Shattered Hearts (Irish Kings #1) 19. Finn 56%
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19. Finn

Chapter 19


“You’re an asshole,” she tells me later, after I make her come from another pounding and a little rim job.

We’re back in the bathroom, sitting in a full tub of warm water. Good thing the mansion has multiple hot water heaters. Otherwise, we’d be freezing our asses off.

Riley’s in my lap facing me. In between kisses, she enlightens me about my many faults.

“What else?” I sprinkle her jaw with more kisses.

“You always say the wrong thing.”


“You’re arrogant.”

“Keep going,” I rasp against her throat, angling my cock at her entrance underwater. Why her insults make me want sex, I have no idea. Especially since we’ve already had plenty today…

Riley shivers in my arms as she reads my mind and seats herself on my dick.

“You’re mean…” She breathes, rocking slowly up and down. “Pushy. Grumpy.”

“Yeah?” I squeeze her around the middle, holding her here.

“Caustic. Cruel .”

“Mm.” My lips claim hers. “If I’m that bad, why are you riding my cock?”

“Because I’ve always wanted to,” Riley blurts out, her admission as matter-of-fact as everything else she’s said in the last ten minutes.

With five little words, this woman throws my world on its side.

I’ve always wanted to?

I handle my cock, pulling out of her the next time she lifts herself. Another tremor passes through her. Her questioning eyes come to mine.

“Since when?” I’ve never been so serious about anything.

Riley Brennan’s always wanted to ride my dick? I’m going to need an explanation on this one.

She gapes at me, like she doesn’t know what I’m asking, and then I see all the dots connect in her mind. I’ve never seen anyone so visibly caught out. I know she’s embarrassed, but I’m too curious to care about her comfort. I need to know.

“Since when, Riley?”

Riley rises off of me and hops out of the tub. She doesn’t say anything. Just grabs a towel and pads toward my open bathroom door. She’s…running away? She’s so embarrassed, she’s chosen to flee.

I’m out of the tub, marching after her in seconds. I reach for the towel she’s dressed herself in and rip it off.

“Hey!” While she’s protesting, I shut the door shut.

I push her back to it. She looks like a mouse I’ve caught by the tail. “Since this morning?”

She closes her mouth, her lips pressing into a meek little line.

“More silent treatment?” My hands go for her ass and lift until her legs fold around my waist. “You know I’m not going to put you down until you tell me.”

I dunk my cock back inside her, and her eyelids fall closed. “Oh my god…”

Bracing us against my closed bathroom door, I uppercut her pussy with my length. Her moans echo through my bathroom like my favorite song.

“Since last night at the diner?” She’s sitting across from me in my memory. I watch her laugh on replay. She’s wanted to ride my cock since then?

But Riley refuses to answer. I know if I guess correctly, it will show all over her face. She’s easy that way.

“Since before the diner…” I think back to her apartment. Seems like ages ago now. “Since we kissed at your apartment?”

I knock into her pussy with my waist, over and over, but she doesn’t reveal anything. Why does she have to be so fucking stubborn? But wait, is she saying she’s wanted to ride my cock since before we kissed the second time?

This is really starting to bug me. I rush through every memory we have, but all of them seem equally unlikely. Which one is it?

“Since I laid out your ex? Since I drove you to work? Since the reception? Fucking when , Riley?”

With my hands, I bounce her on my cock even harder, eliciting a shriek.

“Fuck me all you want,” she exhales all choppy. “I have no further comments.”

“What if I soak your tight little pussy with my cum again?” I rock into her with greater force this time. “Will you tell me then?”

She shakes her head.

“No? We’ll see about that.” This calls for more persuasive methods.

My cock slips out. I hold her up with one arm around her waist and get the bathroom door open with my free hand. I take her to my bed and toss her onto it.

And then I fuck her like, if I make her come, her little secret will pour right out.

Evening light beams through my windows by the time Riley spasms on my cock, her insides flexing and clenching around the rod.

“ Fuck .” I huff, as she unleashes a strangled cry, her hips bucking against me.

I slam my waist against her ass, submerging myself fully into the depths. Her body convulses between my hands, squirt spraying the blankets below.

Smug delight warms me from the inside out.

Twitching, Riley slides right off the end of my dick, falling flat against my bed as her body trembles from the aftershocks. There are no words. Only her hard breaths mingled with mine. As I watch her recover from the intensity of climax, I finish myself and blow another load, this time on her ass.

Exhausted and happy, I lean over her, burying my face in her hair. She smells of flowers and sweat, like a warm spring day.

It’s almost five. We’ve been at it all day.

I’ve done her raw, made her squirt, and gloried in her facial expressions. That’s not to mention folding and fucking her in positions I’ll need to repent for in church. I couldn’t help myself.

Her deep kisses drag me under. Lust chokes me until I can’t breathe. We’re both casualties today.

My wandering hands caress her. The urgency in my fingertips won’t die. Underneath the insane and otherworldly comfort I feel in her presence, an edge remains. Touching Riley is the sweetest crime. I can’t stop doing it because the high tastes too good…

When it comes to women, I’m not always the smartest guy in the room. I know that. But I’m not a big enough moron that I can’t discern something’s happening between Riley and me. And not just a sex marathon for the history books. I’m talking about something that started the moment she came down the aisle in her sister’s place.

Riley knows it, and so do I.

I don’t want to name anything or speculate about what it is or isn’t. It’s not something I can even bring up to her. Not so long as I’m engaged to Harper.

I pull Riley onto her side, so that she’s spooned inside my body with her back to my chest. As I kiss the back of her neck, the scent of her skin tantalizes me. She shudders against my fingertips when I trace the line of her back.

“Tell me when it feels good,” I whisper in her ear.

She chuckles a little. “I’d be talking nonstop,” she mumbles.

Riley arches her top half, causing her ass to rub up against my medium-hard cock. A volt of electricity zips down my spine.

Rubbing my hand down the outside of her thigh, I drop a kiss on her shoulder.


“Speak, angel.” I leave another kiss on her neck.

“What are we doing?” The softness in her voice jabs me in the heart.

“Coming back to life.” I answer without thought, tugging her closer to my chest. But I mean it. And the fact that I do comes with implications I don’t know how to face. All I know is that I want her. More than I have ever wanted another human being on earth. And just for today…this one magical day…she’s mine.

This is the best lucid dream in existence. And I intend to enjoy it to the fullest.

No one knows the brutality of life better than I do. It’s over in a second. Cherishing the small crumbs of bliss found along the way is the best someone like me can hope for.

Later, I have Riley with her face down and her ass up all over again.

“ Finn .”

The way Riley whines my name into the sheets over and over leaves me breathless. I hold her down with both hands and jam my cock into her. The way her body spasms around my dick is my new favorite thing. I can’t get enough.

Dimness comes over my suite as the sun sinks out of view.

I barely perceive time flowing past us. We tumble back into missionary, Riley’s tongue in my mouth. Holding her legs open, with my hands cuffed on the underside of her thighs, I continue to plunge my cock inside her.

“Who’s my sweet angel?” I snarl against her skin.

Riley’s nails digging into my back only gets me harder.

I pin her knees to the bed, her calves and feet bouncing, as I do her deep.

“Oh, fuck!” Riley shouts, squeezing her eyes shut.

Her facial expressions entrance me. Whether her half-open eyes gaze up into mine or roll back beyond her fluttering eyelashes, it’s all interesting to me. Right now, her pursed lips draw my eyes. Her breaths and gasps slip between them, while carnal joys rule over us like the sun and moon.

Grunting into her neck, I screw my cock inside her hot, writhing body. This is the moment I know, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, that Riley Brennan can have me any way she wants. I’ll do anything she asks of me.

How has she put me so completely under her spell?

I’m hers. I can’t tear myself away from this. She’s snared me, like an animal in a trap. The overpowering sensation angers me. Knowing she has me so completely…it stings with the same ache of defeat.

Makes me fuck her harder.

“I want to drive you crazy.” I rumble against her throat. “Fuck you senseless .”

She pants. “What…have you…been doing all day?”

When the sun sets altogether, we’re left to the pleasures of the dark.

Riley’s still face down, but laying almost prostrate this time. I’m hunched over her legs, both hands cuffed around her wrists to pin her in place while I glory in the sight of her prone ass slapping against me as she takes my deepest strokes all the way to the hilt. And the way she moans… It’s a sound I’ve been hearing all day, but it still arouses me as much as being inside her.

It’s approaching seven o’clock when our raw bodies fall against my covers and pillows, heaving for breath. I can’t count how many rounds we’ve gone. I’ve lost track. Despite the weariness I feel from Riley’s tight pussy draining my cock all day, why do I want to keep going, even now?

Behave yourself.

I’ve ravaged her all day and all evening.

Why can’t I be satisfied with that? My body buzzes, but it’s not enough. I want something more, but I can’t face myself long enough to admit what that something is. Nothing good will come of it. Better to stay here in the moment where I’m having the best day I’ve had in years.

When Riley’s fingers appear on my chest, my body bristles. Wasn’t expecting her soft lips at my ear either.

“I’ve been under you all day,” she whispers, sexy as fucking hell. “But never on top of you.”

I want to stuff my cock in her beautiful mouth, but when I glance at her in the dark, the innocence on her face paralyzes me.

“Can I…?” She’s too shy to finish her sentence.

Christ, I’d like to screw her until sunrise.

I can’t even speak as she tentatively climbs onto my body, balancing herself on top of me like a surfboard. Lust and affection and frustration and angst all crash together inside me. I want to fuck her so hard, I put a dent in her pussy, but I can’t move an inch because she has me so enraptured.

She eases back onto my upright cock, moaning as her pussy devours it all the way to the base. With tender passion, she rides me slow and steady, and her honest reply from earlier comes back to my mind. I’ve always wanted to.

Makes me fucking mad.

How dare she trick me like this? Acting innocent when she really knows how to fuck a man into submission…

While she works her ass up and down my cock, she lays over me, muffling her cries of bliss with her hand just to antagonize me.

“I’ll get you for this.” I forehand her ass, making her moan against my chest and dig her teeth into my right peck.

Sweet nothings tumble from her lips as she grinds her body against mine, making my cock disappear between those perfect thighs.

“You’re really the type of woman who drives men crazy. Aren’t you?”

My dick hardens as she rides it, fitful and raw, like she’s fighting with herself over enjoying me. Chewing her sweet lips between mine, I come the hardest I’ve come all day. Her body shakes against mine.

Shortly thereafter, we pass out, naked and entangled, having exhausted each other in our day-long pursuit of pleasure.

“One more round.” Brianne leaves a kiss on my spine, making me smile.

“Anything for you.” I roll onto my side to gaze into her eyes.

But she’s not there. Not the Brianne I know. She’s in a pool of blood, body dismembered into half a dozen pieces. Her face is gray, eyes wide from the terror and surprise of the blow that killed her.

I gasp awake. Six a.m.

Beside me, twisted up in my sheets, Riley’s in a deep slumber. Her slow, even breaths and calm natural expression soothe me. Remnants of the nightmare slip through a storm drain right out of my mind.

Memories from yesterday rise up like smoke.

Horror and disbelief ambush me at once. I scrub a hand over my face.

A sex marathon, Finn? Really?

My newlywed impression is coming along great.

Hours upon hours— a whole day —of sex with a woman who’s not my betrothed? I’ve gone fucking insane.

Just yesterday, we agreed to have each other’s backs while we’re stuck in this mess. And then I went and broke our pact mere hours later. All I did by giving into my growing attraction to Riley is make our entire situation more complicated. I put her in a more vulnerable position. Several of them. One after the other, until she drained my cock dry.

Like an anchor, I sink to the bottom of a sea of guilt. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve jeopardized our cause in every way.

You’re still marrying her.

Riley’s words from yesterday. As awful and impossible as my reality still feels, nothing’s changed. I’m still a dutiful enforcer—a dutiful heir to the head of the Gallagher Mafia—who will marry anyone my father tells me to marry.

I agreed to wed Harper, and when she returns, I’ll make good on that promise. Won’t I? And Riley…after everything she’s been through because of her father and this Family, she won’t want anything to do with me or the Kings.

So why did I spend all of yesterday fucking her?

And more importantly, what the hell do I do now?

Yesterday, I got so caught up in making Riley mine, I forgot one crucial fact. She never will be mine. She can’t be.

Several feet above me, the light of dawn paints my ceiling periwinkle. I stare at it like it’s the lid of my coffin. Why? Because I’ve dug myself a monumental grave.

I can’t believe after all these years, I’ve found myself in this position. The cliche asshole who sleeps with someone he can’t commit to, who wakes up at dawn so he can escape before she wakes too.

I hate myself for doing this to her. Riley doesn’t deserve it. She deserves the world. And I can’t give that to her.

I don’t know how to face myself in the mirror, let alone her. How can I apologize for something I don’t regret? And how can I act like succumbing to my lust and longing for her was the right decision? By pulling her deeper into my life, I’ve put hers in danger.

Shame and sadness fight for supremacy, and like the filthy scum of the earth I am, I rise before the sun and disappear while Riley sleeps.

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