After finding the perfect set of lingerie for her to wear on our call, I knew she had received it because a signature had been required. That was the only confirmation I needed from her. So far, she had followed my instructions to the letter, and I expected nothing different tonight.
What sucked about these deliveries was that I never got a chance to see her face when she opened the box as she had done the very first time. I loved to stare at her, and even when in secret mode on Olympus, I often found myself on her profile. Brynn was naturally beautiful, more resembling the girl next door than some sexual siren.
When we were at Lotus, however, the innocence started to drift away as she became my dirty little slut. One of these days, I would see if pain could be added to that description, but the time wasn’t right to introduce her to everything I could do to her.
I still remembered every word, and also the verbal reaction of the boutique clerk in California as she hastily scribbled my words, then read them back to me. Even the local girl was blushing. I had paid the exorbitant fee to have everything prepared and delivered same day, then returned to the offices in Marunouchi to join the other investors. I hadn’t had a lot of time to think about how hot Brynn would look in what I had chosen because I was truly fascinated with the idea of human microchipping.
“We’ve gotten several volunteers so far,” they had told me just last night before I left for this hotel.
“Send me their profiles and I will review tomorrow.”
Our purposes for it might differ, but the conversations regarding it were similar enough.
It was what I was supposed to be doing at the moment, but all I had been able to think about was Blair Carter. She, too, often received impromptu deliveries from me, as did others. I could still see them in the flesh, but not her. She had been murdered, and as far as I knew, there were not even any suspects. Thinking about her and any investigations were counter-productive, so I focused on Brynn, instead. The two women couldn’t be anymore different from one another, and maybe that was what had drawn me to my current obsession.
Had Brynn really become one? I chuckled out loud to myself. Of course not. There was no way I would ever let myself become emotionally attached to any female. The only one I had ever shared a connection with had been Aria. It was obviously a different kind, but the twin bond was unbreakable, or so I thought. A tire iron to her head a dozen or so times had been all it took to sever it.
I let out a sharp exhale, then scrubbed my hands down my face. It was when I did that I realized what time it was. While it was morning here, evening had settled onto the Bay area. I had a call with Brynn tonight, and thinking about the submissive brought a smile to my face. It didn’t reach my eyes, but it was more than I did for most other things in my world at the moment. Tokyo was seventeen hours ahead, but I was working from my hotel room today, so there was no need to go anywhere. I had all the time I needed right now.
“Thank fuck I don’t have to get dressed either,” I muttered as I took a final glance in the mirror.
I was currently wearing a pair of dark sweat pants, but nothing else. Already knowing what I wanted to say and do with her today, the least amount of clothes I had to take off, the better. I was already anticipating the orgasm I would get when I jacked myself off with her. Well, that was if she earned my orgasm or hers.
Only time would tell. I moved over to the couch and grabbed my laptop. Karma would be online any time now, and I made myself comfortable as I waited. I even logged onto Olympus in public mode as I entered a few chatroom rooms. Eventually, I left them all and created the one I would use with the submissive tonight.
Maybe it was my own anticipation, or simply time deciding to stand still, but watching the seconds tick off so slowly was getting on my damn nerves. Usually, I didn’t even concern myself with anyone from Lotus back home when away on business.
After all, there was a club about an hour south of Tokyo in Yokohama. My membership with the California chapter afforded me entry to any of the global locations scattered across the globe. I had not graced the doorsteps of the one here, but I had heard enough about it to know it was very similar to the one I frequented.
A buzzing noise had my eyes glancing down to the screen. It was now exactly 8:27 PM there in San Francisco so Brynn would be along soon enough. At least that had been what I had thought. While I had been thinking seconds, actual minutes continued to tick away. Something was rising inside of me, and it was anger. The rules had been explained to her before, and I had even ended the card with a warning to be on time. Since I hadn’t explicitly stated what the punishment would be, maybe she took that as a sign to call my bluff. Rarely challenged on anything, the very thought that she chose to do it now left me with a sour taste in my mouth.
It also had me balling my hands into fists as I tried to control my rising temper. Finally, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and just send her a reminder.
EREBUS69: Where are you, Karma?
I had expected a response of some sort right away, but another five minutes had ticked away before I sent another to her.
EREBUS69: I’m still waiting.
And again, I was made to continue waiting. This time, however, I didn’t wait another five minutes. She would soon be inundated with notifications, and if she didn’t surface, there would be hell to pay, even if I didn’t know how to do that from here. Other than suspending or revoking her membership, there was little else I could do to her at the moment. While that angered me, I kept thinking about how hot she would look in the lingerie I had sent her, and my dick overruled my brain, so I didn’t remove her as I should have. Instead, I pulled up the chat messenger again.
EREBUS69: Do I need to remind you of the importance of punctuality?
EREBUS69: Karma...
EREBUS69: I’m still waiting.
And then, I finally got a response back, so I deleted what I was about to say next and looked down at the screen. Now, rage did fill me, along with concern.
Karma_Is_a_B: Sir. I’m okay, but I’m with the police. My house was broken into. I’ll give more information after they leave.
EREBUS69: The police? A break-in? Are you sure that you are okay?
It was about a half hour before she finally logged on. I had to admit to being very unnerved by this foreign feeling of worry beside me that I nearly praised the very God I doubted even existed when I saw her message pop up.
Karma_Is_A_B: I’m a bit shaken, Sir, but I’m okay. I was not at home. Lug Nut and I were out for a walk. My bedroom is a mess, but I don't see anything that was taken so far, which is strange. I'm thankful for that, though.
EREBUS69: Do the cops have any idea who did this?
Karma_Is_A_B: No, Sir. There have been a few break-ins in the area over recent months, though, so the theory is my house was related.
EREBUS69: I didn't think that neighborhood was bad. I guess one never knows.
If anyone knew about the danger lurking right in front of someone yet being unknown, it would be me. I certainly wasn’t going to allow my mind to go there, or to scare her more in any other way when she was already shaken up enough.
EREBUS69: Are you certain that you’re okay? I was worried when you didn't show up or inform me thatyou would be predisposed.
Karma_Is_A_B: Thank you for being worried about me, Sir. I came back home with enough time to make our call, but then the police took longer than expected to get here. Apologies that I disappointed you.
Her words made me realize how inappropriate my own were, so I quickly moved to apologize to her.
EREBUS69: There is no need to apologize. I’m sorry for insinuating otherwise. This was out of your control. Maybe it would be best though if I had another way to possibly reach you when my efforts through Olympus are unsuccessful.
Karma_Is_A_B: Are you asking for my phone number, Sir? If so, here it is.
I was glad in that moment that I had not asked her face to face, or even on camera, because I might have choked on her last words. What the hell was I doing? Everything that I had ever known was crashing down, especially the fortress of stone that surrounded my evidently not so black heart. It was time to end this conversation before I betrayed myself further.
EREBUS69: I know this night has been disturbing for you so I will let you go. Make sure your doors are locked, try to get some rest, and we will talk again soon. Good night.
Karma_Is_A_B: Thank you, Sir. All my doors and windows are secured and my alarm is set. I owe you a rain check on our evening and plan to cash it in soon. I hope the rest of your business trip is successful.
I logged off the server, ending our messaging session. While she appeared to be okay, I quickly realized by the shaking in my hands that I was anything but fine. Being so far away made it virtually impossible to protect her. I was on another continent, for fuck’s sake.
I raked a hand through my hair, then decided two things. While I had this inherent need to protect her, I also needed to protect myself. There was only one way to accomplish that, and it was what needed to be done for both of our sakes. I picked up my phone, scrolled through my contacts until I found the one I was looking for. Hitting the call button, I brought the phone to my ear.
“Benedict,” the man said as he answered my call.
“I need you to tail someone for me, Barry.”
“Is it you again?”
“No,” I quickly responded, even though I had hired him to do that a time or two before. I trusted myself no more than a random stranger most of the time. Today was different, though. I had someone else’s well-being in mind instead. I then proceeded to provide him with her name, address, workplace, and recently acquired phone number. “And I trust you will be discreet.” When he assured me that he would, I disconnected the call.