Simplicity (Oakley’s Crew #1) 23. Dutton 79%
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23. Dutton


T hey truly love each other. There’s no doubt about that, I think as I capture Oakley and Travis under the alter Oakley made in their backyard. They’re declared official husbands, and they hold onto one another as I snap the perfect candid shot of them in the first moment of their marriage.

Apparently, Oakley wanted them to be sitting in a porch swing while they said their vows, but that was too much for Travis. He didn’t want to be sitting, so he allowed Oakley to construct a really beautiful altar that has their initials carved into it with a heart around it.

Do I think their marriage will be easy? I’m not sure. They’re business owners and wildly different, but they love each other. That much is clear as day. The quick wedding planning was a lot of fun to witness, with Travis trying to rein his future husband in. But even when he was trying to look irritated by Oakley’s over-the-top antics, he looked so incredibly in love. It’s cold as hell out here, and I’m glad I have my suit jacket to keep me warm, but it’s still really cold. I’m not sure I really like the cold, like at all. I don’t like seeing my breath in front of me when I’m standing outside. Snow is pretty, but after our first snow fight, I was pretty much over it. Thankfully, Walker doesn’t seem to really like it all that much either.

Fresh snow is on the ground today, but no one seems to care because everyone is too busy cheering for the grooms. After the ceremony, my job continues in the tent they rented for the reception, which thankfully has heat. Even though they planned the wedding in a short amount of time, they really went all out, and it’s beautiful, simple, and elegant, all at the same time.

There’s a nice catered dinner, which they insist I put my camera down for and enjoy my date with Walker. And then it’s back to work, capturing their toast and the cutting of the cake. Oakley tries to surprise Travis by shoving the cake in his face, but Travis was ahead of him and gets it all over Oakley’s face first.

They laugh and kiss as we all clap for them, and yeah, they’re going to be okay. The dance starts, and I do my best to get plenty of pictures of all the guests. After about an hour, Walker comes over to me and takes the camera gently from my hands, placing it on a nearby table. “Dance with me,” his deep voice rumbles in my ear.

“Like I would say no to that.”

He leads me out to the dance floor and holds my body close. Nothing has ever felt so right. I know he pretty much lives with me at this point, but something has been on my mind lately. Maybe it’s the champagne I had with the cake or the romantic wedding setting, but as we dance, I can’t help myself. “You know how you said you wanted to live out in the country in a big house?”

“Mm-hmm,” he says almost dazedly, holding me close as we sway to the song.

“Would my house do?”

He pulls back just enough to look at my face, and I hope it’s telling him just how serious I am about this. “You want me to move into your house?”

My lips twitch with a smile. “I mean officially, because I’m pretty sure you already have.”

His smile is blinding. “I’d love to officially move in.” He kisses me hard and then tries to pull away, but I’m not ready yet. I deepen the kiss just enough for it to be on this side of appropriate, and we go back to dancing.

We dance well until midnight, and then Oakley—like a great big kid hopped up on sugar—excitedly declares we all have to go outside of the tent. He points up as I’m tugging on a coat Walker thought to bring for me, and I see what he’s so excited about.

The sky is full of bright lights and meteors. I look over and see Oakley and Travis, looking up at the sky in awe. And most of the guests who are still here—which isn’t a ton of people—are all looking up in the wonder of the dark country sky with streaks of light.

I grab my camera and take a couple of pictures, but then put it down and stand next to Walker in the freezing cold. It’s not snowing, but it’s beyond actual freezing, and my lungs hurt just from breathing in the cold air.

I can see all our breaths puffing out of us, but no one seems in a hurry to go inside. “Will winter ever end?” I lean into Walker to ask.

He chuckles and pulls me into his side, holding me tight. “It will. I promise, but it likes to linger until you feel like you might actually die if you don’t see the sun again, and then boom... spring.”

I chuckle and kiss his cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, love. To many, many more.” He’s looking up at the sky, and I’m looking at him because while the meteor shower is beautiful, Walker is even brighter and more interesting to me.

“Many. No more holidays apart, even the corny Hallmark-made ones.”

He chuckles and brushes his lips over my cheek. His nose is cold, but I can barely feel it because my face is frozen. I love these Kansans, I do, but winter is kind of bullshit.

I can’t wait for spring. Just one more season left in this whole testing out the seasons of Kansas.

Good thing I’d already pretty much made up my mind before winter. I believe Walker when he says that spring is beautiful, but it wouldn’t matter if it was or not.

This is my home now.

He is my home.

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