I close my locker as the bell for first period rings and find Blaze leaning beside it. Sucking in a breath, I level him with a glare.
“What the hell are you doing, sneaking up on people?” I ask as Blaze chuckles under his breath.
“Let's get out of here.” His head nods toward the doors.
“You can not be serious...” I say, looking for the joke written somewhere on his face, but I don't see it.“Blaze, seriously…it's the third day, second week of school. What could we possibly need to skip for?” I ask incredulously. Blaze takes my books from my arms. Knowing all my codes, he opens my locker and stuffs my things back inside. He takes my hand and smirks back at me as he leads me out of the building.
“Since when do we need a reason to skip, Ry? Come on, it’s our senior year. Let's go have some fun!” Giving me his notorious pouty look, I can't tell him no. It's the dimples and the eyes, I swear. They get me everytime. “Fine.” I say sternly. “But today better be the best damn day of my life.” Heat licks behind Blaze's eyes.
“Oh, baby, I'll make all your wishes come true.” he promises. Something about the way he says those words, runs down my body, raising every hair. “Let's go!” With one last tug, I jump in his Jeep and we’re out of there.
The windows are down and my hair is blowing in the wind. I look over at my best friend, he’s tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. He has a smile on his face like he doesn’t have a care in the world. I feel flutters in my stomach when he turns that dimpled smile my way and winks at me. Something changed in our relationship. I don't know when, exactly, and I'm not sure what to do. Especially when all I can think about is the raven haired beauty who sleeps in the next room to me. I can still taste and smell her arousal two days later. I meant what I said when she was mine, that thought is permanently planted in my brain. I wonder what our parents would do if they had caught me eating her pussy like it was my last meal. I want to say I would care, but I absolutely give no fucks. I probably would keep going until she was screaming and her cum was running down my face. As much as a little princess Layla is, even I can admit our parents have always treated us like shit. Never giving a damn about us, unless it was for their own selfish reasons.
Something changed in my step-sister’s eyes in the shed the other night. I have never seen it from her before. Not being able to get Layla off my mind, I send her a text message.
Ryan: Whatcha doin’, lil angel?
It takes five minutes and bubbles pop up to let me know she's typing.
Little Angel: In class obviously. Now, I g2g. Bye.
I quietly laugh to myself. She can't really think she can get rid of me that easily, can she?
Ryan: Not so fast! I need you to do something for me.
Little Angel: Ryan…please, leave me the hell alone. I'm trying to pay attention.
Ryan: Do what I say and I'll let you get back to your school work. Scouts honor.
I wait and minutes tick by. My message shows read, so she's purposefully ignoring me. Tsk. Tsk. Wrong move princess.
Ryan: Come on, Lay. Don't you want to hear what I’m asking. I can't get the thoughts of your pussy out of my head. I want you to go to the bathroom and send me a video of you touching yourself.
Smirking, I already know what she's going to say before she sends her next reply.
Little Angel: Ryan, I can't do this and I told you I wouldn't anymore. Whatever happened between us is finished. I must've been out of my mind.
Growing irritated that she's disobeying me, I send one last message to get my point across.
Ryan: Go take a video of you touching yourself and send it to me or dear old Mommy is going to know that you knocked your sister out at a party on Saturday with a fucking wrench.
Little Angel: You have no proof I did that!!
Ryan: Try me.
With that, I lock my phone and put it back in my pocket. This can go one or two ways. She can listen like a good girl and I'll reward her tonight when she's alone in bed or she can disobey me and while I may not actually snitch, I will punish her. Either way, it's a win, win for me.
Blaze snaps his fingers in my face, realizing I was lost in my thoughts. “Yo, what the fuck is going on in that pretty head of yours?” he laughs.
I smile at him, taking his hand and squeezing. “Just enjoying the day.” I respond .
Ryan is the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met in my nineteen years of life. We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember, but my feelings have always run deeper than I’ve let on. I’m a possessive asshole when it comes to her and that isn’t changing. I know Aaron confessed his little boy crush to her the other night, before she pushed him into the lake. Yes, I may or may not have been creeping, but I don't trust anyone with my girl. I had no plans for our threesome the other night, but it turned out to be a great time. Ryan and I have used each other for our needs while maintaining our friendship. We genuinely care about each other. Maybe that's why she’s different for me. The only way Aaron would stand a chance at being with her is if I’m in the picture with them or I'm dead. I choose the former. I'm very comfortable with my sexuality and Aaron is very easy on the eyes. Making him blush when I kissed him the other day was hot as fuck.
Me and Ry leave for college next fall. We've always had plans to go to the same school, but even if plans changed, she knows I would follow her wherever she goes. She's mine. End of story.
She’s staring out the window with her hair blowing wild, just like her spirit, carefree. She looks at me and smiles, the only smile that could bring me to my knees. I'm in love with my best friend. All I have to do is convince her of the million reasons why this is right and why there are zero reasons it's wrong. The spot I'm taking her is the first step in that direction.
Ry a n
Blaze pulls up to an old trail right off a section of woods. We’re about fifty miles from the city and I have no idea where the hell we are. If he wasn't my best friend, I would consider that he brought me here to kill me. Lucky for me, I know better.
“Where the hell are we at, Blaze Kanan?” I asked, confused. We have never been here together, and surely if he knew about it so would I.
“Don't worry, baby. Don't you trust me?” He asks with a twinkle in his eyes and it makes me wonder more what he’s up to.
“Well yeah, I got in the Jeep with you, didn't I?” I sass. Huffing a laugh, he starts walking down the trail and nods at me.
“Come on then miss badass, let's go.” he extends his hand out to me and I take it.
Tugging me along, we head down the trail and Blaze cuts off in the middle of the woods. “Are we not following the trail? Do you even know where you're going?” I ask. Stopping dead in his tracks, he turns around and grabs me by the shoulders.
“Ry, stop asking so many questions. Ten more minutes and we will arrive at our destination,” he says before turning around and starting the hike again. Trying to not trip over all the limbs littering the forest floor, because I'm clumsy as hell, I take in my surroundings. The green leaves are starting to change to their fall colors, two squirrels are chasing each other through the branches, and I can hear the birds whistling their sweet songs. It's so peaceful, I'm enjoying the walk almost as much as sitting by the lake.
Ten minutes later, like Blaze said, he throws his arms up and smiles real big.“We’re here!” he says. Walking around him, I take in the view. There's a mountain sitting to the left with a waterfall that pours into a small pool. The water is so blue, it's almost crystal clear. There's pretty wild flowers everywhere and I notice butterflies flying from bush to bush.
“Wow.” I breathe out. “Blaze, this is...” Feeling at a loss for words, Blaze finishes my sentence.
“Beautiful, huh? Almost as beautiful as you,” he says, bumping his shoulder into mine. “Worth skipping school for, princess?” He smiles at me.
“Oh, this was definitely worth skipping school for. How long have you known about this place?” I ask, peeking at him from the corner of my eye.
“A few months. I found it when I was driving around, trying to clear my head.” I look at him. He looks so relaxed. I love it when he's like this…so happy and at peace.
“And why are you just now bringing me here?” I ask, a little offended.
“I was waiting for a special moment,” Blaze says, holding my stare. No matter how hard I try, I can't look away as if his eyes have me locked and I’m paralyzed. Blaze grabs my hand, ignoring my question.
“Come on.” He takes off running toward the waterfall. Barely able to keep up with him pulling me, he finally lets go and starts stripping his clothes off. He jumps in the water, butt ass naked, and comes back up for air.
“Get in, the water's fine!” he yells jokingly. I take off running, too. Laughing as I pull my clothes off, one by one.
Getting to the edge of the natural pool, I catch Blaze staring at me. The lust behind his gaze is searing into my skin. I've always been acutely aware of my body. The way my arms are a tad flabby. How thick my thighs are. My bigger breasts and being larger than most girls my age. Even my belly isn’t flat or toned. It has a pudge. I have rolls, yet I've always been confident. Sometimes, doubts creep into my head that I'm not pretty enough or I need to lose weight to be good enough. The list goes on and on of reasons I hate my body, but the way Blaze is staring at me right now makes me feel like I’m the sexiest girl in the world and he only sees me.
I finally break eye contact and push off the edge. Making sure to jump near Blaze, I splash him good. I stay under the water when I land. I quickly swim behind him, while he's trying to clear the water from his eyes. Silently swimming up behind him, I try to stay quiet until I'm treading closely to him.
“BOO!” I yell. Blaze whips around so fast, I don’t have time to take off swimming before he's grabbing me behind my thighs, forcing me to wrap my legs around him. Throwing my arms around his neck, to keep my balance, I can't control the genuine laughter falling from my lips. I haven't laughed like this in so long. When I finally calm down and control my breathing, Blaze is staring at me again. He puts a piece of my hair behind my ear.
This moment feels different, but before I can hone in on that, I feel the length of Blaze's cock against my pussy. Need pulses in my clit and I’m getting turned on.
“Blaze...” I whisper. Instead of responding, he crushes his mouth to mine and forces me to give him all control. Usually, I'd fight him back for dominance, that's the way it's always been, but letting go and letting Blaze take over feels good. I moan into his mouth when one of his hands tweak my nipple while the other squeezes my ass. He works his way to my neck and then my collar bone, roughly leaving bite marks. It feels like he’s trying to claim me in a way he never has before.
“Blaze…fuck that feels amazing,” I say when he moves his hand to show my other peak some attention.
“I know, baby.” Blaze whispers as his fingers play with my clit. He’s moving in slow, teasing circles. Sucking my tongue back into his mouth, he pulls away and bites my lip, hard enough to draw blood. The mixture of pleasure and pain sends my body and mind into a frenzy. I need more.
“Blaze…I need...” I start, but my words get lost as he ru bs my clit faster and then he slows to a soft tease.
“What, baby? Tell me what you need,” Blaze growls into my mouth.
“I need...I need...” I groan, throwing my head back as he picks up his rhythm.
“Say it, Ry. Tell me what you need and I'll give it to you, princess,” he says, licking up the column of my throat and then scraping my earlobe with his teeth.
“Dammit, I need you, Blaze. Fuck, please. I need you to fuck me,” I moan louder this time. In a second, Blaze slips his cock through my slit and slams into my cunt. I let out a scream as the feeling of ecstacy erupts all over my body.
“Yes, Daddy…right there,” I moan, pushing my mouth to his.
“Such a good girl, Ry. Tell me, who’s your Daddy?” he mumbles, never letting his lips leave mine.
“You are,” I pant. Pounding his hard cock into me repeatedly, he rubs my clit at the same pace he’s fucking me.
“Shit, baby. This pussy is perfect. You're perfect.” Lost in lust, I feel my orgasm getting closer.
“Shit, Blaze! I'm gonna come!” As soon as the words leave my mouth, Blaze grunts.
“Fuuuck...” I feel his hot cum covering my walls as my pussy pulsates around him. I see stars behind my eyes as Blaze slowly pumps inside of me while still rubbing my clit to drag out my pleasure. Once we've come back down, he pushes the two fingers into my mouth. Still holding onto each other and staring into each other’s eyes, Blaze tells me, “Suck.’” I suck his fingers, lapping up my juices and water with my tongue.
Before I can unwrap my legs from around his body, Blaze says the last thing I expect to hear at this moment.
“I love you, Ry.” Trying to joke it off, I untangle myself and gently give him a shove.
“I love you too, doofus.” Blaze grabs my hand, his face serious.
“Ryan, listen to me.” He looks at me intensely. “I’m in love with you. I always have been.” Panic starts to set into my chest.
“Blaze, don't joke like that,” I say trying to save the situation, but it's quite clear, I'm doing just the opposite.
“I'm not joking, baby. I love you. More than anybody ever will. You have been my best friend since we were kids and along the way I realized you've become so much more. You have seen me through the good, the bad…fuck, Ry. You've seen me at my damn worst. You’re the first person I think of when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep. Hell, even when I'm with you, I'm thinking about you. I fucking love you. With all my heart and soul.” Blaze bites his lip nervously. “You don't have to say it back, but you need to know.” Swimming closer to me, Blaze grabs my face in the palms of his hands. “I love you, and one day, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, you will be mine. It’s you and me, princess. Against the world. Always.” Giving me a quick peck on the lips, he lets me go.
“We should get going back,” I whisper. “Before anyone notices, we’re gone.” Nodding his head in agreement.
“Yeah, let's get dressed and I'll drive you home.”
Heading back home, Blaze is quiet and clearly lost in deep thought like I am. I feel more confused than ever. Remembering I hadn't checked my phone in a few hours, I pull it out to see I have a message.
Little Angel: VIDEO
Making sure my volume is down, I push play. There's Layla in the bathroom stall. Completely naked. Such a naughty angel when she wants to be. She moves the phone from her boobs, down her body, and then to her tight, pink, pussy. I can already feel myself getting worked up again, even though I just came all over Blaze’s dick less than thirty minutes ago.
Layla fingers herself as her palm moves against her clit. If I listen hard enough, I can hear the slight moans she can't control as she brings herself pleasure. Switching between fucking herself with her fingers and rubbing her nub, I watch her come all over her hand.
Expecting her to end it there, I’m genuinely shocked when she brings the camera back up to her face. Looking the camera dead on, she smirks and brings her fingers to her lips, sucking her cum off. I hear her speaking, so I pause the video to turn up the volume just a little. Rewinding back a few seconds, I bring the phone up to my ear.
“You like that, sister? You like when I touch myself for you? Mmmmm, Ryan. Do you want your sister to be a good girl just for you? Well, I have news for you. Layla might be a good girl, but I'm very, very bad.” Utterly confused by the way she's referring to herself in third person, I look at my screen and notice my step-sister's eyes have gone completely black.