Making love to my alpha was a game changer, and I knew what I wanted, but he did not mark or even knot. With the emotional connection already there, those things came so naturally, but the time was not right. We had not even gone on a date yet. And I wasn’t sure how we’d gone from my calling off our dinner plans to waking up snuggled in his arms.
I didn’t usually wake this early, since we did not serve breakfast at the restaurant and I often worked late. But I had been sleeping alone for a while now, and my first reaction to a hard body behind me and an arm over my chest was panic.
Not proud of that, but I was grateful that before I leapt out of bed or flung him away from me, or worse, my bear stepped in to remind me of what was really going on.
In one word.
I still wasn’t ready to fully accept that, believing I had a choice in the matter, but the pronouncement was enough to settle me back into my skin. Yes, I’d been very close to shifting, one of the reasons my bear was able to take control as much as he did. Many people were afraid of shifters, especially large predators because they thought when we took our fur, we’d harm people. Behaved like the basic versions of those animals. The meanest of those. Werewolf stories really affected people’s perceptions of us.
Not everyone knew we existed, of course, but over the years, it seemed that more and more did. Even then, some chose to pretend they did not. And that was fine, so long as no harm was done on either side.
But, in any case, shifting to my bear in bed when I was freaking out would not be optimal.
Instead, I lay there until my heartbeat slowed to normal before donning pajama pants and slipping away to the kitchen. Not that I didn’t want to be with Leon, because I totally did, but parts of me were a little sore and achy after a night where we were very “active” together. If I stayed here, my morning wood was going to lead me down a path of more than a little sore.
Besides, I wanted to make breakfast for the alpha. He had quite a workout the night before. I chuckled, remembering his expression when he came. Yes—a workout. Flushed, sexy, panting. Way to make an omega feel like a superstar.
“What’s so funny?” Strong arms came around me from behind, pulling me back against a firm chest. “Is there a joke?”
My face heated, surely equaling the redness of his at that moment of ecstasy. I ducked my head, hoping to hide it, but he turned me in his grip and eyed me with one dark brow lifted.
“No, no. I was just remembering something. Want breakfast?” I moved to step back, but he pulled me in tight again. “Aren’t you hungry?”
He nuzzled my neck, his scruff scraping in such a pleasant way against my skin. “I’m hungry.”
No question he was hungry, but I didn’t think frozen waffles were what were on his mind. “For food?” His cock was fully erect, and I wanted it in me so badly, I didn’t care if I walked funny later. Not at all.
Fortunately or unfortunately, he seemed to read my mind. Grasping my hips, he set me away from him and shook his head. “As much as I’d rather take you back to bed, I have a feeling your body needs a break. So…food? Sure. What shall we make?”
“I was going to cook for you.” I swayed toward him before tightening my leg muscles because he was right, and too much closeness was going to have my kitchen staff asking questions.
“I’m not a chef, but I like dabbling in the kitchen. I manage to feed myself decently.”
“Oh, of course.” I hoped I hadn’t hurt his feelings! “But you’re my guest.”
“Omega?” His stern alpha tone rippled over me. “Eggs?”
“I was going to make waffles. I have some in the freezer. And maybe fruit? Coffee?”
“Great!” He grabbed an apron from the collection on a hook beside the fridge. “If you’ll tell me what to cut up, I’ll be in charge of fruit.”
I piled an orange, apple, and a few strawberries and grapes on the counter before fetching the zip-top bag of plastic-wrapped pumpkin waffles from the freezer.
“Where’s the box?” he asked, looking in drawers for a knife. “Do you repackage them when you put them away?”
“Box?” Puzzled, I looked at the bag and then back at him. “Oh, like from the store?”
“Yeah, waffles…did you make those?”
I shrugged. “I figured out when I was a teenager that they are much cheaper and taste better if I do. Then I figured if they could make them and freeze them for later, so could I. And as an adult, I appreciate the lack of things I can’t pronounce in my food.”
“Oh, I can’t wait to try them. What do you have to do? Put them in the oven?”
Feeling particularly proud of myself, I shook my head and pointed toward the toaster. “Just like the ones at the store.”
He was particularly impressed by the spice and pumpkin flavor, and we ate our breakfast together as if we were a long-time couple, lingering over coffee until I had to get ready for work and he had to leave as well. I walked Leon to the door and kissed him goodbye.
He started down the steps then stopped and looked back. “Did you cancel our date because of the age difference? Because if you think I’m too old for you…”
I trotted to stand on the step next to him and grabbed his hand. “Believe it or not, it’s not you it’s me. But I would love to get together again soon, if you want to.”
He did.