L achlan and his pack members left last night to start tracking down Victor. I know it wasn’t his responsibility to help, but he did it anyway, and for that, I’m grateful.
Ethan is my friend, and I’ve never wished to be a vampire until that moment when his memories returned. Seeing the pure terror and agony in his eyes made me want to kill Victor myself.
I know he’ll get what’s coming to him; I just wish I could have a hand in it. I’m not an idiot—he could rip my heart out of my chest with one thrust of his hand and crush all of the bones in my body with ease. I don’t stand a chance. But thankfully, I have Vivian, and I think my little spitfire is ready to let some of her rage out.
She stayed back last night, wanting to keep an eye on us in case Victor came here. She didn’t sleep, but it’s not like she needs it. She and Lulu kept me company until I fell asleep in the living room on a sofa across the room from Ethan.
When I woke up the next morning, there was no update yet on Victor’s whereabouts. The pack hunted him through the night, only stopping for a few hours of rest before continuing.
Vivian is getting ready right now to leave and join Lachlan and his pack. She said a member of the High Council will come here to take her place while she’s gone, to guard outside and make sure we’re safe.
“Are you sure you want to go?” I grab Vivian’s waist and pull her back into me as she walks by, breathing her in.
She nods, staring down at my interlocked hands secured around her. “I have to.” She takes a deep, shaky breath, and I press my lips into the top of her head. “I couldn’t save Genevieve, and it haunts me every day, Grey. Ethan somehow got away, whether it was his willpower fighting through the mind hold or Victor’s arrogance in releasing him. Regardless, I won’t let Victor get away with it.”
Spinning her in my arms, I tip her head up, sliding my fingers into her hair. “And he won’t . You’ll get him.”
I want to whisk her away and hide us from the rest of the world, but we can’t, and she would never let me. It’s not who she is. She fights for those who need her. She refuses to allow the evils of this world to win. She’s fucking incredible.
Maybe when this is all over, we can go somewhere together. Check a box off the bucket list. We just need time, for so many reasons right now. We haven’t even been able to process the fact that we are bound together by fate.
I mean, what the hell does that even mean, really?
Honestly, I don’t even need an explanation. Everything in my life leading up to the Culling always made me question my purpose in this world. But in truth, I think I was just waiting for her.
When this is all said and done, I’ll tell her everything—how she has become the very reason I live and breathe. I was born to be by her side, destined to find her and never let her go.
She is as much a part of my being as I am, intertwined with my very soul.
I don’t want her to go after him; I want to keep her safe here with me. But I know that would only hurt her. She needs this, to punish Victor for breaking the laws and to redeem herself in her mind for what happened to Genevieve.
So I let her go, but not before kissing her like it might be the last time I ever do, and when I pull away, I have no doubt in my mind that I am in love with Vivian Barlowe.
Ava arrived about four hours ago and has been keeping watch from her car outside. We haven’t received word from anyone yet, which means there’s nothing to report.
For the last hour, I’ve had a horrible feeling in my stomach, like a sense of impending doom deep in my gut. Needing a distraction, I went upstairs while Ethan was resting and cuddled with Lulu for a while before locking her in the bedroom. In case tonight gets out of hand, I want her to be safe and secure.
A few of the High Council members have volunteered to take shifts watching over us, and Jason should be here soon to take over for Ava.
Descending the stairs, I stroll to the kitchen to get a glass of water, taking a few drinks before the doorbell rings throughout the house.
Ethan nearly jumps out of his skin and pulls the blanket tighter around him on the couch as I attempt to calm him. “It’s okay. It’s just Jason switching out with Ava.”
Walking to the front door, I peek through the peephole and see the back of Jason’s head before I twist the knob and pull it open.
“Hey,” I greet him. “Come in.”
All the air dissipates from my lungs, and my spine chills.
Jason’s knees give out, and he crumples to the ground like a doll, his arms flailing and landing in unnatural positions. As Jason’s limp body falls away, a grimy man with blood dripping down the sides of his mouth steps forward, my body chilling to the bone.
“God, vampires taste gross. I could barely stomach it long enough to bite him.”
My gaze falls to his blood-soaked hand, bile rising in my throat when I realize what he’s holding.
A heart.
“We aren’t alone,” I warn him, lying through my teeth.
He smiles, and I spot the tattoo on the side of his neck, the hair on the back of my neck standing straight up.
My voice is loud enough to warn Ethan but not too loud to be obvious. “Let me guess. Victor?”
He clicks his tongue. “Indeed.” He takes another step forward, and I slam the door shut, but he’s too fast, blocking it with his leg. “That is not the way to treat a guest.”
He rears his arms back, his palms facing me before he shoves my chest, and I fly ten feet in the air across the foyer, crashing painfully to the hardwood floor.
Grabbing me by my throat, he lifts me up, my toes dangling above the ground.
His eyes shift to red, and his fangs descend. “Why don’t we find out what’s so special about that blood of yours.”