Six Types of Apology (Another Arranged Marriage #6) Chapter Twenty 71%
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Chapter Twenty

The innkeeper they’d been staying with gave Vincent the good news as soon as he arrived that evening. “My husband’s awake and wants to see me?” Vincent looked down at his dusty clothing and then shrugged. Orion was the last person to care about the state of his clothing. “Please let the lovely people in the kitchen know I will be dining in my husband’s room as usual this evening.” Even if Orion didn’t want to talk to him personally, he would want to hear about the mine improvements and Vincent had a lot to tell him.

“Sir, don’t you think you should at least wash and change your clothes first?” Morgan protested as Vincent made his way upstairs.

“Nope, this is honest dirt, formed by honest dust and honest work. Besides I have a present for Orion and you know how I am about presents. I do hope he likes it.” Vincent clutched his backpack to his chest. I’d settle for him being happy to see me.

Vincent had a lot of time to think while he’d sat by Orion’s bedside and then later as he worked at the mine. It was understandable that Orion’s brother and sister would care about his husband. Vincent’s four sisters thought he hung the moon and stars. But as he took the time to listen to other people, from Ryan and the other workers at the mine, to John who had been with Orion the longest… even the innkeeper where they were staying had kind words to say about his husband.

They hadn’t spoken about Orion’s looks or the fact he was a prince. Instead, these same people felt strongly about Orion despite his royal position. They admired his integrity, his honesty, his dedication and loyalty, and the fact he was always ready to pitch in and physically help with anything that needed doing. Vincent learned more about his husband in five days than he’d likely have ever done if he’d been left to work it out on his own.

But something had changed when Vincent rescued Orion. People seemed inclined to want to help him put things right. They clearly knew what a fool he’d been, there were still a few digs about his card playing and his choice of dance partners, but those same people were simply teasing him. Regular people teasing him. Vincent had never enjoyed anything so much. He genuinely felt a part of something bigger than himself for a change, and it was a good feeling.

There was one thing, though, that Vincent couldn’t ignore. That nagging tiny voice in the back of his head that kept reminding him that Orion could disappear just as quickly again, once he could get out of bed. He had the power to banish Vincent from the mine, from Orion’s life, and if Orion decided to do that there was nothing Vincent could do to salvage the situation. He’d already decided if that happened, he would move back to Faast and stay there. Whatever happened, his days of partying were over. But, willingly or not, Orion had given Vincent a reason to belong, a purpose, and Vincent wasn’t going to let that go without a fight…or a kiss.

Tapping on the door, Vincent let himself into Orion’s room, his smile widening automatically when he saw Orion was indeed sitting up, propped up by pillows. He was wearing a soft shirt and his hair was clean. Most importantly he was awake, alone, and while his skin was so pale and his smile hesitant, it was a start.

“I’m so very glad to see your eyes are open.” Closing the door softly behind him, Vincent came closer to the bed, perching on the chair he’d spent so much time in over the past five days. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve been kicked by a horse in a dozen places,” Orion admitted. “I understand I have you to thank for my rescue and recovery. Thank you. Genuinely, thank you.”

“I am truly glad I was in the right place at the right time.” Vincent couldn’t stop smiling. Orion was smiling at him, and he could see now how precious that was. Watching Orion lay lifeless on the bed for days, with only the slow rise and fall of his chest giving any indication he was alive, was something Vincent wasn’t going to forget. “As you’ve likely heard, I’ve been out at the mine, just trying to assist you in any way I can, and, well…I bought you a present. Did you want to see it?”

“A present from the mine?” Orion chuckled softly. “What is it? The rock that hit me on the head?”

“Hmm, you’re surprisingly close.” Vincent reached into his bag, and carefully pulled out the cloth covered item. “I didn’t have a chance to wrap it properly.” He put it on Orion’s lap. “But it’s only an old shirt. It was all I had to hand.”

“I think you’re the only person in my life who has given me gifts.” Orion stroked the cloth and then gently started to unwrap the present. He glanced up and likely couldn’t miss Vincent’s anticipation. “You seem to like seeing people open them.”

Vincent nodded. “Until I met you, it seemed I had never been very useful, but seeing the joy I can bring someone special, by giving them a gift, always made me feel good inside.”

Orion nodded, not directly addressing Vincent’s admission, but the sheer delight on his face when the gift was revealed was everything Vincent had hoped for. “It beautiful.” Orion held up the huge crystal sending shafts of refracted light bouncing around the room. “It’s extremely heavy, which I didn’t expect, but my goodness. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful. This is from the mine?”

“From the very cave where you were hurt. I brought in some mechanical diggers to clear the debris and open the cave back up again. Being lowered into the cave was not an experience I believe anybody needed to experience after doing it myself.”

Vincent shuddered. “But…but…the rockfall exposed a huge seam. The geologists I called in, after getting recommendations from Onyx, they were almost having kittens they were so excited. Your mine is going to be a success. I promise. The crystals are there and now, if you don’t mind my help, Ryan believes it can be fully operational in three months.”

“Three months, not six?” Orion put the crystal down onto his lap again. “How did you do that?”

Shrugging, Vincent said, “It really wasn’t me. When I went back out to the mine, I had a long sit down with Ryan – a very intelligent man who speaks so highly of you. Originally I was just going to talk to him about the cleanup and get that underway, but after speaking to him, I realized that all that was missing to get the mine actually open was more finances. Which I could and wanted to help with. Nothing’s different,” he added quickly because he couldn’t tell what his husband was thinking. “The mine is going to be run exactly as you had organized in the first place. I just didn’t think, especially after what happened to you, that you’d risk any of the men’s lives who worked there, without adequate safety precautions and equipment.”

“That was the main cause of the delay.” Orion blinked rapidly. “Onyx and I were struggling with limited resources. But we never intended for anyone to actually start mining the crystals until all of the safety precautions, mechanics, magical alarms, and equipment were put in place first.”

“I wanted to help.”

“And you have, more than you can ever know.” Orion was watching him closely and Vincent wondered what was going on in his husband’s mind. “Humor me for a moment, can you? Could you list off the things you’ve done in the past five days while I’ve been keeping this bed company?”

Lucky bed. But Vincent quickly shut that thought down. “All right, although I am unsure why. Most importantly, in my mind, I rescued you from the mine.”

“One.” Orion held up a finger.

“I got you a healer from the Monce Court.”

“Two.” Another finger came up.

“I sat by your bed for two days because I was so worried about you.”

“Three.” Orion nodded and a third finger came up.

“I went out to the mine and listened to Ryan, so I would know what sort of help was needed.”

“Four. Keep going. I know that’s not all you’ve done.” Orion was now holding up four fingers.

“I arranged for the mechanical diggers to remove the debris, organized for carpenters and other trades to come in and improve the living quarters, gave Ryan an extra allowance to employ more staff, and called in the geologists who confirmed the mine was going to be viable.”

“Five.” Orion smiled. “And what else?”

Vincent cast his eyes down at his dirty clothes, and then he spotted the crystal again. “I brought you a gift, and I got dirty through honest hard work.”

“Six. Six types of apology, and you rolled up your sleeves and helped me with the mine.” Orion crooked his finger at him. “Come closer.”

“What? Why?” Am I going to get slapped for my trouble.

“Are you always this suspicious? I need you to come closer. The healer was adamant I wasn’t supposed to move around. So move closer please.”

Leaning forward, Vincent braced himself. Even with everything he’d done, a slap would still be justified. He felt the softest brush of lips against his cheek, before it was just as quickly gone. Stunned he sat back, touching his cheek where Orion had kissed him.

“Thank you,” Orion said quietly. “You’re forgiven for Carntan. It won’t be mentioned between us again.”

“You mean it? We can be married married for real?”

“We already are.” Orion laughed. “Clearly you need some sustenance if you’ve forgotten we exchanged wedding vows, and the marriage contract is filed with the World Council. But that’s understandable, you have been working all day. Will you call John and let him know we’re ready for dinner, please?”

“Yes.” Standing up, Vincent risked a quick kiss on Orion’s hair. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

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