It's Thursday when school goes back in session. Mr. Scott’s classroom is back to normal, no one can tell that two people were murdered there. After the hot sex with Ryan yesterday, we lounged around, cuddling and watching TV. It was weird, but the most relaxed I've been in a while. That was until her dad came home and she hurried to her room. Didn't say anything—just froze up and scurried off. I know they dont have the best relationship, but I've never seen her like that before.
Heading to my first class, I wonder who the new teacher will be. Mr. Scott was one of the nicest teachers we had and I don't see us getting anyone better than that. I take a seat in the back like I usually do. It's been lonely since Julie’s gone missing and I have no one to talk to. What she did was fucked up, but she was still my best friend.
An older lady with red lipstick and caked on makeup walks into the class, wearing a gray pencil skirt, a hunter-green blouse with ruffles in the front, and a pair of black stiletto heels. Her hair is pinned half up and a pair of black glasses sit on her face. If we're being honest, she reminds me of those porn stars who do roleplay. Her heels click across the floor as she walks to her desk.
“Alright, class. Attention, please. I'm Mrs. Davis. I'll be your new teacher for the foreseeable future. Sit down, listen, don't disrupt my class, and we should have no problems. Now, I have a new assignment for you,” she announces. A skinny, blonde girl named Bethany, raises her hand and speaks up.
“I thought we were supposed to be working on our senior essay?” she asks.
“Yes. You will do that on your own time, but while you're in this classroom, you'll do what I tell you,” Mrs. Davis snaps. Bethany's face turns as red as a tomato and I feel bad for her. Our new teacher is starting off strong.
“Now as I was saying before I was interrupted, for your first assignment, I want a one-thousand word essay on the importance of mental health. It will be due next Friday. I want resources cited in the back. There should be plenty of facts to back up your findings.” She looks at the class and we are all looking at each other. “Did I stutter? Get to work!” she snaps as everyone scrambles to get a class laptop and start their research. This is going to be an even longer school year.
It's our fourth period and we’ve just gotten back from our lunch break when the intercom comes on.
“Layla Thomas, please come to the office.” The whole class spews oohs like we’re in elementary school. I grab my stuff and hurry out of class.
There are two officers standing there waiting for me as I walk into the office. One is short and stocky with a head full of black hair, while the other is tall and lanky with a head full of red hair. Suddenly, I'm feeling nervous and sweat gathers at my forehead. I've never gotten into trouble before, especially with the law.
“Miss Thomas, I'm Officer Smith and this is Officer Rollins. Can we speak with you for a moment?” Office Smith asks. I nod and they gesture toward the headmaster’s office.
After I take a seat, the stocky Officer Rollins stands in front of me while the other stands at my side. Headmaster Jones sits in his chair, arms resting atop his desk.
“Layla, these officers have a few questions they would like to ask you. You're not in trouble, so don't worry.” I swallow the lump in my throat and nod.
“Miss Thomas, is it true that Carson King was your boyfriend?” an officer asks. I swallow the vomit trying to build its way up.
“Yes, we’re dating…were dating,” I reply.
“When was the last time you saw Carson King?” he follows with another question. I try to retrace my memory, but I can only remember leaving school when it shut down on Monday. My mind goes blank after that. It's been days and I still can't remember a damn thing. Someone clears their throat and shakes me from my daze. All three men are looking at me impatiently.
“Uhh…he gave me a ride home on Monday.” I finally reply.
“What happened after that?” the lanky police officer asks. I rub my palms on my jeans.
“I don't remember. I must've fallen asleep in the truck and he took me home.” I can hear the shakiness in my voice. Even I would be suspicious at this point.
“You don't remember? How do you not remember, Miss Thomas? Surely, you would have woken up at some point, between him driving or carrying you into the house.” Officer Rollins eyes me suspiciously.
“Sir, honestly…I can't remember anything other than going home after school,” I plead. Officer Smith speaks up from beside me.
“We have reason to believe the fire wasn't an accident and the body was dead before the fire occurred,” he states. I clam up, sweat dripping down my face.
“I don’t...I don’t…” I stutter before Headmaster Jones speaks up for me.
“That's enough for today, gentlemen. If you'll let my student get back to class, please,” he says to the officers. I sent a quick thank you to the Lord above. Officer Rollins scans me one more time and offers me a card.
“This is my number. Make sure to call if any of your memories come back,” he says condescendingly. I take the card from his outstretched hand and they leave.
I'm still sitting in the chair when Headmaster Jones looks at his watch, then glances at me.
“I think you should take the rest of the day off, Layla. I know this can't be easy. Our guidance counselors are always open if you need to talk.” He looks at me pitifully. I hate it. Mumbling a thanks, I gather my bag and leave. Could this day get any worse?
With Carson gone, I don't have a ride, so I walk thirty minutes to my house. I could’ve asked Ryan and Blaze, but I don't have the energy for my step-sister's questions. I just want to take a big ass nap. Walking up to the house, I see my mom's car in the driveway. Weird. She's usually at work or sipping martinis with her girls and doesn't get home until late.
I walk into the house, hoping to avoid her at all costs, and head straight for the stairs. I hear her footsteps quicken, before her sharp voice fills my ears.
“And what the hell are you doing home so early?” she asks as I turn around to find her scowling at me, her eyes are red and puffy, tears still stain her cheeks. She's wearing a beige pants suit, her blonde hair comes to her shoulders and looks like she's been running her hands through it. She's holding a wine glass and from the looks of it, she's already had more than a few.
“Some police officers came to question me about Carson's death. The headmaster suggested I come home and rest.” I say, then she scoffs.
“Why the hell would you need rest? It's not like you ever put any energy into Carson. He deserved more than a selfish, miss little goody two shoes like you!” She spits, walking up to me. My mouth is ajar in utter shock at the poison spewing from her mouth .
“Mom, what are you talking about?” I ask, then gasp when she grabs me by my hair and pulls me off the staircase, causing me to fall to the floor. I look at her through the tears forming in my eyes. Why am I even surprised? It’s always something in this fucking family.
“You never deserved him, you stupid bitch! He was too good for you! You took him away, didn't you? Just like you took your fucking dad away!” she yells as she straddles my waist, her fist still in my hair. I scream, kick, and try to buck her off.
“What are you saying? I haven't done anything and I sure as hell didn't take Dad away!” I yell, trying to shake her off. The sting of her palm across my cheek freezes me.
“Oh, you took him away from me. All because he gave you a little extra love at night. You couldn’t just fucking put up with it for my happiness, could you?!” she shouts in my face. “And Carson…I was satisfying him in ways you never could! You found the videos and killed him for it, didn't you?! You can't stand for me to be happy!” The alcohol is strong on her breath. Her hands find my throat, squeezing hard, and cutting my air off. Everything is fuzzy until it goes black.
I'm at the playground again, the swings squeak as they sway back and forth, no one is there. The fog is thick, but the bright headlights beckon me toward it. The noise in the background is faint and I'm trying to listen, but the light keeps pulling me in as if it holds all the answers I’ve been looking for. A soft voice whispers in my ear, and I can finally understand what they’re saying.
“Go to it, Layla. Learn the truth of all the ways we’ve been wronged,” she urges. I look to my left and a figure appears next to me. She looks exactly like me, except there's an edge about her. There's a raging inferno burning in her eyes and the I don’t give a fuck attitude aura surrounding her.
“Who are you?” I ask .
“I'm you, Layla. Your vengeance, your revenge, your protector. I'm everything you need me to be when others can't be that for you. But…You can call me Kali.” She gives me a wink and holds out her hand. I take it and look back toward the light in the distance.
“Go,” Kali commands.
“Will you come with me?” I ask nervously, pleading with my eyes. “I don't know if I can do this alone.”
“Layla, I've never left your side and I never will,” she promises.
We take off at my own pace as Kali walks with me in silence, holding my hand. I'm not sure how long she's been with me, but I'm so grateful for her right now.