I t’s been two days since Vivian scared the little girl scouts and filled me in on the truth of what’s been happening, although she doesn’t have any of the actual answers. She told me how impossible it is that her energy is laced with mine. She and Autumn have been desperately searching for an answer, but they’ve yet to discover anything to tell us why.
We’ve been damn near inseparable the last couple of days. She’s been feeding on me regularly, without the sex. Which I honestly haven’t minded. The desire is present tenfold when she feeds, but even without the sex, it’s incredibly intimate.
Don’t get me wrong, I love fucking her. But getting to know her, getting past the persona of power and sex appeal, and seeing pieces of the vulnerable woman that lies beneath has been everything .
I can tell there’s more she isn’t telling me; I can hear it in the silence between her words. I wish she would trust me, but I can understand why she doesn’t. In terms of her life, she’s known me for such a minuscule amount of time. But that doesn’t make it sting any less that she’s holding something back.
She left early this morning to meet with the High Council, but I have no idea what it’s about, nor if it’s any of my business. But part of me has an inkling that it has to do with Vivian and me. She told me not to wait around for her today because she wasn’t sure when she would be back.
Lucy and I spent the majority of the morning watching TV together, cuddled up on the couch. She is officially my best friend. Then I took her on a walk. Vivian said she likes her harness and going outside, but Lucy would disagree with that statement if our walk this morning proves anything. Leaving Vivian after this is one thing; leaving Lucy, my little Lulu, behind too is another pain entirely.
We only have five days left together per our agreement, but it doesn’t feel like enough. I’m not ready to say goodbye. I’ve never met anyone like Vivian, and I don’t just mean the fact that she’s a vampire.
She comes across as rather serious yet playful, a girl who is always smiling when others are present, even if she doesn’t feel that way inside.
That’s just the version of herself she shows the world. Behind the cheery mask is a girl who has a lot of story and pain. She hides those parts of herself so well. If I didn’t study her so intently all of the time, and if I didn’t have those parts of myself, I would never have noticed the slight cracks in the foundation.
I want her to know that she doesn’t have to lift that pain alone; I can take some of it too. I can’t imagine the life of a vampire is an easy one. Living in secret from the rest of the world while trying to blend in with everyone else, it has to be exhausting.
She doesn’t have to shy away from her true self around me. She can just be. I find her red eyes just as beautiful as I do her hazel ones, her strength just as breathtaking as her weakness.
Besides, I think her fangs are hot as hell.
I got into this agreement for the money, but I don’t know if I can take it, knowing that afterward, I walk away from her. It’s like I’ve been running on autopilot my entire life, only waking up after I met her.
How do I tell her all of this without scaring her away?
I know she feels the connection between us as much as I do, like a tangible tether tying us together.She has to. Even if she does, she might not want to pursue anything further. But I don’t want this to end.
Granted, I could probably enter the Culling again in six months, and she would likely bid on me, but the thought of her not choosing me or going that long without seeing her makes my heart constrict in my chest.
This could all be made up in my head, a story that I desperately want to believe in. Even if this is all a fantasy in my mind, I hope I never find reality again.
My phone dings, pulling me from my thoughts, and I glance at it, finding a text from Steven.
Rent is due tomorrow. I need your half.
God, I’ve been living in peace the last week that I forgot how much I fucking hate Steven.
I can’t believe that I ever agreed to move in with that dumbass. I don’t care if Vivian kicks me to the curb when this is all said and done, I’m not going back to that damn apartment.
I have enough money now to buy out my half of the six-month lease, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
On my way to drop it off.
Within minutes, I’m on my way to the bank to withdraw all of the money I need to get Steven the hell out of my life. We have two months left on our six-month lease, and all I have to do is pay my half of the rent for this month and the next two.
I’m just going to throw the few possessions I still have at the apartment into a duffle bag, and then I’m out of there. I’m not going to even bother taking the furniture with me. He can sell it for all I care.
I arrive within ten minutes, throwing my car in park and rushing up the stairs of the building to unit 4E. After a minute of fighting with the key in the door, I push it open and find Steven watching me from the living room couch. He could have at least gotten off of his ass to let me in when he heard the lock struggling. But I’m not surprised.
“Wow, you’re still alive,” he mumbles, his attention shifting back to the TV.
Wasting neither of our time, I get straight to the point. “I’m moving out. I’m just here to drop off rent and grab my stuff.”
His eyes widen, and he sits up taller, a dumb smile on his lips that is begging to be punched off his face. “You are?”
“Great job containing your excitement,” I grumble as I walk across the floor toward my bedroom, making a pit stop by the couch as I count the two thousand dollars out and drop it into Steven’s lap. “There you go.”
“T-Thanks,” he murmurs as I walk away.
As I throw my bedroom door open, a wave of anger washes over me. Long gone is the patience that I once had for him. “What the fuck, Steven!”
“Shit, I forgot to clean up in there.” He rubs the back of his head, no empathy or regret in any of his features.
Rather, he’s annoyed that I caught it at all.
“Why would you need to clean it? You know the only rule I had was that no one could come into my room. Let alone my goddamn bed,” I groan as I grab my duffle bag from the closet and quickly throw the only things I care about into it before storming out of the room. “The rest is yours. Congrats. Go fuck yourself, Steven.”
He rises to his feet and hobbles over, probably drunk out of his mind from the odor wafting my way. Even though it’s barely six o’clock. “Fuck you, Greyson! Always thinking you’re better than everyone else.”
“I’ve never said that,” I correct him.
“There’s no way your girlfriend isn’t an uptight bitch for having to deal with you?—”
Rearing my arm back, I follow through with my punch, burying my fist into his face. “Don’t.” I hit him again. “Ever.” And again. “Say a word about her.” One final hit is all I need to drop him to the ground.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He holds up his hands, and I can’t help but take a mental image of his helpless gaze and whimper. “Shit, man.”
Scoffing, I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder before storming out of the apartment, slamming the door behind me as adrenaline pumps through my veins.
Holy shit. I should have done that a long time ago.
By the time I slide into my car, I still have yet to hear back from Vivian. I’m not ready to go back to her place yet. I haven’t done anything in days except to lounge around. The fresh air is nice.
Besides, Lulu deserves some new toys and treats. I’m going to grab a few things for her and maybe some beautiful flowers for Vivian. I want to put a smile on my girls’ faces.
My trip to the pet store was quick but definitely not cheap. It’s not my fault though; I couldn’t decide what to get her, so I got everything that caught my eye. Now, I want to stop and get Vivian some flowers.
I pull over next to Ambrose Floral and step out of my car, walking on the cobblestone sidewalk to the entrance. The place is bursting with flowers and plants, the aroma almost too refreshing, making me sneeze when I take a quick breath.
“Hi, can I help you with anything?” a sweet older woman asks me. “Bless you, by the way.”
I grin. “Thank you. And I’m looking to get a couple dozen red roses. They’re romantic flowers, right?”
She eyes me sweetly, a twinkle sparkling in her gaze. “Yes, very romantic. They are a favorite for those looking to impress someone.”
Digging my wallet out of my back pocket, I grab my wallet and meet her at the counter. “Perfect. I’ll take two dozen.”
“You got it.” She rings it up and leaves me to pay while she fetches the flowers and wraps them up in a bouquet.
Tapping my card on the reader, I pay and leave a generous tip. “Thank you so much.”
“Come back anytime. I’m certain that whomever you got these for will love them.”
Nodding her way, I walk back out to the car, gently tucking the bundle in the back seat before opening my driver’s-side door. But right before I’m about to slide inside, a glowing sign catches my eye across the street.
Glancing up, I read the name set aside a crescent moon in a neon sign. Hale Bar.
I’m not much of a drinker by any means. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had a beverage with alcohol in it.
Greyson from two weeks ago would laugh at the idea of going to a random bar and drinking by myself in the evening. But I don’t even know if I’d recognize that version of myself anymore.
Fuck it.
Shutting the door, I lock my car with my keys before carefully jogging across the street toward the rustic brick bar, slowing down as I reach the wooden door at the entrance.
Stepping inside, I immediately love the vibe. Dark navy blues, grays, and blacks decorate the interior. Even the pool table is blue with dark stained wood. It reminds me of a bar I would see in an old movie, where a cloud of cigarette smoke would hang in the air. But thankfully, no one is smoking inside tonight.
Descending the few stairs to the main floor, I can’t help but feel eyes all over me as I cross the hardwood to the light wood bar and sit down on an empty stool.
A guy a few chairs down blatantly stares at me with a look of confusion and something else I don’t quite understand.
“What can I get started for you?” a deep, rough voice cuts through the music. The bartender is rocking a black-and-gray flannel over a white T-shirt with a short beard.
To be honest, I don’t even know what I like. The handful of times I’ve gone out, I usually just order the same as the people I’m with.
Cracking my knuckles beneath the edge of the countertop, I ask, “Is it weird if I ask you to surprise me?”
He chuckles deeply. “Not at all. I’ll bring you something that’ll really take the edge off.”
“Sounds great. Thanks,” I respond as he grabs a glass and begins pouring a few different liquids together.
Pulling my phone out, I shoot Vivian a quick text.
Hey, hope everything’s okay. I was out running a few errands and decided to stop for a drink quickly. I’ll be back soon
Setting my phone down on the counter, I spin it in circles, holding it lightly in place with my finger, repeating it over and over while my mind drifts to places it probably shouldn’t be. Ones where Vivian is sprawled out beneath me, laid bare for only my eyes to see.
Our time together is almost up. And I’m going to have to tell her sooner or later that I like her, that I don’t want to lose her. The thought of it scares me more than finding out that vampires and witches exist.
“Here you go.” The bartender slides a tall glass with an interesting-colored liquid over to me.
“Thanks,” I murmur, picking the glass up and taking a sip, nearly spitting it back into the glass.
It’s not bad. It’s just…weird and very strong. I’ve never tasted anything like this.
It’s got hints of blood orange and mint with some other bizarre flavor that I don’t recognize.
“Do you like it?” he asks, and I don’t miss the slight humor in his smile.
“Y-Yeah. It’s good. What’s in it?” I ask, taking another drink that, of course, goes down the wrong tube, making me cough obnoxiously.
He laughs loudly at my pain, flatting his palms against the edge of the barside countertop. “A few different liquors, herbs, juices, and our secret house mix.”
“I’ve never had anything like it, that’s for sure,” I say truthfully, making a mental note to never ask a bartender to surprise me again. I’ve only had, like, three drinks, and I can feel it hitting my bloodstream. “It’s definitely strong.”
“Oh yeah, you’ll be feeling it soon. Got to get you your money’s worth. Although this one is on the house tonight. I haven’t seen you around before, and the first drink is free to new customers.” He grabs a rag and tosses it over his shoulder.
Lifting the cool glass to my lips, I take another drink. “You must work a lot to know everyone that comes in here.”
He shrugs and sticks his hand out. “I’m Lachlan Hale. This is my bar. And if our doors are open, you can usually find me right here.”
Shaking his hand, I try to match his strength, but fuck, it’s like he’s trying to break my bones. “I’m Greyson Gilmore. Nice to meet you.”
I’m not too sure why I gave him my last name, but I guess I was trying to mirror my answer to his subconsciously.
“Nice to meet you, man. Have fun tonight. It will definitely be one to remember,” he scoffs with a cocky grin before walking away.
“What does that mea—? Woah .” As if a switch is flicked inside of my head, everything becomes fuzzy—my hearing, sight, touch. Like a thin, tingling cloud surrounds me.
Did he drug my drink? Oh well. Who cares?
All I know is that I feel like I’m floating right now. My head rolls back as my eyes glance up at the ceiling, the stars and moon spinning around for me. Wow, that’s a cool trick.
Sitting up enough to grab my glass, I take a few more drinks, loving the euphoria that’s coursing through me with every sip.
I wish Vivian were here for this, feeling as incredible as I do right now.
Blinking hard a few times, I look back up at the navy blue, starry night painted on the ceiling, watching the stars and moon dance across the sky.
After a few seconds, I glance down at my drink, ready for another gulp. But it’s empty.
Did I finish it? Well, it couldn’t have finished itself.
“How’s it going over here? Enjoying yourself?” Lachlan asks, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Do you want another one? I have to cut you off after this next one though. I only allow first-timers to drink three. When you consume four doses, it becomes dangerous.”
“Three? Four? I barely finished my first one,” I slur, my voice surprising me as I struggle to hold the man’s stare.
It’s blurry, like he’s moving too quickly for my eyes to keep locked onto. Or maybe it’s me that’s rocking side to side.
A bubbling laughter leaves him. “Buddy, you already downed your second one. Maybe two should be your limit for tonight.”
When the hell did that happen?
Some song plays loudly near me, and I can’t figure out what it is until I hear the bartender answer the phone, and I realize it was the ringtone blaring in my ears. “Hale Bar.” He pauses. “Don’t worry. He’s just fine. I was having a little fun.” He pauses again, chuckling. “Yeah, see you in a few.”
He hangs the call up as I reach out and slap my hands on the counter to stop myself from falling backward off the stool.
I want to ask him who was on the phone, but as I part my lips to say the words, I forget what I’m doing.
Maybe I should call Vivian. God, I miss her so much.
A loud bang sounds behind me, and I spin too fast for my eyeballs to keep up as I try to find the source of the sound.
A fuzzy outline that resembles Vivian appears in the entrance of the bar, and a voice that sounds just like hers cuts through all of the noise, growing louder by each second. “Lachlan Hale, you son of a bitch. What did you do?”
I blink and she appears next to me, her delicious scent seeping into every pore of my body as I breathe her in.
Her name is barely a whisper on my lips. “Vivian.”
She rubs her hand up and down on my back. “I leave you alone for five minutes, and you stumble into a werewolf bar. You are drawn toward danger, Greyson, I swear.” She giggles.
She steps closer to the counter, eyeing Lachlan up. “Thank you for keeping an eye on him. But also screw you for giving him that drink, you shithead.”
Lachlan holds his hands up in defeat. “I smelled your scent on him the second he walked in. I couldn’t help myself. Sorry.”
She scoffs, “No you’re not.”
Immediately, he says, “No, I’m not.” And laughs. “Greyson, it was great meeting you.”
“Let’s go,” she murmurs to me, her warm voice wrapping around me like a blanket.
“Yeah. A-Anywhere with you,” I slur and grab her face, kissing her cheek.
Blinking a few times, I feel cold air on my arms, and as I open my eyes, I’m standing next to my car, Vivian holding the passenger door open for me.
Jesus, these time jumps are discombobulating.
She ushers me in, and I slump into the seat. A millisecond later, she’s behind the wheel and starting the car.
“God, why does it smell like roses in here?” she sneers, sounding disgusted.
“For you. God, I missed you,” I groan.
Even though I barely know where I’m at and seem to be losing time, I don’t miss the blush that spreads on her cheeks from my words.
“I missed you too, Grey,” she murmurs softly, almost too quiet for me to hear.
My thoughts fluidly flow from my mind to my lips, and even if I try to stop it, I can’t help but speak them into existence. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Vivian. I like you so much. I don’t want to walk away from you. Tell me I don’t have to.” I pause, waiting for her to say something as she pulls away from the curb, but she doesn’t, so I fill the void effortlessly.
“You’re so beautiful. Every single inch of you leaves me fucking breathless. Please, say something. Tell me to shut up. Tell me you don’t want me to stay. Tell me anything.”
She remains quiet, her brows furrowing as her lips part, like she can’t decide whether to tell me something or not.
Her next words leave me breathless for a whole other reason. “I’m scared that if I keep letting you in, your fate will be the same as Genevieve’s.”
“Vivian” I exhale. “I’m so sorry.”
She wipes a tear from her lashes. “It was a very long time ago.”
Reaching out and brushing her hair back so I can better see her face, I murmur, “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.”
A painful smile flashes on her lips. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you out of harm’s way. Besides, you won’t remember this conversation anyway. Not from the amount of wolf-ale he gave you.
“I’ll always remember everything when it comes to you.” Resting my hand across her thigh, I stroke my thumb back and forth.
“Are you happy with the life you’re building?” she asks, the complete topic change and seriousness of her question catching me off guard.
I don’t think I could lie to her right now if I tried. “No.” I take a deep, shaky breath. “Not anymore.”
“Why?” she whispers, glancing over at me so quickly I almost don’t catch it.
I don’t know what that guy gave me, but it’s like it removed every filter from my body, every thought immediately leaving my lips.
We pull into her long, winding private driveway, and she kills the engine when we pull up to the house.
“I went into finance because I knew it would provide a good financial and stable future. But even though I’m good at it, I hate it. But I chose a path that would be safe because that’s all I wanted growing up. It was Cheryl’s dream for me to do this and I worked tirelessly to honor that.”
“She would be proud of you, Grey.” She takes a shaky breath. “Let’s get you inside,” she murmurs before disappearing and popping up outside of my car door, pulling it open.
Stepping out, I wobble back and forth, trying to find my footing but failing miserably.
A laugh bubbles out of her. “This is going to be a lot easier my way. Just relax.”
“What do you mean? Ahh ! ” I gasp as she scoops me up into her arms bridal style.
“Hold on tight,” she smirks before the world around me becomes nothing but one big blur. “Here we are.”
She sets me down on the floor of our bedroom, and I try not to vomit everywhere from the whiplash she just gave me.
“Easy, just sit down. You’ll settle in a moment,” she says, guiding me back onto the bed.
She steps back, but I stop her, grabbing her hand and tugging her toward me. She tumbles on top of me, her face stopping inches from mine, her warm breath drawing me closer.
The air seems to thicken around us, and I can’t tear my gaze from her lips as our breathing begins to sync.
“You said you didn’t want that life anymore,” she whispers, sucking in a sharp breath before asking, “What do you want out of life now?”
I don’t hesitate. There’s only one thing that I know without a doubt I want. “You.”
She smiles, her eyes twinkling as she scoffs happily. “You’re ridiculous…and drunk.”
“And yet I mean it anyways.”
Reaching up, I brush her hair back with my hand, cupping her jaw. “I’ve wasted so many years playing it safe, Vivian. I’m done. I want you. Only you.”
“You do?” she asks, her tone of excitement and a twinge of sadness rolled into one.
Without thought, I pull her face down, claiming her lips with my own, proving to her just how much I mean what I said.
I only pull away enough to murmur, “You have no idea what you mean to me.”
Plunging my tongue into her mouth, I pull her tighter against me, needing to be closer to her. “I’ll do anything to stay with you. Turn me into a vampire, do anything to me that grants me forever by your side.”
She kisses me ferociously, grinding her hips down onto me with delicious intent.
“ Greyson ,” she gasps between kisses. “I want you too.”
We melt together, our motions flowing together in perfect sync as our kiss deepens.
She pulls away and sighs. “You’re going to pass out shortly. The drug in the ale has side effects. It’s only a matter of time before you’ll be out cold?—”