and one I knew a bit too well.

Karma_is_a_B has logged on.

The notification had me forgetting about the previous submissive as it was now time to turn to a new one. I moved my mouse to her name, then invited her to the private room. It was time to get to know one another better.

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