Shoved (Moonlit Lake Matchmaker #4) Chapter 5 14%
Library Sign in

Chapter 5


My new law office was conveniently located on main street in downtown Moonlit Lake. I liked being able to walk to the coffee shop or cafe. The old brick building had high stamped tin ceilings and ornate woodwork that gave it a classy old-fashioned charm I fell in love with on sight. It was a bit drafty, though, and required me to keep a space heater by my desk on these cold winter days.

The space consisted of four rooms, plus a bathroom—a reception area, a private office, a conference room, and storage room. Having just moved in, I still had boxes stacked in the corner waiting to be unpacked. It wasn’t completely the way I wanted it yet, but it was good enough to be open for business.

My sisters had come to help me decorate. Raven hung a few of her original paintings on the walls, and Skye arranged the furniture to give it a homey yet professional feel. There were upholstered chairs and end tables by the front window, creating a small waiting area. And a desk that would be the post for a receptionist, if I ever got around to hiring one.

I stood with my hands on my hips and sighed, looking down at the furry beast that had claimed the chair in front of the window as her own. I tried to get her to lie on the floor, but she completely ignored that idea and nested herself in the upholstered chair.

“Okay. We need to come up with a new name for you. I’m sure we can do better than Lulu. That’s a ridiculous name, don’t you think?”

No response.

“How about Justice? Do you like that name?”

She turned her head toward me and huffed. Yes, the dog huffed at me. Apparently, that’s not her name.

“Bailiff. Is your name Bailiff?” I smiled to myself, imagining calling out for Bailiff, like a judge would in a courtroom. “I could shorten it to Bailey, if you prefer.”

She lifted her nose in the air and turned to look out the window, as if that was beneath her. And how could I suggest such a thing?

“Alright, how about Lexi? Lex is Latin for law. Can I call you Lexi?”

She groaned and rested her head on her paws along the arm of the chair.

“Hmph. So you don’t like that either. You really don’t want me to keep calling you Lulu, do you?” She perked up and wagged her tail.

“Seriously? Lulu?”

She came over and licked my face then stared at me with her big eyes. Not sad now, though. Her face almost looked like it was smiling. Do dogs smile? This one seemed to have a full array of facial expressions.

“Oh, alright. Lulu it is. Or rather, Lu.” I conceded that battle, but I had my own boundaries and expectations to set. “If you’re going to live here, and you insist on that silly name, you’ll need to compromise some, too. And we need to establish the rules for this arrangement. If I could get you to sign a contract, I would. Stamp your little paw on the line. But who would enforce it other than me? And it’d never hold up in court. What am I thinking? I must be losing my mind.”

The dog stared at me and tilted her head. As if she was trying to figure out what I was saying.

You and me, both, pal.

“Okay, Lulu. I’ll give you a safe place to stay, a comfortable bed, two meals a day, and maybe even some snacks on occasion. But you need to respect my space whether it is here or at home. No licking my face. No wrecking my stuff. No sniffing crotches. No drooling or slobbering on things. No stealing food. All your business needs to be done outdoors. No excessive barking. And absolutely no sleeping in my bed.”

She snorted, got up, and walked to the door. Then she kicked it with her paw and waited. As if I’m supposed to know what that means.

She looked over her shoulder at me and kicked it again.

“Do you need to go out?”

Her tail wagged. I guess I had some things to learn, too. I put on my coat and let her out to pee. There was a small grassy area behind the building, so I let her wander around to find the right spot.

“Hurry up, Lulu. It’s cold out here.”

A car drove by and backfired Lulu yelped and took off in a mad dash down the alley—just a black and white streak in front of me.

“Lulu! Stop!” But it was no use. I chased after her, praying. God, please let me catch her before she gets hit by a garbage truck or something.

What was I thinking getting a dog?

I should take her right back to the shelter after this. I don’t have time for these shenanigans.

I was out of breath by the time I rounded the restaurant to see AJ and Eric unloading boxes from a truck. “Lulu!” I yelled between panting breaths. “Get back here!”

But instead of listening the dog took off again, running right through AJ’s legs as she lifted another box from the truck. AJ wobbled, the box wobbled, then everything fell, fresh produce spilling all over the ground.

I leapt and caught hold of Lulu’s collar before she took off again. At first she pulled and tugged trying to get away again, but when she realized it was me that held her, she calmed down and licked my cheek. My anger diffused just like that.

“I’m so sorry, AJ. Lulu got spooked. I’ll pay you for whatever is damaged here. And also pay to get a new batch delivered right away.”

She picked up the vegetables, dusted them off, and put them back in the box. She opened her mouth to say something and then paused for a moment. “This disruption will set back our prep time significantly. Won’t it, Eric?”

Eric’s brow furrowed as he looked at his boss. “Uh, sure. Whatever you say, Chef.”

She turned back to me. “There is something you can do to make it up to me, though.”

“Anything.” I offered, desperate to get my dog back to my office so I could return to work.

“I need a volunteer to help with a holiday event next month. Not much time required. I can give you the details later.”

“Sure. Whatever you need.” Then I remembered it was the holiday season. “As long as I don’t have to play Santa or dress up like an elf.”

AJ’s smile widened. “Nothing like that. I promise.” She handed the box to Eric for him to take inside. “Thanks, Storm. I’m so glad I ran into you today, or that that dog did. Who is your adorable little friend?”

“This is Lulu. I just adopted her from the shelter. We haven’t quite established the rules yet.”

She laughed, “I have a feeling once you figure out what Lulu’s rules are for you and learn to abide by them, you’ll get along just fine.”

“You might be right. Let’s go Lulu.”

Holding onto Lulu’s collar, not trusting her to stay out of trouble, we walked back to my office. But by the time I sat down at my desk, my phone was already blowing up with messages in the family group chat.


Hey, Storm! I hear you found your soul mate!


What? Stormy has a girlfriend.


Who is she? What’s she look like?

I took a quick photo of Lulu looking up at me with her big sad eyes and added that to the chat.

I just got her. They told me her name is Lulu Lemme-outta-here. I was going to change it, but after her escape and run across town, it might be fitting.


Aww…now Munch will have a cousin! How fun!


And that’s not all I heard. Storm also agreed to offer up his services in the Bachelor Holidate Auction!



AJ said you volunteered.

Ugg! After Lulu spilled AJ’s produce, I agreed to help with an event to make up for it. I assumed I’d have to wrap presents or hang lights or something. I’VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED!




Stormy in a bachelor auction. This is gonna be epic!


Maybe this is why Tillie’s card told you to get a dog.


You know what she always says… everything happens for a reason.

That’s ridiculous!


Tillie picked cards for you? Welcome to the club bro…the Luuuvv Club! 3


No fair. I wanna be in the Love Club!


It seems like everyone in the club, so far, didn’t want to be in it at the time. Maybe you need to not want it to get picked.

I got a dog, but I am absolutely not interested in joining any Love Club! NO WAY!


Yeah. That’s what they all say. Or what we all said ;)

I turn my phone off and set it on my desk. Why did I move back here again?

After Dad’s heart attack, I didn’t want to be so far away and miss out on everything. I also realized I didn’t want to spend my entire life working day and night only to have a heart attack like Dad, and have nothing to show for my life but a full bank account and a fancy office with my name on the door.

But now I’m questioning that decision. I’d forgotten how up in your business everyone was here, especially my family. Maybe moving back to my hometown wasn’t such a great idea after all.

Lulu sat next to me, giving me the big sad eyes. I reached down to pet her head and scratch her behind the ears. She leaned in and her back leg began to thump. “Ah, you like that, huh? See, this isn’t so bad. No more running off and we can sit here like this all afternoon.” I looked at the files on my desk. “Well, not all afternoon. I do have to work sometime. Otherwise, how am I going to buy you more treats?”

At that word, Lulu’s ears perked up and the edges of her mouth curled into a smile, her tongue hanging out.

“I can’t give you a treat now. You just caused all kinds of trouble. But if you’re good the rest of the afternoon, I’ll give you one.” She sulked back to her chair by the window, turned around three times, and curled up on the cushion.

I’d seen detective shows with dogs as office mascots. Why not a law office? “Just don’t expect your name on the door, Lulu. That’s where I draw the line.”

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