I logged on to Olympus again, scanning the member list to see if EREBUS69 was on. I knew better than to look, though. Based on comments I had read in various channels, the Doms’ status indicators never appeared green until they wanted them to appear green, and that was usually right before they pulled a submissive into a private chat.
I was frustrated because I had not seen or talked to him since our last interaction. Had I disappointed him or done something wrong? Were all of the Doms like this?
I hesitated to ask others because I did not want to get dinged for unknowingly breaking another rule. Despite reading the server rules, and acknowledging I had read them, I still wasn’t entirely sure what was frowned upon. Because of that, I chose my words carefully, and mostly kept comments specific to whatever topic was being discussed in the channel I had chosen to pop into.
Most of the other girls were nice, though I had run across a couple that decided to poke fun at me after I tried to jump in a chat. One specifically even went to a different channel where she thought I wouldn’t see what she was doing, but I spotted it and knew it was aimed at me. I avoided her after that and if she happened to come into a chat where I did happen to be, I either fell silent, or I left altogether. It just wasn’t worth my energy.
Tonight’s movie stream was a soft-core porn selection that one of the moderators had announced earlier in the week. I wasn’t very well versed in X-rated movies, but apparently, many of the women present had seen this one before. The comments ranged from making fun of the non-existent plot, to reminiscing about a session at Lotus that the film reminded them of.
I was aware that most of the women I was interacting with were looking for something different when it came to sex and intimacy. While I was so incredibly tempted to ask a laundry list of questions, I didn’t, resorting instead to online research, or what little information I was able to read in Blair’s diary. From her words, I assumed she enjoyed the very different aspects of a club like Lotus. I had no idea if I would ever get to see or experience the club, and my anxiousness ticked up a notch. I really wanted to understand my sister better because I just knew that I would somehow be able to figure out what happened to her.
I was in mid-sentence responding to a funny scene in the movie when I found myself redirected to a private chat. EREBUS69 was the other chat participant. I gasped and felt my heart begin to race.
EREBUS69: Good evening, Karma. Been sleeping well lately?
My face got hot immediately. I definitely had not been sleeping well and he was the reason why. Oh, god... did he know that I recorded our last conversation? No. He couldn't. How would he know? I used my phone and it was audio only.
Karma_is_a_B: Good evening, Sir. The polite answer would be for me to say yes, but the real answer is not very well at all.
EREBUS69: I'm sorry to hear that. Next time, I’ll have to make sure my presence is felt long after.
Karma_is_a_B: Oh, it already is, Sir. That's why I'm not sleeping well.
I shivered. If his presence was any more felt “after”, I would end up a quivering, useless mushy-minded excuse of a human.
EREBUS69: Your imagination can be nice, but it's not better than meeting face to face. I've dreamed of you many nights, Karma. Ever since I watched you fall apart on my command, I can think of nothing more than making you shatter harder, but with my physical touch next time.
My heart was now pounding.
Karma_is_a_B: Face to face, Sir? I would like that very much. If I may be honest, I wasn't sure there was going to be a next time because I have not seen you on the server and was concerned I had displeased you.
I saw the dots to indicate he was typing, but they would disappear, then reappear, then disappear again. Shit. Had I said something I shouldn’t? I didn’t fucking know all the D/s etiquette. I hoped he might give me some grace if I had overstepped. Finally, the dots reappeared and were visible for longer this time.
EREBUS69: While I've been busy with work, I have logged on a few times myself and found myself looking for you. Our timing was off until fate stepped in tonight. I'm here now, and trust me when I say that you did not displease me at all. In fact, I've been so anxious to see you again that I’ve ordered a few things.
He’d—he’d been looking for me? A stupid grin split my face at learning he had logged on hoping to see me. Our timing was indeed off because I had made sure to get online somewhat regularly hoping he would notice me being active in the server space. It was then the last part of his reply registered.
Karma_is_a_B: A few things, Sir? May I ask what...just a moment. I'll brB. There is someone at my door.
Karma_is_a_B: I'm back. I was given a box and there is lingerie in it. The box has a lotus flower on the front. Am I right to assume this is from you, Sir?
EREBUS69: You would be correct. I'm pleased to see that it has arrived.
I should’ve been creeped out that he not only knew my real name, but that he had my address, but I remembered providing that and more when I’d registered for the site that first night. Granted, I had not imagined that it would result in any of this, but it had and I would use it to my advantage.
EREBUS69: If amenable, I would like to see you in that lingerie on Saturday night.
My jaw dropped open. Saturday night? Did… did this mean what I think it did?
Karma_is_a_B: Saturday would work fine, Sir.
EREBUS69: Very good. The driver will pick you up at your place at nine sharp. Inside the box, you’ll find further instructions. In addition, the envelope also contains the rules for Lotus. You must follow them to the letter. If you break a single one, you will not be escorted to the club. I am not a patient man, so I advise that you read and understand them so there are no delays.
My fingers were shaking so much, I could barely get them to move across the keyboard. I couldn’t believe I had just received an invitation to Lotus. Not only that, but I would also be able to meet this mystery man in person where I would be able to see if my imagination had been accurate. I knew he was expecting a reply from me, so I forced my digits to cooperate, wincing at the number of typos I had to go back and correct.
Karma_is_a_B: Yes, Sir. I will make sure I follow them exactly. I would not want to ruin the evening.
EREBUS69: That's what I like to hear. If you're a good girl, you will be rewarded. I'll see you Saturday evening. Good Night.
With that, he was gone and I was back in a general channel. More interested in the box than movie comments, I untied the ribbon around the box and lifted the lid, gasping when I saw the black lingerie nestled in lavender tissue paper.
At least, I thought it was supposed to be lingerie, but the amount of material comprising the garments was minuscule and mostly transparent. I would be very exposed in just a bra and thong, but that was the point, after all. From what I had researched, the submissive exposed every part of herself to her Dom, physically, mentally, and emotionally. There was an immense amount of trust exchanged between both parties when engaging in a scene. Would I be able to handle that?
Spotting the card at the bottom of the box, I opened it and began to read. He had not been kidding when he said I had to follow them to the letter. There were fifteen rules and disclaimers all over the document, making it very clear that failure to abide by every single rule would result in a permanent ban from the club, as well as being removed from Olympus.
Number one: A dark overcoat must be worn over the attire provided by your Dom. A trench coat in navy blue or black is acceptable. No other color will be approved.
“Geez. What’s with the hate on dark charcoal grey?” I muttered, continuing to read aloud. The next rules gave me pause and made me slightly uncomfortable.
Number two: You are allowed a small clutch purse, which must be no larger than 18cm by 14cm.
Number three: A cell phone is permitted but must be turned completely off before entering the vehicle. Phone and purse will be surrendered to the driver and returned to you upon your arrival back home.
Recalling something in Blair’s diary about trips to Lotus, I found the book and opened it again, reminding myself that she had mentioned the same thing about a cell phone and purse. She also complained about being blindfolded during the ride and not being able to see where the club was, much less what the outside looked like. Referring back to the instructions, I saw the blindfold was indeed listed on number four.
I went through the rest of them, feeling my eyebrows raise to my hairline as I read about what to do and not do once I was actually inside Lotus. I would not be allowed to speak unless addressed directly until I was inside my Dom’s private room. Once there, I was to follow whatever his personal preferences were.
“What the fuck am I walking into?” I said, my gaze drifting back to the skimpy black attire. The little voice in the back of my head told me that I was about to find out more than I had ever imagined.